we did a trade for this vintage honda st90 that was parked under a house in unknown condition, this is part 2 of trying to revive it, lets see how it goes.

Hey guys, how's it going? Hey, we're going to continue on this 1974 Honda St90 that I grabbed about well, five or six years ago on a trade. Anyway, this is going to be part two on it. The first video we kind of went through it, found out what it needed I didn't have spark, we traced that down, got that to work and then dribbled a little bit of fuel in it and got it to fire for a second and then it died. Since then I did a little bit of Parts shopping so we got a bunch of parts that came in I'll show you that, but we got pretty much all tore apart.

you know, exhaust is off, it tanks out of it, headlights apart, seeing what's going on with that. carburetors down apart, torn apart the Magneto covers off on the other side, seats off of it again. The first video was more like an assessment on it and we made a shopping list and that shopping list came in. So what we have is new seat cover, new headlight carb kit to like China carb kits cheaper ones so that's an actual Honda uh points condenser, new battery for fuel line and fuel filters and that kind of thing.

So without further Ado how about we start jumping back on this and see if we can get more knocked out on it? Possibly get it done in this video but we'll see I'm not gonna no promises yet I think what we should probably do I was waiting on making sure I can get a carb kit for it so I didn't want to soak it because they didn't want to destroy this gasket. So we now that we know that we have that we can rip this gasket assembly off of there. We'll get this soaking in the ultrasonic cleaner and while that's doing that, we'll jump onto something else. I Stripped off the intake manifold off of that and save those gaskets.

Let's put the bowl in there and Float hopefully the float stays floating. Everybody in the pool. All right, let that buzz for I don't know. 45 minutes or so.

One thing that was sitting for about a week was the gas tank. I've done anything with it since I think we ended up putting lacquer thinner in. it was either acetone or lacquer thinner. Forget which one it was and that kind of broke up.

It had like a thick mud that was in it. It's um, yeah, look like that in the bottom. That's what was coming out the tank. So let's go pour that out.

Let's uh, shake it up a little bit first. I'm not sure what we're going to do afterwards, whether we need to put some acid in it. Let's see how clean this comes out first, right? I Know that's with the fuel empty. That was just the crap that was in the tank.

I'm gonna go rinse that out with water and I'll bring you back. We'll see what it looks like inside there. Hey! I got it wrenched out to the water. went clear.

Anyway, we can see part of a tank. I See, we've got a couple of islands there like muddy sand. Let's go see if we can poke it. that with a screwdriver.

a little bit you see stab you in the eye with a screwdriver. Yes, that doesn't look like it's on there. all that bad. I think maybe we should, um, takes like some gravel or some.
uh, small. Nuts and Bolts and shake that up. see how much there is in it in the back there. She looks pretty good, huh? What's that way back there? I'm seeing.

yeah. so let's go give her a couple of shakes. I Don't see any rot? I'm gonna blow out the bottles. Almost looks like it's a galvey metal, doesn't it? That's good.

How about rust? Okay, some scaliness on the side there? Yeah. See, we can do pick ourselves something that nice sharp edges on it. What do you think? Probably like tiny nuts? Is that tiny enough? I Think that'll do it. We'll try them.

they're gonna be fun to get out of there. I Tried the larger ones and it didn't kind of get into the little cranny. so let's go see how this does take more. Yeah, a little whole box.

All right. let's go fill it up with water. put the rag back over the top of the plastic bag, lock the cap on it, and try to figure out a way to shake. Shake shake.

Yeah, you know, old and you get out of breath shaking I Can't I Ended up doing hot water and uh, hand cleanser like? see how that does for it? more of a hot chocolate. Let me go rinse that out. See how that looks like about getting all the bolts out of it yet? let's go rinse it out, see if it's good. If so, we'll take a magnet.

it's a little bit of a lip, just kind of holding it, see if that works for us. All right And the results are uh, how's that look huh? That looks awesome. Perfect because sometimes there's a coating on the wall and if you put the acid in it, it'll strip all that away and it'll rust really easy. I Kind of want to do this last resort I Think that'll do us just fine though.

Excellent. Let's um I'm gonna go dry that out I gotta go punch out the cork that I put in those is I'll hit it. Hit that one with the drill bit I'll kind of clean them out once the reserve. the other one's the full.

the falls behind it right back in there. Awesome. It only took to get rid of that I'm gonna mud this in. the bottom of that was on the tank.

that was all fuel. That's a lot of dirt. even clean. My nuts have clean nuts I think we get a lot of parts off of it.

Why don't we give her a little bath or we can get to everything anyway. I'm just going to spray it down WD-40 Maybe I'll come back with like a Scotch Brite and um, scuff it all up and then wipe it down I think I'll save you the long drawn out part of that happening. So I'll bring it back after we get her cleaned up. see how she looks foreign I think made it feel a little bit better I just want to try to get some of the heavy stuff off before we start reassembling.

Uh, you know the fenders kind of need to be detailed I don't know if I'm going to take them off or not, but I wanted to get the areas where of course then you put the muffler and everything back on are kind of clean carb put back on. You're not trying to clean the fins in between there so it looks decent. I think maybe we'll jump on doing some bending. Oh it shows it all at all and some of the stuff is a little on the bent upside.
The 10 year old I was riding it had a one or two or 20, uh, crashes on it so let's go grab some I don't know. some water pumps or something. give a Twist on some of these brackets, get them back into play while it's drying, and then we will jump over in that carburetor. get that knocked down, put back together.

It looks pretty decent. The original paint's not bad a couple Nicks here and there, but we're not looking for perfection. Original decals I'm going to ride it in the woods so it's not like it's uh, gonna stay nice and pristine anyway. But I don't mind cleaning it up while we got it.

You know this far apart all right. So get some pliers we call him Jaws 70s lights. Looks like we might be better off. Looks like they got bent, bent back, bent, and bent back again.

Got a big lump in there. Maybe we could take that right off, hammer it and straighten it? I'll show you what you get it off. Yeah, this would be a good bike for like, put on the back of a motorhome. it's 90cc.

I Don't know what the top speed of this thing would probably be 45. Let's guess my part. So not exactly. you're gonna be cruising down I-95 in it.

but and plug this from the other end. see if you can work this out of there. I Think the chances are all, let's let that hang for a little bit. I Don't know if we can be able to get that back in without taking everything apart.

It's a rubber bracket just hanging here getting that out of the way. It's got a ground wire going like that. See, how does that come out? I think it's open on the bottom. There we go.

Okay, see how beat up it is now? and let's get a hammer behind that with like a little dolly. smash that flat that fit behind there. kind of sore. a little bit of a crimp right there.

I wonder if we can kind of get out what there is? There's a corner right here, that's why. Close enough for me. Put that one back together. hammered that back into submission.

Let's uh, little bracket that was there is kind of. Kitty Wampus Let's um, we could shove our wrench in there. We'll squeeze it back to the wrench that work for us. look at a ground wire on it.

There's nothing holding it in place or else. I'd probably like put it over on a vise and work it. Oh, assembles it and hopefully it's never going to wiggle that back up in there. All right.

line the holes so one of them the wire goes through and one of the bolt goes through. Look at that light real quick. I'm sure we're good. that's gonna go like that.

Let's uh, take this while it's off on a wire wheel. we just kind of clean up some of that rust that's on there. It's uh, Scotch break that I think this is plastic. The white Scotch Sprites are like the least abrasive.
you know, the green ones if you're doing a lot of rust on on steel seem to work pretty good, but these are like the kitchen safe ones. Sure, there's other stuff we can use too, but this is what I got. See, Clean up the plastic, get all scratched up. now.

you're good enough trying not to drop it. Original lenses? all right. let's go throw that back on. So just what I was afraid of.

You're in the wire through one loophole and it's got to go through there. and then there's another grommet back in there. I don't know if you can even see it as I Grom it back down in there that you can't even touch with your finger. So we gotta take it apart.

anyway. just get those wires back on. So it's like two, four, six, eight. Who do we appreciate? Uh, let's get that up and out of there.

We also just kind of detail the rest of it. We might as well take that apart because that is all flopping in the breeze and twist it around a little bit. We could beat on that and get that rear fender off detail that falls apart. We gotta do to get that out of there that looks like it's just stuck in the front.

So let's hold it. and let's hold it all right. Foreign. See the hole now and go.

Uh. eyeball. Those wires. make sure the colors all match up with each other before we.

uh, did you get them? I Just want to make sure Green goes to green and et cetera et cetera, we'll just totally disassemble it. Get an odd look to it now, doesn't it? So what's your thoughts? Um, this piece is welded to the fender, but they run the wires up through it. You think I'll have any chance if I pull them out of there to clean the top of the fender and bang on the bracket getting it back through there. Do you think I should work with it as it is I don't know what we got for? Hmm I wonder maybe we can pull a piece of wire through it and pull it back when we're done.

All right, let's go for it. kind of. It's pretty mangled up anyway. I really like to set it on a vise and try to, you know, tap them straight I picture it with tape holding it back in there.

That might have been a mistake. At least you can clean up that Fender though it wasn't kind of nasty and that definitely needs a little bit of love, huh? I Would say it's perfect, but it definitely looks a lot better than what it did. All right, let's go beat on that should. I get that a little bit straighter.

You know what sucks? Go and take the lens off and there's plugs back there I didn't have to take those wires out. Oh well. yeah, I had to. So I got Grill paint high heat paint but very little of it I Think is this the side that shows? No, that's the side dishes.

All right. Let's go give that a shot. and if we run out and run out on the bed on the back side and for the other one I have plenty of the black paint for them. so let's just go give that.
there's still a guard that goes over this because flip her over, use up the rest on this side. you're gonna make it. Shouldn't say nothing right? We will see the hair for touch-up Actually, that's the bottom right? Yeah, that's it. It's done all right.

Let's get the other one knocked out. I'm gonna go semi-gloss Maybe There we go this game. Dead Let's try it again. Fresh.

Can there we go? Misted on because that one might be a little bit oily. Yes, that's the case. It kind of give her like a tack coat. Don't let that one sit for a minute or two.

Let that sit, come back and give it a big heavy wet coat and I should do it. I'd say it's probably been a good 45 minutes an hour. Let's see what we got our floats floating. They're looking pretty good, pretty good, and pretty hot.

So I'm gonna go. A lot of mud came out of that, huh? Go rinse them off and we'll go to the bench and put ourselves a carburetor back together. Hey you comfy, let's do a little carburetor reassembly. I mean we'll chat some stories too.

Uh, what do you want to talk about? How about YouTubey stuff a lot of I see a lot of questions? yeah, chat down below and chase some of those. Um I Want to start with So with cameras a lot of people say why don't you get like a higher end camera to go film with what I do unfortunately is pretty rough on the cameras they get um like this one is on its way out too. The lens gets a lot of specs and like uh, weld spatter and all that kind of stuff comes in and hits them. So what I do is I buy used.

If you listen to the float just a little like tingy a little bit, it might be a little bit of piece of Saturn on the inside. We'll keep an eye out later on if it floods out the the float's no good. It seemed like it was okay floating the tank over there anyway. Um, so the the cameras that I use are uh Canon Power shots and they all use the same battery and they're They're kind of simple.

it's more of a point and shoot kind of thing. I don't have to worry about if it's in Focus if it's not in Focus not that it's always in focus I could just turn it on and concentrate on what I'm trying to work on instead of also trying to concentrate on what the camera is doing. So that is why I use right here. They're 1080.

You know they're not exactly the potato camera so to speak. We need the little tiny jet with that go. So I'm gonna go there. doesn't mean jet and this is I got to get rid of the fur that's on my fingers.

It's not gonna do a good um, main fuel goes through there and then idle. it's drawn up through this jet and I took a wire brush and went through a little bristle on a wire brush. A lot of people try to use pipe cleaners. they're too big I haven't found a pipe cleaner setup that is small enough to work for that.

Uh, we need a bowl gasket. This one's kind of a weird setup too. It draws it a lot of times. Your fuel just kind of comes in through the carburetor on a port on a port and comes right through here.
This one that goes into the float Bowl goes up through a passage between the gasket over to the needle and seat and then in. I Think that's because they uh Incorporated the uh, reserve on and off on the bowl instead of on the tank because you can't get to the tank. and what else do we need in here? We're gonna need our new needle float. What else are you going to talk about? As far as the YouTubey stuff I Tried using like a GoPro style of camera I didn't like it I didn't like it because uh, what was the name of that camera tachyon I I forget the name of it Anyway, it was, uh, kind of like a GoPro but it has like spyware that comes with it.

You have to go. It'll shut itself off after so many times. Five times you use it. but then you got to go download software on your phone and it kind of like a spyware in my opinion.

So I wasn't all that crazy about that. I still have it, but I really do not use it very much. Uh, what else projects? What projects I work on during What period of time is that right? Is that upside down? Let me find out in a second. So I'm gonna just go look at that.

It's off right over there. Why does it look like the old stain was totally different? See how the stains going across? It was the motorcycle sitting like that I believe that is correct though. Yeah, uh. anything else going there I think that's it I think we can actually close that up.

We can assemble everything else once it's on. What was they just talking about of that camera? Yeah so I don't know. Maybe in the future I'll change over to trying to use something else. But for now, like I said I have this camera has like eight batteries for it Eight? Chargers you know? So I just keep getting the same ones over.

There's a pile of them over there. I say I probably get I probably get two months out of a camera before the lens get so crappy. I'll start seeing it. it'll it because what happens is it tries to focus on the dirt that's in the lens instead of the uh, actual items in front of it.

Oh I know I was talking about what I decide to film so there's kind of like a a fine line. You have to. Ah, let me tell you how we want to put this to be able to. This is I think just the screen right to be able to stay in the good graces of YouTube you have to maintain a certain amount of watch time and click on time.

that's a word. So the topics that you film has to be kind of Within a window that performs. so I can't be making you know videos about folding doilies. It has to be something that has an interest to it.

So sometimes if I jump out of a project like the city orange truck that the orange Econoline everybody keeps talking about, you think that's right I don't remember. where's the Flat one that uh that is for the valve. We're gonna go with this one for now and if we find it's an issue later on we'll change it. Look at these.
No, this is a filter. The fuel comes in through the center of that and then goes through that filter and shoots across. So I have to maintain a topic that, um, kind of keeps you in the good graces. So that's why a lot of times you'll see me all jump off of a project and truth be told, a lot of times people get sicko like if I make five videos on one vehicle it goes stale so to speak.

So I I have to for the fact of keeping the channel alive, keep jumping onto topics that no, it's still fun to do. I I want to do them. But that's why, like I can't spend six months on a truck restoring a truck. It's just it's just gonna.

it's gonna kill it. and I'm not much on trying to get advertising and all that. You guys see that I don't even ask you to subscribe, just the fact that, uh, it looks like a little face doesn't it? So it it's not exactly cheap like this. I don't know if I want to start talking numbers, but let's just say between this building, a year in my health insurance and just taxes for like property taxes, not not income tax or anything, it's a hundred grand.

So I have to maintain a certain you know I have to be able to cover that without being the the guy asking for all the handouts and all that kind of stuff I don't want to do that So I got to keep the videos somewhat in the Mass Appeal is that a good word for it? This is the fuel shut off. This is where it's gonna denote. Donate the figure out which one is um, one's reserved and one's on and then you switch from one to another of course I don't remember what position that was in so we're just gonna wing it. actually it's written on there so it's on off.

If it was up to me, I would just make videos. Um, here's that with a little spring washer goes I would just be making videos on making motorized bicycles be nothing but that. you know, like artsy kind of things. but that does not cover the bills.

Too much information. So let's see, we want to be. We're gonna hit stops right? Would it be Do I have much of a choice? It's either going to be that and stop and then stop I think that's it right there I Don't think we can change it any other way can we? And does he get the two short screws? Well, the two long screws that I put in the other one, the spring washer is going to fight us. Let's see if we can get all lined up.

So I have to kind of keep topics that are topical I'm watching everything but I lose it o-ring everyone started. Can you get the other one going? Yeah Joey Try to keep steer away from well this small talk of YouTube but I figure I'll talk about it once. Yeah, it's got a lot of a lot of spring pressure to it. What that does is it pushes it up against that.

That seal in there goes on. Yeah. I'm gonna get a little piece of fuel line and we'll put it on there. We'll kind of blow through it, see if the passages are doing what they're supposed to be doing.
Does it turn? still? it's rough. Probably should have put a little bit of Grease or something on that. better tighten loose right? All right? We'll keep an eye on that. What else we got? We got the enrichment I Think it's called the enrichment Bell It's for high altitude and that went I think in the side over here say over 6 000 feet for thinner air.

You would need more fuel. Click that out there Kevin Network doesn't go back in there we go. that should stay out you just you should just use be able to use that choke. Uh we have some metering screws I Actually ball be external so one is gonna be.

We got three screws and three locations. This one does it have a spring I Do not see it so it would be ball drain and then there's going to be one. It's got a really nubby end on it I think they both do and what that's going to be is for idle speed I Want to say the larger one is for the idle speeds that's going to line up with the slide. That's the slide right there and that just holds the slide up in the air higher to rev higher.

leave. That one's right. Yeah, the other one wouldn't even make it and we'll call it right about there. and then this one is a idle mixture.

Screw that got them all. I'm gonna run that in until it touches, come out half and two. we'll call it two. and I think these are gonna be for that right there? Yes, no, is that it I don't think we have a gasket for the intake manifold.

Did I forget to answer any questions? I'm sure there's a ton I forgot the answer but we got this plug goes in actually I gotta take the football back off. There was a plug that goes on the bottom of the uh I Heard Elon big deal Anyway, so the amount of crap being a YouTuber that people and companies want me to sell you is ridiculous I Must get five emails a day of crap to sell you? Where did that go? I Thought it was on the end of a jet. Yeah, it's generally some kind of Chinese piece of crap they want me to sell you. or like a video game or all right.

Let's um, where did that go I thought it plugged off a jet. Hmm, we're gonna find out there's an old one so if there's an old one, it came out of there somewhere. Hey, I'm gonna go poke around a little bit, see if we can find out where that goes. Do that.

We're going to put it together and we'll figure out where it goes. Uh, after we put together fuel leaks out of everywhere we good? yeah I'm gonna go put it back together. All right. Done well I could have lied to you and said I remember where it goes man I looked at old video we took it apart and that goes in there.

Pretty sneaky, huh? and that would just be a stop that blocks off those two passages. okay, probably just presses up against them. You get that seat a little bit better. Foreign mystery salt, especially when one came out of it.
like wait. Sometimes kids come with extra pieces for different carbs. Oh, we got the answer and I took um, the pad back apart and I put grease on it so that moves much smoother now. you always got to tear itself up now I think we're good I got one through both of that card back on I'm just kind of chasing a bunch of the pieces that we took off, see if we can, uh, get all that back together and hopefully fire it up each.

One's Gonna Get that much progressively harder. there we go. two I Took a piece of wire, ran it through. there was a bunch of like mud wasp nests Nest up in there, everyone's a charm.

Damn it. Have your friends help you, you're getting close. There you go. Yeah, all right.

I'm gonna go hook all that stuff back up and get that fender on there that's all buttoned back up. I don't have any extra wires? That's a good sign. Let's say it's gonna work. but yeah.

I got all those parts put back on there. After the paint up, we got three colors of black going on. We got flat black uh, gloss, black and semi-gloss on this. It's just trying to match.

You know what it looked like was on there so you can kind of keep it in the same realm looking. Pretty good. tail lights all back together. a new bulb in there whether it works or not, we're going to find out.

I guess come pretty straight, you can see it's perfect, but one or two drops riding it later is going to fix that anyway and painted the chain guard up a little bit too to clean that up. Let's see about getting that gas tank in there with the two fuel lines we'll snake those through and then we'll get the battery box shoved in it. I'll give it a spark Fuel and we'll give her some kicks. She should go.

but we got to get that fuel line down through the abyss and one's reserved and one's run I Made it one continuous line for now so we don't waste any. But let's go mark. One of them's got an r on it that one. so let's go put it like a tracer line down it.

That's graceful, huh? We'll run a line down this one and we'll know that one's reserved. We'll snake them through and I'll do the same on the cardboard. I'll mark which one's the reserved one. Hopefully you can wheel those through.

All right. See if we can go wiggle that through. I Got it with the pliers. Okay, we had to eat it out.

A piece of wood in a hammer. Yeah, it likes to return. Get in your hole. Yeah, let's go get a hammer.

Give her a few whacks, see if a baby Hammer will do it. Big dent. Let's go like rubber. Put there.

he goes. Whatever bushings it has to hit, we won't talk about that. Then there's a cap that goes over it. That's where the position of it.

It's got to go forward to hear more. Got it? Let me go run that fuel line to the carp. Yeah, looks like it uses that bracket to keep the fuel lines up this off the cylinder head. I Left them a little long side too, but probably about an inch or two.
I Tried to tuck under there. Hopefully they're not, you know, kinked like that I Don't think so. Uh, let's see about. you know what? Let's because this is going to get screwed on.

Let's see if we can get this piece of chrome off here. I'm not sure how it's attached, but I know this helps hold it down. Maybe we could peel that off kind of detail that get rid of that kind of ugly on top, isn't it looks like it wants to come off. You see if that'll pick off it? There kind of the one thing you look at all the time, right? the gas tank.

whatever's right in front of you. the handlebars come off I think it's just stuck up in the front. Come on. I'm coming.

It's kind of like a pinch molding. It's got like a clear plastic on it. I'll peel that off I'll try to polish what's underneath and a little clip that holds it okay. Any other stuff got under up underneath that clear.

probably. Stainless should be able to buff it. I Don't think it's Chrome huh? That looks a lot better. A couple of squigglies, greasy stains on it.

but I don't think better than what it was. Yeah, the fun part is looks like there's a clip that stayed in there. Can we get that one out? Killing the paint? We're better off just trying to feed it over the top. Let's try it.

Looks like it has to win in, but went in has to come out I'm going to work on that I Don't like it like that last little chunk out of there. We go feed that back strip so you can put that whole thing back on there. Oh she's pretty. Yeah, let's go.

it's gonna be able to get in. There was about right there, right? Nice pretty spine. All right. Let me get that cap on that tank and we'll get the battery in it.

I Ordered seals for the uh, the gas cap do I have it. Can't find it for now. Maybe we could like throw an O-ring too big? throw an o-ring on there just to kind of hold tension on the Caps It doesn't want to vibrate free and that'll do it. Let's give that a shot.

see if it'll work, they'll do. but you know that'll be on there 10 years from now and battery box is all put back in. tail lights working, no headlight in it. See, we got break rear brake light.

Yep good and we'll put the rest of this stuff. Worry about that at another time. Let's get some fuel in here. see who she does the moment? I Think I should get a funnel? Yeah.

I Ended up taking that back off and painting it. if I get the gas on that, it's gonna piss right off I think it's already clicked over on reserve so hopefully nothing pisses out of it. Let's go find out some nice non-ethanol fuel. it's called right there.

he said I think it's already on reserve? Yeah, it is looking dry. What if we can crack the bowl vent, see if we can give here? we are good. All right. let's do it back in the stand.
Let's give her a kick, see what she does? All right Chucky's already on. I think Kion with the light right? That might be an away for the kickstarter to see what happens. Chokes off? We're gonna try turning the idle off Good. Die sorry.

But there's just a year fuel mix too. But I Want to run it for a second? No, you did foreign huh? Got this stuff burning off the exhaust? Should you do a little? Airfield Yeah, choked off? Okay, it's got pretty good where it was. It's got no air cleaner or nothing on it yet. that's gonna cause some drag.

no idle down. Now if it's revving too high, you won't be able to adjust the air fuel mix anyway. it's the best. rattling foreign this is that huh? Gotta get a new one of those.

That's just the Overflow for the carb. you crack it open, it doesn't piss gas on the case. the battery one I Gotta cut that back put bump it in here because I Got a kitten huh? Looks like that work all right. Let's go pop it in gear.

so is it on. There's no clutch. First we pop him stand. That's better.

it should be. Third, can you drop perfect? Third, you see it running doing like that ball bag grabbing cool. Let's um, let's go fire it back up again. We have to go tweak that a little bit again.

The air cleaner assembly is not on it yet so it's not quite dialed in. Nice. It sounds awesome. Really quiet sometimes.

video doesn't do a justice, but Tad Smokey in here. let me turn the fan on too. I'm gonna back that air fuel mix out a little. made.

you know, shake a little bit of dirt down and it blocked the idle. Jet Let's go find out if that goes away. I Wouldn't be surprised if it does kick a little bit of crap out of the tank. Okay, back to air fuel mix out.

just a hair. Sounds pretty good though. It's so quiet. it's warm, but it's not hot.

Our shoulders work. Yeah, awesome. Let's turn that key off. So we got a bunch of stuff to go do and unfortunately I'm not gonna be able to get it done in this one.

so we got the front end to go through the seat. we need to rebuild. I Gotta change fluids in it. Look into the brakes.

the front shocks. uh, should probably drain the fluid out of them and repack those and hopefully they'll stay dry. That's how pitted they are. They all look terrible.

A couple of Nicks in them. Nope. Now our tires holding up air pressure wise so you've got a bit more to do I Would like to have gotten it knocked out on this one, but we are much further along than it was the first time. That thing's running probably 25 30 years huh? I'm gonna go putt it around unfortunately.

Uh, slow by roll. Let's get the rest of it knocked out. the yogurt to handlebars to kind of square away. the front fender is bent up.

all the corrosion or rust that's on there. We probably do the same that we did with that strip to that it's got clear plastic on it and it's just held corrosion in underneath it. Yeah. I think it's gonna clean up really good.
All right guys. I Gotta go the other place out. I'm gonna go cut it right here if I think y'all for hanging out with me, doing some wrenching, having some fun. We live in our childhoods at least mine anyway and we'll pick this one up.

hopefully it'll be the next one following. Uh, we'll be done with this, but for now we're gonna call her All right guys. Thank you! Thanks for hanging out See ya.

By Mustie

17 thoughts on “Little honda dual sport, 50 years later”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Quantico240 says:

    Why donโ€™t you get a snake camera to see inside gas tanks and such better?

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SoapyHB says:

    Iโ€™m sorry but isnโ€™t it higher altitude then less fuel? As the air thins out,becomes less dense the mixture becomes richer so we lean out the mixture to balance the air, unless of course you supercharge/turbocharge the air intake. Am I wrong on this?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tacoswamper says:

    Gotta have clean nuts

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dylan Taylor says:

    Happy New Year

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeff Ratliff says:

    GET IN YOR HOLE! Bro, do what you need to do. I will always watch your videos.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars The Broken Life says:

    I started getting junk email from people wanting me to peddle stuff before I was even monetized. I think it was somewhere around 400 subscribers. I have to at least respect the hustle of the junk dealers. ๐Ÿ˜†

    I appreciate you cracking the door a little on your YouTube career.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Luke Dawson says:

    The fact you have on your self a spray can with enough paint in to paint one side of a bolt… made me realise we're more alike than I thought Mustie!!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mr87q says:

    Mustie1 your videos are great, ive been watching for a very long time and i genuinely mean it when i say im sure majority of your viewers would watch you sit down and clean your tools. Your content has given me the confidence to repair soo many random things.
    Its yiur interaction with the viewers that keep us watching, you have a great attitude and demeanor.
    Thanks for the videos and the years of wrenching entertainment ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ๐Ÿ› ๏ธ

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clint Letendre says:

    Needs less fuel and more air at higher altitudes as the air is less dense usually. Is it an extra air valve or a valve that bypasses a bit of fuel as if it runs the same amount of fuel with less air it would flood out.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John Bragg says:

    Gas tank latte. Yum!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Just Stuff says:

    I cancelled my cable and with content like this for entertainment I don't miss it one bit. I'm saving 180 bucks a month and you're videos are helping me achieve that. Thanks

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James M DeLuca says:

    Denatured Alcohol is what you said in the previous episode that worked for cleaning the fuel tank.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars denny clark says:

    excellent vid will always be indebted to you for showing the good bad and the right way to fix something on the cheap, thanks again denny from texas

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dobe125 says:

    Only just found this channel and really enjoying the videos. You are a wealth of knowledge and I could watch you "tinkering " with your projects all day. Happy New year to you from Ireland!!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars matt hinkle says:


  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Schnell says:

    Love that bike!

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alex D. Rodriguez says:

    It's so odd to see you using that body work hammer to do, body work.

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