This is a mid 70s harley davidson mini bike that was donated to a friend. he has no idea of the condition of it other then knowing that it sat for over 20 years, let;s put it up on the bench and see if we can bring it back to riding condition,

Hey guys and how's it going? A friend of mine gave me a shout and said hey, I got this uh, little tiny Harley-Davidson mini bike that was donated to me or left to me and it had been sitting over 20 years in a basement and uh, he thought make make for a good kind of like Revival video I agreed. So I threw in my truck we brought over here and we're going to have a little fun with it either. you know? I don't know. he doesn't know any history about it neither.

you know. Did it fail when it was put away? Did it? You know I would figure by the time you were 6 years old, you kind of outgrew this. This has got to be the smallest bike I've ever worked on mini bikes. probably the smallest Harley Davidson so-called Harley-Davidson they ever built uh I think this probably like the AMF years when this came out when Harley was kind of putting their name on anything and everything in the Harley golf carts.

Harley you know, whatever. Uh, so this is probably no different I want to say this: I think it was made in Italy Yeah there a tag up there saying that it is ridiculously small like I said. but I think by the time you're about six or seven years old, you outgrew it. Maybe later on I'll try sitting on it and showing how totally ridiculous I look and it looks.

So having said that, let's um, try to figure out either why it was pared and we do our best to revive it and bring it back to life. I Don't see it like totally beat up the front fenders. kind of busted, but you know the front end's not bent on it. which is, you know, figure every little kids wreck these things to death.

The foot Peg looks like it's kind of bent down on an angle a little bit. Handlebars are definitely sitting like that on an angle. Again, it's not terrible. All right.

Without further. Ado Let's get into it. let's see what we got and hopefully we can, uh, bring it back to life. So we go right for trying to give it a kick.

Looks like the kick goes forward, it turns, that's good. feels like it's got a little bit of compression. Let's um, get that plug out of it. We shoot a little bit of oil in there, kind of like let stuff Splash around and lubricate it and at that point you could probably even check for spark.

see what we're dealing with that's not even tight. Let's go shoot a little bit of oil in that this what that plug looks like. pretty dry, doesn't look beat. I Don't see any rust inside there again.

I'm stored in a basement so I think that might be a Saving Grace Where a lot of times you go in the garage you get the temperature change. Hot cold causes them to sweat, make rust. Let's get oil. Yeah, you definitely would have been the king of the playground if you had this.

huh? How times change? You'll let your uh, your 5-year-old putt around on this. probably with no helmet, right? Let's go throw the plug in there, see if we can any spark. It's got a kill switch up on top. It's just a kill button so you have to hold it down for the spark to go away and let's see what life gives us.
Oh, he got spark. Yeah, it did. It had one. hold it, it sparked once and now we have no spark.

Yep, did the wire come off? Try it one more time. Yeah. so it's promising because it did spark for once. Uh I wonder we get the gas tank right out of our way? I You definitely have to get into the carburetor and everything anyway and let's go see where that coil wire goes.

That coil way goes up around down and into this cover. so we'll get that off too. Let's um, see what kind of shape that's in a grab a light going in. It's got fuel in it.

It's pretty waky too, but it doesn't look like the tank is totally boned out. look bad? I Want if somebody maybe try getting it getting it going sometime in the inter turn while was sitting cuz I don't think that's 20-year- old fuel. smells like it but doesn't look like it. All right? let's get that tank off there.

We'll drain all that crap out of it and uh, again, we have to get into that carburetor. anyway. we'll get that off. Maybe we'll soak this while we're uh, screwing around with spark.

Let's um, the fuel line's pretty petrified. Let's go take the there should be a filter behind here on the carb. There you go. We'll kind of like leave that connected for now.

That valve shows that it's shut off, so shouldn't piss fuel out. Here's the screen screen/ fuel filter. Let me grab a pick. Try ourselves.

Just a general assessment what condition stuff is in I Suspect the Bowl's going to have some cred to it. you even see on the filter. All right. So the fuel tanks.

Let's get the looks like a 10 mm bolt is the only thing holding the tank on. We'll get that up out of our way. You going to come out of there? Yeah, kind of wonder if we had to get rid of the seed or KN put it back here. Go come on out.

The fuel line so stiff it doesn't want to. come on There you go. Let's go dump that out in a uh, bucket of some sort. see what it looks like and see what lovely's come out of here.

Boy that's ripe. I'll give it at least 10 years anyway. could have it could have been sitting that long sometimes. if fuel is before ethanol was in it.

or somebody put you know, fuel that doesn't have ethanol in it kind of like what you get out of airport. That's the tendency to do fairly well. Look at the rust. that kind of came out though.

huh? I wouldn't say that's terrible. Leave that alone. I'm not seeing any rust holes or anything in the bottom of the tank. Plus it wasn't leaking so think we should be right there.

Who knows what the pet think that'll turn. We got to try anyway cuz you got to be able to open it up. It's gummy but it moves. We go stick this in Brian's car.

see I can figure out why we had one spark I Don't know if that has to come all the way out or not or if that just kind of crushes on it, it might. Is it lift off like a band? What? On the back side of it feels like it might be like a, um, let just take it all the way off. I We'll figure it out right? Feels like it has like a band that goes around the back of it. Come on.
I Cannot picture a little kid dealing with this big kid. Yeah, that reason in the middle of the woods, you drop it in the dirt, never find it again. Come on. Yeah, that's I thought it was.

It's a weird setup, huh? Only one. another location down below. I Think it's missing though. Yeahuh so it's got points so it's definely got some age to it.

My guess is maybe um, maybe we could dry drag in a file across them. Let me get you closer so there should be like a timing mark. they open and close one of those wind they're they're open than that one. I if you can see it, we're looking right there right there at the points.

Get you kick the light over a little Gap looks okay and you see that they're closed. Let me, um, grab a little file. We'll drag it across them real quick and we'll give her another kick and see if Spark comes back. Hopefully that's just all it was.

just a little bit of crud on them at the wire I don't see any uh issues with I got tape on it for some reason. Yeah, let's go try that. where I grew up. we had like um, bit of woods in between.

there's only like three houses and then there was like nothing. actually four houses I should say and um, neighbor kids. There was like seven of them. they at say if I was 5 years old, the youngest one was four and the oldest one was probably 14.

Something like like that. I'm trying to get those points open. so I get it to slide in which way does it move? One set's got to move. the bottom does.

um and then there was one more house with like two other kids. Yeah, they're pretty cruddy. Um the as I was five, then he was probably another four-year-old and he was kind of like you ever watch. um Little Rascals and they had to like that one rich kid.

what was his Waldo or something like that. and uh, so that was like that kid. That kid got spoiled with everything and he had a little Honda 50. We're all riding around like ratty bicycles falling apart in the trails between the houses.

It was like a set of woods that's probably maybe like size of half a football field. Back then it felt like it was really huge, but we all like hang out, have tree forts and uh, he would go putting around on that. and we were all pedaling on bicycles. Never let any of us ride.

it's probably about the size of this again. Hot 50 is a really small bike too. Here's a crud that came off of it. So I think as we get older, we try to relive our uh, our childhoods.

Let's see, turn that light off and see if that do anything for us. Remember that Kickstart goes forward now. let's um, there's a ground wire going to it, see if we can figure out where that goes able to disconnect that out of the circuit. So here's a it's got a kill button right there.
Let's just make sure that is not. It should go down to the coil somewhere and ground out so it's going to be the coil wire and then the other wire going down. it's going to be it. I Wonder if there a place we can disconnect it? Is that a little Junction block right there with screws in? it looks like it? Huh? See, let's go cut these tie wraps off of here.

Yeah! I tried talking that kid and let me ride I bribe him with stuff I bribe him with broken toys I used to go over there again like I said he was the I think there must have uh been making up for something, some kind of lack of parenting or something CU it was ridiculous amount of toys that kid had and uh you something would break and they just throw it away and I'd go pick it out of the trash. Not much has changed for me. um let's I don't know if this a little tiny screw that holds that would be my guess. yeah very tiny screw.

Let's see if we can get um we get even a smaller screwdriver than this that in there just disconnect the kill wire. let me get a little tinier screwdriver. I Must say too though. I Don't think he really appreciated it.

I think it kind of. There you go. makes a difference because as you get older, if you get everything handed to you, nothing has value. Work for it.

Not like an old man. now don't I you work for it. It has kind of value. to it.

You want to go take care of it. so let's see if that did anything for us. Nope. just and giggles.

I'm going to grab another plug real quick, just in case it's that. yeah, see if this one likes life any better NOP couldn't be that easy now. could it right? I Think we're going to have to. um I may try.

I'm going to try. uh, spraying those points down a little bit more sometimes. even you get the you know the crud. the big ring was what was sitting right in the center.

I'm going to try to go clean it a little bit better before we try getting that flywheel off. I just don't want to Dam that flywheel. let's go try a little um. contact cleaner on them.

blast them. I'll hit that something. press there. we'll blow it off and try one more time.

Think that did anything? Hopefully let's get killed. The light? Nope. now we got something going on inside there that ain't happy I was wishing it wasn't so a lot of the motorcycle fly wheels that you see on here. There's a special tool that you use to remove them and I don't know if I have that thread size I have one or two.

we're going to go find out. Let's go get that nut off which might be reverse thread and um, we'll take that off see if we can get the tool in there, see if we get the fly wheel to pop off and get a little bit better. Look at what's going on with the electronics. Yeah, you can get that out of there.
There you go. So the tool I was talking about is this thing. It's got different sizes. You take the center bolt out as long as that can thread in there.

Unfortunately, the threads that are in there look that looks like more of a coarse thread. But let's go see. Yeah, that's not it. So that's where the problem's going to be and you really don't want to pry too much like a regular like LL fly wheels.

You can just kind of put put a screwdriver behind and whack with a hammer and get him to pop off of there. Let me, uh, get a better look, see if I can find something that'll go into those threads again. A Lot of times they're left-hand thread too. so going to watch what you got? that's for the hell.

I Threw the plug back in there one more time after. I took the points I Kind of like Snapped them a couple of times and you got spark. Now it's consistent. awesome.

You know what I want to try doing, don't you? Let's go dribble a little bit of fuel down the plug hole, give her a couple kicks and see if she comes to life. Probably should put that nut back on there, huh? Just in case you launched the fly wheel across the room when it starts up torque this back now before we dump fuel, let's get that air cleaner out of the way so we can kind of see what's happening choke wise and let it breathe some air. Plus we don't know what that any mud wasp nest in the air cleaner we don't suck it in and is definitely got some rust on the end of that screw. See can spack it off enough to get it wake go.

Yeah she got on that there go. this. kind of like a moped car but looks like probably a moped engine. Come on out of there get it's kind of full of rust all.

let's go see if our choke is. Chok's closed and I think it's one of the ones you have to hit. Full Throttle and it'll click open. You want to see choke is closed right now and that little tab probably just push it with a screwdriver.

Just hold my closed and what you do is you would rev it and it would go Full Throttle Get in there. that's all got to come AP and get cleaned open I Got to get so we get some air in there. That little tab right there would open there. we go now.

let can breathe. Let's go dump a little fuel in it, see what it does. We'll get rid of this a little. I Don't know where the throttle is, but it should at least try to do something.

Get up there and kick this hog over. Sounded like it was doing something. There's a V wind firing the life, huh? good. She'll go get enough compression to run.

let's um, get that carb off of there and uh, see what we got happen. He got definitely bunch of crud inside there. the light not bleaching you. There you go.

let's get that carb off of there. It's got a slide on top. We'll get those two screws out and I think we can leave the intake manifold behind and we'll just pop that carb right out. All right, let's get those out.
What was the Uh movie? On Any Sunday that's a you haven't seen. it's a good motorcycle movie. Uh has like a a lot of like Steve McQueen in it and his history in racing all anyway in the beginning of it they show like a bunch of kids riding like BMX bikes and going off a jump and it's like you could tell with the the fever for what to call powered Sports what it was like back then. I think every kid can kind of relate.

Y all started out with like bicycles, moved your way up, just got a gasket there. let's try to save that so this should be a slide. Come on break, get out of there. Oh yeah, he's all chalky.

This does look very familiar to that. We did a mopit a while ago and the carb seems very familiar to that. Let's see if we can just wiggle that right off there. It's got a a screw going through there.

You can't turn that nut. It's got to get from the other side. see if we can lean it far enough I can get the screw looser not having it. might have to take it with the manifold.

We'll see. Try wiggling it out somewhere. How time to get it with the play? Come on, it's almost there. I'm going to I'm going to soak that a little bit.

see if I can get a better a heavier screwdriver on that. see if we can open that up just a little bit. that pinch bolt let give that a little Shooting blanks happens. Come on there you go.

Judging by the beat upness of the screw, I'm not the first one that had an issue with that. Of course, whole thing turns right there you go. Now we should be able to wiggle it out of there gotcha. Bring it to the bench.

Let's go crack that bowl open and hopefully we don't find a bunch of powder that's a cracker open between working on this. I'm also uh working on the VW Thing I picked up a couple of um I don't you want to call them Wagon Wheels there the name for them. They're like a five-spoke uh Doom buggy wheel. I'll show you in a little bit but they're real ratty shape.

look at a rust that's coming out of that and I'm in the process of like sanding them and prepping them and priming them. and I want to get one painted and get a tire on it and then put it on there to see what orientation is going to be. All right. What do we get? There's a gasket there that's going to.

it's snowing, there's that. Let's see if we can. Uh oh, she. get a razor blade.

Come on, come on gasket, don't fight us. Oh yeah, yeah, that wasn't going to run. there's that. Let's see if we can push that pin out.

Let's go get the jet out of the center. That's where it draws fuel up through. Yeah, but I got um I ordered I got new tires. There it goes.

New tires for it. Like a, um, an off-road tire. mud and snow. but I'm not sure they're going to clear the way it was and they're 14s and I tried find a new rims.

all the new ones are only 15s but I already ordered the tires and kind of stuck with them. So I got uh. one friend had four wheels and two of them were good at four 14. another friend had four wheels.
two of them were 15s, two of them were 14s. So between all of them, I'm trying to put something together that'll work for us and I think on the back side we can. um I Want to try reversing the rim reversing? Uh, so the offset sticks out further. Damn it.

That's the air fuel mix right there. No, that's the that's the idle speed. Okay, there it goes. just stops how far this the slide goes down? I Don't think there is an air fuel mix on this.

Definitely been sitting a while. That's crudy. Let's see if we can get the float out of it. We got to tap that pin out right there.

Then we can get the needle out. needle's moving. that's a good sign. and then there's a um a Mion tube down the center.

I Don't think we're going to be able to get that out of there though. See that piece of brass in the middle? that's I'm talking with the holes in it. It'd be good to try to clean that, but I don't know if we can get it out? Let's um, get a little tiny punch and punch that out and move for us. Sometimes they only meant to go One Direction too.

I Don't know how we the bells got us on this side. you know, can't even get a straight shot. The knock on on it come around you suck it in see if we can it go the other way. It's definitely not playing well is it? Let's try the way we we're going.

it really does not want to move. Let's um I I don't want to cause more damage than not. but at the same token I don't want to really stick it in the cleaner so there's a the fuel comes in through that plastic piece that we took off. you know the hose and the seal going around in the filter and then it travels down through that little hole right there.

So see if we can get like a some carb cleaner with one of those little plastic straws. see if we can shoot it in there and just try like blow out the the little needle valve part of it and see if we can get that to clear out. I really would want to I really don't want to soak it without all that together though because I'm afraid it's going to the carb cleaner and Ultrasonic Cleaner um May destroy that the needle, the the neoprene or whatever it is on the end. I'm can work with a little bit more.

I'm going to see if I can get a little drill bit. maybe the just a tool. the punch that I have is the smallest one I have maybe that diameter is just a little too large for that. doesn't look it though, does it? I should be right? Yeah, that should be right.

I working that a little bit Guys are making me nervous watching me watch your eyes. it's open so it should go flowing through it right now. Got to work it a couple times. can't get a good shot on it.

Seems like it's doing what it's supposed to see if can get around it and kind of yeah, sometimes you you get focused on trying to take something apart, you actually end up doing more damage than good. So try to Mion tube up in there see if we can, uh, get a good flow through those holes right? there is. That's where the fuel would exit. Yep Looks pretty good now.
we Face them down choke would click. We don't have the thing in there right now, but that should be free work with what you got right? All right, Don't know if the float Floats or shuts off I Guess we'll figure that out later. As far as that, think we're going to, maybe we'll throw that in the Ultr Sonic cleaner and let that get cleaned. Um do we have a little uh thing out here? Something to grab that gasket with? Let me get a a better pick.

just get under it without tearing it. Come on there you go. If we throw that and clean it up think will expand like crazy when never get it back in. let's go let that bowl do some soaking so you can get rid of some of that crap that's on the bottom.

May We'll jump on something else while. um, that's kind of doing this thing. Get in your eye a little bit I See here's those Wheels I was talking about again like a festar I You want to call them Wagon Wheeler and you see I can they got all dents and batches in it? It's probably one of the better ones right here and then took some time prepped them, banged the dents best I can out of them and then got some primer on them and then it decided the rain. So I'm going to go shoot that one with white paint I Want to try to get that one cured up enough to get one tire on? Like I said, you can kind of flip it either direction.

so I'm thinking in the front it'll have this offset and then on the back, put them on like that and have a deeper offset to give it the look. but I don't know if that's going to work out for us clearance wise. until I get one. The tire amount on the tires are fairly large size too, so I'm go throw some paint on that while the float bowl is cleaning.

Like to call this segment intermission. it's just a what is it C Rustum there some white missed on a coat for the first one. We let that set and go back and do something else. Now it's doing its thing.

Let's um, pop the oil cover off of there see if it's got anything in it. I Don't think it should be filled that much, but at least there's something in it I Have no idea what it would use I think it says something right there. What that say? Let me put my glass eyeballs on. This is something that makes no sense cuz it's written in Italian What the plug itself I Would they go like a 30 weight motor oil? Probably what it's using I think that's what it says right there.

Think it says 30 I like to pull that cover off? What's this sticking out? What is that? Oh, that's a screw to keep it together. That's an afterthought, huh? Not even tight, ready to fall out? Let's go throw a screwdriver on that, see if that'll crank down for us. Get the feeling it's not going to tighten? Let's go see that's kind of wonky I Don't know if it had like a maybe it had a pin or something in there before we'll leave that in a prone position. Compression feels pretty good.
actually. a little tiny thing that it is, uh, want to look at we can look at brakes. Slight necessity. we got the gas tank.

I should probably take the gas tank. We'll throw some uh, like little bolts and something in there. kind of shake her around a little bit that cleaned out. look at the petcock on it.

Let's go do that and then we'll worry about worry about making it go before we make it stop and so we'll throw some Hardware in here. We'll shake it around, try to break a little crusty you can definitely U not the gas is out of it. It's still not bad though it's not. It's not terrible, but it does have some some Crunchies in there and the front right there.

All right, let's go deal with that. What flavor Hardware should we use? I'm going to say something little Sharpie edges go with this one. we'll use those thump them in there gas tank recipes with must you too. So I went with hot water and soap.

Let's go see how that does for us. Throw a cap on there and a lot of probably close off that pee hole I'm going to do that for the next 20 minutes. All right, let's go see what goodies come out of it. Definitely a a light change of rust I I rinse it out with water I'll take a peek inside if it's good.

I'll um, hit it with a haird dryer. try to get the rest of the moisture out of it. uh oh, it's got a lip one more does not want to leave. that's what magnets are for I'm go rinse that out and I'll take a peek and see how it looks inside.

I got it rinsed out pretty good. It looks pretty decent now. still got a little bit of couple like you know Rusty colored spots like on the that upper wall right there there That's definitely much better. There's no heavy, heavy crap that's going to fall off and get sucked up in the fuel line and clog the carbon.

That's plus what? I'm concerned about. That's good. No need to coat it, see some moisture. It's like it's still wet up there.

I'm looking at that right where that brake is right there. I'm going to go hit it with a heat gun. maybe try to get last a little bit bit of moisture out of there. I opened up that pet see if water would come through and it wouldn't.

Let's um, open that up and see if we can go clean that valve. There's also, uh, up in the tank there'll be a screen. but I have a feeling it's probably like a right where these little ports are. My guess is that's going to be what's clogged.

Just going. see. yeah, it's definitely loaded up a crap like I Think that right there is one of the passages and the fuel's supposed to go through that and that wasn't going to happen. My concern that though was doing this, is that we're going to cause a leak cuz I think there's going to be like a Rubber seal in here.
Let's go see and you should be able to open a passage between those two. I Don't think it's going to have a reserve on this little thing. I Think it's just going to be those two holes. that one and that one.

Wonder if we can blow some carb cleaner through it that should go into the why don't you go into the tank and the other one should go out the fuel line? That one's going through the fuel line. That one's good. We got to get the one in into the tank clear, can't see where it is anymore. Right in the eye.

There it is. So it was that one we said right? yeah, not going not going through the tank. Um can we un thread it from the tank I think size that is half 13 here ibly should done that when I was rinsing the tank out, right? Yeah, and there's the filter I was talking about. So I don't think that comes off I think it's part of it.

So I'm going to leave that alone. Let um I wonder if there's maybe four of those holes I'm just trying to push it through the wrong one. Stop it all right? let's go see if we can pick that out of them. There might be a different uh passage.

Now see if we can lift this right out. Proba have. Yeah, that's where it is. We just got to rorer it I Don't want to damage this.

Come on there you go. Oh there is three of them. There's another one over there. Let's see if any of these will play going up into that filter.

That's the one. So what's do this one Do nothing. Yeah, that one's just clogged. doesn't do anything.

So the passage is from that one to that one. All right. I'll blow that out with air and was there a third? Yeah, there's three holes in there that need to be opened up. That one needs to be opened up.

Put that that back I think one. maybe. I don't know. One's just like a locator.

Maybe we could do is we could flip it over and use the other two holes that AR as beat up. Yeah, cleaned out now. So let's go. One looks a little suspect.

it's got like a hunk of something covering it. Is that just rubber? Why don't we put that one where the passage that did not go through I already forgot which one it was was which one was the one that went up there? That one. I think I'm holding that upside down. Yep, all right.

so that one and that one needs to be the good setup. So it's going to be these two. We need it like that. look under the scope.

make sure I have them lined up have a F that brake clean might not be The Brak and carb clean may not be the best for that. So I'm going to go assemble those back together and take a look at the tank one last time. I Don't know if it's going to leak or not. Straight down is, um, open and if you turn it either way, there's no stop on this.

A lot of times there's a stop on the pet where it can go, but that is open. Any other of the other three positions for the most part is closed. Let's go snug it up, make sure turns cuz I I Mouth that and you can blow through up, you rotate it. nothing.
So here we go. functioning once again. I hit it with another coat of white paint when you weren't looking. flipped it over, do one last one and then we can go get that float balll and put that card back together.

Let's go check on soup. Here we go. Just rinse that out and should do this just fine. I Think we could put our six pieces of carburetor back together.

It's cleaned up fairly decent. I Just took a wire wheel to the screws into the main jet, took a wire brush for, um, the center Port of the main jet unplugged that and that can go back in its hole. That's what I'm talking about right there as I sit the carburetor in some Rust Don't mind that, sit in a dirty spot, that's pretty much all the fuel just gets drawn up through that. There's no, no any kind of adjustment and hopefully our float works again.

Um, not being able to take that apart. you know we tried and guess that filter got to clean out too the uh, fuel filter. SL screen would we put that? Would that end up? Here's our idle speed that screws cleaned up. It goes in there again that just holds the slide, holds the window open or closed to adjust idle.

and what do we do with that little filter that we got to? Probably should have run that in a carb cleaner too. Got poked a little tiny hole in it trying to get it out right there. We won't tell anybody I'll hit that with some compressed air. We will pop that back in there and then that assembly can go back on there.

Now that we know that that is clear, put everything back on the bike. we're put that car back on. Look at the end of that. that throttle cable is all like sped and played anything we do with it.

let's see if we can get um again. this is the slide. This is what Um opens and closes. the amount of fuel that can come in, you're revving it and I believe that spring was supposed to be like something like that.

Why does that look weird? Wait, is it upside down and then the Um throttle cable you pull up on it RS it up. I Don't if it's like that, my guess is it would be like that, right? That cable looks weird though. Like why would it make that goofy that goofy sharp? Bend Let's um, will that come off of there? Let's see if we can get this slide off of here. and maybe we get the cable right out of it.

And maybe worst case, you at least get some shrink tubing on here to help to kind of support this a little bit. Either that it's got wires like sticking. like literally sticking right out of it. uh I don't know if that's going to if the little nipple part.

let's get a something to pick at that that's going to so that cable comes up through there. it's just a weird angle that it's on. doesn't seem like it would. It doesn't seem like you would do that with the cable I Think the cable would pull almost straight up.
not make that weird. Bend look at the carb real quick, see if you can see anything that's in there. that um, so that was like that, right? or like that. I think it was like that.

Let's try piecing it together I wonder if the uh, throttle's pulled? Let's go see if it back off the throttle. It's all the way down so that would be idle. so it would be something like that and this has to go in at the same time. Get in there everybody in your hole.

So come on. yeah, that's way too open. It's not dropping down that. what I'm looking at is this passage right here.

Let's go back the screw out just in case that's holding it. that passage right in there should be almost closed right now. When the when this is down on itself, get in there. Yeah, that's half throttle if you rev it.

Yeah, so that's not really doing. That's going to be running a little on the fast side for us. We got to figure out what is going on with. Um yeah I think that's all it is that that cable is.

So SPL out just doesn't look like it it was run the right like that doesn't look like it's run correctly. does it being hooped around like that? Almost like it's backwards Maybe just doesn't make sense to me like that. Um I don't know if we're going to get any better on the throttle on the because. I Think on the throttle on the other side, there's still like a little Barrel on the end of the cable and I don't think that Barrel can pass through here.

One of them must I may go look up at the throttle. Maybe we could take the throttle apart. We'll pull the cable away from the other side and work on it. Give us some slack.

Let's go do that. Yeah, that's exactly why. look at the other end of it that's not even uh in how it's supposed to be. Looks like somebody maybe took a bicycle cable jacket at some point and tried making this that's supposed to have like a little Barrel on the end of it and be fed into this.

this adjuster right here I it out where way. and so let's go open this up and try to figure out how we can get this throttle apart. Should be a screw. there's one right there.

see if we can get this cable out of here and whatever this this setup is and try to come up with something a little better than that little. Johnny run the Full Throttle through the woods. no way to shut it down I was able to get the whole thing off of there. Yeah.

I think this is like a shifter off like a 10speed or something I don't think it's part of a uh I don't know what the process is of taking it apart I would think I took that screw out already. like we could split that shell. Oh, that comes off all right. and this.

Come out there we go. We'll get that cable right out of it. Yeah, so yes, so somebody made that. It's one of those little barrels attached to it and that's probably like a nut and bolt assembly.
You can unbolt that that cable will come out. Yeah, this is all homemade stuff. That's why it looks so weird. It's not the the normal setup that that cable would use.

We might end up using it over, but at least I want to replace the jacket part of it. It's just this thing's kind of wasted. all right. So what do we got to do? We got to get to get it apart.

We got to get this little Barrel off of there. So let's go grab some very tiny pliers. Take that off. These pliers make my hands look big.

kind of support the back. Barrel I Think like I said, that's just a pinch nut on other side and the cable should be able to drop out of that. maybe watch. They soldered it back it off a little more.

There it goes spinning on it anyway. yeah yeah that. get rid of that. So now we should have some slack on this side to pull it apart.

Kind of. see what we got going on here. Almost like that's like totally 180 out. I Might be just they may have hammered that right in there.

There it goes. The only way that's going to come out though is if we take the cable out of the jacket. screw it. Come on there we go.

Never getting that one back in there and this is all crap. It's all wasted on both ends. I Think we do a better job than that even with a if it's a bicycle cable. So what would be the deal? Let's get rid of the cable and we kind of get a better idea.

What would be the yeah, how would this be set up? My guess is something like that. So I think the barrel is supposed to go in there and pull straight up. Yeah, that makes more sense, maybe not. I just don't see I'm trying to figure out we need a little poker.

let's go get a little poker. So what would it? How would it support the cable like that does look like let somebody modified it like where the cable would be supported. My guess it would be you would want something like that I don't know coming around the back like that how that was supposed to be I still think the cable and was supposed to sit in here and go up. my guess is something like yeah like that was the direction it was supposed to be.

So I'm going to go I have a like the the bicycle repair kits I'm going to go grab those cables, bring them down. I'm also going to go clean all the crap off of this stuff and uh, see if we can come up with something that gives us a little bit better streight. I don't think it's going to pull through the center of the spring. that's only I'm I'm looking at, you know, so it would have have to be if it came yeah like I just said if we did a cable and winning just like that I think that's what we're supposed to be looking for I don't know what all this nonsense is.

Maybe it is, maybe it isn't. but I think for how we're going to try to approach it, we're going to run a cable like that. Here's a little kit I'm talking about. uh Walmart sells them.
They're like they not bad I they like 10 bucks. they give you like all just all these different cables to work with. so and you just cut off the side that you don't use. you can see like the the barrel ends.

we could probably work with one of them and then you have like little repair the little tips that go on the end that um hold the the jacket from falling apart and not doing what you know what that did. So I know going to film here I'm going to just go kind of pick away see what I can find. possibly might want to try to switch it over if I could find anything like a thumb throttle. get rid of that that rolling throttle again that's this is off of a bicycle.

this with that white mesk out this that's a grip shift that's for like a 1982. um Walmart bicycle see years 1982 you know? So there two ends that we got I'm thinking more like that one probably would fit through and pull upward. Let's um somebody sent me a cable cutter see how that does compared to the other setup did a nice job huh? So we going have to go pull this out of the jacket and feed that through I get an idea what that looks like not going to work. First us got the drill and Hammer sure's noisy outside.

What's up with all that? something like that again? I'm just guessing it just looked too weird the other way they had it. Let's go try it. Just that that bend on the end was kind of 7 ft of cable that bend that sharp. Bend You just wouldn't think you would do that with a cable.

You know that kind of looks more correct. But would you think that we we're not supposed to go through that hole? Maybe We just, um, was fed something like that and then the spring was supposed to hold it in place. I Don't know. It's kind of crappy.

How about the end? I Cut off that there better. No, it's just as bad. Wherever it was was supposed to be that round barrel and we can grind this tip down to be whatever we need. like it's You want to try squishing that in there a little bit.

We got more cables to screw with. If we screw this one up, we can. uh yeah, wonder if it's supposed to be something like that. and then the spring just kind of locked it into its place more.

Seems like a better scenario, doesn't it? Where's the carb? Let's go slide. Yeah, so that would be. let's go throw that through the hole. I Took that uh, that feral out of there too and cleaned that up.

Put that on later. which just trying to figure out how thises is supposed to function for us I wonder if it's supposed to be like that cuz that's much more of a straight shot on the cable and You Pull It full throttle. That's what backs off that that, um, that choke lock I think maybe we'll go with that I don't think that's going to come out of there. that's my guess is that the spring was supposed to the spring once it's in place.

kind of locks it I don't think it's supposed to go through there I shove the cable in a vise right there just so have we can pull on like pretending it's the throttle so you can see that the it's closed all the way and we pull in the throttle. That'll give us our our little window. and of course here's our adjusting screw. You see the Gap that's on the bottom.
If you want more idle, you run that in and it just closes at different levels. You know that's a lot right there and probably probably something like right around there would be idle that little Gap and then for the choke, you click it on. A little pin comes out and if you hit Full Throttle pull pulls the pin back. get my finger off if I try that again.

clicks Full Throttle releases it out, shuts it off I think that is how it's supposed to work so we'll go with that. And now we just have to deal with put the cable on it. we have to deal with the other end, try to come up with a good solution for that. All right.

back on the side job and that's the original tires that were on the VW Thing and we got one kind of mocked up. I Guess center caps are somewhere I like them like gu center caps to go in the middle of that a big Chrome cap that goes in there. so that's the look. uh I think we'll clear the wheel wells by a little.

it's just kind of making it and I do have air shocks for the back of this so it can adjust depending on what the load is. plus it's got a hard top that goes on it and comes off. so I do plan on putting them up. kind of give us a little bit of clearance.

Let's uh Jack it up and spin that Rim around and see how much more or less are the same. same that offset is right there. I'd like to try to get the back to look like it's a deeper wheel and then in the front be that style so let's see what we get and that's flipped around. What's it about? Yeah, kick that out about an inch.

so I'd be concerned that that's going to beat up on the body if we start getting into some, uh, off-roading It's got a cool look. Okay you. the paint's a little beat up from the tire machine and whatnot, but uh, it's easily touched up. so I think we're just going to end up going with all four facing the other direction and uh, that's should work though.

I was also kind of looking between U having the White Walls facing outward or Inward and I'm still kind of flipped on that I think we're going to go with the right now. they're blue walls but good. Now we know which way to go. this will be another project.

I Got to go. Still pull the engine on it. put a clutch in it. The new clutch is here.

There's the air shocks but that's for a different video. All right. back to the bike. so back on the Uh throttle.

I Decided to go with the same setup that was on there for now. Could always change it out later. but I just didn't find out. find anything that was.

you know, better suited. So that's where the barrel goes, right where that black line is and we got to cut that cable. So let's cut the cable say right there we'll put that original brass uh end back on there, see if we can reassemble that. We'll try to lube this up fairly well and hopefully it work as a functioning throttle.
Yeah, this is an old shifter from a bicycle that they RI the guts out here I'll show you it would would had the ratcheting mechanism in there I've done that before to you see where all the ratchets would go and uh, they just gut all that out. forgot what bike I did that on actually end up working fairly well. It was I think it was a fulls sizee uh grip though it wasn't just little half thing. so we want to go cut her right.

don't turn them back right there. I put a little Barrel on there. let's go throw some try some silicone. see how that would be for the uh, the lube part of things? It's still a little draggy.

you fig that spring that's in a carburetor? It's got to be the return spring. I'm going to take a minute clean that up a little bit better see if we get some little less draggy. Probably would have been a good idea to wipe dirt off ahead of time, huh? Clean that and get a little personal with it. Have some uh Teflon too.

how was that? I think it's just the interference that's on it. What you want to go with? How about um Sheen oil SO sewing machine oil. That's better. We'll go for that.

and this whole bracket has a set screw on here that locks it in and then we just have to feed that cable through. I Have both adjusters all the way in and hopefully there's room for this. Should be it was before. um, the adjuster on the carburetor and the adjuster.

That's right here in all the way. So if you have to get some slack out of it, we can. If we have to put slack in it, we're screwed h on fingers. Get in there, you're in there some somehow there and that has to kind of feed around.

I got to tap that in much. rub it on the cover. there's Full Throttle and there's return. All right.

I'm going to go take some time. go button that up I got to go work with getting that to sit down F further in the hole. Need to get further in the hole. Wish I had a better bezel to fit the Gap that's in there.

That's a little sloppy, but at least there's metal on the end of it. It's not just open creade, so hopefully if we get Full Throttle we should be able to turn that choke on and if we give it Full Throttle that click There we go. Yeah, the return return. not so much.

I Think it's just got too much drag up inside there. The Barrel's not touching I flipped it over over, gave us a little bit more room that's not touching. Oh well, it's got cruise control all right. What you want to do next.

We could probably put the gas tank assembly back on and throw some fuel in it, see if it pisses out anywhere. I'm going to button up some stuff We'll take that that kill wire will hook that back up the stuff that went under the tank. um I Don't know if I have another plug end for this or not we'll see. I'm thinking it's going to probably leak right here.
I Thought they were supposed to have some kind of seal other than the plastic but I'm not sure. this is a little 50 to1. I Just use this can over and over again. It's not the true fuel.

We'll just go with that for a sec. The pet is open the fuel pet. see if we get any leakage. let's um, crack that open.

Just make sure we're getting fueled down to it. Yeah, Yep, we are good. Awesome. It's a good sign.

See we click that choke on, put the gas cap on it, give her a couple of kicks, see if it'll go. it is seeping. see if we can we can. Uh, it's like you have loosening it right.

wheel it around a little, hit it with an air gun. so it wasn't until I opened it up. see it stays dry. Nope.

All right let's see if we can fire it up anyway because I want to hand start going up? Got to get a leg over this hog there. some gas let go. Yeah. wants to go good.

I got no air cleaner. nothing on it too so it's running lean. I'm going to go work on trying to seal up that gas leak. Might have to put a thin o-ring behind it.

Definitely tickling around there tinkling Now we go with that. I'll work on that and we pop the air cleaner on it. Get a little bit more drag, give her another kick. see how she does SP the back wheel too.

That's good. I got the air cleaner s me back on the leak. Let's call it moist. It's moist.

Let's go see how she does turn the choke back on again. Idle: They got to turn the idle up. of course they put the muffler right in the way of the idle. Let's go give her supposed to be able to do with your fingers.

anyway. let turn her up a couple like that much. Hear it, see, it runs good, doesn't it sounds like a V8 Let me go get my phone. I Got the back tire up in the air so we're not dragging the clutch and I turn the idle up a little bit more.

let's see where it kind of lies in so you get to run a little bit clear out. maybe got no choke on now I Got still turn it up eventually. it'll work. know to squeeze that so far.

Let me uh, let's go the other way and we'll back it off a little more almost all the way in. Plus got to warm up. Sound pretty good. Let's I don't know if we have rear brakes or not and which one would be the rear that one right there.

Keep a sof yeah drag internally. that might have to kind of work itself a little bit. My guess is that's kind of a wet clutch on the other side. Worst case, will open it up.

but let's um I'm going to go turn the fan on. Maybe we'll throw some lube on that chain, which should probably before I spin a tube or valve stem. Rather, there's one in there. Where are you? Yeah, let's go throw some air in these guys and um, go from there.
I aired up the tires. There's just Springs inside here. There's no like SEALS or anything, but I do want to throw a little bit of oil on them just to give it something it doesn't chew up. The boots make a mess how you think? chances how, that front brake works I don't think we're going to open those Wheels if we don't have to, let's um Tire's touching now.

let's go lift her off the ground. fire it back up. We'll let it run a little bit. kind of let it clear out and things get up.

the temp hand start. Probably get some chain move on that chain while it's spin around too. Probably get some tensioner put on it. look like it's rubbing on the the guard right here.

Go get some! Loop Keep my fingers out of there RPMs are coming up Kill Swiss Work good. I'm going to open the big door I Got a side door opening there. There's a fan. Air comes in from behind me and draws across the shop.

That direction works pretty good as far as clearing it out and not killing us. What? I Only about 5 10 minutes now. Let go grab The Brak You we get that's good. The clutch doesn't stall it out anymore.

Definitely got to adjust that chain a little. huh? Let's um, yeah. let's kill that. Open these up, back off on the nut and let's get some uh, that slap out of there.

everything's loosened up. the jam nuts are backed off. basically. whatever.

We turn on one side, we got to turn on. the other is to pull the back tire. Even here is three. turn two, three, how we doing I Say probably pretty good right there? Actually need a little bit of slop? Let's go lock that down that may stretch out on us when you run it, but we'll see generally what you do is you take a straight edge from the back sprocket and you kind of from a straight edge from here.

You run it up. You see where you touch on the front rocking. You kind of adjust accordingly. the the racking of the wheel.

A lot of times you can hear it in the chain too. The chain will have like a a clicking sound to it. that's cuz it's catching on a tooth. Seems pretty good though.

it's pretty quiet. I I think this. uh when it was slopping around I think it was kind of bouncing off at The Shield a little bit, looks like it's taking a hit or two. There we go back.

Rim's a little out too the little bit of a oscillation to it that my show off at about 7 m hour. All right I'm going to go. um I'll pop the points cover back on. what else can we do? might just spray it down, give it a quick little bath, but that's going to be on H to do the cleaning up and detail.

he wants to take it apart and paint it and all that. That's all well and good for him. Are tires holding there? That one's all right, Seems okay. Good front and rear brakes.

Of the average mini bikes of the day, that was, uh, a lot of them. even like the go-karts they had like a scrub break was a a metal plate with blck of wood on it that would come down and rub on the tire. so this one's definitely got to step up on that. Might be able to bend those handlebars back a little too.
I think they're a little on the on the tweak side. Give her a bird's eye view. you can see how far out the handlebars are if we just kind of give them a bit of a Twist be able to go back. Come on Now the Fender's off.

It's straight with the tire, but the Fender's out of whack now. I think I bent the wrong thing I Going to bend that back and a lot of times you loosen the the triple trees and they'll be able to slide on those collars. I Don't see any place like I don't see any bolt going through any of that holding it together. just two top ones locking it down.

May we just leave it well enough alone? Or I'll get a pipe. It's got. go that way. This one's got to go.

So how about two pipes? See if that? this does it for us. Here it goes. Think I went too far. can never go too far right? I Think that's got it now.

they look like they're leaning like that. It's like me to solder. It's make me look big boned. Can we even do this? It's going to be a little tight on the knees.

Go got up? K Let's go cruise for chicks. Just 70 Mes in a gallon on this hog. All right. go play somewhere else d kids ju delinquents have to take a off.

Back off. Oh yeah gra do it. I don't have a helmet though. come on, not mine.

Just give it gas and go watch your feet. Nice. Oh he's going offro I think he likes it I never SE smile so much it's going over the curb. Go pick up some chicks.

Yeah, maybe all right. next day. let's go give her a little see how she does, turn some fuel on. click our choke, how it go.

Give it a minute. it feels like it wants to wipe out so easy over little rocks. I'm not going to give it much hope in the sand a be five again. let's go for the CM see what happens? Those is going to suck.

Well there's that. Well guys, that was a fun little project to work on. It really didn't take much to bring it back to life. I think the only thing we used was uh.

fluids and we made a new throttle kit. Everything else was already there. The um fact that it was stored in a uh basement. you know, like a heated basement compared to like a garage where the temperature keeps changing up and down I think is really what makes a difference on these.

Fuel still goes bad and everything, but it does. Doesn't get all the corrosion in the wheels and the tires rotted and you know all that kind of thing. So I'm going to give this back to a friend of mine and he's going to probably just you know, running out a fuel hanging on a wall as a, uh, a decoration cuz he's a, uh um, a big guy too so he may try riding it. I don't know but uh for this one guys think we're going to sign out I Thank you all for hanging out with me having a little bit of fun and I'll I'll see you in the next one later and we're off speed bumps! Oh uh, to be 5 years old again?.

By Mustie

17 thoughts on “Mini harley sitting 20 years in a basement”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaq Deisel says:

    You should have taken him out to get a chick fiend he looks all closed in. Gotta live life to the fullest.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tringmotion e-bike & Cycle Store says:

    these bike had a proper twist throttle, looks like it was "repaired" with bicycle parts, it's an Aermacchi

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Best says:

    But the Harley has a bigger jug and piston like a 90 best I remember 88 or 89 cc

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Terry Best says:

    Same engine as the 49 cc huskvarna dirt bike engines

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Morris says:

    FUN !!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Budgie Mama says:

    Looks like an Indian mm5A

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars John's Adventures says:

    Need foot rests on front axle!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Antti Maja says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Henry says:

    The only thing on that bike that is a Harley, is the sticker. I would be careful of putting those nuts in the tank. Very lucky you never broke the petcock internals.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ryan McKay says:

    "let's go pick up chicks" then proceeds to ride around on the tiny Harley 😂 great video as always!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Patrick Coletta says:

    This may be an italijet

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars alan6832 says:

    It doesn't sound very high revving, as if it could use a bigger carb, but I suppose it's for young kids, so that would be intentional. They could have made the engine smaller then, but then it would lack torque I suppose. Or I wonder if they just didn't have a smaller engine?

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Don Patterson says:

    Evn Harly fuel dos not age like fine wine.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dash8brj says:

    Had me in stitches at the end when grown adults were fanging around on a kids 2 stroke bike. Sounded like a nitro model RC car or truck like we used to race a few years ago when you sped the footage up at the end! 🙂

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bird Shenanigans says:

    Like watching your older brother pretending he knows some shit…

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Finbah says:

    My brother did the same thing. He was a year older. And finally got a PUCH MAXI moped at age 17. Wouldn't let ME or any of our friends even look at it! Let alone ride it. no no no don't even look at it….

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tommy Huffman says:

    The ol' Mortske flick strikes again!

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