this 1961 vw samba 23 window bus was left on a farm for over 50 years, the farm then sold to become conservation land but any none natural things needed to be removed. they contacted the local vw club and then contacted me. so myself and Jason {5150mxvw on youtube} set out to recover what we could.

Hey guys and how's it going? We are on a little adventure of rescuing a old VW bus that uh was long forgotten in the woods. Going to give you a quick little backstory on it, just so it makes sense. this property here it's a farm look to the left Old Farm in the house over there it had sold to the Conservation Land and the Conservation land. Part of their agreement is that they have to get rid of any kind of like metals and debris that's left behind and part of that metal and debris.

Left Behind is an old VW bus that uh got pushed off of a field over in this area. Over here we're on a CL what's called a Class 6 Road and uh they uh offered it up to a uh friend of mine who has a runs a VW Club in New England and it was above his scope and he sent it our way. So we are going to be the ones who are going to try to uh drag it I the correct word or term for it out of the woods and try to get it removed from there. The price was free free might be a little too expensive.

It is a very desired if, well was a very desired BW bus. It is a um 23 window that uh was a 23 window that has long been pushed off a side of a field and left for dead. So we're going to do our best to uh, go through the weather and get it for its 40 years that it's been sitting and try to get it on my trailer. Let's have at it and a friend of mine's coming up right now would be Jason Just showed up and he runs 5150 MX VW and he's there for he he said yeah I'm into it too I'm here.

Timing is perfect man we about 30 seconds apart and we live like 3 hours apart when he says there's a 20 oh we're not even going to I already did so you can go for musty one calls and says there a 23 window in the bus of the woods of New Hampshire I invited myself of course I did. So we're going to go have at it and uh let's go have a little bit of fun I See some uh when I rolled up some hikers were going up the trail. on the top of this Ridge up here is the Appalachi trail and uh I saw the guy with backpacking a kid and dogs so let's try not to. Uh, we'll give them a minute to walk up the trail.

a little bit. nailed it. We're going in. the ground's actually soft.

th wheel solid, frozen. that's not so bad. not terrible. think brought the bigger chainsaw.

it's even got glass. come on. I did see that. Yeah oh it's got the trim.

That trim still on? Yeah. Nice horn button ashtray. I've seen you fix worse. How many pieces do you think it's coming out in? Oh man, it's I guess.

I Don't need the brake drone puller, huh? I Don't know if we can even find brake drums. It's a bad sign when the transmission is right there and this is the frame going this way. Wow. There's the other window in it.

Yeah, one of them. I Wonder if any of the Little Skylight ones that' be cool? Yeah I Think maybe trying to figure out what we're going to do for a battle plan? Maybe we'll um, kind of like pick some of this, rake some of the stuff away, see if there's anything laying around it that we want to trash like. you know, if there was any other glass left and then uh, then what? It's a sunny day in New Hampshire with the 23 window and must one. So how take the prize? It looks like the body starts here.
Yeah. I'll get the rake out. China Archaeology Yeah. I Think we go around.

we'll we'll see what's over on the ground. We'll kind of pick away that stuff first. like I said the glass and whatnot. and um, from there we'll take out the not so secret weapon and maybe start.

Uh. Excavating We got to make a path to come in. well at least I See that that's good. Yeah, right here.

Bring the big. That's the direction. We have to come out trying to make the best of it. This the worst.

This is. this is the worst BW Rescue I've ever been a part of that more to come. Wow. All right, let's get some stuff out of the way.

Che This tire out. Tell me that's not the most worn tire you've ever seen now. I Would say the ones on it are the most worn. Got the apron? You going make a pile? Yeah I was just kind of rolling it out.

Probably make it where you got that going over there. Don't want to step in there. You might step on a piece of glass or something. Maybe lift could lift this roof up? I Got the C right here.

Try this. Maybe lift that. oh we could do that with the uh yeah, yeah, we use that to kind of pop her in the place. Yeah, pop it up.

and then you could get the bumper and the channy out of there without doing too much. Yeah, cuz that's got the axle still on it. There crosses cradle right there. may we do that? Don't be your shin.

What do you think? Kind a bottle ain't broke. M Vintage as as you throw it I smash it. you want to hook it and then try to get the out. and I think um, bumper.

now might be the opportunity that we, uh, bring the uh, big guns weapon and start uh, molding it back into some kind of a capacity we can move it. yeah watch. Yeah! I Wow, it's better. Or RI I know nice that back that? yeah.

Watch right back down again. Got little TR that we going to reset. We'll grab that corner right there. That's awesome.

Wow, ain't much connected there. It's broken free here already. That there a tail in it. Another? uh, another bottle.

Nice broke though not to be refilled. Get one under the. uh. get one under the roof before you, uh, drop it.

eh? Oh, you got the deck lid down there too. I'm kind of wondering if nothing's attached all the way around here. I Wonder if we might be better off trying to cut it here and what's left of that one corner? We take this whole section right off of it. Okay, and then we can start pulling up on the uh on the under the under bits.

Or maybe we'll try pulling on the front a little to match it. Yeah, it probably be the least amount you know trying to get it all together. It's not going to happen. So yeah, what do we got connecting this and cut it right here? We The Works of we'll cut it there and here.
this is already red. right in a half. Anyway, there's not much hold that so we can cut it here and here and then maybe the same. Let's go look at that other wall.

Jail bars are still on this side. Yeah, I saw those. so this is already disconnected here so probably the same. We just cut it right on that corner and that'll let that whole back section come off of it.

Maybe just go around the center and then lift it out I Just leave. We'll just leave that chain hooked right up to it. I Think um think good spot. Yeah, yeah and we I could just walk the tractor right out with it on there.

I just hold it nice. First cut, first cut, first cut. the Hat should kind of mold back in place. I'm glad the uh, the deck Liv down there.

who knows what's left left of it, but that's cool. Bet you it's still there sa that yeah truck's kind of cut through this but we're not going to get that. Didn't take much to it. Get those two points over there.

we at you when I go to cut it. so just beware what we say. we're doing this so this is already all free right? That's already free right there. y I'm going to try to save this this one there they we're floating.

watch it got it. I got the I'll back that section right out of here. let me turn the camera around here o let it down some I got drop it behind your truck. he now you did it.

you're rooted all right. We got left here to work with um I we should yank on next. Maybe you want to try wrapping around that trans? Yeah, that transmission. I Have a feeling the frame.

well we'll see I think break all that up, the bumpers and everything. Yeah, there's the belly pan from the motor. It's right there. and if it comes up, what we'll do is, um, if it, we get it like elevating the air a little bit.

maybe we'll kind of peek underneath and we'll get that out of there. Yeah, the bumper out of there. So yeah, we'll wrap on that axle right there. We'll see how that does work.

Short short short: See what we got? It's like fishing. Wow. And it's the whole rear of the bus right there. We probably just drag this right out of here.

Remember when I said I don't think you're going to need the back one the gaskets for the wind those I don't see anything. um glass? Rel Yeah, that bumper might come out. Oh, we's get this. We'll drag this out of our way and uh, actually, this bumper is still connected.

Just give her a yank and see what happens. Oh a he time for next assessment. I Don't know what's holding this long wall. if if there's just nothing underneath it, how about we try lifting up on this rear floor up and we'll kind of take a peek underneath.

If that Wall's not connected me, we we'll cut that front section. We'll take that whole wall out as one piece and then we'll kind of concentrate on the nose. But yeah, we'll hook up onto something here and we'll try to lift up on the deck. There's a bumper end right there.
a little little worse for where that on the pile going. Battery swap. Nice team look r no engine? huh? Not yet. Yeah, that's good.

It might be half Frozen in the ground though. huh? I Can get the chainsaw and cut those out of there I'm going to cut those out. Actually help us here. Little rake.

Try to kick. Let me try to kick it Forward Ground: It's just a little Frozen Here it's like growing in through it. Yeah, let me kick it forward. Yeah, that's a good idea.

Push off the bus. it's like a giant mouse trap. Yeah, until it falls on my legs. get it off.

M Wait a minute. I Got to change my battery hold on. yeah, this one. Go grab it from this side there it is.

Nice good nice color too. Is it ceiling wax red? I don't know. it's kind of it turned orange over time. Maybe we'll do a little excavation see if there's anything in that dirt before we tear it up off.

Thunder Well, not not much. Floor is not even L Floor We I think we think we dragged the floor out of it with the what was left of the rear. get out of the hole. Got to be something good in here.

I figured that wall is folded over on the bottom towards you so if anything it's going to be kind. probably right there if there is anything at all. maybe under the seat. at least you found those uh pieces? Yeah right, nothing.

Here's the yeah. here's the I got 6 in of floor? maybe but it's hard to tell if there's a bigger piece somewhere. Yeah, what about like with a door jam? we close the uh yeah anything in there there? I don't think so. All right I could go dig the dog leg out and see if stop right? pick on the this side.

All right, figure out what year it was bullet which is what. 64 down, no 60, 61 down. is it yeah really? theh wipers. this got bus is in thousand times better condition than they're like riding.

It's funny how yeah some stuff fails and some like the roof is gone right? Yeah the whole thing is gone. Yeah this is gone and that didn't blow out Mint? yeah. windows. see, didn't smash all the windows out of it which is awesome.

Let's um, segregate that where your hand is right there. I think that corner and maybe we can I don't know if we want to try pulling that whole section away. maybe. um, wrap around the windows.

Yeah, we'll put a a 2x6 under there or 2x4 and we'll wrap around that and we'll try to. Actually, that's got nothing. We'll go lower. Maybe.

maybe just grab it. grab it under here with the 2x4 and we'll see if we can lift up on that wall after we cut that free. Carry it out like I did the other one. Yeah, let's do it.

So we need to cut right here. right there. right here. this is already free.

Oh yeah, yeah, just right there. Slides and everything. Su wants to live? Yeah. I'll try cutting right through here.
Try my yeah bent Up but you know let's see if we can slice it right through there. Once it starts doing that bouncing, it loses all its power. you know? and that nice here. I got I forgot.

you could walk through this one a half inch. it saws off. Think it do? Think we put that Beam on there. we'll lift right up on it.

That'll come right out of there I don't know about that. What should we do about this? Maybe cut the panel right out? How about I try backing up, see what it does? All right, All right. What is that? What the yeah, not again. Are you really I got gas with me? Oh okay I was like I got a little bit that sound a little weird.

Yes. Going to say that there ain't a gas station for Miles how much money you got? we got to go find some. Moon definitely grabbing some uh ethanol free while I'm up here that's for sure. I no yeah, good for gallons too.

Glad that wall came out. That's awesome. See if we can find the other rims. What do we? we have? What just two rims you? L on that front beam.

Maybe I know there's one on the front beam but 23? I'm sure somebody pick parts off it window out here in the woods. that's the original farm and that farm. uh they bought it. they turned that into um, conservation land.

Oh behind us. oh this whole thing. That's why this bus has to go. Oh we got a company.

oh it's I was thinking it was the owners but it's not huh? How you doing how you doing good? You guys doing cleaning up like the Old Farm dump or whatever. Yeah, we're part of the BW Club so we're rescuing the oh that was the rock. Yeah I was going to dig that rock out of there. but I don't think it's going to be a maybe for video.

just move it. um the back all grab it. kind of like twist. um I don't know when you well I'll tell you what when you lift it, go ahead I say when you lift it over you don't want to catch it on the nose I would move it kind of.

Maybe we'll try it I it depends how far it goes in the ground I think could be you know that's might be a quarter of it. you know you're not seeing the whole I got my yeah, it' be something like that one over there I got my pry bar. where's Brian when you need him Brian pick that up. Move that what we got for you want to take a little bit of time and kind of sure rake away on here.

see what we're we're working with? We should probably take at least I Don't know if we're going to be able to get the doors. it's like I think if we start tweaking it a lot, the glass is going to blow out of the doors. oh might just be I know we'll Dig Down We'll see if there's anything we can grab on to. if there's like a section of frame that we could wrap a chain around, might be better to cut them off.

Uh yeah, he he hitting a lot of metal there so scratching it. oh yeah, it's about it. there's the beam I wonder if we can grab onto that beam? Yeah and then oh and like pull it that way. Yeah yeah.
try to like lift and can like roll it a little little bit. maybe? well we see what it does when we lift up on it I'm not worried about hurting. you know that section will I Just trying to protect the nose best as possible. Yeah, yeah, we got to chain around that.

All right. You dig a hole right there. Yeah, right where your hand just was on that upper? Yeah, yeah, let's do it. We'll give her a couple of tugs.

you get the machine. I might have to go. Uh, dig that little hump out of there. Oh just yeah.

just it out. Yeah. I would I just push it, fill it in, go grab the machine and then I'll fil machine a gas in it. 20 miles is is there an odometer in it? Yeah.

this thing's loaded. Oh it's in kilometers. Is it really? Oh boy it was Canadian then got a EUR Well it could be a EUR you know could be a we got to run the uh huh. run the M codes, see where it was, push it one time, give it a push and then back blade.

it hit it I would just hit it once forward and then back. blade it out. Oh little more slack. No, no, come up snug with it.

Here you go. That's good. All right. All right.

Steering wheel. Yeah yeah, the whole frame came. so I don't think the nose moved but the whole steering wheel is going to. We're going to lose the steering wheel connected to that axle.

Maybe let's see what happens if you go back. But let me go. look. let me go look.

Yeah, you got this. tray is going to hit the window too. Let let's back up a little bit. Do back up a little too.

let it back up. I Just holding it off the glass. Hold on. Hold on.

Whoa. Got that steering wheel. We're going to lose the wheel. Maybe let off.

Going to lose that wheel holding it together? I Wonder if? um, maybe another chain on it? Yeah, and grab it on this side to level it out? Yeah, several of them at the same time. I Got I Got a ton of straps. the car, uh, loop straps? we can Loop it I Wonder if we can get over it even right here? Cover over it? Yeah, that's solid. so cut that door off.

that one's already kind of okay. Want this anyway? and maybe we'll try. Get the bucket right on top of it and we'll just scrap and try to lift it up. If that bottom falls out, the bottom falls out.

Be good. Yeah, more concerned about trying to keep the skin all right. I'll grab the straps. Oh wow, that thing survived.

That's crazy. an eyeball I didn't see that. nice. Put that someplace that yeah, that's a that's early one.

that's why it's kind of cautious with the ground. there. a sun visor good you? I think we might I'm just kind of like liftting the whole nose. I'm going go give her a cup.

Oh yeah yeah. I think it's free? Yep, um all it was holding was a speedo. You think we should like try closing that door. Cutting it off might be better off cutting it off? Huh? I think it's I'm just excited to see the nose is free? Yeah yeah, let's go cut that right off of there.
you know it's I think it was doing more damage than good by not doing so. Trying to get it out with flopping and you know, tweaking the nose the rest of the way. Yes, go digging. see the other eyeball right? the bzel I have two.

This one's probably broke cuz it's it's. missing all that bu door. The door. Oh yeah.

oh wow, that's the door. Oh here's the oh, he said the bezel. Yeah yeah. it's the busted one.

so that headlight was probably broken out of that one. The door is under the nose. That's crazy. Can we lift that? Uh, we can probably just pick that thing up together.

Huh? I think so. but let me cut the door off. okay I think will do less damage. Fig got an escape.

they cut it off the body or cut it off the What: I do the other one cut it off the the nose, leave the H is on the door. There it is. do number two. Who does better move that I'm going to go put this in the truck.

Just saying. yeah. the I'm going to try walking that nose straight out to here and then drag the carcass of what's underneath out of the way. see how that works out.

Roll it a little bit here. W Worse frame than my last one. I'm impressed that I just say we give her a tug. I Don't think we're going to hurt anything that's there.

again. we still think there might be a door buried under here. Oh yeah, so we'll drag this out of the way cuz here's the front bumper bracket right there. Yeah, let's give it a tug.

see what happens? save the wheel. Want me to sit in the uh yeah, it was a good idea. A piece of chrome down down here. the door handle.

so that's the door. Oh nice. got see that. Yeah, so where do you want to grab? oh wait.

Church key? No no. look it. you found the church key. You found it and I didn't that is CRA You know? do you know I don't how many don't seen ever get a church key for those? Don't know? This is what opens the hatches on on a bus.

Yeah, that little piece of chrome that I grabbed and that's what works and usually hangs on the firewall is like a little clip that it locks into. They're almost always gone. I Put it in the package tray. that's just the nose of it.

Yeah, that would normally go into there and lock and unlock the the hatches in the side door. Wow. The church key church key. That's like find the tool kit.

That's yeah. that's like the ultimate man. I'm going to come towards you and I'm going to reset get the tractor over to where I get a little bit more cuz I'm just in the mud right now. Yeah here.

Oh you want to pull your door out? You got an angle. Um let's get this car out all I'm going to re get I'll get the tractor over in these ruts not the back Ho will get us out. Yeah, pull you in this one. one of my first one.
you got a lot of stuff way up. get out of the way, cut that stuff off with the logs down. What What happen? all the cables are getting full taut. they I stop anything? yeah you do that.

a on and in the aftermath of what we got a little section of floor it looks like I Don't think guys really connected to anything? is it can find any goodies? Think we try to figure out what we got for a door. Where was it in the front there? there's the handle right here. Yeah let's excavate that out. Got it looks like right right there you see the top of a door.

Let's go try and dig that out of there feel in archaeology when they got that Indian out of ground. Oh yeah, that was awesome I just talking about that. This let's keep digging. You're not going to be here all night digging.

Get the headlights on you me? you already got two body tags in the church. Oh here. get take some materio off high. That's the bottom of the door right there.

I see window glass of some sort. it's broken but much left hand the door. There's the door panels. It's fine so has a trim on it.

original paint, original, no peaks of another. Got to be one more. We're not leaving till we can find it. We'll pick around a little bit.

I Have a feeling it's not here I Don't see why it wouldn't be. The rest of the bus is here minus a logo. they're like the per thing to go. I can also run the backo in here.

We could kind of like yeah. dig a little trenchy and shouldn't be that deep though. CU it would have been yeah. right in here somewhere would be.

Well guys, we're starting to run out of light. It's kind of one of the shortest days of the year and it's going to be dark by about 4:30 We are going to take the parts that are the best to keep which is mostly be the sheet metal on the outside. The Y pittings are all gone really on much of a purpose. They have a a crew that's coming in and grabbing the scrap metal out of a dump that's up on the hill.

so I'm going to make a pile for them. it's already dragged out of the woods of the stuff we're not going to take which is probably going be um you we the rear end and the uh, that section of floor and the wherever it ended up big hunk of sectional floor. We're going to take the sidew wall with us, of course the rear hatch, the front nose. They're going to be used for an art project.

uh cuz we have to be able to get the tractor still on the back of the truck along with all the sheet metal. So I think we're going to take some time. We're going to try to stack some pieces up over there on the front of the trailer. Whatever we can, we will put the long wall on Jason's truck and uh see what we can do.

but we got to start hustling along so I'll bring you back when we get a little bit further ahead. You' seen pretty much the you know the dragging out the you want to call it a rescue. the autopsy is more like it and uh we got to load it up. walk up on remin of what was there do big section of holes and uh I kind of back dragged a mountain of dirt back but when you did that it softened it all up.
Plus when you pick something up with the tractor the the assent of the tractor gets very light and had no weight. I was trying not to use the back ho to dig up the field but uh ended up having to use it anyway. So like that's we'll throw that in the pile that's not going with us. the nose I think we're going to go cut that bar off of it right there and that leg off so that that front section that c part of it cuz I I need it from I'm not sure yet I need at least from here sliced with the nose I'm going to push it out a little bit, put the glass back in it, use it for a uh a wall decoration.

That should work out pretty good I think I have a another front emblem for it. yeah so that's going to be we go grab all all the doors. all that stuff can kind of go with us I'm going to go cut those pieces off and uh get her loaded up. same thing.

we'll walk right on the um end of it. we'll walk it forward e S for e e Oh hey guys, well we've gotten to the point where I think we got about a good 15 20 minutes of light left. We've got what we could out of here like I said they going to. They have a crew up on the hill.

there's every Farm property has. in the past they didn't have trash pickup so they would just make a pile on the property and all the metal stuff would go in one area. They're in the process of cleaning that up. We did our best.

um, getting the carcass of it out of here and stacked that up right there. We got the sheet metal pieces that we're going to keep on my trailer and on Jason's back of Jason's truck this is the uh, pile of death. This is uh what is after you got a fish that's left over so they're going to come and throw this in a dump trailer and run that off to the scrap. So so I think we did decent.

We made it on the shortest day of light and thank Jason for hanging out and uh, helping with me. Thanks for having me 5150mxvw I Have a feeling we're going to be doing this in the future. Got a 15 window and 58 press bumper in a stream. Good stuff.

So those was are uh on the list depending on what the weather does like I said right now it's been getting cold. it was down 16 last night. I'm glad the ground was not Frozen down deep that it was just superficial and we able to get everything out of here. So we're going to go make our way up and around and out and go grab ourself something to eat.

but I want to thank all you guys for hanging out doing some Scavenging with us and the appalation trails right up there if you want to go hike it. All right guys I'll see you later close to that Po got it is some assembly required so I took a few minutes and I did a little bit of cleaning, got some of the rust off, put the pieces back together and came out awesome. Much better than I expected.

By Mustie

13 thoughts on “Most valuable vw bus made, filming the removal 50 years later.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dposer10 says:

    Don't know why the CC cares about that being there it was far enough gone to not be a hazard, and they are just gonna let that land sit fallow anyways.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @roybailey5041 says:

    But and it's worth it sory

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @ChrisTallant says:

    Can you try putting it in rice?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @rudolfjohnjohn7015 says:

    Looks like 40 yrs to late….

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @horitson says:

    Chip'n Dale collecting goodies for winter

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @cliffordodel says:

    LOL that thing looks great!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @dyer2cycle says:

    This is more like recovering the wreckage of a WW2 fighter plane where it crashed in the woods in combat, than recovering a vehicle…it's like, where's the remains of the pilot…

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @TimTheTerrible says:

    "Got pushed into a field?!?" It looks like it fell from low Earth orbit! 🤣

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @92xl says:

    You're going to need a donor vehicle…..🤣

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @whiskerlesswalrus says:

    Remarkable interior!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @gregoryjasongranado5248 says:

    Make some of that stuff into wall art.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @macgvrs says:

    That will definitely NOT buff out. Too bad it was allowed to just rot away like that. You accomplished cleaning up for them and were able to get some bits to use for your project. A win, win.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @tuck6464 says:

    She's a beaut Clark.

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