I know you put this video up some time ago but the trike has such a nice shape, probably the sort of shape and contours et.c. that can be so much harder to define in bigger machines. It has a good bit of character to it, although I haven't watched this through to the end of the project yet. Using the handlebars to stiffen the back end was genius as it matches up with the handlebar up front and its triangular bracing too. Cool project.
How come some of my comments don't get posted but some of them do is kind of weird you got to watch the whole video to get it to post? Or do you delete them mustie1?
I saw this running in your other video, in the shopping center parking lot. Wild to see people pausing in their cars to watch. You know they are saying, "What the heck is that?". This is a really cool bike.
Looking really good. Nice job! As Norman would say to Walter…."you're one crafty son of a bitch"! I mean that in the nicest way of course. I really like where you're going with it and how you're getting there. Thanks for the videos.
Why not turn that seat around backwards. The one with the front turned up…then you have the angle for sisy bar!
add electric
I know you put this video up some time ago but the trike has such a nice shape, probably the sort of shape and contours et.c. that can be so much harder to define in bigger machines. It has a good bit of character to it, although I haven't watched this through to the end of the project yet.
Using the handlebars to stiffen the back end was genius as it matches up with the handlebar up front and its triangular bracing too. Cool project.
How come some of my comments don't get posted but some of them do is kind of weird you got to watch the whole video to get it to post? Or do you delete them mustie1?
I saw this running in your other video, in the shopping center parking lot. Wild to see people pausing in their cars to watch. You know they are saying, "What the heck is that?". This is a really cool bike.
How did you flip the sproket on the right rear tire to work going backwords ?
Very nice
Looking really good. Nice job! As Norman would say to Walter…."you're one crafty son of a bitch"! I mean that in the nicest way of course. I really like where you're going with it and how you're getting there. Thanks for the videos.
Make a cast of the tractor seat in fiberglass?
hmmmmmm, is that a vette under the car cover?
I like you three wheeler I have a two wheeler that is ten feet check out my page maybe can trade info
Really coming along at this point. I am a day behind getting to see your vids.
That is one unique machine! Cool.
ya thats cool great vids
dang that things looks bad azzzzzzzzzzzzz lets ride