this is my 2003 suzuki vinson 500 that I bought new. over the years it gets harder and harder for it to have a proper idle and stay running. lets see if a knock off $36 carburetor from ebay can fix it.

Hey guys, now how's it going? This is my 2003 Suzuki Vinson that I picked up brand new, believe it or not in 2003. Well, it's 20 years old. Uh, it served me well, but it's had some issues with carburetor. Um, it's cold-blooded.

It will start when it's cold, but like shortly thereafter take 30 seconds after. Uh, it'll want to fall on its face, not stay running. And you tried getting it going, letting it run on the choke for 10-15 minutes. It seems like until like you really start trail riding it, it won't want to idle.

Carb's been apart several times between over the last 20 years trying to go deal with it, but you've never been able to cure it. This has been sitting for about four or five months, charge the battery up, it does fire up and kind of run. Same scenario has not changed. So I looked into trying to find another carburetor for in the factory.

Carburetor is like between 659 and 759 which is stupid money. anyway. what also popped up with a carburetor for uh, 35.99 delivered to the house. So I figured we'll pull that carburetor off of that one.

We'll lay him on the bench and we'll pop the balls off each one and see what the difference is. You know, quality wise, if there is I would Suppose there is and we'll put this one on and we'll see if this one performs better than what that one does. Without further Ado Let me get that up on the operating table and we'll get into it. We fired up real quick.

You'll see what I mean I started off so joke. You sound full. Okay, about 30 seconds, you don't want to die, you're still down about halfway right now and I'll just do that over and over. You gotta try to play with the throttle, try to keep it running, but anyway, that's what we're gonna try to avoid.

Like I said, it's like 15-20 minutes before it'll It'll idle halfway decent. In all, so it definitely has an issue inside there foreign because obviously that's about as much as you can see of it. It's kind of right there. so flip that seat up.

that seat comes off and then this plastic housing comes out of the way a little. Quick Clips You push the center of them in and they pop out and they last forever. Honest. There's two different types on here because they've replaced them over the years.

again. this one, you can kind of push the center of it in and that should allow the whole thing to kind of pull up and get bigger, bigger pliers to grab it. You want to get behind it, pull it out, then you just got to reset. make sure it's showing up.

Reset the clip so it's it's tall. Now that it's proud, you can push it back in the hole and then you pop it flush again and it locks it back into place. Here's the other style that's on it and these are something that I put in aftermarket. Just the is it gonna show.

Just a little alligator prongs sticking on them spikes? Yeah. See if anybody moved into the air cleaner over the Corsa the winter Miser a problem in our area. Too bad it's all going to come apart anyway. Looks like I can go for a new filter.
we still wash on it. Nice to get that upper cover out of there. It's got some clips that lock into the body. half of them are broken.

Shows you a lot, huh? The gas tank. It might be good enough for us to work with though. I Think we got enough room to get the carb out. Get the air box back away.

That's what we're looking at I Guess probably go any further. We should eyeball it and see how close of a match it is. I've already seen some differences. There is a drain on the float ball on that one facing this way.

this one is facing the other direction. This is where the choke is or enrichment cable goes there that I can see I don't have whatever. this apparatus is not on that one. fuel intake looks like it's the same location.

I think I really see Majors Whatever. this is right here. Let's go take a peek the other side see what that has more surprises and we're on the other side of it. You can see that looks like this apparatus is totally different size.

This is the throttle linkage and the cover that is on it and it's got the other one. so this one's got an adjustment on this side for turning the idle speed. This one uses a cable and kicks it out the other direction so when this covers on we may not even be able to adjust. Yeah, idle speed while you're kind of running because over like hot and cold weather they do kind of change a little bit.

So that's why they made it with a little thumb setup on there. you can't tell anything else different besides that, looks like the boot is off a little bit huh on the original one. If I can do my best to try to wiggle that out of there without uh, going through the whole disassembly process or also be here forever, we'll get them both on a bench. We can kind of do a side by side.

All right, we got the old one off. Let's get the bowl off of it. see if we see anything that, uh, was causing an issue pissing all this gas out. let's see if there's any water in it too.

Like I said I Probably every seven years I've had to take the carb apart I kind of was using it year round. It's good for snow, it's four-wheel drive. Um, then over time it's been getting less so that bowl looks pretty decent. I Wouldn't say we had any issues I don't know about any water in there I'm gonna let that settle for a little bit if so, see a puddle I think the debris was from the outside of the bowl so that's gonna be amazed yet.

And that's the idle. Jet that would be the one that would cause the idling issues. And there's an air fuel mix on here which is a to get to when it's on there. Go tweak it so let's go get the other one.

We'll put it next to it and we'll see what we see for differences. All right first. I Guess we're gonna see if it's gonna fit. Let's go see if the openings are correct.

Yeah I Just went by what they were recommending that looks the same. You can see the air cleaner size looks to be the same. Get rid of some of these hoses here that are wrapped up. that's just a Br.
This one's just a breather goes down. um under the under the machine. We don't need that one. I already have the other one on there.

That's gonna be our fuel line that looks like a overflow. and or if you want to drain the bowl, that's how we would access that. Let's see what we got side to side. We already noticed the difference between the two of those.

It looks like the throttle cable would hook up fairly close. I'm a little concerned about the distance between here and here and there and there This one just looks smaller. That might be an optical illusion though. Let me get some of these hoses off of here.

That's better clear off the bench every time we turn them so both of them look like they have the same bore size. I Gotta See One thing that kind of pops out is the Machining that's on here is the cheap one does not look terrible. Let's look at the other side that looks cheaper than that, that's for sure that feels much sloppier in there. Look at the bowl off of this one and we'll see.

what we got for the underpinning is everything else looks. This one has a, um, looks like it's got a fuel shut off. That's what that little post there is. You might need to get rid of that.

So when you shut power off, it shuts uh, fuel off to the carburetor. We'll see what that got inside there. Foreign, exact ly anything standing out looks like this is a pretty direct copy. huh? Except for that, let's go look.

just see. make sure there's nothing else that's um, like we don't have this. I Guess the performance. What is what really dictates how it's going to operate, right? Okay, or if the parts would interchange from one to the other.

What's um, pop this out of it and we'll see what's involved. sometimes. if it's a piston that moves up and down, we can just cut the end of it off and it'll just stay open. Sometimes they're like an electrical plunger.

I Don't see anything on that, huh? Well, you think the deal is with that? I Hope there's anything else up in there washer? Yeah I don't see like even if like that ran a magnet and Drew something down. I'm gonna take a quick peek up inside. there might not do anything. so this goes up to a blind hole.

There's really nothing there. I believe this is going to be a temperature sensor for how to move the dash or, uh, with it. check engine temperature on the carburetor. I'm not quite sure what you would do that.

Maybe it's for choke or something along those lines. Some kind of automatic choke I am unaware. but I know we don't need it because we have nothing to plug into it. Plus, also, didn't that float Bowl have a ground? Yeah, so that's why he's got a ground strap on it too.

Because the carburetor is kind of isolated. It's on a rubber mount on each side. Other than possibly the throttle cable, there's no uh Power can get to a carburetor. All right, because we want to get an idea what we're looking at quality wise.
So let's go pop the tops off and we'll go see what difference we have from side to side on these or the other thing it's missing too. So this one doesn't have a vacuum port. This port goes to the petcock and when it sees vacuum, it opens the petcock. When the bike is not running, it allows the fuel to be shut off so that might be an issue.

Four is on the Pet. We'll see how that goes. You can leave it on. Prime I Think they're Pet which is the valve coming off the gas tank has a prime setting.

We could probably leave it on that and it'll just allow fuel to run all the time. Let's go take the good one off first. All right screws are out. This should have a a teal the spring sometimes these tear and this lifts the Um needle and allows more fuel to come in.

So this goes down to the means. yet and as this lifts up with vacuum, it Um allows more fuel to come in. Got some chafing on the side of it just from its age I Don't know if that's showing up there and there. Not terrible though.

All right. let's go pop the other one apart and see what that one looks like. And for number two, just the Machining seems a little bit cheaper. Same with the cover too.

Let's go get some pieces side by side. It's eyeball. Okay, just the casting on this seems a little bit more refined. Let's go look at some other pieces covers.

So this one's plated with something. This looks like it's um, this could be plated too, but this one looks like it's copper plated. This one I Don't know if it's um, you got anything that the center post is brass on. this one looks like this one is just a piece of Steel the rivet because that's the other part too.

How long does it hold up over time, right? You know it could work, but then you know, a year from now. if it's all corroded, let's go stay in there. Rubber looks totally different. Yeah, you're just a little bit more Machining on this one either that that's just where from over time from the slide I'm using it I Think that's what it's from.

Yeah, they made a pretty good copy. Anything else you want to look at: float bowls. This is probably where it's going to show up the most. I would say for damage is like this one.

You can actually see the coating that's on it. the tinning. This one does not have a So there's the shield down here. so the main jet picks up fuel.

It looks like it's mint so it doesn't Splash around. This one's missing. It's not there at all. This is the part that I'm talking about poker.

so this tin is missing where the jet sits. This one doesn't even have it at all. It's not even a spot for the rivet. the uh drain is different.
So this one has a pickup tube coming up so if the fuel goes to overflow, it'll run down the center of that and run out out of the bottom. So if you need a little and see, get stuck. That's the idea of that so it doesn't flood over. and this carp does not have a provision for that at all.

It does. They both should have a drain. They open up. what should they do? so you crack that open if you'll just come right through there.

and that's the same passage for. like I said, if the float sticks and overflows, it'll run down the center of that. instead of just going into your engine and filling your your crankcase up, there's the tab for the ground. I Guess if it needed it.

So I think the only thing that really is showing up is the fact that it doesn't have that one port for the vacuum on top. I Don't know if there's another spot on it anywhere so we could pick up vacuum. I Don't see one do you? Let's go pop the um, choke or enrichment out of it we're gonna need. we think that's about a 12.

hey your Coast was 11. So if this is different, we're gonna have to change this over. should be a plunger inside here that is still on the bike. Come on out going to get you.

We need some needle noise. Well that's an issue. It's jammed in there. We gotta get that out of there to get a cable on it.

There we go. I Think the one that the factory one might have an o-ring on the side of it that does have to be able to move a little bit. Freer Than that though. we got it out without breaking it.

It's going to take an eyeball on the one that's on the machine real quick. It kind of looks the same. pretty close. A little different there, huh? This one's got like a fatter uh Rubber seal on it.

So I I would think we should probably go. This is the choke. Let me turn the choke off. There you go.

We got room and the way that this comes apart stop you from rocking. Pull the spring back. You should be able to get the cable out of it. This spring kind of locks it in.

Yeah, it takes that off. not lose that spring. The barrel looks a little longer too. Maybe a optical illusion.

Well, that's a pretty close copy. Well, for the sake of seeing if it's a decent carb, we're going to try to keep everything that the new carburetor came with. We'll switch it over. That's gonna make us want to put that back on there.

You think that plastic. Uh, you think that plastic jacket is different where it threads this piece. What? I'm gonna do. What we'll do is we'll take the one that's um, that broke? Is that supposed to be like that? Let's go look at the one that came with it and we'll see if um, it threads in to the old carburetor when it'll cross over.

This is the one that came with it. It does have some kind of weird shoulder on. so I think they were just kind of made that way. Let's just make sure that that is going to thread into the old one.
Take it to the same threads. I've run into that like you get a snow blower carb. Everything is like almost the same. That seems like it's going to be fine, so we'll leave that the way it is.

All right. So I'm gonna go and reassemble this one and we'll put it on there and we'll see what we get. I Gotta say, for 36 bucks, there's a lot of stuff on there. That's uh, how you could afford to even make something for that cheap.

You figure it's sold retail for 36. How much was it? Two bucks when it first started? So I wonder if we can switch over I wonder if we could take this out I wonder if this will thread out. It doesn't look like it's gonna get enough room though. huh? It looks like it threads all the way up in there.

Yeah. I would like to have brought this over to the other carburetor. Oh well. let's go just check the throw on those two throttles.

We'll go center of the hole. Let's go see if the other one kind of lines up to that close enough. Do look like it was different though, didn't it? It did come with another cover also. So I guess they realized that it is a different size altogether.

so it comes with that and then it's got its own locking screw set up for it. It's called that carburetor back in I think I see that's going to be possibly an issue. This is the throttle cable coming down. There's an adjuster up there I don't know if you can see it.

it's all the way down. so this is cranked all the way down to give as much slack as possible. but even with that, there's a gap between where the throttle idle spot the throttle a little bit. You see what I'm talking about.

So full throttle idle, but this should be more down like that. Possibly might be able to steal more cable from up above and possibly this needs to be cranked way in. It might not even be where you know that might be where idle is and it might not be an issue. So I'm going to get the air filter back on it.

put the Box on it for the proper drag. We'll fire it up. see what we get. Perfect guys.

Let me show you that pet what I was talking about. So here's the vacuum line that we don't have anywhere to go to. I would suppose. Possibly we can even tap into the intake manifold somewhere if we have to.

But so it's got reserve on and then Prime and I'm pretty sure that's how it works is that Prime will run. let fuel run even if the engine's not running. So uh, say you know the first time you're filling it up or like right now the float ball was empty. It'll fill it up, but then you go to reserve or on.

it needs to see the engine running for it to open the valve so it just doesn't keep trying to dump fuel. Say if you wreck it or something like that, it won't keep trying to piss fuel out through the carburetor. so we're gonna leave it on that. Let's go uh, up top, turn the key on, see what happens and there goes the battery and grab a jumper pack.
hey, dropper packs on it. Let's go try it again. We started Canal Park just trying to joke off, just throw it all the way. I'll see what happens.

We'll stay and running. It would never do that before so it's already a plus sign. I'm gonna let it run for a few minutes and uh, we'll dial in that uh, that stop on that throttle I might be right where it needs to be. On second thought, it's gonna get hot real quick so I'm gonna try running that up before that.

my hands right on the exhaust right now so I'm going to run that up so it touches. Definitely sounds much better. Yeah, you're not going to want to do that in a trail. Foreign, definitely sounds better.

I Have a feeling the idle is going to be a little too high though when we're all said and done. but I'm gonna give her a couple minutes. let him run. I'm gonna go turn the exhaust fan on I'll bring you back.

Why will it warm up? Let's go turn it to reserve and we'll see if this fuel does shut off. It could be even. no. This could even be stuck in the open position.

For being 20 years old, this is what happens if it'll run out of gas. Yeah, it definitely sounds much better than it did before. We might have some adjustment in here. they can back it off.

Hopefully maybe not. Oh yeah good. So we could run that in, give our cable a little bit more room. let's have a little free play there I got a little free play foreign that bottom one there and give it a little bit more.

just gonna make sure it gets full throttle. Nice. I'm gonna let it run till the fan comes on. Yeah so I did as it warmed up RPMs came up a little bit.

so I did back that screw off around the exhaust about a turn and a half and um, we'll see how it kind of settles in. Seems pretty decent right now. We can still again tweak it later. Uh, you want to see a little bit more about this machine kind of stuff that's been done to it and what it's got.

you know I'll mostly just go over some things. uh, first one, probably while the seat's off. So normally the batteries underneath where the battery pack is, it'll have like a motorcycle battery in it that is down in that compartment right there. I Extended two leads.

That's these right here and I Run up to a battery. You can get rid of this RAM to a battery. I Keep a battery up in this auxiliary box extra seat. It never comes off so it's not an issue.

These batteries are about 35 bucks a piece. 40 bucks a piece. They have much more capacity or volume to them. this one's B but you know, uh, as far as like running a winch or something compared to the little battery that's down inside there and that little battery down in there I think was over a hundred and something dollars.

So I changed it up to here. Plus if you need to jump start something, it's much easier to get to. instead of getting the seat up, getting the covers and everything off that are under there and trying to get on those little terminals so that's worked out good for me. The back seat has worked awesome I've had to reinforce the base of it a couple of times.
Like you see, the strap is kind of wearing out I went right through it I don't know if you'll be able to see it. there is a okay, let me Shut the bike off in the fan off and talk about the noise. Yeah, it's better. So I have like u-bolts going through.

they're probably under the battery on this side and I just grabbed the rack I used wood too I understand so it's a piece of wood down here. Grab a light and I went through that and bolted the the base of it down because they just had to. kind of relying is all like survival stuff in case you get stuck. You see like right there where it's bolted down to the rack is a key.

it's probably to the box. I Think about a lock in the Box yeah it's the key to to these in the front. so I added this. uh, my wife rides up on here on her throne.

She likes that. I went with larger tires the stock ones. uh, the side walls. our territory is really Rocky so you have a very good chance of cutting into the sidewall and that's what happened to it.

It literally cut into the side of one of the tires just by pinching it on a rock. So these are ITP 589s they were. Um, ATP ITP at 589s they are two inches taller I think stock was 23 and these are 25. and it makes a world of difference.

It cut down my power a little bit, but the machine does have a high and a low range too. but as far as like going into snow and all, it definitely bites. Much better than what it did on a uh on the stock tires. uh, bumper was off of something else I Got out of the yard sale I Kind of customized it to make it fit on this machine because they didn't have anything on there and as you can see, the plastic takes a hit because you're going over brush and banging and stuff that um takes a toll on the front of it.

uh, going back to where the tires. so when the bigger tires are on there, of course it flings mud all over and you're trying to trail ride it. and I think these were off of I Want to say these were yard sale finds for some kind of wheel, well to modify it from a car or a truck. Then the back didn't have anything and they are getting beat up over time.

You can see by the tie wraps and all but this is the stuff that you would use like say on a commercial building on the floor, the molding where the wall meets the floor from Home Depot and they have screws kind of coming up from the bottom but as you crash into stuff they have a tendency to get tore up a little bit and that keeps the mud from like filling up the sides of the machines really bad. I Added a winch to it I think I'm on the third one. what's on it now? Super winch I Got on there yeah, 3 000 pounds super winch. This one's been holding up pretty good.
I've had a couple of other ones that were name brands and they kind of cropped out. they the problem is you you get this thing submerged in water and although those are supposed to be sealed up pretty good. uh they get in here and that's what it takes them out one of them I think one of them stripped the gears out too which was a um I could say because I don't off the top of my head top my head remember what it was I put these on. these are metal guards for your CV joints.

They had little plastic covers down there and uh you know again our machines were rocks, are very uh susceptible to Denton uh smashing and banging. You can tell by just the you know the fact that the half the decals already wore away from going over things. it's got a plastic one in the front that seems to have held up pretty good and then there's a plastic plate underneath it that's held up pretty good. So if and when they ever trashed I was gonna go get new ones for it.

but so far it's been okay. I don't think I did a lift kit on it. it's been so long ago I don't remember I don't think so I think I just have them you know turned all the way up as far as the suspension is concerned and it's really handy, you know, mirrors got smashed off it. So I put some motorcycle mirrors on it that I had and uh, it's got foot pegs on the back that you can flip down for your passenger to go ride like that.

It says warnings right on the seat. not you're not supposed to ride two up and all that so you know do what you want. so I feel uh, is that it? I think so if it's held up fairly well I'd really not. Oh, we gotta do brakes on it.

That's the other thing while we got it in here. Um, it needs front and rear pads I have them somewhere. we got to go dig them out. So if you want to hang out for a little while and do a little bit more wrenching on it before we, uh, try to putt it around and see how it does and stick around.

So uh I ain't gotta get a battery and one or two more things to do this. I extended the exhaust it normally came out here I went up higher. so then when you go through the mud and everything if you stall it out it doesn't fill the exhaust up with coolant, added a trailer hitch to it, removing trailers around and working the machine. I Gotta drop this down a little bit because when you're putting the trailer on, it seems to be okay.

But you know how the trailer has that latch up on top that smashes into the box? that's back here. that just you know you keep like toe straps and stuff like that in there. Pull the other guy out. Not me.

The back only has brakes on one side because it's a solid axle, a live axle. so it only has pads on that side over there. So let's get it lifted up and we'll take that one and get into it. Just keep her a quick start, see how it restarts if that batteries kind of thing.
Yeah, yeah, nice. All right. let's use that rear wheel off of there I Know I'm not sure where's the front of the rear, probably the rear. It sounded like it was metal on metal.

All right. foreign metal to me. We get you in closer. Yeah, you see, it was.

So we got. yeah, that inner pad's all the way down. We got our money's worth out of that one. The thing is too, when you're riding, you use mostly the rear brakes because um, yeah, you're going downhill or something you don't want the front end to to wash out.

Yeah, kind of like I Like to let the ass in, you know, slip joke there. All right, let's get that off of there and go see what those pads look like and hopefully that caliper can squeeze back in Yeah clean that up a little first. you can get away with cracking the two behind it I think once it's up out of the air I might be able to flip it on. It's some calipers you only have to take one bolt off.

you can kind of flip it on its side I think I probably took the wrong one out to do that. Some cars you can do that. So I think on this one, you lift it right up and we've got to slide to center it out. Jeez, A little stiff.

so I think you can push I think you collapse it and you get one pad out. It's kind of a weird, convoluted system. Yeah, that's metal to metal right there. I can remember how to do this? Do you remember? Let me squeeze the Piston back in.

we'll see if that goes. First of all, that's the Piston right there and we should really clean up that surface. There's a seal and this ropes against that looks like it's missing the um, this should be like a rubber boot something like that I think should be here keeping that Piston from getting In Harm's Way try to squeeze into a pliers first see if that does anything for us and that will escalate to like a C-clamp Yeah, it's going I don't know if that's all the way. I'm gonna go take a quick look at the new pads and see how thick they are I don't think there's very much meat on them to begin with.

Decent tiny. Aren't they compared to a car? Yeah, that's got to go all the way in. Yes, it also works. So I squeezed in and worked it back.

Now this inner one should be able to come out actually a decent amount of meat on it and then just remember how this one went I Think this has to go all the way in. Now tap it here so this one has to can now travel much further over and then the pins I think will clear this capacity right here you can slide this one out. It does not much room but there's enough foreign all the way collapse. it should be just enough room to get it out of there.

If you need a hair more, it's almost there. we go. Yeah, definitely got our miles out of that one. All right.

I'm gonna go clean this up a bit. I Want to clean some of these pins up and pivot Points I Want to see if we can get this apart a little more, clean up some of these surfaces I Have a feeling it might have been binding a little bit. That's why one pad wore out much more than the other one did. Yeah, so it's now we could take it completely apart.
These are the pins that are binding. That's why I did that if I get them out of there. One was okay. one's got a lot of chalkiness to it.

I'm gonna clean them up on a wire wheel Lube them you even see Lube them and um, do the same in the hole. you can see. one was fine, one not so good. This thing goes frequently underwater from time to time, so it does get in there.

Good good. The Piston's okay too. I might go squeeze out a little bit more in now. Yeah, no resistance.

That means that stayed in good shape. so now we just got to put it all back together. Should move a lot easier. This should float now, which it does, all right.

So we got to put the tall pad in first. one has the support holes in it. This has to go back far enough, but this one can fit up in there All right. there we go.

now. this can come back out that's pinned and then the other one can fit up inside there like that. I Just gotta try to. Wiggle all that assembly back down over the wheel and I think we got it and hopefully as long as nothing falls out, we'll get those in there almost.

Yeah, it seems like um, that's probably like the one deficiency on this machine would have been better. More breaking material seems like it just wears out really fast. I think when I went to go look at the machine and I was looking it up back in 2003, the biggest complaint was the the pads were out really quick and I think at the time the fix was to go for more of a metallic pad like an aftermarket pad, it's been a really decent machine. It really hasn't.

Um, I shouldn't say it I'll refrain. You know what I mean. All right, let's uh, we'll get the back tire on this. We can let this down and we'll take a quick peek at the front.

The front might even be okay, but I do have pads. If I need them, we'll just take a peek. Oh and that list of things that I kind of picked away and put on it to modify. the back rear skid plate was another one that went on.

There had like a little plastic cover back here and I put this one on. You can see it's uh, mostly to save the rear differential and by the looks of it, it's definitely done. So it's taken a few hits and uh, you know, curved its shape over time. Don't have the other tire off the ground but we could pump it up and uh, plate make sure the pedal pumps up.

That should lock up and be free. There we go. Yeah, freeze up. nothing binding.

Very good. So one thing is I want you to get a jacket underneath there. Let's go see, it's a winch. a little helpless.

There you go. All right. pop a tire off someone's Meats left on those. Let's go get the new pads and look at them.

They look like my guess is about halfway done. Let's see we got. here's the new ones I like it's much wear on them at all. Yeah, there they're about.
uh nothing like I said. you know most of the time I use the rear brakes and again you got two sets of pads. Two wheels in the front are have much more braking surface. So I think we're good.

I'm just going to take a quick peek on the other side to make sure that I didn't have a caliper that hung up and burned one side of it up. but I think we'll be all right. Everything seemed like it's spinning fine too so no binding. Yeah one thing I do find is an issue: front wheel bearing.

let's go on. the other side's tight so unfortunately with that can cause is that the caliper is kind of a fixed from the the frame of the front end but the wheel is able to move a little bit so that's what happens with the pad on that rotor. That road is trying to move around inside there so gotta get me one of them but not today. It's a cyclist for the oil right there.

It's got a low and a high. It is, uh, still lifted in the front end, but it's looking a little on the dirty side. I Have a new oil filter for it, which goes right there. I Don't think it has many hours on it since the last oil change, but it has been, you know, probably three or four years or so.

So wow, we're here. Might as well give her a drain. Hopefully the dream plug is accessible I Think through that hole right there. Awesome.

I'm gonna drop the drain plug in the pail and I got it? Yeah, it definitely need to change. It's pretty dark. Yes, indeed. Well, that sure holds a decent amount, huh? I Don't see any shininess to it.

It's also the gearbox of the transmission too. It's not just the engine, so sometimes you'll get some metal. It's not like you have to be really paranoid because you could be getting some off the gears, but you got to use kind of. I think a decent oil.

I'm gonna use motorcycle oil you want something with, you know, take a work clutches because it's got an automatic clutch in it and let that piss out a little bit. The plug-in I think it's probably around four quarts. It definitely looks cleaner than it did before I Still have to fire it up and it'll fill up the Oil Filter part of It if I drop down here. let's give her a cold start.

We're a couple days later. see how that carburetor does? All right, let's go and give her some choke. All right, let's settle up. Yeah, it picked up some dirt, huh? It's been a while.

then you tell what how much that contaminated itself with how much kind of crap is still laying in the case. I probably should have warmed it up when I before I changed the oil so it kind of had everything floating a little. That noise is the battery charger. All right.

I'm gonna go top her off and put all the covers on. Shut up. those tabs go back on. For those who don't know, you just go in and now when you click it in one, it's reopened, the outer prongs back up again and to remove it, push it in and it'll shrink them back up one more click.
The Good: but the problem is they kind of fail over time, especially in like the colder climates you try taking apart. When they're cold, they have a tendency to break I mean the right spot? see how like that? I'll widens them out, it's reset and if you push it all the way in, it allows these to go back in for the whole thing to come out. So I like to knock about an inch off that trailer hitch. Like I said, a trailer comes over, but it's got that Tang that flips up I Think it's jammed up between the box.

so let's see if we can get this off. Hopefully the threads aren't too beat up and we can, you know, just Notch an inch or so off of it and be able to lower it down just a little bit more loose. Now we're gonna be out of threads. that's gonna be an issue.

I Come up with something. Hmm. so this has a bolt welded so the threads coming up in here I welded a bolt to continue it on to give it the length and we've got to cut this apart, cut the bolts off, either get a different bolt or whatever and kind of refabricate the whole thing. If we're gonna go through all that and maybe we should try and just get like a removable trailer hitch like a receiver.

I Do believe I have some trailer hitch stuff in my stash to like. there's one right there we even go. Maybe we can go one of the little ones. the one and a quarter.

We don't need that big huge setup I think there's a bigger one here too somewhere there it is. Yeah, that's an extender. that might be a little. Overkill Especially for a four-wheeler, you can really only tow in a machine probably weighs I don't know.

600 pounds you towed like maybe a thousand before it's out of control. See what we can come up with? I like to make it also too. We can put like a receiver in with a hole in it because some of like the little garden trailers has a um some little garden hitches have the uh, just a pin that you put through it. Let's see what I can find.

So I found a couple of the ends that we need. We can make it like a drop down or drop up so we just need Square Tubing that that will fit into. If we just weld that on, we'll flip that ball around so it's actually facing upward. give a little bit of height.

Foreign. Back over here all right. Workforce that's a piece of um hammock for a yard frame, but we can cut, plunk of that off, drill a hole in it and weld it to the back of the four-wheeler Not that much room to work with. but see I don't want to go right up against the differential I Want to come off a little bit but maybe that far and we'll make it not big.

Agree! Further out we come, the more wrenching it's going to want to make on this bracket plus climbing up a hill I Don't want to check that again. Yeah, we're good. Let's make sure that we're inside the width of the tires. If you go to up something really steep, you don't scrape on that foreign.
Watch your toes. Okay so we punch a hole right about there looks like in the middle of me and we got it's. probably the fattest one clip in there I should do it. Just want to make sure we get that pin in and out.

it's going to be close. Uh, plenty of room. Good foreign hang tight 2020 I Probably should drill the hole here that way that the other style trailer which you just put a pin in I could have just left it right on top and put a pin all the way through. but sometimes you think about it right at the last minute.

we could probably still drill the hole. watch. that's welding to be funny, not that funny. snug.

I think the paint just kind of got heated up glued itself to it. Yeah. I can't really get a drill and get it from the bottom can I Maybe I might screw with that I might not. Who's your daddy? Oh yeah.

I'd like to be able to shorten this up a little. hey that is. find another one I Have a feeling this might be hardened so it might be uh and difficult to saw through. so I like to choke it up to about right there we can cut the end off if it works.

I'm gonna try drilling a hole right there I'm not gonna give it much hope though. actually not too bad. Just stepped it up with drill bit sizes. There we go I can go cut off.

probably about that much of it like the factory made it. Yeah, a little Lube in the hole slides right in. just fine. You ready to go for a ride? All right, let's go.

All right. Well hopefully your view stays halfway decent. You're on a uh a chest Mount setup this Trail is uh behind my Camp I haven't been on it for I Want to say seven or eight months? We had a bunch of storms come through I Don't know what damage we have for trees down and that kind of stuff. So let's go exploring.

We'll go see how the four-wheeler does and have a little bit of fun. We're in two-wheel drive still. we gotta water crossing to go over. Go put it in four wheel back in the first.

a bunch of braces down. Hey, nobody's been on this one. This is a good thing I guess hmm because you're probably brought a chainsaw. Let's see if we can push our way through.

This one might be able to drag this one out of our way. Grab the ass end of that and just drag it to the side. Oh yeah, imagine getting a plow truck through here. Yes, yes, I will.

I Didn't change the battery yet so I left the I brought a jumper pack with me just in case it has pull start. Also, it also has a high and low range so it's a five-speed automatic. It's a tag down here. It's a five-speed automatic with a high in the low range which is that lever here for the most part.

Leave it in high if you're a plowing or something with it. Maybe you use low. Everybody haven't found a use for it since the whole time I've had it. Thank you to be able to hop over this one.
There we go. How deep you think that is actively flowing across too? Give her that's fine. Break it up a little bit Buzz Right through it. Knock this one down the tire.

It's hard to hold on one-handed the four wheel drive. it wants to twist it out of your hands Trail Turn that off for now. Foreign big rooster tail. Let's go for a romp deep here.

You got about a foot foot and a half of snow here. I Think we need four wheel. We got the rock our way out. there's that wet heavy Mucky we have here that dead looking four-wheeler huh? Let's go check that out.

I Think that thing is to me, it looks like it. it's in a fire. Yeah, definitely. Well, tires are burned right off.

Here's the middle left over from the Suzuki Yeah. Suzuki it's like one of those, uh, two-wheel drive. Yep, probably got Suzuki 230 or something. I think we do a cold start on that.

It's gonna be a good will it run huh? I Hope they set it on fire in the woods or they had like a gas leak and it's gone. It's gonna strip the gas tank off it. seats seat probably burned up. Yeah, that's what's left of that.

That's the left. the wiring that went to the back. Somebody visited it with a beer camp. Yeah, there's a really cool size he's asking the homie Muffler tailpipe on it pulled away? huh? Yeah, too bad there's no carburetor.

nothing on it. so if it was burned up, the engine's gonna be all locked up because the water's been getting it forever. Hmm. keep this one memory for parts we need a rear diff or anything.

Oh this is seems pretty good A little breaking up. probably you should change the plug while I have it there wouldn't hurt and the game still have to do a battery could run a little machine though. that carb for 36 bucks I Gotta tell you I'm impressed with it. Seems like it's doing what it's supposed to be doing I'll put a note like over time if we find that in the future.

it uh I had some issues with it I'll put it noticing anything lasted like three months instead of crapping out. but so far so good. Better than the 700 one that's the factory one. I'm sure I could do better on a price, but still okay guys.

Well I'm gonna do a little bit more trail riding as I'm punching through the snow, shaking the camera. but uh Eugene's uh, doing quite well. seemed like that. It was like putting a little bit at the idle.

It seems to clear itself up. I Think it just needs a couple of uh, high speed runs that I Think y'all for hanging out. Do a little bit of wrench on my little four-wheeler and they'll get me something else pretty soon. I Got a couple of new machines that we're gonna start getting into I Just wanted to get somebody my maintenance stuff on down on my old Runners All right guys, dead! thanks for hanging out with me and uh I'll see you soon later.
All right? Foreign, Foreign.

By Mustie

15 thoughts on “Old 4 wheeler runs like crap, lets fix it.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bob Cooke says:

    Did I hear right, not a yard or roadside find, but new ! Good for you Darren 👍🙂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars baiosZisimos says:

    Beautiful as always 😅😅😅😅😅

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Reber says:

    Gas cap vent?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curtis Johnston says:

    @Mustie1: I am wondering if you have to leave that Burnt Out ATV hulk in the woods? if not, Possible Video [or video collab] to get it out of the woods.
    Maybe even "Mustie something Up" to trailer/haul it out, make the workload easier.

    I know, it's not your usual content, but I'm sure that your other subscribers would understand and appreciate the work.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars traderjoes says:

    Bald eagles have made a huge comeback here on Long Island

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greg K says:

    Wheeew, Oh Man!!! We was haulin' ass at the end there! That was fun as hell!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Garner says:

    My Kawasaki KLR650 had the same style brake calipers. It always wore out the inside pad way quicker than the outside pad just like the one on this quad.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Stafford says:


  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stephen esler says:

    May I call you Trail Boss

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Timothy Martelle says:

    You should do a will it run on that burned up Suzuki!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Uncle Todd's Garage says:

    I just purchased the same cheap carb for my Kawasaki. Hope it works out as well as yours. Thanks!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill Forrest says:

    Can you share the link with us? I also need to get a carburetor for my Suzuki King Quad

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chru cas says:


  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cristi Neagu says:

    Well, you know what This Old Tony says about welding. If it sounds like bacon, you're doing well. If it smells like bacon, you're on fire.
    And if it looks like bacon, it's probably lunch time.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars bumboclat says:

    I wonder what Mr. Oizo is doing these days.

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