This ratty 1992 Daihatsu mini truck was picked up in unknown condition, well the more we look into it the worse it gets. lets take the engine apart and see what we have and if we can save it?

And number three: 25 20.. Hopefully it's just a little overfilled with oil. I got ta find out and the water water will more likely be on the bottom. So now that's it's weird that the stick was so dirty.

Oh god we're getting. I don't know if that's, yellow water or any freeze or we'll find out in a second when we pull that out of there. I think i think that's exactly what it is. I think it's oil and any freeze - hey guys, how's it going hey we're going to continue on this daihatsu mini pickup truck that i picked up about a month ago, not running and in unknown condition.

On the last video we got into it and we found that the engine has very low compression and when we went to go, do a leak down test, which is you take air and you push it into the cylinder you see where it's coming out. It came out the radiator, so the head gasket at minimum is blown so we have to start tearing into the engine to try to figure out what happened to it, whether it's salvageable or not. Don't have the answer to that, but hopefully, by the end of this video we do between now and then i also ordered a engine. Gasket set came from the philippines that came in.

Hopefully it's the right one not sure clean. The crap out of the bed found a couple of different things, and one of the things i found was a intake manifold, gasket laying in there, so somebody has definitely been in there before us. Hopefully, that does not mean uh, there's some terminal things that we're not able to be fixed. All right.

Let's go get you set up, mr get the truck up in the air and we'll figure out what it takes to get that cylinder head off all right. We're underneath and we need to break it right here - is the break where the cylinder head is. You can see the color difference of it, so anything connected to that needs to get removed. So it's good.

This motor mount has to come out. I want to try to do without pulling the motor. You know this motor may have to come out anyway, but i'd say we could take the exhaust off. Hopefully the studs do not come with it.

If not, we could split it at the flange and drain the coolant out of it. I think half of it's gone. We drained the oil and half the oil was cool, and so it was about three quarters of a gallon of oil and three quarters of a gallon of antifreeze. That's not a good sign either.

What i'm hoping for is that we don't have a big crack on the inside of it that really made things kind of terminal in this country. Parts are not available. All that well, as you can see, but hey guys get set. This is an older one too.

So there's a more modern engine. I think it's a 660.. I think this is a 550 and the 550, because it's older a little harder to find parts for distributors on the end of it there. We could probably leave that maybe on i'm not sure what runs that if it has a timing gear or something must run up into that, to run it all right enough bitter pattern.

Let's go see if we can drain the coolant out of it, get that out of the way and then we'll start taking probably make some support to go across the engine and cradle, and then we can get that motor mounted out of the way. Now. Hopefully, no oil comes out and if you just went into the oil, not vice versa, but we're going to find out in a second might not be anything left in it, but they call that an increase yeah not much, though yeah pretty much pushed everything you had In out of it just gets going too all right, hey guys, we first kind of looked at it. The first time right over to your left was this little weird patch.
We saw on this cooling pipe and i have a feeling now: it's probably the original failure and it ran out of coolant and they ran it, overheated it and then said: oh patched, it filled it up with coolant and then went through the process probably running it. Would run a little while and just kept getting worse as once the head gasket goes and it's just pumping air into the cooling system, and then you know, there's no cooling anymore. You know it's just fluid in there. It fills up the cavity around the engine with air and doesn't do any heat removal, and the other thing i found in the bed too was some radiator stop leak.

You know a little powder that you put in so definitely definitely failed and was put away. It wasn't like it was put like it was said that it was put away, running and just didn't get used anymore, yeah sure that filters junk anyway. You want to get that out of our way too yeah. I don't think coolant is supposed to be coming out of there.

Just saying that 90 coolant, i think we could support bike. This looks like a bolt boss, some kind of mount. If we try catching that see if that works for us cable's getting us a little. Can we get around it there we go.

Let's give her a little bit positive reinforcement that should do it. Let's get the motor mount out come down hit me in the head. That's a good sign! There we go more room, we don't really need to take the exhaust manifold off, but i'm going to give it a shot if the bolts come out of the way, just kind of makes the assembly a little lighter to work with. So we got all the bolts out, plus the ones in the flange out here.

Let's give her a couple of taps: don't even have to tap it, get that down of the way, and we have the probably the same thing to do on the top of the intake manifold so might as well go take a peek up there, i'm going to Real quick look in those ports, though, see, if i see any kind of cracking, oh that wasn't in our way, but work with what we got it looks like i don't know. If that's two coolant hoses right, there looks like it i'll get them out of the way we got ta. It looks like a cam cover. It's an overhead cam.

Then the distributor runs off the end of that, so that belt's gon na have to come out of there too. So that means that cover has got to come off. Can that come out like a partial, doesn't look like it? Does it that kind of sucks and looks like it goes all the way down to the to the crank pulley there one one continuous up, so we got ta get the belt off get this pulley out of the way these hoses can come out and, of course, That intake manifold is gon na have to come off too. So it's a bit of a mess huh, i'm gon na probably do a bunch of digging i'll get you caught up once i uh get close to getting my head off there.
Instead of dragging this out too much, of course, the very first thing i take off radiator hose has an adapter another hunk of hose put on there. So that's not even the correct size hose, my suspect would be, maybe the other side's the same way hey. You know you're in trouble. The water pump, all four bolts are different.

Nope nobody's been in there before us, not at all. Well so much for trying to sneak the cylinder head out of there. It's gon na have to get torn down pretty decent, because this timing cover that black cover back. There goes down around and under the main, crankshaft pulley that that's going to have to come off of there and generally an impact gun and possibly a puller.

So the radiator is in a way got to get that out, disconnect all that stuff get deep. That was easy. You'll need to use those bolt holes to pull it off good. Let's get that cover out of there.

We see where the timing belt is and put it on right, atop that center, when we take it apart. So hmm, let's see anything funky sticking out. I try to find some timing marks, probably something on that one. I would figure there's a dot or something on this pulley right here, and what we should be able to do is kind of place that back on there and give us something to turn it by.

I really want to get it top to the center and what would it line up to too all right? Let me go try and figure that out see if you can see anything clean stuff up a little bit anything on there and try to get it where we want it. That's not that important. We got to kind of figure it out later anyway, though right. So these might as well take a peek and see if we can put a couple of paint marks.

What's that right, there uh it's like a top. Does you guys can look up there? That might be it right there with the f. Where that face. Is i don't know, you know that there's another one right there all right guys tight quarters, so i got these cylinder head and whatever original mark on top the yellow, where the indent was lined up.

But unfortunately i went down to the crankshaft and you can see where that mark is facing. I would think it's either would face straight up at the cam or you know going across the block evenly or some kind of mark if it was set up. That way like, maybe that would be the mark, but it's just not lining up to anything so before i do anything, i'm going to run around and make sure there's no other marks on here with a right, a scotch brite disc, we'll clean that up. This is anything other marks on there and, if not we'll, put new marks on it and we'll just give ourselves some locating marks that we know if we put it back together at those spots, it is where it was, but if it's like that, there's a good Chance it possibly even jumped too, because again i don't know the history of this - probably we're trying to get it running.
I wonder if it was hydro, locked, meaning it had coolant in the cylinder which i kind of know what i already did and see if they tried towing it and the hydro locked and it just made the belt spin or jump. I don't know i'm just guessing right now, all right, let's get uh that cleaned up well, it looks like that is our only mark on the whole thing, so we're gon na go. I guess park that somewhere and mark where it is or we're just gon na make another a new mark and uh tie it somewhere on there. So i took that pulley off of there.

I was like yeah. Why not? I might as well mark this stuff too. What i noticed is the key is facing straight up, so that can give us a good guidance to where it was. Everything else is marked all right, so we need to get that tensioner loose, don't mind the bug you awake, yeah he's napping.

We need a 14.. Actually get the tension off of that wrench. It's a sloppy 14.. Stop it come on, don't slip out on me.

I should grab a 12-point socket. I know i should a six-point rabbit, but i'm here, okay, i'm gon na screw with it. First, there we go a little bit of history on these things on this one, because it's left-hand drive us spec. I guess they imported them from 87 to 92 93 and i think they were um, not military government issue stuff that they used and uh things were governed to 25 miles an hour and you could you unplug something? You pull a clip on something and bypass the governor or something else, and i guess they've got two extra years and they don't have a rev limiter or cut out all right.

I think we're good on that right and i think that's been done to this one by the way come on. One of your sides got to play well jam you with a screwdriver and they made a jumbo big americans. So these are all jumbo, which is an extra cab, the bed's a little shorter. But it's got like i don't know, eight inches more room in the cab behind the seat and then the roof is puffed up, probably about four giving you jump.

Cab should have marked the belt yeah. Well, it's too late kind of spin, some stuff looks like somebody was in there to replace the water pump at some point. Yeah, that's a little ratty all right. Let's go see about getting the.

What do we got to do? We still have the oh man, the intake stuff, on top yeah. We got a ways to go and rockers and head bolts. You already take the uh intake off. I think i can leave the carb with it and the fuel pump too, which is this and, of course it's got two different pieces of hardware on it keep keeping with the theme.
I guess i thought you take off there. No problem tied it up with a tie, wrap on the side. I don't think i don't see that being an issue and as far as the headless, i thought we had to go. Take the rocker assembly off, but it looks like all the head bolts are accessible without doing that.

Let's go get that buzzed off of there and finally get to go, see what's happening, cut the head bolts out, one kind of stands proud of the others. I would say that is the one that had the coolant leaking around it, that was bottom bottom middle, because this as you're looking at the engine, that's how they came out. So let's go pop it off all right. Let's go give her a little nylon.

Persuasion see if it moves at all, i think it is that was easier than expected. It's not too heavy anything. I look disconnected or connected right. It feels like something who's still hanging with us all right, we're cheating, looking ahead of time, nope, it's freaking, let's go over to the bench, take a peek at my head, so it was leaking oof that that looks terrible huh it was leaking.

I think it was from this cylinder to the coolant chamber, i'm looking for a blow away in the head, gasket and it looks a little suspect right there. Let's go see if we can take it off and keep standing on the other side. That battles like crap huh, i wonder if it was getting steam cleaned forever. Can you see, i would think yeah? What's the closest that doesn't really have to be the closest well that bolt that came out, which one was that that one? What's that one? So i would suspect - maybe we lost it right here somewhere, that's the bolt that was rusted.

It'd have to make it through. The compression ring too, that would be up, looks a little funky. Doesn't it they're not exactly circles, i'm not sure if they're supposed to be or not either all right? Let's go look on the block and see if there's something obvious on that end, like a big old crack or something yeah that sucks that'll just be better up top or down below. Let's go see what we got.

Let's go mount that light somewhere all right that cylinder both was like all this almost like crap look at all the pitting in the top of that middle one, though, that i think that's a problem right there. I think it just can't hold the compression ring anymore. Yeah, i don't know what did something go bouncing around inside there like. What's the deal with how crappy that is, we should take an oil, some rags and just kind of look at.

Let's go look at the other ones. This seems to be the only one. That's got if you're looking at, maybe like where the black is. You would think it would have like a a stain from where you know every time it fires and that exhaust is essentially is trying to pass across, and he also had oil in the water water.
In the oil, which is my gas just running past the rings and down like once, it leaks into the cylinder chamber, so this was a again just for reference. This was the rusty one and yeah. The top of that cylinder looks kind of crappy um. I don't know, maybe we take some rags and we'll clean up those jugs, real, quick and we'll take a peek we'll make sure we don't have anything taking a split like i don't know what that is actually looks like a pit there's a little pit right there That might all be pitted that might be junk hmm and that liking our aspect of just putting the gasket on and going forward.

But let's keep going all right, some brake cleaner through there and surface it's just hammered, you can see it. It definitely sat there with antifreeze sitting in that pool right there. You can see where it rotted it away and then, when you turn it, the rusty krusty crap makes a passage up in here, see all that scoring that takes it out. Uh, let's go take a flapper disc around.

These are sleeves and possibly replaceable. I don't know if this engine - and this thing anyway, let's go - take a flopper disc. To this see if we see any cracks or anything going across, that's really gon na condemn it. Wow got cleaned up and i don't see any cracks so to speak, but it is definitely one piece you can see.

The casting goes through from the cylinder this one so you'd have to fix. Whatever is there, which would mean you would shave the head to try to get this surface back on the same plane, and then you know you got ta, get it to where you're past those pits. I don't think that's happening very well, plus. I kind of question right: there almost looks like a crack, doesn't it the problem with a crack? Is the cooling jacket is on the other side of it? So that's where the compression again would leak from the cylinder into the cooling, and then you know vice versa.

You shut it off. The cooling system has pressure in it. You know six psi or whatever and then compression goes away in the cylinder and it pushes coolant into that crack and it puddles leaks into that cylinder. Fills it up see, maybe that much every time it does what it does and it takes the rings out.

So that's the other part of it. What's going on right now is you know the rings are beat because you've been sliding up and down on this crap. So, let's go put, i don't know we'll hook the power up to the starter, a little bit of oil in each one and spin them that can hurt anything all right. Yeah, let's go! Do this hey watch your eyeballs, that's the last one! That, first one, i should say, probably looks the best of them all.

I think they had the best compression too, but you still see damage right. There go spin them up a little that middle one's the one. That's really telling huh yeah she's pretty cooked. First, one's not too bad.

I think that number three three's not much better yeah that one's good too. So that's it's compression issues. Let's shift gears a little bit and i want to see what this thing has for a transmission. It's got a weird shifter here, says: d n and something and then we got a regular shifter.
So i i don't know he was saying, that's reverse. It goes up into reverse. Who knows so? Let's go get the back tires off the ground and we'll see what we get we'll put it in gear, we'll just bump the starter, we'll see which way the wheels turn and see again. What are those those don't know when you're jacking something up? It's always that slight uneasy feeling that you're doing something wrong and, as i was jacking it up or something's gon na bite you and turn around in the uh engine, it tries to come after me a little bit.

The motor mount on that side wasn't connected. The glue was all busted off, so nothing was holding it on that side. So i was able just to tilt and slide. I thought i was just gon na rock down a little bit nope all right.

I get a ratchet, strap or something get that back up into its location came down pretty far good thing. The rear one held. It's probably like a tie, wrap holding it right now. The only thing that should do it a little more safer than that.

Look at that center lever in the end position and the shifter i think in first gear, so we get like much anything i'll try to shift there again check the other side. Nope, let's go for downward. All right seems like second gear all the way up. Now i don't know anything puts in a neutral drive, so it's go.

Look at the other side, yeah they're both going forward. I think it's it might be high in low range. I don't know the other thing. It could be.

It's like a pto that it runs, but anyway it does not do it. Let's go find, make sure it's got to reverse suck yeah. I think that's it yeah! That's reverse! I don't know what. Ah you know what it's got for speeds they had a like.

I said a clip that you would disengage a couple of gears. I should be like fourth yeah all right, so we know that's a pile, that's what we know. Hmm okay so seems like the trans is probably okay. Rear seems like it's all right.

Who knows if it's got for brakes engine the the problem with this thing? Is it in this country is kind of a gray market machine? So it's not like these are common motors that you can just go, find i'm going to put it in or you know, get the parts where, like i said, the head gasket set was 250 bucks from i forgot where it was start with a p philippines yeah. So getting a you know, there's a valve job that one valve is beating, the bores are screwed, the pistons are going to be screwed. The rings are going to be screwed, so it would have to go like 60 over or get another motor body's, not terrible. Get a nice hat and it's the jumbo cab gates are down, doesn't look too bad the other side, one of the center hinges, are rusty.
I think you can take these and and slide them off too and take it right off the side same with the back uh. I don't know, i think i'm gon na have to sleep on this one. I have bigger fish to fry. At what point do i not keep putting effort into you know, i'm thinking of a swap and a muscle thinking that this just turns into one of those super long projects whenever it gets done.

You know what i mean so uh. I don't know i don't know we're going to continue on this or i don't know if we're going to mothball it, uh or and or chasing some other stuff. I already have it's been waiting its turn. So we'll see hey guys with that.

I think we're going to go uh collar on this one, the cylinder head, you know who knows if it's level just lay a straight edge across usually the head is what kind of warps out a bit when it gets overheated. What happened to it? My guess is still that that bottom elbow when i had the patching rubber on it leaked ran out of coolant overheated it and then it got parked. Then i tried getting it running again, put antifreeze in it and all that and tried firing it up through that rusty crappy corrosion that happened on the cylinders burned up. What was left tried to get it to run, or maybe it ran a little bit and just you know, went to the point where the compression just got so low.

It stopped and started dumping all the coolant into the oil. I guess well there's this. I was waiting for a willow run, video on it. It's an 81 or 82 right around there, honda gold wing with a 1100 cc.

I think these are around 80 horsepower. Carbureted sixty six point, six six thousand miles on it. Oh that's a good sign! It's complete! I believe it should run the layout of that engine flat for shaft drive going out. Just how would you hook the transmission up to the transmission of that will fit in there? There's a lot of questions, hmm i'd, say 26 wide by.

I don't know what guts go back in there. Let's call that 20. yeah 20 to there and it's a 16 high, so 16 high. Let's go down that far it's about where it is now.

Let's see 26 wide 26 wide would be okay, including the tape measure. That's 26 wide and that rail to that rail actually back further, let's get back to that location so that to there, including the tape it'll just make it. I don't know about this. This frame going around here, though i don't know.

Oh that's gon na affect it. It's all sitting on that carriage. You know we have 20 long so 20 long there and it's in that transmission by six inches. If that transmission stays it's six inches, that's from the front of that bar and who knows that would use one transmission to the other, which one would be the issue or used, plus all that front space is kind of open too right right.

The rails are wetting. It what's going to get you, though, coming in where the valve covers would hit the rails. Plus you got to be able to get the valve covers off. Hmm hmm! What we said was 20 long, so from that bar yeah 20 puts us right here into the bell: housing, that's going to have a clutch disc, a flywheel everything in it.
I don't know how i would try to adapt this to whatever is on the bike or the bike. Whatever is onto this. Fortunately, until you start pulling both of them apart and looking at them, it could be a go or a no-go proposition seems like it's decent amount of room. We can modify that cage.

However, we want again just the the width of the two frame rails, but if the valve covers are under the frame rails, the valve covers are here instead of kind of like a beetle instead of a that's. Another thing to do is a beetle engine yeah. Maybe friends, try not to blind you, but here you can see light is the light behind it. We can see.

The light coming under underneath is where the gaps are so see. The center of that definitely has a decent amount of space on it and then, with the compression ring, needs to seat right there. There's the cap, that's in that one. Oh there just kind of cross it up a little bit.

You still see that one that touches over there yeah same so this whole valley right here, is tweaked down and that's right where we had our issue. Hmm. The other thing, too, is it's a overhead cams of the cam shaft. If you just tried tweaking something moved uh generally generally, if i got the cylinder head, i think the cylinder head kind of did one of these, the top of the head kind of went up a little bit.

It touches on the edges and it leaks. What does that do to the cam shaft? That's up above it um it's, so the head warped has a tendency to bind up on the cam, whether that's the case, and i don't know but it'll make it. So you know it came, that's pretty big. It doesn't have much flex to it.

It'll want to lock up inside there eventually take out the cam too. Just nothing to consider. Maybe you bolt it back down the way it is and try to get it to to go flat. We'll take some of the pressure off.

I don't know the answer to that. Well, now that we know it's a piece of crap in the engine's junk and needs to be replaced with something that the core isn't even really all that repairable, why don't we take what we have and see if we can clean it up good enough and put It back together, at least he can get it to fire over and cough and maybe run a little bit. We got a gasket set for it miles will use it up right, i'll, get you in there hold on all right. So that is what the cylinders look like.

Yeah, that's pretty rough, that one's not much better, definitely has a lot of corrosion on there. Hence to say the compression was pretty much non-existent that one. I think it's probably the best one when that cylinder's down and i'll give you a better view of it, but you can get an idea by judging by the other two what the issue is so here's my thought: why don't we take a honing stone? Well, we're not gon na take the pistons out or anything we'll put them in that bottom dead center, we'll do our best to kind of clean them up we'll clean the top and the bottom head. Uh the cylinder head surfaces up made it back together and see what we get.
Possibly you can get it to run. Maybe not, but i figured it'd be worth giving it a shot so without further ado, let's head out of it, not much wiggle room. So, oh a little shinier in spots. I don't think it's going to be great, no matter what we do.

It's just the nature of it right, i'm just trying to improve it. We can't go through a little lube on that to help save the rings. Kick that next cylinder over give this one some love. I really don't have much room for the drill behind the drill, only back up about a half inch or so get her straight in the hole.

I think you get the idea, that's what i'm gon na go! Work on, i have to flip those stones over in the in the cutter and i'll bring you back after we make them as pretty as we can and kind of our after shot. What we got still real rough, but at least it kind of took some of the rust off the edges. Let's bump it a little so the problem, what happens is anyway there's a little pit. A ring goes over a rag, a ring goes over it, and it's going to be a seal.

You're trying to make compression is what the idea is so on the piston. There's a ring down about about a quarter of an inch just be two rings that make compression and they're rubbing up against this surface. Well, wherever there's a pit or something that allows air to squeeze around it and go to the bottom side and not make compression. That's why this is so junky a promoter that and the damage to detonation or corrosion whatever that damage is right there, causing that passage to leak into the cooling system, which was the original first thing that we got going on.

I think we're gon na go. Try taking a stone and cleaning some of that surface up with a flat stone just to try to get a rough idea. What we got going on, i put a flat edge on it's kind of hard to see. I like the cylinder head, where it's a little bit more in the open but uh.

I wouldn't expect the cast to warp that much. The head is probably the most of it. That's how this works for us. I got it all oiled up, should kind of give like witness marks where the highs and lows are all right.

We should push that pissing down a little it's in the way, so i'm rubbing over the top of it there we go a little bit of spray paint, probably wouldn't have hurt either just show where the highs and lows are: let's see what we got when you Wipe it off yeah, you might do that. Let me put a little bit: let's see we got see if we can tell right now just looks dark in this area. Again, it's all how much you hit it too. You know yeah, i'm gon na dike them up a little.
What, like you, never painted your engine before? Let that tack up a little. I try getting these out, but they won't come out. So i got ta work around them. So doesn't look terrible, looks like we got good contact, i'm mainly right now concerned about where all the compression builds up, that we didn't get a bunch of red still left across here, or you know across here that one looks a little shady up there.

I think these areas are okay, just i can't hit them as well again because of the pins locating pins are in it. I can take a little bit of brake clean and wash that off. Let's go look at the cylinder head, so i say: maybe we can do the same thing to the cylinder head. We got to get the valve so they all sit down.

Possibly i like to get this one out of there. Maybe we could look at the surface. See if there's any kind of improvements we can make on it, i think the back has a ton of pitting on it as far as a replacement valve, i think we're kind of screwed for that. Maybe and let's get the rocker shaft assembly up out of the way that should have all the valves get recessed and we'll go from there camshaft.

We also want to see right now be a good time, there's no load on it. So i'm curious to the head's warp is binding, the cam up or not. Now it feels pretty good good, let's uh, what valve is it that we want to pull and that one let's go see if we can get a valve removal tool on that, get the keepers off. Take a look at it as you get a homemade c-clamp, washer welded on the end got to get her in the window.

Hopefully we don't drop the cylinder head on the floor or launch the keepers across the room both of those would suck and they're just supposed to be sitting in there come on. That was the easy one. Sometimes you can get them to slide around go to where you got some more room back her off all right. Let's go flip her back over pop that valve out guy doesn't feel too bad.

That thing is hammered, though it might make a seal looks like it's shiny all the way around is that a crack? That's that crud, not sure if that's a cracker, crud or both clean it up. I don't see a crack. It was just a sting going across on about that right there. This thing has definitely been hammered.

The generally. The contact area is right about there and you can see where it looks like it's actually been sealing in this area, so it looks like it's actually sealing down in here instead of right here. This is called the seat and the seat's been hammered pretty good too yeah, you guys, even just looking at the valves next to it, how much more proud these are. You can see a lip around this one and this one.

You can see that this one's really pretty much just flush right down inside there she's pretty hammered we're gon na. Do about that. I don't know you could lap it a little bit. I don't think he's gon na do much savings.

Let me try on a grinder. Just taking that edge off right there try to make it a little bit more round, get rid of some of this. This stuff that's happening just so it doesn't hang up on it. I'm gon na look underneath the microscope real, quick and take a quick look at bw valves just in case these.
These look longer, though, almost how we had it bw valve without the beat down, is roughly the same size. The length was the same size, but the od is larger. The shaft is bigger, oh well, so we're gon na go work with that. One we'll go clean that up and probably just lap that one in no sense slapping all these in these have all been beat.

These surfaces are already made into each other uh, but this one because it's got all the damage, i think we'll try cleaning it up again. I'm gon na go around and just on a grinder nip that edge off of there. Let's go try and lap that one in that's a way overkill, that's enough to do the the whole engine and then some waiting room pop up that grab it with a drill on the other side and just kind of work that reverse it. Now.

What we can do is put the valve spring back on it clean up the surfaces and we'll dump a little bit of gas on the top of each chamber. Let's see if the fuel soaks through it looks like it's contacting there, you can see that that gray area is the area it's making contact kind of where you want get rid of all that compound i'll. Put that spring back on we'll flip her over and, like i said, we'll put the plugs in it'll. Put some gas in there we'll see if it seeps around the valves so put that valve in you can see the the step that is there on all of them right.

Look at that one. What's up with that, it's flush actually looks like grind marks on it too. Doesn't it that looks like something? Maybe different keepers would do it i don't know, is the valve? Is the spring sitting higher than the others hard to say? I'm gon na go pop that one out it's just suspects, i'm not sure. What's going on there took that valve out.

I don't know if this the stem was ground down. It's just definitely different than the other ones were replaced. Look at the crap that was in there, though all that that's going to make for no compression too so remember. I said i wasn't going to do all the valves.

Well, you have to change our opinion on that. Let's go see what the seat looks like. Oh yeah, that's just crud it up all right. What you saw me do to that.

First, one, i'm gon na do to all of them. Get those surfaces a little bit better prepared to do battle with flame there's the other one. On the other side, definitely a big difference. I don't know if somebody ground that down or is that just let's focus in on the back focus forward and the seat on that one look a lot better yeah, so i'm going to clean them all up.

Just odd. Like what was the purpose of that, i don't see, the only issue i can see is the rocker rubbing on it, which would be actually which rocket. Would that be? That would be the headers i spin it around might be obvious too, should be the one. That's adjusted much further out than the others yeah there.
It is that one crank that one that much compared to those i guess it doesn't hurt anything. I was thinking about trying to weld it up a little bit put a tab on it, but i don't think that's gon na yeah we're just trying to get this thing to run, we're not trying to save it for eternity yeah pretty good. Let's see what we get they're all left in spark plugs are in there tight see how fast they leak down. This is should be the bad one.

Gas is pretty thin too. It wants to not much more than water. Anything actually look pretty good fill them up to the top. If you do get a leak, it's either going to come out one of the ports.

That's going to come out the spark plug hole. Let that sit for a minute. I'm actually pleasantly surprised. I thought that was going to be much worse than what it is.

It's been about, 10 minutes. They look pretty good they're dropping down a little bit. I think it's just a gas evaporating. So if i look in the ports, you would normally see you know, moisture kind of leaking down around them and they look pretty good and i think the intake port that one right there would be the the biggest suspect they look all right.

Let's go: dump that off and uh. Let's check the level miss the top of the head, like we did on the uh block yo i had some somewhere. Let's shoot it at the camera. Give that a little painting of sorts.

That's a little show-and-tell see what pops up as far as level on that level. Definitely between the cylinders. That's a tell right there between these two and these two, the head is pushed down like that. I think i'm gon na work it with some oil and the stone just do my best to try to stone it flatter than what it is get rid of the highs and some of the lows.

And hopefully you know the head. Gasket takes up some of it, but try to get a little bit of an improvement on what we got yeah, definitely right there, that's probably where it leaked, which was was it right here, so it would be going across to that port and or possibly right across To that one, it would leak in between i'm going to go spray her down with some oil work that stone quite a bit. Maybe we'll touch it up one more time and see how it is second time around yeah. I don't know 5-10 minutes worked on it at what point you got to call it.

So you definitely see with the blue was still maintained. Behind this one seemed like it came out pretty good but put a straight edge cross it. You can still see right there. Let's use the tad low, you know.

Normally, you would put it in like a bridgeport and just give a fly cut going across the top of it again we're not going that crazy. Plus, i don't have a bridgeport here, so we're gon na go best. We can sometimes you could actually put two head gaskets on it and that works, but for now we're gon na move forward, you can figure the bolt down points. Are there when it got hot.
This is the part that receded into it and that part was seated into it because really not so much that much support around there with all the jackets that are drilled in you know it's an open passage in between those two for for coolant to flow through. So there's only materials right up in there and that's the you know, point of least resistance cleaning, the rockers up, getting that ready to rock and roll, and it's looking. This is the valve that had that weird grounded off valve stem the cam low. For that one was fine, but the other one next to it just hammered.

You know some on the pad too, but it's funny that i don't know what the correlation is between this one cylinder having these two issues on it like what i i just don't get that i don't see well put the rocker on see if anything looks funny, But i don't know i must adjust the valves where the head is off just spin, it a couple times just to kind of seat everything. Unfortunately, the valves get adjusted hot and we don't have that luxury. I'm just going to go check them over a couple times. Let them everybody find their home yeah, i'm gon na set it to top dead center, which would be number one cylinder tight and that one's good rather have a clank a little at first again, especially if we're trying to deal with something that has a poor compression And sometimes the stuff will seat itself a little bit, you'll lose the gap.

So if you set it say at 5000 and it runs a little bit and the valve kind of seats itself, it has no place to go. The gap closes up on you. So again, i'd rather have a little on the clacky side. We're not giving much hope for this thing at all anyway, but i should roll t about thirty percent.

Maybe that's what that's good and that was tight. You get the idea. You can knock them out now. This might be a little close quarters.

That's how this goes all right, probably a better place for the light shining down on me. I'm just getting wires pinched in there, both of my top dead center of the block and the uh and get on the double pins blocking the header both set it top dead. You came off of there there you go a couple of bolts in there shuck her down, please get one in there starters bring the bolts in and then i'm going to twerk them kind of start from the center. You must also the same way.

You start from the center with the find one, and then you zigzag your way out. That's 20.! I'm going to bring them all up to 20 first and then come around back again and bring them to 40.. That's not a bolt! That's the ball! There we go! You get the idea that would be a good time to throw that timing belt on there and it should be close bump up a little bit see what we get that's gon na get out of the way we have to kind of start all of it at The same time get out there there you go just get it because you lose some. If it's on an angle, if you put one pulley on all the way, you're, essentially making it shorter, i am off by.
I am off by that. Much which way should we go? I think like that, weighs way too much. I think we should go for that. One there's my mark actually looks like the crank can go that way a little, so let me make the top and go backwards.

I go like turn. The top on, because i don't have a bolt in the bottom, i'm going to say we go you wan na, do like in between teeth. I think it is like that. Isn't like this.

Let me try it the other way. Let me go for this one. First now the question is: am i off a tooth, or am i good? I think we got it. I think what happened is the bottom.

When i had it apart, i put the piston top dead center and uh. I might have rolled the bottom of my hole. Just a hair: let's go get a tension on her. How much you think i go with right about that much i don't have any oil in it yet oil filters in not sure where you fill it from.

I don't know if the valve cover's on, i don't know if you fill it through the valve cover, it's got a thing. You could probably leave that off and watch it too. Let's get a little bit of oil in it and we can bump it over. Let it go around once that mark looks like it's way off.

Doesn't it i marked that one. So, let's go bring that in all right yeah. I might, i think, i'm off a tooth. Okay, i got ta toot the other way.

These two lines are just way too far off and that that key is way out. I'm wrong, oh! Well! That's why you do what you do right, so you double check it, so we got to go one tooth that way so should i turn it back to that there that's definitely not worn out. You can barely get it on there. Imagine if you use two two head gaskets that really would kind of trick two head gaskets to help seal the seal up.

You know dammit uh more, i like it. I don't know if you even see that mark that was right there. Oh, the camera's, we're all wedged up in here pretty good, just to help out a little bit, because they're pretty much dry still give a shot of oil into each cylinder. So when it spins it kind of helps lubricate the upper bits, nothing, but the best for you, my fine friend we're not slacking, come on for a burned up engine should we put yard sale oil in it problem is.

I ran out of yard sale oil? What's it, what is yard sale oil, you ask it's: when you go around, every people are moving, they put baskets in boxes of the garage supply stuff, that's left over. It's either free or cheap. I use it on stuff, like this all right, a little bit more and give her a crank all right, so we bump her over and it plugs around. So we should be able to hear what it's got if anything for compression give her a light.
One quick make sure it goes all the way around all right. Well, it's got that little rock kind of had that the first time around too, though i'm not gon na, do a compression test, but i think we should get the front pulley on there get that belt from walking off what you're doing and we plop the intake Manifold back down not gon na hook up any of the uh cooling, but let's drop the intake down, put the cap and wires on it. Actually, i think we might be able to give her a go without the intake on there. The main fuel is on the bottom exhaust man folds on squirting, each one of those, let's just see if we get any kind of coughing out of it it's going to key to on so we have spark and then our crank button see we get.

How much is coming out of there because he's got such low compression? You know it's the problem, one cylinder decent. I think when we did it before it was what was it one: uh, 60, 30 and 30.? You know at least about 90. Let's see one cylinder wants to go in one cylinder, which is probably the number one cylinder close closest to us, just that one. That's the one that looked the best she's tired.

Let's go just dribble that one cylinder, that's probably what it is. Let's go put some in that one cylinder and see if here's that's the one that kicks somebody sets you up in a stand and what we'll do is we'll feed it bottle feed it. While it's um cranking give me a little bit more well, i was hoping it would run a little bit and kind of shoot. The rings there's no gas or choke to anything to hit it's just it's wide open.

So all right, let's get you in the stand and i'll give her a shot. The best you can get you let's try! Ah, that poor starter, i got ta, let her cool down. I tried she's like on the verge, but i let it cool out for about 10 minutes the distributor help the marks line up right. All right mark distributor crack that loose and see if you can get a little advantage, maybe out of bumping it a little a little move.

Let's go one way and we'll try the other. It doesn't end. Of course, let's try the other way. That sure didn't do anything and then some as far as it would go.

Ah there we go a little too much. She kicked back out. The intake fire is good for ratings. It fired up.

Does that count get a battery charger on it, so we give it one more shot, if not we'll bolt the intake down, but it should actually be better without the intake, but we'll see well, i'm outside of gas too. All right the intakes on. I got a gas bottle, i i tried to fill the carb and i have a gas bottle hooked into a vacuum line so that we can kind of feed it. I don't give much hopes, but let's give it a shot.

Let's fire it up. Ah sorry bumping that timing back is let's hump in a nice little tune. Let's go put that distributor back where it was seemed better. On that side, i don't think starter.

Fluid is going to do anything for us, but let's go give her a shot. Okay, full throttle hold on see what it does turn key on. Ah guys, sometimes you got ta call it. I think it's it yeah.
I think we gave it a valiant half-assed effort, but it just wasn't gon na happen, because the engine is just too tired. Not enough compression in the cylinders to fire off the only one that wants to fire is that number one cylinder had any kind of resemblance that we did a compression test. It was 60 30 and 30 and 60 by itself, isn't even enough to get that one. The fire i was hoping if the one would go, sometimes if you get enough rpm out of it, the compression kind of comes up just because it's spinning so fast that the other ones will kind of kick in it, just we're just not getting there.

So unfortunately, this one kicked my ass, that's okay, we'll find something else to put in for now it's going to go on the back burner because uh, i have something else in the pipelines that if you like this truck, i think you're gon na, like what that Item is it's uh, gon na be probably just as enjoyable all right guys. That's that we're gon na go. Let this one sign off. Let her cool down! Take the batteries, disconnect it and we'll see what we come up with, possibly for a drivetrain in it.

In the future, but for now she's gon na get a little retired until uh a better day. Guys thanks hanging out i'll, see you bye all right. Just one more time, factory position come on, go go baby. We got it.

I sure hope that camera was up. All right, that's it! I'm calling for the win. It ran. We right off the starter.

He was cranking, it ran yeah. Oh man got a pile of crap, it was not defeated and how about one last yahoo? The next morning, let's go see what she does. That's kind of cooled off and aired out a little um. You.

By Mustie

3 thoughts on “One sad engine, daihatsu mini truck”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars DATONALKY says:


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