Picked up a couple of free ariens snow blowers in unknown condition, on a previous video we got them up and running, but l missed a major mistake. lets find it and fix it correctly.

Hey guys, and how's it going? Hey! we recently did a video on rejuvenating a couple of defunct free snow blowers and during that video I missed something but the viewers did not. I Would have found it when I tried blowing snow eventually, but uh. anyway. Here's Where We Are I'll give you a second see if you can figure out what is wrong with them.

With one of them you know starts going in on it has to do with the auger in the front. The one on the right is correct. The one on the left is not correct. You see it all right.

Zero in more on it. The auger in the front spins this direction and it has to be able to draw snow to the center and then the impeller throws it out. If you look at the pattern on these with her scoped, they would draw snow to the middle and do such. This one not so much.

It's actually the wrong direction. It's rotating this way. it's going to push the snow to the outsides of the drum and not towards the center. So this is the one that needed less work too.

What we thought just needed a carburetor and this is the one that needed a little bit of everything to save it. So that's why it was a kicked to the curb is that it must have really done a terrible job of trying to throw snow because it was pushing it away from the center. Anyway, you would think that you would just take that whole assembly and kind of spin it over and we'll be okay. It does not work that way.

The gearbox in the center, the orientation of it is right. You see what the drain plug is. See the drain plug in that one. You can't flip that gearbox over.

It's meant to run in that direction. Um, what you got to do. That one has to come off. Go on that side.

That one has to come off. Come on that side. To do that, you have to pull the whole assembly, the guts out of it in the middle to be able to swap them. At one time they used to have sides that bolted on.

We could have slid them out from the side, but uh, that's not going to be an option for us. So hopefully the flywheel and the pulley in on the inside can come apart fairly easy so we can remove that assembly out. Sometimes it rusts up solid and be a we're gonna go find out. Let's go get that one back on the bench and see if we can fix it.

and we'll also flip it around. So it definitely means that somebody had a problem with this once before. My guess is the gearbox was gone. There's a like a brass worm gear that's inside of here that generally blows out and that generally blows out because somebody, when the shear pins break, That's what these bolts are right here.

When they break, Um, somebody puts a bolt in and tries running it afterwards. and uh, instead of having the bolt break, it takes out the gearbox in the center. So somebody did that and then just wasn't aware of putting these on backwards. Also how to make sense too.

If you look at the teeth are facing the wrong direction, they're kind of like gradual going up and the bites on the top. Well, if that's gone this way, it's not doing very much. Uh, we can address it. You know, sometimes you could take the whole assembly out with that rear impeller as one assembly.
or you could try. If you're looking, there's a couple of drift pins right there. roll pins, one there, one there. you could drive them out, try to get this shaft away from this and have that whole assembly come out and on the sides, you just unbolt the uh, bushings or bearings that are on the side and let it slide forward and you can slip them around.

The other part too is. sometimes this will cease to the shaft that's on the in on the inside and if you look, they're both free so we're good there. That one seems like it's moving that one. we can't tell, but it feels like it.

The play that's in it where the bolt is looks like it's okay. Let's go pop the belt cover off and take a pick a pick a peek. Let's take a look inside there and see if there's any easier option to get that pulley off than trying to split it right right there. Yeah, a friend of mine Brian needs a machine I was going to give him one of these.

uh, unfortunately he's probably seen the video, but it would have been fun to give him the machine and try to try to watch it trying to watch him blow snow. All right. So that's this pulley would have to come apart and come off of there and a lot of times that stuff rusts up against the snow blowers. using snow all the time.

If we can take a peek. so there's going to be a like a jam screw on this bottom wheel and then if you can get this loose, this will stay behind and you can push the shaft right out. I Think that I think it'll slide out of that bearing. Oh, it's got a bolt in the back I'm looking down in there foreign by these bolts and the whole thing will kind of like open up.

You can get a little bit better access to it, but I think maybe we should try with that. PIN You think the chances are both of those will be able to drive out of there? Let's try it. Let's um, because somebody had it apart anyway to change that gearbox so something must have been taken apart already. Let's take the shoot off, which isn't that big of a deal.

It's two bolts and uh, it'll allow it to lift right off and see if we can drive them out of there. Should be able to lift that right off of there now. access to the hole? Yeah, looking pretty? Rusty I Don't know if they took it apart this way, but give it a shot while we're in here. Looks like somebody hammered on that one, huh? Place your bets, don't move.

Foreign? Nice. Let's go uh, on both our sides and hopefully that should slide right out of there. Maybe not. Laughs: I Still think it's pinned in the back I thought it was two separate shafts I Think it's one shaft all the way through the front pulley.

Whoops, That's why I thought I had two pins in it I Suck. So it's going to be this bolt and the one on the other side. I Think the bottom ones can stay in the machine? Can just kind of do one of these questions. Foreign.
What's the old saying? Whatever, you estimate something to be cost in time double it. It'd be twice as much and twice as long to get it done. should foreign get that bolt off the pulley. And a lot of times, unfortunately, this will seize to it.

But we'll see. Let's get the belt out of there. I Got a half inch? Yeah. I've had these River I've had to cook, bake, pry Bend and it's been a nightmare, so hopefully the bearing is not seized on it too.

Let me go pull on the front. There we go. All right now. we got it.

You can Hammer that back on that won't make a difference. Yeah, pretty sure. I thought I'd seen in the past where um, the chef is cut in half and they kind of meat it into two places. or I might be just making it up.

All right. let's get these off of here. These should just pop right off. These are just bushings usually get filled up with sticks.

It's nice to somebody greased it up too. Like these will also bind to each other. Let's get them now. So was negative 15 Fahrenheit Two days ago.

Yesterday is now 46. What is this 61 degree swing in a day? These are called sheer pins. A lot of times they'll be like lines in them that will break. Let me grease off.

You can see what I'm talking about. You even see this one's got a little bit of a kick to it. It was starting to break. I should have some new ones here, but they have like lines that after a certain pressure they'll fracture and break.

There's a line there and another one right there. Go pop the other one out. We'll swap them from side to side. I think at some point it was getting so common for um, machines that fail because people were just putting bolts in them and that's what.

You know? What else are you gonna do? You're you're in the middle of a blizzard. You can't get out of your driveway so you can go get parts that the machines they started storing. Uh, extra shear pins right on the machine. They kind of like a little compartment for them.

Yeah, that one's fine. You can see the lines on that one much better. A little bit of a bend on there starting to break so you need to come off and go on this side. You gotta go there.

This one foreign thing. still. I Think we got it though right. that spinning like that.

it's gonna draw the snow to the center. that one's spinning like like that and that one's going to draw it to the center. I Do believe. I'm gonna go check and see if I got some new sheer pins we'll put in on those.

it will tape those two old ones to the handlebars. The land of miscellaneous bits should be that. Hopper right there chamber to the bench If you have a matching set. So we're looking for a set of them, a lot of shapes and flavors.

We might not even have them. Well, I guess those are going back in one more bag to check is that it never opened. Yeah, too big at least for a bigger machine. You don't see them, do you? Nope.
He's gonna have to get his own. Yeah, when these go back in, you don't want to tighten them. You don't want to tighten it as a bolt. Where's the there we go? You want them to float? You don't want to crank down on them and have them so that they, uh, have tension on them.

The nut is a jam nut so it's not like it's going to back itself off. He wants the thank you and she's still floating I still kind of turned it by hand. That's fine. You should probably just stand this thing up and run those pins back in before it's in there.

I Think I May uh. let's try driving that one the rest of the way out. Now we can just put it through the other side without fighting us. It's almost there.

I think it's my hair left. you're free. We just start them again. I Guess Foreign, foreign, foreign, vacuum here.

They had set screws that when they didn't have a bolt in the back of it, those could be a nightmare. Glad they went with this as you can close that sandwich back up. Sometimes you gotta put a ratchet strap each other. There's a break lever you want to try and pit first.

I'm going to get the belt on the right spot. There's a brake lever. you see it from where you are which is the other side of this pulley. kind of stalls.

It kind of lift up on that so it'll be out of Harm's Way The belt looks good. It's on the right side of the keepers Of course they don't have a bolt on this side to hold it. Let's go. let's have a punch in there.

Foreign here, dripping in the background. It's like a drum should be able to work that belt over just by working the full start using a little pull. Foreign: Yes No Maybe I'm Gonna Keep It on my idler too. There we go check the level looks good enough.

this should just slip right on. I Just got two bolts in the back and then the rod goes across the top. Foreign. You guys a little little clip that holds that? Where's the hole? All right, let's fire it up.

Fire it up. Let's go for a pull start. Here's some choke some gas a couple of times. I Should probably turn the gas on would be a good idea.

Now let's give her a couple frames. have a look that's more like it. Draw the snow into the middle. I'm going to run around to Grease Gun.

hit those contacts. Holy looks a little wobbly, huh? And of course Zero is happening with the wobbliness of the play is tightened all the way down. It's not like it has any place you can kind of go move and it probably was already like that I Just didn't notice it. Oh well, it 'll run much better with those in the correct orientation, huh? All right, go pop that cover back on.

Well, that's it guys. We made out pretty good on this and hopefully it doesn't come back with anything else. and if it does, I'll film. I'll film on that too unless you're totally sick of it.
But yeah, I didn't catch that on the augers. Yeah, spinning the wrong direction. I've had it before and I've caught it. Uh one, it was a I think was it Aaron's Tractor I had and it's probably about 10 15 years ago.

So the tractor had like a 48 inch snowblower on the front of it and of course it was used. One auger was orange, the other one was black so I know somebody had already gone and replace it but it was different. They had it correct on one side but the screw kept going all the way across so the one on the other side. they replaced it because it was a different color.

probably ordered a new one, ordered the wrong side, slid it on there. probably why they sold the machine too because it was just crappy. Uh, you couldn't flip it over because of where the whole location is for the uh, the sheer pins, but I just took it off, flipped around, put it back on, and just drilled a new hole and then that one was okay. So I've seen it before, but it's kind of Rarity you know.

hopefully this one will work much better and blow some snow. it's going local I have no snow to kind of run them in I Kind of like to uh, you know, function test and put them under a load. Make sure there's not gonna be any issues with them before they leave here, but uh, this one's getting given away local and I'll know soon enough whether it's got an issue or not if it snows again. Right now, there's just Frozen ice out there.

there's nothing to try to go move. All right guys. Well thanks for catching that one and uh, we'll wrench on something else pretty soon. Until then I'll see you later.

So I'm always asking me what this is on the locker in the background the uh The Woman kissing the dog on the head and um, this is the I kind of big scrap art stuff I don't show much of that on video anymore, but the idea was to draw something. this is the the hand-drawn part and I transferred that over to metal and I made like a a three-dimensional version of this out of metal. I'll show you that in a second. Uh, but that's just the answer in the question of what that is.

There's just two pieces I was talking about afterwards. just recopy made double sections of it and made it about I don't know about an inch wide in between separate. She doesn't stay up by herself though. gotta keep kissing.

By Mustie

14 thoughts on “Past repair made this snow blower useless, lets fix it.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ronald Brown says:

    The World is right again!

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ice Man says:

    I love the art things

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars joel mollenkopf says:


  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rick Talbott says:

    Love the art work !

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gary foster says:

    don't be a baby i had 45 below zero during the cold snap,all you can do is hug the wood stove

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Sprocket says:

    That bent auger pulley can be straightened if you pry on it with a piece of hardwood. Carefully!
    Grease parts so they won't rust together, for the next time.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ron says:

    On the 48" blower, I don't think it is possible to just flip the auger half over and slip it back on and expect it work. You need to switch sides. If you have ever tried to reverse a fan, turning the blade around does not work either.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gearyr harris says:

    I live in Pittsburgh so would it be possible to buy one

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Perry Mattes says:

    I noticed the augers are not phased together is it better have them phased the same or offset to throw the snow to the blower section ??

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brian Hoprich says:

    Ever try the impeller mod where you add rubber to the impeller blades. Makes a huge difference.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CME4 Sheepdogs says:

    I love videos like this. It reminds me of needing to buy a lawnmower and I found a 12 blade McClean mower at Sears and they said it was just a floor display because it didn't work. I said how much? They said $200 bucks. I got it home and it was a simple fix. It still mows the grass to this day.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dave52732 says:

    Hi Mustie. I came across a shiny new-looking Troy-Bilt snowblower some years back during a weekend city-wide yard sale. I paid around $100 for it. It looked hardly used even though it was about 10 years old. Shiny paint, no rust, unworn skid plates. It looked like it just came off the dealer's showroom floor. When I used it some months later I was able to see why it was in such good shape. It was not clearing the snow very well. After a few moderate snowfalls, I actually studied the auger action and discovered the augers were installed left-on-the right, and right-on-the-left. I had to split the blower housing completely off the unit to affect the repairs. I now understood why that factory-fresh-looking blower was in such good shape. Someone at the factory was not paying attention to their job and assembled the auger unit this way at the factory. The original owner just put it into storage instead of trying to get it fixed and finally cleaned out their garage to get rid of the poor running blower. Their loss, it runs awesome for me now! Love the channel!

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bill says:

    What ever happend to the kit car with the hollow motor, Any thing on it yet? Keep up the video's

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Noped Thursday says:


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