I picked up this tired 1997 dodge pickup that broke down about 4 years ago, I bought it cheap and want to use it to plow a dirt road. it needs lots of love so lets get to it,

Hey guys, how's it going? Let's get done picking up this 1997. Dodge Ram from a friend of mine who retired it from plowing because it just got a little too long in the tooth. It's got some issues to it. He parked it I'd say about four years ago it had a engine misfire or multiple engine misfire issues in the chain.

Inside the transfer case is jumping so the chain is stretched out at a minimum. Plus whatever's been going on with it for sitting for four years, that has helped add to its issues. I'm Gonna Get You Out of the Wind But my goal is just to try to get it back to being a plow truck and use it for off-road purposes. Not nothing for on the road.

I Think it's gone past that, but let's go get it back to the shop. I Still have to go get my other trailer and get the plow that is in a storage unit and then we'll have all the pieces that's a little off. good. I Should do it anymore.

He's gonna take out the tail light now all we got to do is get it off that trailer and onto that lift that should be able just to lift it up and have it roll back. Let's go see how we do foreign keep going good. Tire Check this out. Looks like it's okay.

You have it. Awesome. She's a peach, huh? Yeah, the door. I Think the door light's just crapping out on it.

Yeah, it's all busted out of the the body of it. I Think so. make sure I welding it once before. that is for another time.

see if it get it up in the air. take a peek underneath, see how things are. Yeah, as you can see if it's got anything left of a frame hopefully monkey right there. gas tank.

Both gas tank straps are rotted off of it and it's got looks like um, big ass tie wraps hold the gas tank up. That's an issue that I saw. It looked like gear oil on the trailer. Here's just a drain plug in the front with the front mean the front of me leaking.

Hard to say I've moved to 360. is what's in it. It's flaky, but it's not I don't see the fruit and blown out anywhere. A transfer case? Look at that right there.

So I wonder we might be able to address that right. maybe around the truck and not pull the transfer case down again. Let's get ahead of ourselves. That freaking rare looks decent right there.

Looks funky though. huh? See where it's all? Look at that right there. Hey, it's never gonna get on the road again. so I can almost I can too concerns as long as they'll stay together.

Push push Chanel Dirt y just rotted out. All right. What do you say we drop it down to the ground. Oh we shove a battery in it see if anything happens And Rogers did he tells me see, look at the road yourself.

Crusty they are at it's a good dropper. Let's see what we got under the hood? yeah too. 5.9 is a 360. and that looks about the same as under the truck, right? All right.

let's go get the battery, shove it in there and see if he even cranks so close. All right. the hood, little, the headlight lit up. but you what you got to do, you don't have the right battery.
Let's go give her a spin. Yeah I got a about a quarter to a half a mile dirt driveway making noise that I have a beagle case 5B with a plow on it but it's kind of big spaces. Shut the door. Shut that up huh? You think the chances are it's gonna kick that battery terminal out? anything? probably it's trying, Huh? I Feel injected? She'd have to give any gas.

Let's see, it kicks on one, doesn't it? Let's um, know that we cranked it. Let's go plug a engine analyzer into it an ODB It's like yeah, it's gonna stay on. Is there even any gas in it? That might be an issue Huh? above. A little above.

All right. Yes. Go plug in, see if we get any codes coming out of it. A lot of fails.

Hmm. this vehicle has no fault codes and why don't you run? It's key on. yeah, he's on. Hmm.

let's um, try shoving some like starter fluid or something on the intake. see if it does anything. You gotta figure it's had no battery in it so probably wouldn't have stored anything. Look at that.

now. let's see what we get. Didn't see that coming, did you those crappy battery terminals? It's an annoying sound. Oh, come on, all right, let me get some fires.

Right Tool for the right job. See if that'll stay now that everything evaporated. Foreign problem is at the time that went by. we have a had the fogging gas and go away one more time.

I Think we get anything There we go? Huh? Puffing anything. So smoke rings, foreign smoke rings. All right. let's see if we got anything new.

I'm gonna put my foot on that alarm. Let me hop in. Shut up. Thank you.

Hopefully he tells us something. Yeah man. all right there we go. Ignition distributor, Engine Speed input circuit.

Ignition and or distributor engine speed input circuit I Don't think it has a distributor I think it just uses a like a procs a pickup. Let's go look at ignition components and see what we got under the hood. Go from there. All right.

See, we got looks like somebody's living in there. Is that a critter? Is that just? that's just. it's like a hood material. Uh, let's go follow the coil wires.

Where do they go? Plug wires? Rather they're running to the back. Man, what a sucky place to have a distributor back there. Oh, how do you get to that? was a good design. There's a coil.

Hmm, yeah. sure, that's kind of a sucky place. Let's go wander. It's got a coil right here.

It looks like it might have seen a little bit better days, huh? Looks like it's kind of. The back side of that looked a little blown out. It's like all plug wires go to a distributor cap back there. Holy got a hole in the front of the truck to get to that in the cab.

That's got a sucker. Let's um. I'm gonna do a little uh Price shopping real quick. Some of this stuff is like so super cheap that might be worth trying to chase it.

We go price the coil real fast and see if we can go grab one of those. We'll just throw that in. Get that out of the way. the back side of it looks like it's kind of split open.
I Don't really think that's probably what it is because it seems like it does spark once in a while. but let's go throw that in first. we'll start with that and then uh I think there's a pickup on the engine somewhere that is like probably on a flywheel in the front of the back. I Go look that up too.

That'll send a signal for Spark so it knows where it is. you know? probably I don't know if it's once a revolution. or you know, does it set in a pulse a hundred times a revolution? Don't know. Does that look like it? 18.99 You mean China Cheap enough.

It looks like it. Let's go throw that on there real quick and see if we get any kind of better response from it. We know we have ignition issue. That's quite what it is, but let's go give that a shot.

I Think the chances are they're going to come off without breaking it again. not on the other side, hopefully. I Think so. that's a lot foreign.

Take that bracket off and then deal with it. You have to just fight with those. Let's go get a, uh, beefy ratchet. see if I can snap them off.

Foreign on that bottom. one looks like it's kind of sunk into the plastic. doesn't it? Just because looks like the plastic's pulling away. huh? That coil's in great shape.

Oh now we get it now. Like the hammer that socket on with a hammer? Yeah, nothing wrong with that coil. no matter what, that should have been replaced and as you can, uh, get on there. wrap it on with a hammer.

Chances are gonna drop it. I Think that'll stay. You think? I'm going to strip right off. Can you take this? 360.

And like switch it over to carbureted, Run it and hold the car. Sure. Okay, get it. Wrench on.

Somehow get a wrench on that lower one. Foreign. they're used to working on these high cars. Radiators cut into my gut.

All right. let's go and drop it. Yeah, a little corrosion got in that thing and how puffed out the floor it is. on the sides, all the way up and around too.

All up in there. All right. I'm gonna go clean those bolts up so it'll be easier to put in. Let's go eyeball that new one.

Make sure. Apple Samples? huh? Don't know? Let's go find out. Don't drop that sucker. Let's get mechanics you can see with your hands.

Sometimes you have to look at the nut in the wrench. I Think assembly will go a little better. That's easier. The chances are getting on that bottom one.

again. One of those harnesses that you suspend yourself from above the engine bay should. I Clicking All right, let's see if that made any difference at all. I didn't prime or anything with a spray I See it does anything I Pretty much standing.

Wait? Yeah, yeah, wait. I Said you're a little bit of gas. Come on, You can hear it. Kind of like where it like spins backwards.
That right there. that's a timing issue. There it goes. a Piccolo Piccolo Piccolo I Think a little figure though.

Nope. I Think we still have another issue. but again, that coil looked so bad. All right.

the ignition, distributor, engine speed input circuit. So whoever is giving engine speed, well, that would be that flywheel thing wouldn't it? Let me go look that up and we'll do a little search and see if we can change for uh, whatever. that part is too. you know, really long.

screwdrivers are good for pointing at stuff. so I think it might be of that right there. I'm not sure either that or over in this area somewhere before it might be able to see from underneath because I have kind of describes it behind the cylinder head on the left side. Let me go see if I can order one and get one and we'll see what it looks like right and what we're looking for should look like.

hopefully don't cut the wires right that look like it. Hmm. so this would probably go into the bell housing I think and then that's a pickup. Yeah, I don't think what we're looking at was it, but never know.

Let's go look closer. whatever that is right there. nothing that we're looking at I Don't think that's it. that might be like an oil pressure switch.

My guess because this has you know that has a plug right on the back of it. looks like you know similar kind of shape. but I'm guessing this go downward. Let's go put the truck up in the air.

maybe with a mirror. We can kind of peek up around the bell housing and see where it is. Well, I don't know how well I'm gonna be able to film it much less get it out. but it isn't it.

That's the bracket. the shiny part that we have. Yeah, right there. It's got a bolt there and a bolt there.

and there's the this is the wire going into the transmission right there. I Don't know if that's too bright for you? Yeah, there's the wire. I'm kind of wondering I wonder if we uh, cut and access hole won't be the first time? I've done that. Let's go look inside the cab real quick on that tunnel and uh, so you can pull that carpet away again.

This is just gonna be a yard truck. It's just a backyard beater. I Hope that vent's gonna be in a way. It's kind of like it looks like where the body comes down and makes the angle is right.

I Think it's right about here. I Don't know how much carpet and insulation and stuff is in here. We go pull some of this stuff back and see how this works out for us. Let's take a lean against the truck.

Yes, keep going. We just peel our way all the way up to there. I Was only joking about peeling it all the way back up into there. Yeah.

I Don't think we're gonna hurt it. Not by doing this, huh? Probably the best part of the metal? the truck though. Peel that away. we're getting it with a cutting wheel.
I'm trying to notch a section, at least even get this out of here. I'm not sure how many more Clips or anything are holding it, you just we can just cut it with a blade and get out of there. and we want to get right where right there? I think we're looking for there's a heat shield on the other side until we make like a little exploratory hole. maybe even get in it now somewhere around there.

Either there here, we'll make like a little hole. Take a peek. what's going on, where we're gonna go? I'm I think it's right about here I'm not positive though. Go low first.

good battery. one click, take two. there's the heat shield which we'll take that down out of our way from underneath and see we get that out of the way and then we'll have a a good idea. Here's the reason why I'm kind of chasing it like this: because I know those two bolts are really going to be rusted in there.

They're still going into aluminum. and by the rust that was on that bracket, just how the coil kind of came apart, it's it's going to be a bear. It's like we can just kind of reaching it with a socket and get them out real easy. We're gonna have to fight with them.

So foreign. way up in here we have to go right about there. There's a big seam right here where the sheet metal goes straight down in like a flange. about an inch too.

I either gotta be above or below that. I'm gonna go I'm gonna try to get a smoke cutting wheel in here. see if you can cut this back through here. there's the that's the bowl for the heat shield right there.

If I give myself in a an idea ain't too bad. it's fairly tight. Too bad it was a little bit lower but it would have worked out great. Uh I think we might try.

let's go underneath. I'm gonna try putting a wrench on them and see if I can get him to turn. It looks terrible but we'll see I have no idea right out there. foreign, just so rusted over there.

Okay I need to turn I'm definitely seeing with my hands I don't know if uh is that turning or is the wrench just slipping off? I can't see anything foreign ER on it I believe it's 13. 12 doesn't fit but I think it's corroded down a little bit on size I'm going to try getting. is there room for a socket? How much room above it? Whatever this is I'm hitting right down my chair. Is that the lower one or the Higher One I think that is the there you go shake my shirt out.

Oh that is a sucky location. Oh that was the bolt that was in the way. Yeah I wonder if I can, um get up there with a because that Cable's in the way if you're getting a socket on it this I don't know if you could Bend this up the ground, strap up out of our way to get on that I don't know if a ratcheting wrench is gonna help us I'm gonna try one see what I get. We will take the little victories when we can.

I'm gonna go do lap. all right ratcheting right towards what I was able to get on there. We should hopefully get on the other one if you thought the first one suck. The second one's even worse because you couldn't get a uh, the ratcheting wrench around.
it wasn't enough room so I had to do the the wrench eat a little out of time. All right now we're gonna go see if I can get that Wiggles in the hole at all. Hopefully it's not just all rotted and rusted and coated around it. Foreign.

Get that off first. Will that give us any more room I get under it I do not want to break it off in there. that would suck. Okay I think I'm gonna try working my hand up in there and try to pull straight up on that I don't think I think that rubber plug out.

Obviously you can see right there. like holding it like a seal. probably. I'm gonna work on that because you guys are in the way.

A moment for victory. Oh what a pain in the ass. Look what's on the end of it? Okay, all metal. How's that going to pick up anything? It's like a magnet.

It's like a picked up rust. That's why we don't work. I bet you if you clean that off, it'd probably work. We're not taking that chance so any cracks or anything in it.

let's go eyeball it next to the other one. I'm just gonna get it back in right curled still up but looks like it plugs look like I say it to go. well I am going to save you the struggle, send me the struggle trying to get the camera up and then we're trying to film what's ridiculous. I'm like I'm bunched up to my arm like up inside there trying to pull the thing apart I'm gonna take those two screws I'll hit them on a wire wheel so hopefully I can kind of get them in there like spin them in with my fingers instead of trying to jock him around.

and I'll meet you back at the truck. Yeah, just trying to start that one. I Fold it back up to look at it. it'll automatically stick up a rust chip.

So I'm gonna take a air gun. do my best to try to blow all the crap out that's around there. Ah, so the plug is on the end of this. You see where it's flopping around.

That's all. Play it's got It's gotta go on the end of that. All right. Do you think they can make it like an inch longer? Just that's all.

I ask him is an inch joke there somewhere. Anyway now. so I was pulling on it I pulled the wires out the plug. Yeah.

I'm gonna go back underneath to see if you can get that harness to kind of pull down somewhere. I may just put some length of wires on them and run them back I just can't get in there with my handset to click them I had them like almost together I just couldn't click them the other. it was not enough room to get around them. Yeah yeah.

I have to take it back out again. Did it have any crap stuck to the end of it? I blew out as much as I could a little bit. Huh. Um.

I am going to cut the wire off of this one and extend it onto this one to give us like an extra foot. A breathing room. That's just ridiculous. Let me ask it.
I think I'll reach now I'm definitely getting sick of putting that in and out of there. My my arm is like baked. It's tight getting up in there, you want to hear the sound of a small victory. All right, go put some bits and pieces that I've uh, tore out of their mounting spots just making things a little easier.

How was that that was on there? Some fashion either. Back in, let's go hook our battery back up. see what happens? Is it going to be the thrill of victory for Agony of defeat? Shouldn't you have to get in? Let's see if you get oh oh yeah, a hat do we got lots of funky going on? Give me a light I don't know if you have a pulley yet. Alternator's not turning? Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

Ah. she runs. He's smoking around the alternator belt. it's gonna cut.

probably already did. So the alternator does not turn, but it runs. Hey, all that wasn't for nothing. At least you know what it was too.

Man, that sucked. That was a sucky job. Uh I am going home. We'll pick this up tomorrow.

Um, at least it's on top too, which is easy. Let's um, let's get a socket on that see if we can turn it backwards. you can get it to free up everything else. Okay, uh, you know the quickly quickness that I looked at, everything looked like it was turning.

Yeah, it's got a socket on that. I'm not going home. Yes. I'm looking at it.

it's got The Telltale there's all the cracks right there and I cracked up there The Telltale Signed up I think I'm junk. All right still. let's go get something on there so you can get that to turn. All right, let's go put the light right there.

Foreign. Get a pipe of course I am. Other than buying it, we're only into it for 40 bucks so far. Those other two parts are fairly cheap.

This way. the nut's probably gonna back off. go around you. There it goes.

They kind of moved a little bit, so what? I mean it's gonna be any good, but foreign Thunder did the same thing too. It bound up just the aluminum steel I don't even know if it's you know on the winding is on the inside or is it just this against the steel pulley I wouldn't throw some lube back there, huh? You know how badly we cook the belt too I'm gonna work that a little bit. Hopefully she does. I'm gonna keep working that a little and maybe take the tension or back the tension off.

So I could feel if it's just goosing on the belt or if it's the alternator. Yeah, yeah. runs it's a 200 alternator because it's the high output because it is 60. it's getting better.

What? I think I'm gonna do and take the tension off. Yeah, it's almost there. I'm gonna try getting an air ratchet on it and just holding the air ratchet. Let's see if we can get that to spin for a while plus the little shaking of the air ratchet see if it'll help the belt.

My guess is probably the Armature rubbing I Don't know that for a fact though. I don't know if there's any way to get to the back bushing bearing for lubrication I don't even know if I get anything about driving. Tried shooting something down on the inside there. what's uh, quickly bump it over at the key, see what we get I don't think it's gonna go I think it's still gonna squeal I can't do both at the same time.
So I'm actually I'm going to mark it with a sharpie so I know where it was so I know it's not facing straight up and down anymore. foreign Yes No Maybe Nope. Either that or stopped in the exact same spot I think I'm gonna try shooting some deep down I'm gonna look on the back side of that too. I'm also gonna check my local junkyard tomorrow, but um I think I'm going to try spraying this down.

let it soak overnight and maybe we'll work it a little bit more tomorrow. Or excuse me, get it right out of there and work it again. It's not a car that's going to be on the road, it's just gonna be something that's uh, used uh, about four or five times a year during the winter from moving snow and then parked. So let's try one more time.

Foreign Foreign check engine? That's fine, it's still there temp. Do we have oil pressure on you right there? 40. good because I never even checked the oil, let it run for a minute and make sure I gotta take a look at that wire I put up underneath to make sure it's tied up out of Harm's Way It's not going to melt on the exhaust or something I don't think so, but something I still got a check? Do they have a charge? Gage You put a meter on it yeah saying above. 18 volt so it looks like it's charging.

Oh yeah, you can open the door. It's been about five minutes or so just starting to burn off all the oil and stuff from sitting for a couple years, but nothing's pissing out I haven't put in gear or anything yet. We're gonna leave that for another day. Sounds good.

Let's do it. restart. I wonder what the check engine light's on for? We'll deal with it tomorrow. I'm going home to go eat and this the next day.

The air is much better in here now. Let's um, see how that alternator is. Take the tension off the belt, see how it spins, see if it spins by hand. Feels pretty good.

Yeah. I actually think it's fine. We'll find out, right the belt I Don't see any burnt marks in it I don't think it. You know it didn't stall in one place, so it's kind of like evenly smoked all the way around.

I'll eyeball that if we see anything on that. We'll uh, throw one of them in there. What do you want to do next? You know it runs. Uh, we haven't put in gear or anything like that.

Um, it's out of gas, but that gas tank is kind of, uh, questionable how it's being supported. Let's lift it up see if we can get that kind of mounted a little bit better. They'll be able to put some gas in it or that have the gas. Um, whatever's in there that's old, which is probably just a couple gallons.
We put another five in it. kind of thin it out a little bit. All right, let's go see what we got for. Let's get a bolt hanging down from the main cross member I wonder how we got that? I wonder if that's even going to be able to come out of there? You know? because I suppose.

oh, we can't see what we got on this side. tucks up under the frame? I'm wondering. um, hey, we don't have to go with that. We go with something else that's a little more obtainable.

I got some, uh, like that two inch strap webbing that you use for, you know, tie downs. We'll hit that with an impact gun. We'll see if that comes out, we'll spray it down and give it a shot. If it does, we can try it out in both it there I suspect this one even still, this one's blown out too.

You could probably even go with a different location right? so we can come up. Maybe we just run some self-tappers into the frame. How many tie wraps are on there? You think it's held it up so far? I Don't know if I want to fill that tank up though and I'm going to fill this thing up when I go to drive it over there. Uh, here we go.

Let's go work on this front one. first. we'll get an impact gun on there and see if that does anything foreign. Hit it with a bigger hammer.

Drive it up with that last little quarter inch isn't making it. Ain't gonna fight. No losing game in there. I Think we come up with our own setup.

near it or over it. Oh, we can just cut this right out of here. Is it gonna break right off? Just break it off? Well, you can't see. Let's see we go with this.

Looks like it should be a fairly heavy duty type strapping. I could probably just screw right through it. Let me go see what I can come up with and I'll bring it back I Guess I'll show the desperateness of this situation and so this is that. I don't know if we pass inspection for a road? All right.

Yeah, it's pretty decent. Did one side first and then kind of like started the screw with that much and as it pulled up on it gave me a bunch of tension. I Took the washers Fender washers and I bent the lip of them just so the sharpness of the corner wouldn't cut into the belt. This idea a little bit more height on it.

it's more of a straight shot coming down. Yeah. I Think that tie wrap assembly up and we'll try it one more time. back here.

let's see what happens. the rear one I had to go on an angle because uh, the front wheel was mounted on the frame side is with a two frames overlap each other and I can't get the self-tappers through. That's that's got to be a quarter inch at least you know. So and I can't go to the bed because the bed is suspended by Rubber and I don't want as the bed moves around I don't want it pulling on the gas tank, you know so it has to stick to the the either the cross members, the indoor the frame.
I Think it's definitely a lot better than what it was. that transfer case I Was already warned that there's an issue with it and he believes that the transfer case chain is cooked. I'm gonna turn the front drive shaft. you can hear it touching the bottom of the case.

doesn't sound like it's broke because it's still making contact with it I Don't know if the gears are going to be cooked with that too or is it just the chain? I Don't quite know how they fail. I'm gonna go look it up and uh, of course that's gonna be another video. I'd like to try to be able to do the transfer case, you know and do it right on here. I Think we could split it and take it apart, possibly do it right here just because you know it's so heavy to try to get in and out of this truck, my back's not having it.

So what would this thing be? I should probably take a picture of that and try to order a chain ahead of time so it'll be at 231. Is that how what it goes by is? Yeah. I'll take a picture of that and look it up. try to get it just a chain for it and if we take it apart, maybe we'll find whatever and we need more.

Well, at least if we have a chain, maybe a gasket set, it's the next thing. I Want to kind of go jump on because it's kind of like a desk job. Get to sit down instead of reaching for the sky is the okay. The driver's door to lock the latch looks like it ripped it right out of it and it's like somebody tried welding it before.

Of course it's tore out some more. Spreck is that? Oh, especially the door is sagging so every time it hits the striker. anyway. I can get it with that.

it's the striker and um, racks the door. Yeah, you even tell where it was hidden there, right? It's like that's probably with a the thing on the door is on the door jamb. Yeah, so let's see if um, and even up here, it's blown out. I Wonder if we could take one of those out or both of those out? Maybe put a big Bender washer around it and then weld around the washer to kind of give it some support? At least you can get one of those out or two.

What's what is this nub? Anyway, Is that part of something that, um, is that somebody's but she had somebody's goobered weld? Yeah, that's what that is. someone's weld? Yeah. See if we can get? Maybe we'll start with this one. Kind of give a little bit of support and we'll try to get some big Fender washers behind it.

Let's see if that'll come out of there that's not even tight. Turn it. yeah. it should be enough room for Threads Hey, let's go try that.

We'll support it. Then we'll probably do the same to all three. I Wonder if I should take a yeah I'm gonna take a wire wheel ahead of time before the washer's on. We'll strip back some of this paint so we have something to weld to foreign to me I Have to uh I wonder if the washer is going to get in the way on this one? I'm gonna go grind like that much off of it.
foreign, foreign problem. getting this one to start? Yeah I gotta get something behind there to try to pull it this way. Probably just a love Tapper foreign metal on that door. so thin, huh? Oh, you got it.

That's the way he's getting on it. I Guess you could check and make sure that the door closes with all that crap on there first. Huh? Before we weld it Yeah I thought it kind of yeah. that door's Dad You can even just talk about the stripe on it.

That's why I did what it did right. the pins are gone. the door I Don't think it's in the open position now. it is foreign.

Let's see I know the pins are gone on the door. a height difference on it I Guess if we grab it and lift up on it and this is a box so let's go try doing something that, uh, you do four shipboxing I guess we're gonna find out how Rusty the bottom of the door is too. Slight adjustment. Well there's that can't make it right through the door.

It's like a body line. It looks like foreign. I Think if, uh, you know that's fine, let's go buzz them so they don't fall out. Give yourself a little bit more strength.

It should be okay. These might loosen up over time a little bit. We all just keep an eye on them. Actually, what we can do, we probably just put attack, um, keep them from backing off foreign, foreign any.

Lucha Let's say I got my money's worth out of that one. Well, they're ugly. sorry it's on there though. she didn't go anywhere I'm not gonna attack them I'll let that be just in case I have to take that apart I'll just keep an eye on it if they do start packing off.

I'll I'll put attack on each one of them. keep from back spinning and what do we got? It's like butter. Other than the smoke coming out of the top of the door, we're gonna hang around for a little while. Make sure that doesn't go poof.

That would suck. What do you think? I'm gonna hack. Come on man. All right guys, we're to that time of the evening I Think we're gonna tap out on this video I'm trying to get them not going ridiculously long.

They're starting to get kind of out of hand. uh I don't know if I'm gonna film anymore on chasing like the little Mechanicals on this. we got it decent. We got to run, that's the biggest part of it and kind of made sure that that was didn't dump, jump, a timing chain or something like that, right? Uh, gas? Tank's not falling out anymore.

We can actually close the door I think we picked away. Oh, the alternator was locked up so we've got a couple things taken care of. there's you know, it's got a power steering leak. We gotta look into the brakes.

all that kind of thing. but time is a necessity in what. I'm filming. everything takes two to three times as long.

so I may go jump ahead and kind of take care of a bunch of that stuff. And at some point in the future we got to deal with the transfer case up and we'll make that its own video. We'll uh uh, tear into the transfer case, find out what happened to that, try to fix that, and then we can hang the plow on it and see what does or doesn't work with the plow tires. I gotta chase they're coming.
The front ones are bald. They're kind of like a all-season tread. They're not very beefy. so I'm going to look on Facebook Marketplace see if I can find maybe a set of tires and wheels cheap.

Maybe that are dry rotted? I Really don't care. Again, this thing's never going to see. uh, it's never going to see pavement. This can be used on a dirt Trail for pushing snow and rocks.

so I'll keep an eye out for that if I can't find anything. maybe I'll put chains on it all the way around. just kind of leave it with that that rack on the back and I think we're going to take that off if you don't know, they call it track rack the back one. if you loosen up a wing nut on the bottom, they it'll slide forward.

If that box wasn't in there, you can slide it right up to the other one and it kind of gets it out of your way. So you try to get stuff in and out of the truck like I say put a motorcycle in the truck. you're not whacking your head on that bar. but if you need it, you can kind of go slide it back so that may go on.

My Tundra is my guess right now. Uh, we'll see. it'll probably be on there three years from now. Just ran out of gas but the uh, like I said the transfer case in the plow.

We will make down another video and I'll just kind of, you know, move forward with um chasing the little Smalls off camera here again knocked out I'm not sure when that other video will be on, kind of, um, jumping around different projects. I'm trying to get knocked out and you know, winter stuff kind of unfortunately takes a little bit of a priority. So guys I'm done rambling I'll see you in the next one. Take care, see ya like it never happened.

Uh yeah, hey guys, how's it going? Pulled over to a free pile on the side of the road I See a chainsaw? Okay, let's see what that is in a minute, but I could definitely use that. What kind of wire this is I don't know. we'll take that boots. hmm I can use that I'll pick the thing for a little bit.

Let's go see what the chainsaw is. Maybe we could do a a Will it run now John Deere you know John Deere Meat Chainsaws probably got my color or something. Yeah, let's go throw that in the truck. let's see what we can do with it.

I got the thumbs up from the window. Take whatever I want anything in those? Those are good. Awesome like it's all. It's all old stuff too, which is nice it's not.

Bug Killers and that's from our local Fairgrounds All right, let's go bring that chainsaw back. See we got I'm gonna go pick this a little bit more, but I want to show you what's here? Hmm I actually use the base of that chair for my shop chair. load her up. A quick look at what we got from that free pile.
so we grabbed that roll of white wire. I'm not sure if that's single strand like house wire probably is multi-strand you can use for automotive but that single wire stuff I don't think so. Some chips I don't know why I grabbed those. that's a lighting thing.

We'll open that in a second. We got a tote of plumbing supplies. let's put the lid from there and I think this one is all electrical stuff. We'll crack them open in a second.

That was our toolbox and a little couple of Handles in it. power strip plugs more Plumbing I could use that. two of the kerosene lamps and that one's a white lenses. This one's a red lens I think red is railroad I'm not sure of that though.

I don't know if there's a name on it says something right there I think uh, five transmission fluids a New Old Stock a couple of uh I know that's a decorker. What is that is that for putting the cork back on after you're done. Kind of goes over the bottle. I don't know.

this is just a bottle opener. this thing. what do you think that is? Is it? So would you have? I don't know if this is was always part of it or not. it's just the candle on the light.

My guess is that isn't part of it I don't know what this thing would be. hmm like why would I have that nothing saying. that's part of it neither you know is her name right there. Prices again.

what's that say I still can't read it I thought it was funky so I grabbed it smash I Want to see if it says anything on the bottom I Don't know if you like anything. you put a candle on the bottom and like incense, come up and burn. Grab that wire. It's probably a good 50 feet on there.

What is that? 14 gauge? I'm not sure what the color yellow means I know I think there's a difference between yellow and white and then just that chair because the chair that I use in here, the bottom section of it you screwed up into the chair looks like a motorcycle seat. I'll show you that one right there and the wheels keep crapping out on it. You see there's another broken one that would change them with something and then that one will break and change them and that one breaks I think I am out of Wheels I was replacing them with those black ones and the brown ones keep busting off. So I'll see if that whole stem can just go on there.

or maybe we'll just leave that chair alone. Let's see we got because I got grow light. Go plug it in see fire comes out. let's have on off switcher.

yeah. See a switch over there. two switches? nothing. oh well.

one of the bulbs are good. let me just bounce up another limiter, tighten them up, you got two. That's that one. Oh yeah, holy moly that is bright.

Yeah my guess is the girl like I don't know what? uh distance from subject. is the subject like legal? they got some heat coming off of them. It says what it is chronochrome. So this is um for filming.
Oh that was a girl. like he's raining right? hmm says Kodak I Had a very slow leak in my forklift and you can tell where the shiny is. It has turned into a major whoops leak I guess I'll be addressing that this week, huh?.

By Mustie

11 thoughts on “Ratty rusty and wont run. but can we save it”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zundfolge1432 says:

    dunno but that door shit close would drive me nuts. props to you for ignoring it lol

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Zundfolge1432 says:

    ignition sensor and dodge mounted it on the bell housing????? major wtf dodge moment. ; Note to self avoid dodges

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Curt Dunlap says:

    Why do I squint and turn my head every time the rust falls? 😆 Conditioned response!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars William Gurtner says:

    What a bust in the rear end, that sensor was. I had to change one like this.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars penny pincher says:

    Chang distributor and intake and put it in a older car yes

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars penny pincher says:

    Coil is in front f RH head common failure and so is the distributor pick up

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Haley says:

    Lucky guy gets lots of free stuff. Roung here people want money for everything

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Bumpus says:

    My first priroity would have been to silence that door buzzer. A couple of screws, a pair of wire cutters and a touch of electrical tape and the nag goes quiet.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Noneofyourbuis says:

    That glass contraption is a wine decanter you put ice in the top to cool the wine without adding water to the wine. The glass bowl that was in the bottom is a catchment and is part of it. The lantern is not.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Yardin Around says:

    That glass globe thing is a wine dispenser, nice finds of free stuff!

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jason s says:

    leave it to dodge to put a dang sensor in a place as that…. i know all makes done it. so yeah how on earth is that alt charging?? im in shock

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