we found this basket case Rupp mini bike in a storage container needing a bunch of love, and missing parts, can it be saved on the cheap, lets find out.

Hey guys how's it going hey we're going to continue on this early 70s rupp mini bike that we dragged out of a storage bin as a basket case. Literally, it was in milk crates and it was missing about 20 of its parts. So we've made a few things and adjusted but uh. I have a feeling myself a few more to go previous video.

We were able to get the engine to run, go through the drivetrain through the torque converter, setup and power, the back tire and spin, the back tire. That's where we left off, so we're going to continue on and start attacking a bunch of the other stuff. The exhaust is just sitting on there. That's not welded to anything.

There's no throttle linkage, setup there's no brakes. There is no brake levers throttle itself. Who knows what the gas tank looks like the front wheel does not have a axle for it. There's just a bolt sitting in there trying to hold pieces together for now front fender is just sitting on there.

Pull start doesn't work correctly other than that it's pretty decent. So, having said that, let's start wrenching, probably we'll get going on that front wheel. I got a new tire and tube for it, so let's go get the bike spun around and uh, we'll start working from there out, like i do tire and tube for it just like the back tire, but we are missing the axle and i believe i don't Know if we have the spacer in between might be something there yeah that's in there. So that's good! We don't make that part, but we need do need to come up with something that could be an axle for that.

I can go all the way across and clamp down on that assembly, so we'll take a measurement between those two forks looks like roughly about six inches and we probably need i don't know about an inch sticking out each side. Let's go shopping, yeah, there's roughly five and a half, so essentially what we want. It's got a really long bolt. Let me be a little bit of a tough order to find this is our first looking place.

Take a quick peek see anything now that one's too short, let's go up in the attic, and what about that one right there. What is that one for us, here's the breakup, so it's got to be snug on that that's a little sloppy too! That's probably gon na be too short looks like longer stuff, they're gon na be too skinny too, though huh, actually that's not too bad. We have to make shims, let's make a space. That's probably the same.

All right, we'll hold that take the longer one and we'll keep looking got a couple of front ends that one's too skinny. It's probably about the same thing right, yeah, it's gon na be too small parts. Honda 70. doesn't look too bad might be the same as what we got.

We can grab a measurement off it somewhere. I think that yeah, it's gon na, be about the same as what we have with that bolt yeah and it's gon na be a little skinny side. We're gon na need either two nuts together or jam nut to keep it from backing off yeah we're only making that by a couple of threads. I don't know if these we're making that by that much, we exactly say that's ideal, how we fit in the wheel.
Tad's sloppy there too. Let me take a right to the hardware store made it with five minutes to spare. We got 9 16 bolt with the jam nut and the jam nut starts jamming right away. Does that make sense that'll be good? We can go crank that down that won't back off on us, and so now we're gon na need to make some spacers.

Hopefully it fits in there and it's a snug fit. Maybe something like that. We need two spacers one that dimensional probably start with that one. First and then bolt it and see how it looks, we got to get a take, a piece of pipe that will fit over that bolt.

We'll cut off a section, i think, on the back. We ended up using a piece of jack handle. I don't think any of that that left i ain't gon na make it yeah. That was like a piece of red jack like a bottle jack that right there.

That might do. There's that one we'll just kind of do the same for the other side and repeat the same thing all over again yeah right about. I need a little bit more than that, because the hello we'll give it that and a hair more because it recesses down into the wheel looks pretty good. It's got a a decent clamp on the brake retainer, so it generally kind of favors one side.

The rear was the same way too, and the i took a tape measure across the top of the top of the shocks and the bottom of the shocks just making sure i'm not pinching them in or out. So when the suspension travels, it's a straight line. Going up into them that looks pretty decent there. You go take that back apart and get a tire on it.

I do not have a bead protector, so we have to come up with some kind of you know. You know what's coming nothing to see here, like you haven't done it before come on now you think i would have ordered one with the tire. Do you guess, what's, in the background more of the same and we'll come back and give her a little extra zest kind of does the same idea i'll use up this roll perfect about that's custom right there i pumped it up and hasn't gone flat. Yet i figured maybe we'll jump on to we're gon na need some kind of brake lever for that little half moon looking thing so i figured we'll go up in the stash see if we can go find something else for that.

I think the back is probably going to be the same setup, so we're going to need two of them at least one oops. Sorry at least one. Let's go see what we can find if anything kind of looks like that, maybe bicycle actually, the rear has one. I need one for the front and we need to be about that long now.

We think, maybe, in this area, tell you what we must grab a couple of cables and stuff too, while we're here right bring you back. If i find anything good like i visualized in my head, was i thought, like one of the bicycle wheels, has it where the hole in the back is squared off to keep the bolt from spinning? Let me just be wrong. You could probably go with one of those right and we'll just cut it. Let me make some kind of weld some kind of nut to it, that one down below is smaller.
Oh, you just take a file. We just take a file and open up the slot to be squared off like we need yeah we'll do that. We don't find anything else now. I think i remember vw carburetor, that's what's got that little notch in it we get one with a linkage on it.

I think that is squared off, underneath i'm not sure it looks like it's gon na be a little on the large side compared to the one that we need. Yeah yeah. I was thinking of something along those lines, though maybe we can go with one of them. I'm gon na take a quick peek, see if there's maybe a smaller shaft set up on one of these.

I knew one of something was key that had that look to it b-dub and we'll take one of these. These bastard ones apart. That looks like a good victim huh for that matter, maybe even small engine like a small engine carburetor. I think it's keyed like that too, but i don't think that arms are going to be all that tough.

I feel like he's going to be oversized. Let's find out okay, you think we're gon na get lucky that doesn't be too big, apparently not to here under eat the width wise good. That means we could work with that. Let's go check, it doesn't really matter which one we the other thing too.

We probably need to look at which way it's keyed, because it needs to point so the cable is going to be coming in from there. So we need, if that was keyed like that, we cut all the extra junk off like that. That actually might not be too bad yeah yeah. Let's go take a file and whittle that open a little bit see we give it a haircut first get some of that crap.

This might take a while. I think we got it not quite sure we want to go like that. Like that's kind of far away, we should kind of split the difference, but let's go with this way and we'll get like a spring washer two over it. Maybe a regular washer and i dug up a nut for it.

Let's throw all that back on the front of the bike, we'll leave this kind of as it is for now as we we go and run cables, we'll figure out one or two things. I might just go and like weld the nut or drill a hole, so it kind of lines up again we'll screw with that when we get the bike together and we're working on the brake lever, keep moving forward right, make progress yeah, that's how it does for Functionality i do, i should take that little linkage out and cleaned it up. It works it's a little close to that spacer. We may have to take a little bit of a nick out of that lever, give a little bit of clearance to it.

Yeah we do it right because we do it twice that might be a little cleaning. That's better cut the little notch in there too, to give it a little bit of clearance. That's got it now, hey. What do you want to do next? I know one thing that was annoying us annoying me that sure was annoying.
You was the pulsar was not catching very well, so let's go throw the other two bolts in the engine mount that permanent get this pull started off of here either, swap it out with one that works correctly or try to fix this one. I did it once it would catch like that. Let's get that out of there and see what we can find is the issue. So, although the pull starts kind of you know not exactly drawing everything back in and flopping all over the place use a little bit of love and a little bit of lube.

That's really not where the the issue is inside. Here is four three or four ball bearings and they, when the spins go to the outside and lock in more than likely, they just have some grease packed up on them, and i got a little bit of goobered up and they're not doing what they're supposed to Be doing so, let's go get the screen off of here and we'll back. This is kind of like a big nut, we'll back this thing right off and see. If we could take that apart and look inside there look at the center, i can see the retaining clip is half hanging out.

There may have been somebody there ahead of us yeah, let's go get that spun off of there go around the bison go. Take her apart, there's one of the balls right there yeah, you can see the retaining clips already like half hanging out, oh suspect, just got some crap in the path. Let me travel so it looks pretty clean. I expect to see more crap than that and that's the one that catches on depending on you know what what spot that it's on huh yeah.

I definitely expected to see more crap. I wonder if the plate is damaged and it was holding them. You don't want to go with the especially in the center here. You don't want to go with a thick, well, very light.

Like automatic transmission, fluid you go any heavier. Sometimes what happens is the oil is so heavy? If you ever see yeah you fire something up with a pull start and you rev it up and it wants to go. It makes that weird goosing sound and try shooting the cord the pull start right back out of it again. It's because the oil is so thick as the engine shaft is spinning.

This is supposed to float on there. Instead, it starts to grab it and spin it out, and that's what throws at your uh your pull start rope. I'm gon na go clean that up real quick, again put a little bit of light oil on it, get whatever crap is on it off of it and see if it recovers. I'm also gon na look like a little damage on the corners where it hits on it.

Kind of just sits like like that and get you on the top of it. I can't see. What's going on better, you see the one paw that'll grab on and it'll wedge that pawl on the ball like that and catch, and it allows you to pull start it, but as soon as it starts and this the pressure, you know you already pulsated. So this gets released then, once you rev it up, all four of these balls go to the outside corners and get out of the way they hide in their.
You know, just a centrifugal force pushes them to the outside. Look at the other engine over here. Originally, let's go take that one apart, it's a different style, but i noticed a bunch of wear on that center. Let's see if this one's any better, let's get more of them is more balls better.

We may just steal this whole assembly, because that definitely has a lot more areas to catch than this one, and what i was looking at was the wear on the edge of that right there. I think that's what kind of was letting it skip over itself and this one's got much more possibilities. Everything else. Look the same.

Yeah we'll go with this style. We could tell these engines were either very hard to start or they got a lot of hours on that one's got a lot of hammer marks on it too, but it's got what six times the chances of catching than the other one. That's it just put the balls back in it, put the roof back on and down in the center. We said just a very light oil.

This is like sewing machine oil. Again, it's very thin a little bit of that that a lot of times you could leave it dry too, depends on what your climate is. If you deal with rust, you might want to put a little bit of oil on it, but if not, if you're in a dry climate, you probably just clean it and leave it with nothing on it at all and just spin it back on i'll hit it With the pliers crank down a little bit, but as you pull start, it it'll want to tighten down on it anyway, we got that back on two couple of bolts in the motor too see that's better. You see we put a little bit of gas in the carp called the cold start and any that went to the float pole.

I did kind of make one mistake. We made the intake manifold notice. I say we without the front tire on it. We're trying to pitch it straight now the front tires on it.

It's slightly downhill. Let's give her some choke. It's just on idle right now that ground wire's, not touching anything you're ready to choke run out of gas in a second laughs. You know i'm asking for trouble all right, let's go spin it around and do some uh final touch-ups in the back wheel.

I know you got ta spun around a couple things that need to be addressed. That might be one uh. We are missing a shock on one side: it's missing the rubber bushings for that shock also, and we only have one of these. These are one of the these are one of these is the they are the tension, adjusters for the back wheel and they're, just essentially a big cam, a washer, that's on a cam.

You can see how it's offset and it pushes off that little tab right there and the more you turn it the more it pulls the back wheel away, as you see that one's pretty much all the way in on the chainsaw, which is pretty good. It gives you room for adjustment, but on this side we do not have one, because it did not come with one missing a bolt for the wheel too. They were, they were an odd size. I think it's a british standard.
It's a weird italian, like you said, made in italy on the rims, so you got that to deal with and i believe we are missing a tooth. I thought we were missing a tooth yeah. I said she's on that front sprocket. I can't get that front.

Sprocket off without damaging it, i don't know if we're just going to leave that alone and maybe we'll put a little bit of weld on the tip of that and file it away right where it sits. But let's get that wheel off of there we'll get that cam out of there. We got to build that and we'll take a look at that shock and see what we can do for getting bushings for it. Sorry about that noise.

In the background. That's the heat that keeps kind of coming on and off so we need to come up with essentially like a big slug that we can drill an offset hole in roughly about that diameter. I was gon na try getting the axle back out of there, but it's fighting me a little bit so maybe we'll just measure across that try to find a circle about that big or make a circle that big. So i think i was able to find was a fender washer, that's about the same diameter as it.

My thinking is, we just kind of i don't know drill a hole like right there. It's a fairly large bolt, though so it's going to break into here. We'll see how it does again it just. We just have to be able to rotate it and lock.

Once it's, you know clamped down, here's the other thing too. It pulls tension towards adjusts the tension, but it also is a stop. So, as especially on the other side with the chain is trying to pull forward on the wheel instead of trying to rely on the bowl it, it rests on that nub in here. It can't push forward because there's a support between there and right now it doesn't have it.

Let's go drill that out see we get it'll work, but i think i could actually come a little bit closer to the center because it's such an over overstatement of the over i don't know what to call it. The cam is drastic that you you're trying to go turn it up. It's a very quick, steep curve. I'm going to do another one! It ain't going to make any difference.

I'll do another hole a little bit closer, probably break into that center, but make it a little bit closer to the middle uh. That's the right one! It takes how much of a cam difference it makes over under. Are you under we're over so that should work, for that probably could even be a little bit closer to the center, but i think that'll work for us. So here's the factory shock that's supposed to be on it, but unfortunately it's somebody stole the grommets or they rotted out or fell out or whatever i'm going to go, run that over the wire wheel, kind of clean off some of the crap and then we'll go Searching for something to put in there, so we need to make that look like that with a rubber on the outside and a metal spacer on the inside.
My first area to look is land of rubbers. I try to put like similar things together. You take something apart, you get leftover parts and you just kind of throw them in the drawer. I don't think we're going to find what we need here, though, i was kind of wondering if we can take if we could take um like a large, solid piece of rubber and stick it in the vise and just crush it right through and wonder if it Would cut the hole for the at least the outer part? You would drill the inner part.

It looks a little promising huh. That was way too big, but that's like a car shock pushing um. I wonder if we got any old like motorcycle shocks upstairs. Of course we do right, and maybe we can try to steal something out of one of them as i'm walking by i'm looking at a bearing.

Why couldn't we use a little bearing? I know it's a harder, a harder ride, but if we were able to get a bearing, that was the right size because the shock you know the energy a lot of times just straight up and down a lot of times the shock kind of rocks a little Bit during this motion, so that's what the rubber kind of takes that little cushioning out of it. But let's go look for other stuff first, if not maybe we'll chase that avenue, yeah they're, probably gon na, be too large they're too big. What about? I think this is honda 70. yeah.

I could, i think the idea, that's too big that one actually looks like they're the same size or no is that looks larger? Doesn't it we'll grab that yeah that one's the middle that one's boned yeah we'll grab both of these? What are those shocks eye up, they're, pretty much a hair taller? I don't know i kind of like to stick with the original ones, but i don't see that let's try. Let's try the one, that's missing the thing in the center, so you can. I can get that out of there. Sometimes you can collapse them there.

I guess like that, luber that up try shoving it in the hole. It's definitely much larger, but let's see if we can fold it see if it'll unfold, okay, man screwdriver - probably help me right about now. Yes, you're gon na do it so we could stick like a piece up there. We go yeah we'll get like a little piece of pipe for that one.

Hopefully you can try doing the same thing on that. Let's go steal the bottom one out of it and uh, so you can do the same thing all over again. There's that second one, okay, you got it now. We've got to come up with a couple of metal bushings that'll fit in there.

I don't think that's going to fit in there and it's kind of big for the bolt that we need anyway, but let's go try to find something a little smaller than that. I think that'll work out for both of us where's the bolt. So we want to try to find something closer to that size over the lathe. Was this pail of spacers bushings? That's gon na be the same thing.
I don't remember seeing any really small stuff in here and go dig down low. If i find anything i'll bring you back and that will we'll continue to hunt just need really a piece of pipe that we can cut some pieces out of this toolbox, there's a bunch of black iron fittings here, i think they're going to be too thick. Oh, that's close. This can be awful.

It's like right there, let's go yeah what a piece of piece of copper! I don't think we have anything that tiny, though that's all i can be half inches and be small, so that, what's that right there i don't know. Well, yeah too big for a piece of pipe getting closer back to the stash worst case. You make one on the lathe. I think we actually will probably go with that.

The last ones we just had what's that right there, it might work, looks kind of thin. It kind of looks like an antenna. Almost, i think the wall is very beefy. You got ta be able to crush down on it with the bolt yeah close, it's just neat so that bolt fits in there.

So close one more maybe, and i got one size, i'm afraid their vices gon na crush it um. Oh you got it do two of them. Well, we're all shocked up that worked out pretty good. I see this hanging, my guess.

That's where the factory exhaust they decided to route that i don't know if we can want to attempt that where would actually didn't look too bad on the other side where it was, i don't think i tried wiggling it in between there or not. It's already got a heat shield on it, so it's not like it'll burn your leg too bad right. It's got that on there. I think if we just cut back a piece of pipe that's in there, if we cut about an inch coming out of the engine, we could probably catch that bolt hole right there all right like that.

Actually, you could probably cut a little bit off the muffler too, be nice if we can, because the problem is, if i weld that that's it you're not gon na be able to take it off. You know, because you have to unthread, you have to unthread this part. I wonder if you can make like a tiny, tiny exhaust clamp, let's see how close they are together, maybe not even welded at all so it'll be up on yeah. We might not be able to not even need to weld it at all, maybe we'll just kind of let it float and hang off that bolt.

So, let's cut, let's cut that to, i know we'll leave about a half inch or so right. You can see the bolt was right there, that's where the bolt is, and then we could probably also cut a little bit off of well we'll see. Let's go cut that piece and we'll see how far we can ram it down over the top of that get a better adjustment and i'd say probably right about there, we'll nick it. Well, if i screwed it up, i still got another piece to work with: let's see how far we could choke up on that, it's pretty snug too.

I think we have to we're right right. There is bolted, actually doesn't look too bad does it. I don't think they leak all that much. Neither and it's kind of good in the exhaust have a little bit of flex somewhere in it.
I'm gon na throw a bolt in that. I don't know. I think maybe we shouldn't reinvent the wheel on this. One quite sure, what's going on there like bend that up a little bit, get the heat shield away from the muffler so that when your skin sticks to it, it's not as hot something like that.

That looks like, hopefully that unthreads, if not it's stained, just like it, is i like to unthread that put a shim behind it to hold that out a little bit that one seems good. That one seems good i'll see if i can get that off. There's no! There's no head on it: it's a regular screw, but it's all ubered up i'll snap it off. It feels like it's going to snap off and i'm going to dig a hole, i'm leaving it alone, all right.

Let's regroup, where we are, what we got done, engine's bolted down, the pull starts fixed. The front wheel is done, the spacers are made for it tires done tube brake lever. The back cam is done, the exhaust is done, things to do on the shocks are done. We got ta bolt the gas tank down, take a look at the gas ankle inside it get the fender to bolt up in the front.

I have some generic fender. I may try to go get shoved on. The back. Probably should have done that.

I had the tire off huh uh a cover yeah, we could live dangerously. We could put a cover over the pulse, the clutch, i'm so worried about that get the air cleaner on it. So we got air, cleaner gas, tank, fenders, brake cables and levers and throttle. I think is where we are kill switch that might help, because this decks full throttle and probably a primer bulb, because it has the capacity on that carburetor.

So that's our shopping list of things to get finished, we're getting there. Oh and the tooth on the sprocket. If you want to go deal with that, it's underneath that red fender, it's chrome! What do you think the chances are oven, cleaner, we'll peel, that off? My guess is just kind of like spray bomb stuff. Let that soak a little bit see if that'll lift it.

I don't have any paint stripper, but sometimes this stuff is closed. What that does yeah i'll screw with the back fender, while that's sitting up look good. So that's one of those fenders from uh occ chopper. You know bicycles with the fat tire in the back.

I think we could possibly use that too. That's not a little bit longer, but i want to try to keep it from flinging crap up into here. I don't know you can go, maybe go right about there with it, so we can make a bracket from there to the to the bottom of the fender. But up here plus you got ta.

Remember the suspension move. So here it's never gon na hit here, but over the top we definitely have to make a bunch of clearance. You don't want that digging in back here. That would be an abrupt stop.
I think we'll get rid of the bracket for the muffler, get that out of our way and i'll probably make like a i don't know. Maybe a two inch piece of steel will come up. I throw a bolt through there i'll drill, a hole put a bolt through there for the that one and then we'll figure out the upper one we'll make that one up as we go along, i whipped out the brackets on the back. One got that one done.

I thought the center hole was tapped nope, so i had to do a couple of soft tappers next to it and the front fender. I think i'm gon na let it soak overnight and uh, we'll pick it back up in the morning and see if that does anything for us. Let's go give her a quick rub, see if we're okay, we're getting there nice. Let me go.

Try wiping that off with a rag, real, quick and see what we get, maybe soak it one more time, that's a definite improvement. Let me go hit it one more time, also the uh, sometimes the gas tanks. Someone was saying our chrome and that was painted over. We go wiggle that out of there real, quick, we'll see if we see any kind of peekings of chromium, we'll do the same on that we'll just let it soak and what about right there.

I don't think we can hurt it. It's looking pretty cruddy, we got ta come up with a nipple for that huh all right yeah. Let me go uh spray this down too. It doesn't look like it's very good paint.

The frame looks like it was probably originally red and i got painted yellow at some point, so we'll try. The gas tank first see what it does. I get them, i'm not much into you know doing all the paint i'm just trying to get the mechanicals up and running now and possibly just take everything off of it, which wouldn't take very long and you know, paint the frame and clean it up. But i'm working on just trying to get all the mechanicals, but while we're here yeah, let's go throw some on that see what we get too.

I don't think that looks like a part of a decal. I think that's a decal right there. So that's not going to be saved yeah! It's painted right over a sticker. It's right! There see the outline.

Oh well, that's uh! About 18 hours! Later, let's see, if anything, i definitely say that yellow paint is better than the red that was on the fender yeah. That's not coming off! Oh well, i'm going to go! Stick it under water. Some scotch brite knock that stuff off there finish up cleaning up that fender and i'll. Put that front fender on so pop that tank back on there needed a fitting going into the tank.

So i used the same ones that we used on the the shocks and i took it on the lathe with a file ground down one side of it and then just put a couple of grooves in it kind of mimicking a barb for a hose threaded. That up in there and then we have a fuel nozzle on it, so i haven't hooked it up yet, but we'll get to that. So the next thing is brake levers throttle. Those kind of things need to get set up, so i went shopping upstairs and i came across one of the kits that come with uh one of those gas powered bicycles and it looks like it has a kill button on it, throttle cable, a throttle and a Grip for the other side, so you probably use all that for the throttle and it does have the uh carburetor, with the a little primer bowl set up on it.
So i'll probably run the hose on that if that'll fit on there. This is for i don't know if it's like a chainsaw or something i'm gon na, throw that on there too. So when it's cold, we can just give her a couple of pumps. Real, quick and it'll shoot some raw fuel into the carb.

I don't know if that's gon na be big enough generally, the ones that come on like this carpet would be on a snow, blower they're, usually the ones that are like a inch inch and a quarter diameter. So i don't know if i'll have push enough air into the bowl to prime it, but we'll see, i think, we're going to jump ahead guys i don't think uh, i'm going to film the rest of getting this going like this video kind of knocked out. So i got to get some work done, i'll bring you back when i get some parts put on there and a little slide clip. I was on the way over to the shop and i forgot to go, throw a junk bike that i have behind the garage in for the brake levers for the bike and, as i'm like, oh well, we'll see what i have there.

As i'm continuing on down the road there's, a guy taping free signs on a bicycle, just so happens on the side of the road. I don't think it's anything special, it's probably like walmart bike or something but looks pretty complete. He said it does not shift. One of the rails - i don't know it was the front or the rear.

He said it doesn't shift. He said the tires are good and all and uh. I said fine i'll grab that and do it in the truck. I don't quite have the heart to tear that apart right now, but if i have to i will but i'll shop for other stuff see if i have something around here to steal the parts off of, and maybe we can animate.

Is there any interest in the doing a free bike on the side of the road prepare? Let me know i do have a little bit of a pile over here. I think i found my victim. Let's probably have that lever and that lever want to put a horn on it too, every time the benches just get so trashed. I think we are about there rather than maybe some chain guards.

I think everything else is pretty much knocked out. We have a throttle with a bunch of cobble together different pieces. I ended up drilling a hole right through the linkage here and there's the screw coming up from the bottom, and then i tightened it with a jam nut onto here. So the screw can't turn.

But i left enough play so that it can rotate, so it doesn't bind the cable up and then the screw come from the top runs down and runs into the cable and jams, the cable and then just came out with a spring setup behind it. With a couple of tension settings, i think that should be fine, though i bent the choke up to clear the air cleaner. I re-drilled the air cleaner itself to rack it a little bit because this would have been straight up and down in the way of the choke plus i wanted something to tap off of for that uh spring return, gas line setup. I think i used fuel injection lines.
Kind of thick got a primer bulb set up, i drilled the cover for it ran the hose out down below so it'll, be just like a snow blower. You can give a couple of primer shots to get her going, kill switch wires are running up to the handlebars. I tucked everything up behind the gas tank and used pipe cleaners to just hold things together instead of electrical tape. So i use those those cheapo levers, but it seems like it works pretty good brake levers are the ones that we saw on the bike upstairs and i went and just kind of rustled up some different cables.

That is the front. Yeah he's kicking on. There's the front setup, that's kind of cobbled: it's pinching, the cable. I may go change that later.

I'm not sure we have clearance around that works, the front brake and the back brake cable runs down to the back. That's more of a proper setup on that one seems like it works fine. What else am i missing? What's we had gas tanks bolted down and the kill switch is the just the one that was on the with that kit just shorts it out. We have a bunch of adjustments to on the fuel line.

The throttle cable rather and the brake cables are adjustable, so we'll see how they hold out. I think we're almost pretty good to throw some gas in her and maybe putter around a little bit. It looks better, doesn't it all right, bend the handlebars a little bit see what a pipe i think they're still a little off but looks somewhat decent turn the gas off first see if we get any leaks. I should probably stop there.

I'm just concerned with that. Barb is that threaded into the tank, there's no sealer there, but it's a tapered fit. I don't see anything open her up, let her drink so far, so good. Give that a second! Let me get the gas tank off that put you back into steel.

Let's go fire it and the up on a couple of primer shots there. You go you choke on a little bit so so got ta turn the idle up. I do have the air cleaner on some of the that affects it or not good. I think what happened was when i drilled the tab out.

I bent this little arm on it. I don't know why it's doing that, but it's falling on its face. Like it's running lean all of a sudden. I think it does it kind of goes away.

Doesn't it goes away? Let's do a one click on the joke, a little richer, so i'm holding it steady and it's doing that on its own. I don't know if a spark is cutting out on it at like certain rpms and it comes and goes or if it's just starting for fuel, and it comes back starting for fuel and it comes back. I'm not sure it's kind of acting that way. A little bit too, when we're screwing around with it before it was all together, and i thought possibly it was just how i was trying to feed fuel to it.
So wherever the issue is, is still there, but we'll find it it's all cobbled together stuff see. That's not a carburetor for that motor. It's actually a little too large. I don't think that's really an issue.

Well, i see we put her down and put her around the garage a little bit kind of makes you feel big, and this is a bigger mini bike than normal. You know the wheels are probably twice the size as a regular one. All right see we get not running right now. Clutch works nice.

I was worried about that too yeah paul's, nice. It holds a good rpm. Are you dizzy? Yeah, it's just a hesitation. Another thing is, i don't have a kickstand here.

We got one now scratch the paint yeah pull the rpms could probably come up a little bit and how the clutch is coming in and essentially it should try to really hold when you get on. It holds one rpm, which is probably about 2500 three grand right around there and just hold that until you start getting to the upper range and not change too much that way, you're getting kind of the most power out of it. It seems decent and that would be with playing with that spring setup. That's on there.

So so excuse me yeah, so we got to pull the card off and just check the float ball makes no crap inside it start with that. First. That could be the simplest of it because it seems like it wants to run between one click of the choke on and not again, that's a cardboard to me for a snow blower, not for a mini bike which seems like it does. Okay worst case, we could switch over to that other one too.

All right, we got ta wait for daylight. It's dark right now, can't do anything outside won't, be able to see any riding well before i think digging a hole we may want to just try throwing a new plug in it. That's uh that 50 year old spark plug could be a bit of an issue. Look at the gap.

That's on that thing, yeah that could be a part of the problem, see if i have anything to throw in there. I threw a taller plug in too just to clear us get the arc of the wire a little bit further away from this. I don't think that was an issue, but it gives us a little bit better space, see what it says. Cold start fuel give her not all the choke a couple of squirts see we get same thing, no difference.

Nut fell off, one of them not quite sure where that fell out of that's heightened the back chain up a little too no good. Let's get that bowl off of there that great spot for you guys to see, but let's get that the fuel shut off, so you can get the bowl often. My only hope is that there's some water in it a little bit of crap in there. Let's go turn the fuel on and see what kind of flow we hit coming out of it.
Although i lost half of it on the ground, it has a weird it has water in it. That would do it. You turn the choke on. It draws up a little bit more, let's get something to get underneath there with the capture it there we go plus.

I want to see how flow we get to plenty of flow. That's not an issue. Let's take a look at it that looks okay. Let's go pour that if you look that kind of looks like water to me, it doesn't look like gas and water.

Just does not get sucked up, that'd be an easy fix. If it was well spill it let's go. Pour that in there it'll make show up more yeah. You can see the water in the bottom of it.

That would do it yeah. It was all water good. I'm gon na go let that uh kind of pee out a little bit put that float back on we'll try it again. I don't know why i need to run the choke on and let's try it again, not as much water and water in it.

Try it with no joke. That's better. Have me going for a second choke's, all the way off you. I might let it be like that for a little bit and see how it does once it warms up.

Uh part of me wants to open up that mains. Yet a little a little bit more fuel come in, but it might be when it's warm, it might be okay, so i'll kind of play it by ear. Plus i can put the original plug back in it. It's gon na be the correct heat range.

One more time we adjust that chain a little bit. Let's go for another yahoo game time. I think one click leave it on one click. It seems like everyone's fairly decent right there, too much joke joke's off right now.

This might suck come on baby open up. All right, the ice, not only riding conditions, are all that great. So so that's still falling on its face. Shifter runs a little bit.

It could be more water. I looked in the tank, though it looked, pretty good wants to go and then blah probably doing about 20.. I don't know not sure, what's causing it, i'm going to open that media up a little one size, yeah, okay, a little bit more fuel. The other thing i'm thinking of too is this cardboard is kind of designed for five to eight horses is like a three three and a half it just might be too large for it, and the carburetor kind of has to fall in the window of where the Volume of air fuel going through it matches because it's hard to set up the lower end volume of it.

Let me try to explain it so if you put a really huge carburetor on something, that's really tiny! Well, we'll over exaggerate, you put a four barrel on a on a mini bike. The amount of air flowing through the venturi of the carburetor is in great enough to draw in what it needs to operate correctly, especially as far as the idle circuit too that'll circuit. Be kind of screwed up you kind of have to match if it's too small, then it's a restriction on the on the upper end. Put it back together.

One more time see we get. You see the separation of the water. Now, there's so much water was in the half, the bowl was filled. I thought that was it.
This is the the bowl that just drained out and, as you can see, there's still is water kind of like emulsified in it. I don't know if the fuel tank that i have that i filled it with might have been contaminated. You know the tank was dry. I even ran a heat gun through it and dried it all out.

So i'm going to run all that fuel out of there get all that gas out of there and probably try to get some other stuff and we'll run it with that. Apparently, that's not working too good. I drained the whole tank out. Let's go put some of the ethamol free stuff in it and one more time, it's just the third time.

Third time's the charm yeah, we'll give her a little choke give her a shot of that. I don't run at all what'd. You do so sure it chokes all the way off. It is nope that was pretty good stay.

Well, the whole backside of me is covered in mud and water. I think that fender needs to be a little bit taller. Oh wow, well guys, i think, as far as we're going to get on this one, it's at 90 percent - it's not bad for a shakedown run again. I just think that carb might be a little bit too big for the engine, so i may have to do a little uh ebay shopping and get one that's a little bit better suited for it again.

The weather's not really good. For this until uh you know, springtime comes along and i have, i think, we've done three three or four of the little bikes. We got the rm, not rm, suzuki 80, the pit bike that we did last and then this one. So i'm hoping in the springtime comes along, get a bunch of friends and we take them all out and just have some thrash runs with them and a little bit of fun with them.

But i like it, it's not bad, for you know again being a mini bike. I like the size of the wheels and the fact it's got front and rear suspension. It looks so much better red, wouldn't it that color is good. I like that color, that's the original right there, so maybe, when uh yeah sure at some point it wouldn't take all that much to tear it down and take the stuff off.

You probably have it apart in 15, 20 minutes and i get all the stuff off it and you know scuff up the frame and shoot it red. I think it would really make it look much better than that uh. You want to call that butterscotch. I think it worked out pretty good for being a bunch of miscellaneous parts.

Somebody took apart, put a different engine on it and that's kind of where they gave up, and you know boxing just missing stuff. I have no idea what that was and we were able to get it pieced back together. The only thing i really bought for was tires tubes and the belt. Everything else was pretty much junk that i either had laying around or came with the bike.

So she's a survivor bad for a 50 or 51 year old toy is still around. Let's go see what the modern ones are. Gon na be like 51 years from now right, all right guys with that one thank y'all for hanging out. We have a little bit of fun and uh with a wrenching.
Would i hope, to have gotten a little bit better tuned in that and do a little bit more ripping. But i guess i have to wait till spring on that all right guys with that sign off. Thank y'all for hanging out with me see ya, bye, there's all the gas i drained out of it. You can see the water in the bottom of that too, don't mind the dirt.

The dirt is kind of like what washed off the gas kind of ran down the side of the pull start a little bit with that water in there i don't know that was a fresh tank of gas. Doing a fresh can must have to go put that brian's car reasonable, looking no wheels huh for the mini bike. Oh there's one rim right there. Oh there's a crate up parts right here, yeah.

I think it's a real rough. It's got a rubber seat on there. Yeah tank yeah, that's pretty cool there. We go, we've been digging out parts, see what we got on this one.

That's a clutch, yeah, that's what those other parts are too over. There should be a jack shaft or parts for the jack shaft yeah. I bet you get 70 miles per gallon. You.

By Mustie

2 thoughts on “Scrap picked 50 year old abandoned rupp mini bike.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tigershadow1 says:


  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Samuel Beckett says:


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