I picked up this trashed 1972 vw karmann ghia to save a painted but never assembled 1974 that was missing most of it's parts. but for now lets see what the parts car has to offer.

Hey guys, how's it going? Friend of mine Brian Stopped over and saw the video on the Carmen Gia and he is my pink guy judging by the setup he's got in his hands there and he already kind of picked away a little bit on the front fender touched it I Just touched it. This gave her a little touch but here's what our real concern was. Got a bunch of scratches I'm hopefully the camera's going to see. Yeah yeah, there you go.

A ton of them all. so he's going to start working on that next. See what comes out of it? Uh, we pressure washed or steam washed the whole car. Still got some like soiling and stuff on it, but I don't know you want to put a piece of tape down in the middle of it? Maybe or something.

we do like a before and after or you'll be able to see it. Um cuz I'll do one panel at a time complete. so from one panel to the next you'll be able to see it as they go. All right, you'll be able to see a top each each quarter third.

Whatever, this whatever it works up you see. So we're going to let him go do his thing and I'll bring you right back. Hey see, the first round did for us. oh that's it.

I'm done I Quit right there. That's the best I can do leave that on there till she gets chalky and then just kidding. Just kidding sir. Oh it's already looking better.

Yeah the paint's awesome. except for that mess up. it was like a hose or something. probably got dragged over it.

car cover hose, something. I'll get him out of there. that's just round one. You feel them.

yeah, feel so much. Do you think like wet sanding it with like a 3,000 or something? would? we may have to go there. but I'm going to try and do it without it. We'll see.

I got. Um, we'll see what happens. We'll see what I can do sir. Let's just round one.

black shows everything Brian had to take off. He's going to pick away at it a little bit more tomorrow, but you already see the difference between the half and a half knots. huh? before after and that's just buffing it. There's no wax or nothing on it, that's just getting all the uh crap out of it.

The scratches are still in there I Don't know if we're going to try wet sanding that or what. just a little. uh, cautious that we don't get through the uh, see there you go. I Don't know if that happened when they were painting the car and they were putting clear on it and they dragged a hose across it or not, it's up there.

That's the only thing we've seen on on the whole car so we may try that. We may just may just have to kind of leave it alone. I'm not sure on that. kind of saw that in the beginning so rest of it's looking decent.

He's got the um this quarter down. there's no light on it, you can't really tell and then it's done up around I Think right to about here and then the roof's done mostly on one side, so pour and after I was hoping he was going to get the other tail light thing down and clean up a couple of tail. I want to get a couple of pieces on it to start making it re resemble what's supposed to look like and it kind of helps feed it Parts Came in I just got a notification that um I got seals for the windows seals for the front and rear deck lid uh, some of the seals for the door and the back windows and a headliner came in I ended up ordering a white headliner they have white and black I was kind of dancing back and forth I thought black might have been too dark for the car so just to get a little bit of light It's Kind black interior, black carpet and I figur. Maybe we just go with a a white headliner so that at night time when you have the interior light on it actually can do something now I thought about it.
I've never done a headlight on before I probably should have got a black so it would uh show less as far as like your fingerprints and like paint and uh not paint but um, the glue that you glue it down with showing up. but hey it's the first time for everything right? So Brian got called away yesterday it wasn't able to finish doing the body work on the car. He thought possibly he can come over. it's the next day uh in the morning and Tred knocking it out.

So I was kind of hoping that would could have got done. We could have started putting some of the pieces on it that we had and getting better idea what we do and don't have. but I don't want to start putting you know, headlights, tail lights, all those little bits, wiring stuff up and uh, have him run a buffer over it and then have to go. You know, deal with you you're trying to You say do this area up inside here and then having a piece of chrome stuck in the middle of it so it'll be easier for him to do the detailing on it without doing that.

Having said that, let's go grab the parts car that I purchased which is is this is a 74. The parts car I got is a 72. that's uh, really kind of. Ratty But anyway, let's go take a peek.

we'll drag that in here. we'll start going through it. maybe try doing a Willet run on that I think that thing sat for a long time too and get an assessment what we got for parts and uh I don't know. maybe start stealing some stuff off of it.

All right let me go grab it and I guess that would be a after. it's probably before I Don't think it was nowhere near as Rusty but you'll get the general idea. so this is a 72. The car we're putting together is a 74.

There's not much difference between the two two of them. I Think the only thing that happened was they put a uh seat belt requirement for back seats in in 74 7374. so that's why that car does not have a back seat in it. Now this one as you can see is definitely been a New England car.

I Already stole the Uh bolts out of the rear deck lid for to put the one on the other car so that when Brian does the body uh the buffing on it that that is already on there. but this is typical what you would see on a caring gear. The thing with these are the body is all pretty much one piece. It's not like you could take a quarter, unbolt it, a fender unbolt it.
If you look at it, it's all one continuous piece. There's no, you know, body line between the cowl and The Rocker It's all just one thing put together. so doing body workor on is a little bit more difficult. It's not.

You can take a fender. You can't take this. Take this Fender off. you know, beat out a D or swap a fender.

You have to kind of work with what you got. They're somewhat of a you want to call it a handmade car so this is what you get for a A New England Driver and uh, it was going to be cheaper to buy another parts car than it would be to start chasing all the parts after I started adding things up. The seats looked decent. uh I don't see any rips in them.

Get rid of that seal. Came with a free helmet too. I Think the padding's a little on the blown outside underneath, but that's typical. You know what's this car? 50 over 5050 years old and it looked like it had a decent dash pad on it, but unfortunately they put a tack screwed down to the middle of that in the speaker Grill So that may have done a job on it.

All the little bits and pieces that I'm missing I'm missing the bezels for the uh, the gauges I don't know what I have for um, you know Hazard knobs and all that kind of stuff I Think half that stuff is missing the door handles. Unfortunately, it's got a decent headliner in it cuz we're going to kill it cuz we are missing. uh the ribs I Think there's only two of them that go in the um that support the headliner going across and this would be like if it had a back seat. This is the style that they came with.

Armrest for the back and again, no seat belts. These are the front seat belts. I'm missing a bunch of that stuff too. I think I'm missing this.

so we have them. We're missing these. We're missing those. We're missing the trim going around the body we are.

We need this window. and of course this window scratched. Doesn't that suck? The one window I need it. It's broken in the other car I didn't notice that.

Oh well, so we still need that window. Worst case, we'll put that one in there. but I really don't want to do that Jason Friend of mine that's got a bunch of WW stuff. uh, bumpers I Don't think we're going to go and use use those bumpers I think I may just go with the little Nerf looking ones that stick out.

they're just kind of ugly. We need the tail lights I Went to go clean up the ones that were in the box. They have like like paint stripper or something. got on them and it kind of destroyed them.

I'll show you later. Some of the badging is missing. breake drums we need off of it. Probably breake rotors we're going to need off of it I Don't know if did it have an inspection sticker on it was the last time it was on the road Massachusetts 2011.
So it's about 13 years. Defunct. 13 14 years and I'm going to get under it. it's on the lift.

This: this was an AC car. Also, there's a hose right there. Got a cricket in here. Hear them.

Makes it feel like it's night time. Let me. um. pop.

We need the bezels in the front for the headlights. We're not going to use these. I'm going to try to find a set of um like bullet directionals and mount them down below. You look at the other car.

you can see how much stuff was filled in too. So this was filled in. on the other car. This was filled in.

There's like indents for the back bumper. We got to go look. I think these are not there on the other one. we'll see.

So if you look, there's nothing on the front of this car. It's gone. The indent is gone for the molding on the side. Yeah, they shaved the.

um. the little indent for the back bumper isn't there either, right? Let's go pop that engine cover off of there. take a look at what we got. and yeah, this one's been again.

50 years of a tough life. Judging by that, it may have had some overheating problems. Something that's old. Let me, uh.

unplug a wire like I said. I Stole the bolts out of it for the other deck lid. So much better. So this has an aftermarket carb on it.

scat. It's probably like a knockoff of a Weber. It might even be a Weber I'm not sure that and just goofy stuff has been done to it over the time you that coil Mount is not correct. the generator set up.

it's missing the correct band clamp on there that helps support it and whatever this is on there. They went with chrome for the uh tin shroud I think it's missing some of the Shroud off of it and again, an AC car would have another pulley right here, which it does and the compressor would have sat right over in here. Of course once they fail, everybody gets rid of them because becomes to be a pain the ass to get that spark plug out of there. And yeah, we're missing.

all the tins in the back are supposed to be covered back there. Back here, you're not supposed to see any of this is all supposed to be closed on an air cooled engine. That's fairly important. So I don't know what condition this one's going to be in if it ran like this for a long time.

Air on an on a BW this is a fan rout and right back here where the flashlight touching that right there. There's a fan inside there and that fan sucks air in, blows air down around the cylinders, exits out the bottom, and all the heat goes out of the bottom side of it and fresh cold air is drawn into the vent usually somewhere on top or on the side on an air cool. Volkswagen Well if that tint is not there you're looking at, that's the muffler. that's exhaust right there.

Heater boxes. you're just sucking hot air right back up into it and recirculating it around. So floors in this thing. um, he said he went and stepped in it.
he just fell right through it. so you know? Definitely this car has been repaired before. You can see how many times it's been painted in Bondo added to it. So it's got rust and then it's got the rust That You Don't See on it from all the Bondo that's hiding up and around it.

See, get better. look at the what we got for floors or lack thereof. so there's there's that. So there there's nothing you know.

um, you see, it's all gone pretty much all the way through it. Like I said typical New England car. but it definitely has the pieces that we need to try to put the other one back together. So let's um, do it.

Got a key in it? Yes, it does. Let's uh, start looking into the engine, do an assessment. Uh, we don't really need one for the other car, but there's nothing I could probably redeem half of what what I paid for this car, just in value, the engine if it's any good. So let's go move ahead and see uh what we have and whether it can be saved or you know, let's go find out.

So I'm going to get a jack, going to jack it up I'm going to take this wheel off and uh, it'll give us access to the Uh starter we put. We'll put a starter button on and we'll work it from the back of the car instead of trying to run back and forth, turn the key and see what's happening in the in the rear there. Going to try out our new Snap-on screwdrivers. You know it's been sitting a while when dirt comes out of the hubc cap on the Wheel Let's see what we got going on inside here.

So with that red wire is going, that's where we got to hook to this big. the big red wire here. Do this, the big red wire and the little red wire. we're going to put a jumper across.

That let's just get a better look at what we got happening in here. Looks like it got hit right there at some point. The Metal's all crunched and unrunnable. It's not terrible, but it's definitely showing its age.

Heater boxes aren't all rotted out. at least that one's not all right. Let's go get a jumper on that and we'll get a jumper pack, hook it to the terminals, and see if anything happens to my regular camera or stand with me. I Left it at the house so we're filming the different setup and same camera.

the other car it has um HD and super HD I Don't know what the difference is between the two, but I know it uses up twice the amount of space so this video is being filmed in Super HD Hopefully everything works on the other end. that uh, my computer plays well with it all right so we got Earl in her. Let's go throw the jumper pack on it and I already grabbed the pulley by hand I do know the engine turns doesn't get crunchy or anything so I'm not going to wheil the cylinders. let's go see.

In the start it looked like it was fairly new. Well new. It's not the original I wouldn't say new, you know, 15 years old or something, but it's shinier. Let's uh, here we go.
Hm, it sounds a little so much for that starter, huh? Could be an exhaust leak. Also sounds like a little bit of almost like a blowby. Uh, let's I smell gas too. Let's pull the plugs out.

it do a compression task again cuz I I Want to get an idea if this engine is any good or not? Not really concerned about this car driving around? Yeah, let's get the plugs out and uh, actually, we'll take an air gun first. Weow a bunch of the crap around the plug holes out of the way and uh, see what we get? What's your guesses? I'm going to say 110, 110, 90 90 is my guess. This side generally is the area that U has a little bit more failure. like I said, it's it's missing some of the the 10 so I may have taken some heat damage so got the plugs out of it.

This is how they are arranging the engine number one cylinder, number two, three, and four and these all look pretty good. You look at number three, you can see the oil fouling happening on that so that cylinder may be a bit of an issue. Let's go throw a gauge in it, find out I got the gauge screwed in the number one cylinder. Let's get rid of air cleaner that's looking rough.

Pop that open. We got to give her some throttle so that it can breathe. See what we got for linkage setup on this. Let me, uh, find something to block.

Maybe the ratchet will do. Do it. Let me grab some Bice scrip. I'll clip that in wide open.

Okay see you get number one cylinder has to offer Force I Don't know why it cut out. Go wiggle the wires down below. It's already saying 100 lb though. that's good as we 125.

that is a good number. Yeah, we set up on number two discharge. what was in there 135 is. that's really good.

What can be a problem though is if there's a big spread like say these are 135 and the other side's got like 100 all Al though if there were 100 across all four cylinders, it would run decent. Um, it wouldn't want to idle very well. If you got one side, that's like at 135 and the other side's at 100, it'll cause like some loping getting ahead of our let's go see the other side does and this would be the one I' be most concerned about. Number three? All right, it's like 125.

Also good. It was a little apprehensive on that one. And number four. come on.

discharge it first. just shy like 145. Good. So we're 125 to 145.

That's pretty decent I'm sure maybe even it runs after you adjust the Vals a little bit too. Those numbers may even kind of come in fairly close. So I think what happened I Think somebody probably pulled this engine at some point to rebuild it. Did that, You maybe sent it off to go have it rebuilt and then whoever put it in did a, you know, kind of a sloppy job doing so because a lot of stuff is really kind of butchered up.

I Don't know if it maybe the engine was overheating. you know, when this stuff was done cuz all this is totally wrong. It's got a hood scoop going the wrong direction so when you're driving, it would be sucking air out of here and drawing the hot air up from the back. Totally opposite of what you want.
You want to draw cool air in from here and discharge the hot out the bottom. So that may have been the original thing that maybe cooked the engine because those numbers are just, you know, too high. for a an old beater of an engine. you figure like 110 would be it.

All right? Let's um, take a jumper wire. We'll jump it to the hot side of the coil. We'll grab the coil wire off and see if we got spark. I Do apologize for the wobbly cam on a bouncy trailer on a bouncy stand half asy hooked together.

All right. So let's go hook. Uh, we're just going to put power to the coil and we'll give her a crank and we'll see if this plug wire does anything for us. Our little start button? Let's get rid of the light.

We don't need that and anywhere in the metal you touch the body, it should be good. We have no sparkk. All right. let's go pop the coil wire off.

Let's go check there see if we can any spark coming out of there. Let's go. So the coil has spark, but distributor does not. We can get rid of the V grips.

get out of the way so it's looking like something's wrong with the rotor. That's really about the only thing of that. Let's go make sure that spin in for us it is. I Have a feeling we have a rotor got bad plug wires too, but let's um, go steal the rotor out of the other one.

We'll plop it in there. There's a resistor that goes across here on some of these and it's it's I believe it's for noise supression on the radios that they did that. uh but sometimes they break down over the center. Let's uh, go steal the other rotor cuz you knew that car had spark and try it again.

see if it it's back at the plug wire could be that wire is no good too. But all right, got that one. Make sure the little nipple good inside the distributor could be the cap too. could be that.

Center Post Process of elimination. We'll kind of zero in on it. Hope hope we find it. We're going to find it and not hopefully have confidence, right? All right.

So let's go double check. Make sure our well we already know that's working. Let's go plug that back in. get in here and let's go give her a crank again, see if that plug a spark for us.

Still no spark. Double check and make sure that we got coming out of the coil. You're waiting for me to get zapped. I Know you are.

You know it's it's weak. It might be that. I mean it's like right. the spark is way too weak.

It's like right up against it and it doesn't have enough zest. Might be a condenser, might not be building up enough. give a good zap. Be condenser.

could be the coil. I Am going to go take a peek see what we got going on. I'm going to bump it around so that the point gap is and that Gap is it's tight I Don't think that's what our issue is, but point cap should be about 16. Now we're looking right there and I would say it's definitely on the tighter side.
I'm going to run a file across that we'll reset those and making sure that wire is not grounded out in the back. There's a condenser. condenser is back here and looks not old. That doesn't mean anything on electrical components.

I'm just looking to see how it comes through. the with the plug is on that distributor there with a little brass plug. is that that's not touching anything? That'll ground it out too. The jumper strap looks okay, that's that right there.

it's still in contact. Yeah, we go watch. Open those points up, run a file across them. We'll check it one more time.

Yeah, they're barely opening. My guess is condenser is the issue. but I condemn anything before it's before it's time. I got you right where you can't see anything right? they looking pretty burned up.

the um I think the tab that's on on the movable part might be missing. Gone? Nah, it's still there and I'm going to clean them up a little bit. We'll put it back together one more time. Open that Gap up and We'll try it again.

And uh, if that's not it, are you going to be concerned with it? Could me the coil wire too. Little nipple in the center. there cap actually looks pretty new. There's no burn marks on any other side of it.

Center looks fine too. All right, all I do is file those points up a little bit, see if that made a bit of a difference for us. We need a power wire back again and where's our button? Doesn't matter if that's on or off, let's get it out of Harm's Way though. I put the original rotor back on it too.

How about now there we go. Let's go throw that on there and go see what it looks like at a plug. As long as we got spark at plug, we should be okay. There we go.

Good That problem solved. Let's go throw the plugs back in it and uh, let's go dribble a little bit of fuel, see if she coughs back to life. So we're just going to dump raw gas down the intake and try to get it the fire off of that. but with raw gas the problem is the car's leaning a little bit cuz I got it jacked up.

All it's only going to go to number three and four cylinder, so I'm going to let it down a little bit so the engine's level and hopefully it'll feed all four. Good. All right. put it right there.

Let me, uh, kick you over. Where's a good place for you to stand that like a decent spot? Hopefully that hood doesn't come crashing down to me. it's got a wire hooked up to the Uh plate light's See you3d right? All right. So what I do with the fuel bottle I know you see it there.

It is all right. let's go put power back to the coil again. Really shouldn't matter if it's in gear because I have a tire up off the ground I don't think it is. Let's go give a littleit of that, see what she does.
Let's um I have no idea what it's got for fuel in it. Let's um, see if we can bottle feed it, shooting fire back, turn it, turn the choke all the way on too. know what caused that? Let's um I was never a big fan of these carbs unless the engine's got a big modification to it. I don't think it does much good.

Let's uh, try it again. wait for a big Fireball to come shooting out of it. Good. Sounds pretty decent.

Uh, you hear like a little bit of puffing on the exhaust. That's probably what I heard earlier for the exhaust leak. Was it what I was thinking was blowby good? Uh I don't know. Let's um, let's pop the fuel line off and see what comes out of it.

You know all the stuff has been sitting forever I'm not worried about um, contaminating anything I think it's all been. We get anything coming out out of that. Yeah, it looks like it was bone dry. huh? Let's uh, hook a external fuel supply up to it, see if it'll fill the carbon so it'll stay running I got a little gas can top right hooked up to it and let's go turn the fuel on.

Have no idea whether it's taking it or not. Of course that Chinese valve is leaking. of course it is. Why wouldn't it like a SI why do I bother buying them? Remember the good old days, everything you bought wasn't just a whole pile of junk was like absolutely useless.

There you go, let's go see what we got for o-ring failure cuz I know if I put another one, it's just going to do the the same thing I bet if we get a better, a better o-ring I'm going to look into the my big eyeballs of that like a big bur or something. that's um, not allowing it to seal I'm going try getting a uh, a different o-ring putting it on there I Got a pack of like 20 of these but they all do the same thing. Go and try a nital one. that's what we had.

it's too small there that one up the next one up. well that's the original I Have a feeling this is going to be too too sloppy on it. Let's go see. Yeah let's go for the one the next size under now I forgot what I was putting on there which one was the original? Let's go start over again.

We'll pick another new one out. it's thicker but smaller. Story of my life. Let's see if you can get that fed in there.

just crush it in the visce right there. Go feels tighter. see if that'll work for us. It's open right through staying dry.

Oh you there you go. Kind of sucks when your rubber leaks. you know as back you back up and let's go give her another shot. So we're going to need to prime it again.

Let some power to the coil and we'll give her a little starter shot. Hopefully it'll it'll take over and run off what's in the bowl but you knows what condition that carbs in. That's good. St Running CLE out.

got to have big mouse Nest inside the shb. it's blowing all kinds of crap out of it I Smell it too. Got a loose cylinders now. let going to warm up a little bit, make sure we're getting a good fuel flow that's full so let's some popping in gear, see how the transmission is and the clutch and all that.
Didn't like. Third good: the clutch felt like it was okay. Let's um I'm not quite sure what we're starting for, whether we suck dirt in the carb or whatever. it's definitely, uh, starting to flounder.

Let's go give her another a little bit to get her going. What if that tack on the dash? Works No may not have power to it either though. Let's go turn the key on. That shouldn't hurt anything.

Yeah, that came alive. Pick some gears. Ship knob just fell off. It fell out, rolled on the floor.

first, second, third, fourth. Let's Go Reverse good. Transmission seems like it's all right. You think we have a gas pedal? You have no way to shut it off.

Sticks wide open. see idle. it says 29,000 Mi on it. My guess is 129.

It's weird that the, uh, the brake leg kind of comes off when you when you put it in gear. How does it know? huh? Must have another switch on the transmission. Kind of like a reverse light switch. Knowing that it's in gear, that's funky.

Want to try some other stuff? Let's go for lights. Got one headlight. Oh hazards, no hazards it. it blinked once.

Horn Let get an assessment of our parts. You know? How about Tunes Nothing we to frost? No button for the emergency brake that's feeling a little look like it's something there. At least we got brakes. I Got to go open the door and I'm going to sneeze.

it's alive. Got parking lights too. Get pissing out underneath a it's looking pretty dry. Got a funky aftermarket muffler on it.

that little that weird looking imitation. It's got like a header bit of a shake to it like it's got a Mist up like it's running on three cylinders. At an idol. At least.

let's um, definely hasn't missed. one of the cylinders are firing. Let's get a test light. We're going to go ground one side of the test light.

We're going to go down find out what cylinder is not firing like it should. There's that too. Yeah, let's go get a test light. We'll go around them and see which one's not doing what supposed to be doing lights.

they're all working. I Can explain this why the car is not running just so we can hear each other power on the coil for now. All right. So I want to try to isolate.

It sounds like one cylinder is not firing and what? I'm going to do I'm just going to take a test light. other end of this wire is grounded and we are just essentially just going to short out each cylinder like that and we'll hear each one cut out. If we have a cylinder that does not cut out, that's the one that is not firing correctly. So my guess is it's probably a bad plug wire that's doing it cuz we had compression.

Could be a bad plug too. but let's go find out. Hopefully it starts again to the coil. Let's go give her a little primer start and to light there's a button you that's a definite.
Looks like number two is not doing anything. Number four is kind of. It's weak though. I just died from something else.

The number two cylinder is the one that's kind of crapping out on us. So let's go check that plug wire. Let's go steal a plug wire off of something else and we're place number two. and uh, we'll just leave that in place.

We'll just go take another plug wire. A lot of times the ends burn out too going across them. but let's go throw another wire on it see if it gets any better. Get rid of that.

just a brand new one on there. We don't need to run up behind the Shroud for now, we're just doing an assessment. Let's get rid of that one. Let's get this one out of the way and see if there any difference for us.

I Getting the carbs dirty too tweak to get a G. Sounds like we're running out of gas. It's running only on the bottle. We could have sucked up so much crap that that car's not even doing what it's supposed to be doing either.

Let's um, yeah, like think that carb just sucked up so much debris. Make sure not pinching off the flow of fuel. Oh, we got air in the fuel line. Hold on, let burp going to a pressurizer.

Wow, thing's a pig. Ain't got no gas left in it. Used it all up. Well there's your problem and take whatever number we're on now.

Power back to the coil. A little jump start of fuel should go. Still feels a little pumpy. Could have an intake leak too.

Yeah, no difference at number two at all. So we could have an intake leak over there and it's just sucking air and it's got the wrong mix to it. Let's get the plug back out of it. Maybe we'll throw another plug in it and see if that'll help cure its woes.

there's that plug. Nothing. I Mean the plug is like literally wet with fuel on it. Know, go try another one.

All we got a new plug in it. let's see if that make any difference. Okay, so it's got a new wire and a new plug on that cylinder. We still have an issue.

Maybe we'll double check our compression. make sure we didn't lose something. What we need: Start button and a tickle. There you go.

That's much better. Yeah that flank was no good. Now if I got to short it out, you'll hear it. There you go.

Sounds good nice I Don't know if got an idle circuit in it or not. It may it may die in a second. Plus I don't know what. Uh Powers the choke on a regular carburetor there a wire from the hot the coil.

The more the coil is energized, it heats up a coil and turns the choke off. I Don't know what what is operating this one? Oh, it's back there. It's got a wire on it or not, it's a wire on it, but the end missing. So there's nothing that turn that choke off Should be a wire coming from here over to it.
There's a bare wire flopping around somewhere. Yeah, that's so. nothing's going to turn that choke off. good.

It's acting like it's got no accelerator pump neither. You can see squirt going down. It looks like the gasket internally is blown out so it's Stu and feel weird? Cut it off. So I am looking right here.

Get the light back up on there. See that gasket? It's hanging out so the whole thing is all kind of discombobulated. It's uh, not building pressure like it should. That's a paper gasket that's supposed to be up around the corner of it, so you know.

Definitely that carb needs to be rebuilt. but our assestment of the engine is awesome. That worked out really good. Doesn't smoke.

Volkswagens Really generally don't smoke anyway. Not usually much of an issue to them, but that's not a bad first assessment. All right. Just uh, hbed my money as far as uh what I got for my money.

Looks like we got a decent engine and transmission C Caria Transmissions are a little bit more sought after too. They have a they're kind of like a Freeway Flyer they have a taller um Top Gear so they're able to go faster. So if you're on a car, if you're on like an older Volkswagen like I say you're running like a 60 Beetle or something in it or you know, whatever if you put this TR in it or say 68 and up uh IRS Trans in it it'll have a taller gear ratio for for bigger engines. they kind of matched with the engines I Also think too a Beetles got much more pronounced height to the body and what happens is the uh wind resistance is my guess.

this kind of cuts through the wind a little bit better. So they also went with a again a little bit taller gear ratio. plus it's a two-seater so I meant to haul as much weight. cool I'll let this air out and go change your battery.

Well Brian Came by early in the morning and knocked out the rest of the paint. It looks awesome. Some defects in it. Kind of like what to be expected.

Yeah, you couldn't really tell what you had underneath all the dirt. Seems like the passenger door it's got a little bit of um I don't know if it was dirt in the paint or if it's just, um, needs to be wet sanded down a little bit more. I If it's showing up on camera, the worst of it is probably the deck lid. Again, they probably painted the deck lid off the car and it has, um, orange peel in the clear is probably the best way to put it.

I Know if that's showing up, not catch it in the light. It's got some swirl marks in it all out through there. So I think maybe wet? Yeah, you definitely see it showing up in the white there. how rough it is.

Not that it's if it wasn't a black car, you wouldn't notice it at all. So maybe at some point wet sanding the deck lid would be appropriate. And that one section of the front fender that we had the scratches in is, uh, still fairly prevalent. That's the worst of it.
Having said that, it's probably the best paint of anything I own. So uh, my thoughts are, why don't we take this Beast Down Get off the trailer, put the wheel back on on it, try to set it up, see if it yard drives. Just kind of give ourself a little assessment of the drivetrain. It does have an emergency brake so we can stop more than we say for the other car.

Let's go put it around a little bit. I'm going to get some Hardware from different bolts just to bolt that deck lid back on cuz I had to go steal the crack bolts for the other car and uh, just kind of give ourselves a we don't fall through the floor see how this one does course and a you go leave it. we get the hook. Yeah, take the hook off and give it a push going down.

Oh next, this goes crashing all the way. You lost something. the full match my battery betray. That's what happens.

You don't use a welder and you just glue patches of metal in. whoops. So we got her hooked up kind of me. Go see if she fires up from the inside know it's got a starter button.

help think the chances are that deck lid's going to stay up. It'll be fine. Let's go take her to see if it putter around a little bit. only when you're in gear, take it out of gear goes out I Don't know why the ground I haven't seen that before I haven't either.

No brakes at all that pedals Frozen to the floor I Got the emergency brakes though. brakes. It's got no button though. Do we really need brakes where we're going? It's a helicopter.

sounds like a plane that's crashing. Adjust that for you. you got it comes the bumps. Okay, there's stuff l raining.

The car is raining on me actually. I Have to go hit the brakes again. The yeah. the rust that's puking out of whatever that is.

It's raining out of here. You an outside shop if you like sir? Yeah, of course. of course. Of course it's fine.

He looks like a good place to park it. That's a it's a lever right car? We're a lever right there. It looks good there. D We didn't say we're going to go for a long ride.

we just say we're going to go for a ride. It's the throttle was sticking too. Did you hear here like I let off it grab I go to hit The Brak So brake pedals froze. then I go grab emergency brake and then it died.

So yeah again, we're just trying to get an idea of what it's got. The transmission seems like it's fine. clutch seems like it's fine, so you know, as far as the engine's concerned, the trans. Both of them seem like they're fairly decent.

just kind of coughing up a furball. I think I'm going to use it this winter, sir. Yeah, register and use it all winter. It's all yours got.

Put your own engine in it though. Okay, got one all right. See if we can limp it back to the shop and let's go. That's rud to frost.

Oh nice. Let's go see if she'll fire up for us. Just just needed a nap. That's all.
Come on there. The slippery should. What? Don't make me tow you home? Worry about that door. Come on baby.

you can do it almost there. Co that's revers. Try for second. whmp it in second.

Come on. give it no gas. A lovely specimen. German Engineering That'll be fine, right? We'll bring it back here.

it'll just have no issues. How does the arm work if you screw? Yeah, there's that. There's one each side. It's got no button either for keep the emergency brake on, huh? Well there's that shut off leaving in gear but they took the time to put a skirt on the tack and dead fine.

It's like a nature scene. crickets. So A friend of mine has is uh two Volkswagen here he moved to Florida and a transport truck so proba going to pick them about a week or so be my guess and what I think we can do is we'll put the carag is over here on jack stands and we can slowly start picking away at the pieces that are needed on this and just kind of use them for like a road map where Hardware goes how things are put together. that kind of thing that I don't have a uh, a reference point other than you know, maybe looking at pictures on the internet so maybe we'll take off from there.

we'll get this car. so it kind of runs drives and stops which is going to be doing the brakes all the way around, going through the fuel system and uh you know, getting pedal cluster working I don't even think there's got a mass of cylinder in it. so we got to go chase that we got the uh top, the vinyl top the um interior headliner. There we go I have assistance and we got all the seals for the glass.

all that kind of thing. uh, headliner would have to go in first. we're thinking maybe again. We talked about wet sand that back deck lid, try to get that a little bit better condition and same with that front up there.

see if we can, uh, make those a little bit in a better condition. but at least the major part's done. there's not. There's not even any wax on the car that's just buffing is where it is right now and uh, she's pretty shiny.

I We're going to end off guys I Want to thank you all for hanging out doing some wrenching and uh, you know it's a slow burn on projects like this. it's not like doing a motorcycle where it's done in three videos. There just so many little things to pick away at. and I'm not quite sure what I do and don't want to film I may not film doing the headliner uh just because when you run a camera it takes three times as long to do something and you trying to work with glue, drying and everything and it'll be my first time trying it I may skip that.

We'll see. No promises. uh I tried putting I grabbed some car Gia bumpers that I had I'm not crazy about them on there. plus the body was already filled where so that's a front bumper and if you look where the two points are, that would connect well on the later models.
Those points are out here so it's not even the same mounting location for that. and they filled in on the body where the bumpers would go. There's cuts that would have been in here, they've already been I You want to call that not shaved uh, frenched, frenched in laid now French is the other. it's it's def frenched French is when you you suck it in right? There's a joke there.

anyway. um, so it's already been modified differently to not really accept the bumpers. so I may just go with those little nerf bars that kind of come out with the little Chrome ends on it I think will look fairly decent and I'm just going to do I think maybe little bits of chrome accent around it break it up I had some wheels from another car I was going to go use they're New Old Stock we may go with these. Really pretty much like what's on there.

just you know in a chrome fashion. so imagine if you will for that that instead of that and like little bits of chrome around it here and there. All right guys. look that.

I think we're going to go sign off till the next one. Like I said, my plan is to kind of jump in and out of this car back and forth to pick way at it. and uh, so it's not going to be successive videos, but hopefully at least you know every other week or so we have on on it. All right I'm rambling, We're done.

We'll see you later.

By Mustie

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