this 1974 honda z50 monkey bike was restored but never got it running, I bought it as is while picking up another machine. this failure was a 1st for me, such an odd problem.

Foreign. Hey guys, how's it going? I was out on a pic picking up another machine for a video for another day and while I was there, this was there. It's a 1974 Honda Z50 monkey bike that looks like somebody did a restoration on and bought some of the later. Parts At first I thought it was a knockoff like one of the later ones.

just you know by the Chrome in the tank and the Seton Hall but it's not, it's a 1974, the real deal with the original engine on it, just some aftermarket pieces added to it. So somebody went through Great Lengths of uh, bringing it back to life, took it apart. It's like they painted the frame and did all that kind of stuff. New lights and everything on it, but it's not complete and it doesn't run.

worth a damn. I uh ran with it, tried to push start it first I tried kicking it and it didn't even want to kick over. it. does that slip that the Hondas do with the auto transmission there? so it wasn't even kicking it over? so I ran with it random with it, ran with it.

I was ready to be done as I'm walking back up to the guy pushing the bike. it started up and ran for about 10 seconds and died. So we made a deal. I bought it and another machine and I figured we'll turn the camera on.

hopefully something simple. if not, either way, we're gonna film it and we're gonna see what it takes to, uh, bring it back to life. Fortunately Somebody went and spent all the money already on all the pieces that made these. There's new tires on it and there's a box of the old Parts kind of came with it too.

the old gas tank side cover. uh, some other bits and pieces kickstand that's not on it yet so it looks like it got like three quarters of the way done with the restoration. So without further Ado Let's get you popped in the stand and let's see if we can resurrect this thing and get her to go putt around. So I already know it's got spark although it's missing the ignition switch and a bunch of other stuff.

Uh, because it did start run for a second. So I I know I did that sparked? At least for a little bit. Let's look into the fuel system. We'll pop the uh I don't pop the football off yet.

let's uh, see if we can get a urine sample out of it the way it is. see if there's any water or bad fuel in it as you can get anything out of it should almost like continuously run. I Got a little bit of kind of like burping itself is that it is enough to fill the float. Bowl Let's go see if uh beginning change I know it's got gas in it? Yeah, that's yeah.

that might be a problem. Nothing going to the carburetor. Um, you take it right out. see if we're getting here There it goes.

Might be airlocks. huh? Kind of doing like a weird because no venting for the football. Well, there's your problem. Let's go pop that gas line off, see if we get anything coming.

right out of the pet. There's a fuel that was in it. You see a little bit of dirt. See any water? Not terrible though.

See, it's missing some screws here and there too on some covers. Let's even get it off the carburetor. It looks like it's it's peeing. Pretty good there.
just not going through that carb. see if we gotta shut off? Yeah, we do. All right. So I'm gonna go pull that carb off because we definitely got something going on inside there.

See how that looks? Yeah, cleaner. but um. still got some crap in it. Too bad to get this off again.

Let's see where to get the air cleaner off. This should spin off. Take the slide out. Tiny, huh? And then those two screws.

Let's get that ball off of there and see what kind of stories it has to tell. Seems like it's got some gas in it. doesn't look dirty. It was just kind of weird.

The way it was, um, like chuckled chugging out of it. like it would let a little out. like almost like it was like air bound. You know, go jump that out and somehow somewhere.

Generally the floatballs have a place to breathe. You know, like if you can't gravity feed something that's sealed, it just won't go in. It has to have some place for the air to escape as the fluid fills up the bowl and it might be that one right there. I'm not sure.

Let me get the float out of it. Look at its level. The level looks fairly decent and that's something that could plague a machine. It'll run, not run, which is what it was doing for me.

you know? then he the person I got it from didn't have it long. he kind of I think he bought it done. Did buy gaskets for the gas tank but I see that might be the vent right there and that might be clogged. I'm gonna go take a piece of hose and put it over that and take a better look.

It might have just like a little pinhole in the top of it that has to be able to breathe. It's either that or right there is not open to atmosphere. Yes I put a little hose on there I can't draw through I'm not and I'm not sure that's where it's supposed to breathe, but that is sealed up completely. I'm gonna go poke around the tip a little bit and see if there's a pinhole that comes out.

We could probably actually just shoot some compressed air through there too. Maybe a better way to explain it. So when I had the carburetor on there, the fuel was coming out. You ever take um, like a gas can.

it's got the little vent cap on the back of it and you don't take the vent cap off and it, um, you know, the gas kind of Chuckles through the air fills the thing back up. That's kind of seems like what it was doing so that's clear. but I don't think it would vent through that. I'm not sure that because I would think the fuel level is going to be up on that about an inch.

I Still think this would probably be where the Breather is trying to push. It looks like something came through the side over here. It's getting wet on this side so it is blowing through somewhere. Let me put the Um hose through the base of it.
I Want to push through? Yeah. I heard it gurgle out some stuff I can see the hole now right in there on the side of it so I may block it off when I put the hose over it? Well, we can put the bowl back on it, hook fuel up to it, and open the pet, see if it pisses through. Actually just pop the air fuel mix out real quick. Blow out that passage too.

Well, we got it. The bowl looked clean, but definitely had an issue. This one is just for, uh, idle speed. It just holds the slide up a little bit.

I don't know if that would unthread I Don't know if that's in there with any kind of usually either. thread it in, the O-ring is gone. We're going to find something for that and sometimes you could push emulsion tube at it. Maybe like a backs out of a drill bit or something.

that's the right size here. I am yeah I'll look pretty clean. it has a little bit of dirt I can see it right there in the end of those. All right? I'm gonna rinse it out real quick and we'll put it back together and we will put fuel to it and we'll see if it drains through the flow.

Pole That's a good thing. You had a Yamaha carburetor kit in my stash I need that O-ring I'm gonna launch the Crossroad There we go. Get in there all right. let's see if we get gas flowing through it now.

turn the pet on I Don't remember if this is open or closed. Close it for a second. I'll try to fill up with fuel and hopefully anything. Yeah, take it right out of there.

it kind of still acting the same. Let's um, unthread the carb and slide the vent on the gas cap. that does anything. it's on the open position acting the same.

Must have missed it. Let's make sure like a gas flow coming out of it tank we did earlier so I doubt that would be the what it was. Yeah, that's flowing fine. I'm gonna try putting blowing fuel air in through the bowl.

Let's see if it gets to pass through the carburetor. I Got a piece of line on it. Very restricted I Didn't think it was the needle and seat. It wasn't acting like it, but we got to go back in.

You ain't got it till you got it. It ain't right. It ain't right. Yeah, there's no barely any fuel in the bowl.

Probably should have checked that the first time, huh? The float level does not seem like it's all that far off could be. Let's get rid of the needle all together and blow through it. Well, that's a problem. so it's got a clog a restriction without the needle being in there.

So try shooting some carp cleaner through that and barely wants to go through. Yeah, much less than should see if that did anything for us. Yeah, something's wrong. if we get this out of there.

you go see if that's clear. that's fine. it's in here and that's fine. Somebody's got a problem.

You'll blow through both of those. The peak do you think did it clear itself when we took it apart? I'm gonna look under the scope real quick. look down in there. let's see if we get a good passage going through.
So here's the other side of that took it out. That is a super tiny opening. I Don't think that's um, that's almost like a jet. It's not even.

I'm gonna try opening that up with a drill bit a little bit that's just too restrictive that's not letting any Caster it probably a new carpet kit that he put in, you know? I'm gonna go poke at that like some wire or something. I got another number 60 drill bit I think I'm gonna go try opening that up that is. Tiny So I'm gonna pop that probably in a vice or something. I'll spin this through there and open that up just a little bit.

Yeah, let some gas come in hopefully and ruin that surface down on the inside of it. there for the seat. the seat. I See what this time has to offer us monkeys? Give it a second and hopefully that's better Now it's filling the float ball up a little.

Burpee Let's take the gas cap is off Good Well there's was your problem. Let's go throw that back on there. I'll give her a couple of kicks. let's see how it runs and so far that needle seat is working.

If it wasn't the float level, fuel would keep coming up up in that tube that was sticking up out of the float. Bowl Well, that's an overflow too. It would just flow up into that and come out that same tube and it's not. Let's go give her some choke, give her some kicks.

Yeah, before we do that, we should not take somebody else's word for it, right? Make sure there's some oil in it. Yep, you never know. So the the kick pedal was not catching all the time too. Let's see what we.

Yeah, Sure, you don't have a kill switch, no warranty on the choke. excuse up. It's not even turning it all right, just getting better. right through it.

and that choke off. Hopefully that'll go away. I Think it went there. you go.

I don't think they have a decompression valve? No. I don't see one. Foreign. All right.

Let it warm up a little bit. We got down in that air fuel mix too. Hmm. foreign.

Dies runs dies. That's all. Chuck was keeping the hair off a choke and let it run for a little bit if you can. Um, thank you.

Foreign up a little bit. Shut down. Choke is mostly on. let's get some temperature in it.

it's all over. Whoa. Rattly, hopefully he's not in the engine. What's that to lift yourself? Turning that soap off? it'll stay running.

That's good. Get in there, gotta run a bike. I Don't know if it's gonna take any revs on the throttle. so get around the air fuel mix out a little can bring our Idol down so we can sneak up on the day going.

get off the air cleaner on and neither should run that in until it runs rough. I Want to die? Oh, that's all the way in there. Really should be right about there. Couldn't get it all right.

so I'm going to screw with that a little bit. I'm probably going to pop the air cleaner on it and we'll see how it goes. A couple things: I want to check you on check, valve adjustment and everything. Probably should have done that when it was cold, but you know hindsight well.
at least it does run. we're getting warmer. That was one problem fixed on it. that was probably a hard one to chase, huh? They kept trying to get it going.

It would run die run die. I was starving for fuel I'm gonna go tweak that a little bit and I'll bring you back. let's open that filter up. That's what we got going on here.

We got no filter in our filter. Let me see if I have a piece of material I can cut to put inside there I've got some parts that came with. let's dump that out. make sure nothing we can use right now.

I see pieces from another carburetor I Don't see another carburetor but pieces from one. Like we got a kill switch. What that harness is for? All right, the gas cap and then in the box we have an original seat that they took off of it. An original gas tank.

That's pretty pretty cool. I Don't know if they try to welding it there. doesn't look terrible. Yeah.

I See, they braced it right there. huh? And it's the original side cover. What else we got? Kickstein? Yeah. I think inside here we have the original.

Um, whoops. the gaskets got the gaskets, the Um labels for the gas tank. you go on there gas tank inside cover, but no air cleaner as we were to make an air cleaner. This stuff that would go like in a big computer cabinet.

Let's see if you can need a little smaller than that should do that. Cut that out, shove that in there would be acceptable. You have to cut it down even a little more than that. That's good.

You see got something. It's got a little local locating tab. foreign ER Let's try it again. I Turn the idle back up a little bit and back down on the air fuel mix.

The air cleaner is not it now. Thank you just listening to how fast it returns to idle changing without me even touching it. Let's go get a little stained underneath it. We'll get that back back tire up in the air.

We'll pop it in gear. We'll see how the transmission is. Yeah, idle's kind of jumping around a little bit. I might have an intake leak.

Let's see. let's go run it through the gears. She's pretty quiet in the gearbox forever and he's dead. Yeah I'm guessing intake League You know I think I like that and then drop it down.

There's an o-ring on here, but there's no gasket on the other side. so I kind of wrapped my finger around I was trying to make a difference at the idle. I Don't hear anything and we don't know what's going on down in here too. We could have one.

Also, a lot of times you do, you'll spray carb cleaner on it and you'll hear a change in it. Like now it's running away without doing anything. It's just changing so it's like teasing me. Bring it down a little I will spray some on it.
We'll see if we get a change. Yeah, but we have an intake right down in here. Well there it is. How do I shut it off? Soak it? Nope.

All right. yeah, except to get a kill switch. So that's what. It's got an intake leak right there.

As soon as I spray it, you hear it drop off. Let's open this up and see what's going on. Bigger chances are, it's just not tight. Yeah, that's pretty loose.

Yeah, that's how it was. Let's um, I'm gonna take it off anyway. see what we got in there? like I said the upper side with that nylon. it's got o-ring on one side.

You would think it would have like a paper gasket on the other. I don't know if there's no ring down on this side or not. You could make one if we have to wait. I just wasn't getting a correct response out of the throttle.

It was weird. That's feeling like it's a little on the that might be pulling threads with. it. does not feel right.

I'll turn that fan off in a minute. Unfortunately, some of the stuff that you run into when somebody does this, which is fine, it's all part of it. The price I paid was good I Have a feeling it's missing. Feels like it's got a gasket on one side.

right there. a little bit, but nothing on the other. Yeah, there's a gasket there, but nothing on the other side is just stuck on the intake. I'm not feeling anything I'm going to clean that surface up too.

Even like that ceiling surface. See what's happening is it'll suck air instead of sucking air through the carburetor in the mix, it starts sucking air right through this area and then the mix of the carburetor is just all over the place. It can maintain itself. That's what's going on.

Yeah. I Can take a reasonably clean some of that crap up off of there and get that carb. I'm going to flip up that intake. maybe just take it off.

might have to make one make a gasket for that. Yeah, you could tell where there was a gasket on that side. You can see the imprint like that one is and this one's actually missing the whole section right here. It's not even here.

I'm not going to go take this right off. and for now I think I'm going to just take some right stuff and we'll kind of like code it with it and we'll make it so that it's um, with the blade. now. Okay, here's our problem.

We'll make, um, mix them up. There you go. three quarters of one, plus the fact it was a little on the loose side too. So I'll clean that surface up.

We'll put a little bit of sealer on each side, put it back together and see if the idle calms down. Yeah, so there's where the issue is. It pulled threads out I think I wonder if they knew it had an intake. They kept trying to tighten it down to the point where that happened.

So I'm gonna take and clean this up I may try to find one. it's got a little bit longer threads I'm going to measure down on the hole, see how much further we have. We may have make another that much. I'll get a longer bolt to go and try to take care of some of that.
Actually, it looks like somebody that they don't even match, do they? Yeah, that one even metric. You might have run something else in there. Let me go see what I got. that's probably actually I think that's what they did because that one's already longer, right? Yeah.

threader tip actually. So that's all there is right to my nail? It's all the threads there is. So that's where it would bottom out. So what happened was they ran the bolt and bottomed it out.

It was still probably leaking and they kept trying to crank it. Took the threads out so we need a shorter one that's of that long and it probably had a washer on a tubing. I Guess so we're in the bolt in from the other side. it actually feels pretty good.

I'm just gonna try. You know horses, you gotta drill it out and go larger. Yeah, the other side is actually feel pretty good again. they don't have that much distance to drop down.

It feels like it's got a little bit more room. All right. Gonna find another one that's this size and put it back together. So I went looking for the bolt in that box.

was the correct one. It was okay, so I don't know if they just put the wrong one in there or they're trying to fix something. Let's uh, turn that idle up a little. We'll give her a shot see if we get a different response.

I got to make gaskets up for that anyway, but we're still trying to zero in on what's Happening All right. sounds better Stephanie sounds much more in tune. much better still. Kind of.

Yeah, the drop down is taking a while to get there. I Think we're off the idle so this whole the out the screw to the upper section just holds the slide for height. It's not changing air if you'll mix the other one's changing the air fuel mix I Tried backing it out I Try to get to run a little richer, get rid of that slow idle drop down but I'm I'm off I'm already out. As far as that slide will go down, the cable could be holding it up, but not sure.

foreign. Poke around it a little bit more I Go stay around it. We got a couple things to look into too. Like I said it's missing some screws on the side.

Pop this off, see what's going on underneath here. make sure there's nothing droopy. We just got to kind of go over everything that's not even tight. the wheel I Don't think it's the thing we've ever ridden without any Lube on the chain at all I Don't even see any dirt up in the fenders.

We gotta get a kill switch on it. How do you want to shut it off? Yeah, they're missing something there. There's a chain tensioner underneath here. It actually sounds pretty good though.

It's definitely running much better now, Huh? You can do that all right. Let's go do a little bit more exploratory on it and see how things are. Uh uh, we gotta possibly look into I'm gonna look up a wiring diagram or at least a kill switch. You can get that set up and then I'm sure we got like a maybe a high is a high beam low beam.
Is it how many wires are coming out of it? Three? Yeah. So it's gonna have a high beam, low beam switch and a ground for that. I'm back in that stash. It looks like it there was a body of a switch.

Do we see the rest of it like parts of one? Huh? On off switch. There you go. You think that's aftermarket? Or maybe they try throwing up on there because, well, that's kind of matching up. Is it what's inside here? Let's open that up.

Looks like a light bulb. Yeah, it's a light bulb with the kickstand on. Is that one got a gasket on it? What's this one got That's got a gasket there that's tiny though. huh? That's even small That was on there? Yeah.

we got the Big Bore Kit Anything else? No. I got a um, this is a Ct90 up there. like a parts bike. Let's go look and see if there's anything we can take off of.

That set of points right? Turn off kit. Yeah. uh. let's see if there's anything that we use off of that.

If not, we'll just go with. maybe we'll throw that on there for now. so this one's got. We won't have turn signals heavy, low, and high beam.

It's going to go out in the wrong. I I Don't even know. I should probably look up on my phone. which side, what controls are where right? Hmm we need a horn too.

If you want street legal, we got a horn. What's that? the other half of this? so that's going to be a rear brake light switch I would like to make it street legal. you know, steal that? you got a parts bike up here. This one's got directionals on it.

you know what horn and on this side it's got off on. Run low and high beam. Not quite sure what side would uh been tapped through to run. Hmm.

we need to do a little shopping online and see what it looks like. I'm back at the bike just kind of like now. wiring and see what we got you ready. Yeah, all right.

well there's those. I put a little wiring pile off up there and only two wires are going up. The red and the black are the only one used. There's a blue and a white and they're tied together I don't have a wiring diagram I tried real quick on my phone to look it up but I wasn't getting anything.

It seemed like I got everything but a 50. I Also, don't know whether it has a battery or not whether it used one. I gotta kind of Jump Around The forms just go take a like a little exploratory peek of what we got going on in here. I'm gonna tell Millimeter, let's get this cover off too.

I Also because I Want to inspect that sprocket? Okay, another yeah. like the CT70 has a battery in it wired into it. It's all new. It's supposed that's supposed to wiggle around.

Get paranoid about that. They're supposed to have a bunch of play in it. That's okay. I'm just looking at what they did for wiring.
There was a harness that came in the Box too, so maybe they yanked that out of there. Also, don't know if it's the correct. Oh, we got. so it'd be like an upper and a lower coil.

One generate Spark with a flywheel. I mean for the Uh coil, the other one is the electrical system. power out for the electrical system and hopefully they're both hooked up again. I Don't know why these two are tied together, but uh, let's make it a wiring diagram.

I'm not gonna really know what's going on so I gotta go hunt one of them down. All right. Well, it's a few days later and I was able to grab a high beam low beam switch that mounts in The Handlebar and I was able to dig up a wiring diagram on it. Fortunately, it's in black and white, but it does call out what color what wires are.

and the headlight and the taillight that were added to the bike the wire is coming out of them are totally different. This bike was set up, uh, more of a trail bike I don't think it was from the factory a street legal one. so it only has the tail light, not a tail light and a brake light. So the two wires going to this one one's breaking one's tail.

it's not ground. it's got two elements inside it. so to make it so that it would switch over, we would need a switch for the brake pedal. Probably going here somewhere you could just turn a switch on and off and the same thing for the front brake to work the rear brake light.

Other thing too is it's 74 so it would need turn signals. 73 did not. so I'm not really concerned about putting it on the road. I Just want to add it to my collection of uh, this is the one that's missing in the link.

Maybe we'll show you later. Uh, anyway, let's I'm gonna go pick away at wiring I Don't know how much we're gonna go film of that because stuff does not match and we'll see we can get functioning and see if we can get some of this stuff working if we do great. If we don't we're still going to button it up and just not have any lights working. Take a four spin I'll give you a catch up about an hour later and you know prodding and measuring and cutting and splicing wires going through all the mess.

Found a couple of things out. Yeah, take a second to explain it to you. So for the bike to run just for the coil is just the black wire. Everything else can disconnect.

The black wire is the only thing that energizes the coil coming off the Magneto power. It's got like three different levels of power. so there's a red, blue and I want to say a tan coming out of it. They seem to be just tapped off of different spots of like the coil so different voltages come out of them.

It seems like all of them are. AC Also try putting a DC meter across it, you don't get anything I don't think there's a regulator anywhere on this bike I don't see it, that's just a coil. I'm quite sure what that is going through there. uh.
anyway so I chased that down and ran power with a Transformer just to kind of energize things and instead of having a bike trying to run and chased all our wiring so we have high beam, low beam kill switch and tail light. It does have capacity for a brake light and it did have capacity for a brake light before too because I found the old front cable. this is for the lever. The agrees you would grab the front brake and it has a switch built into it in the center of it.

but that switch is no good. So I was gonna chase that I was going to put that back in and get us a brake light working. Uh, for now I think we're just gonna go jump over that. so I think we're pretty good again.

I'm not sure which one to pick off of for the voltage I don't want to blow the bulbs out by overdoing it on a wrap I'm gonna fire it up I'll show you how much gas we have before it runs out. The tank is off of it but see it's lit but it's not very bright but you rev it up I'm staying with the headlight and then it's got high and low kill switch I think we're all good I had to drill this out. this wasn't There wasn't a provision for this but I think this bike is kind of a mix of different parts and pieces. The only thing I noticed too I Took the gas tank off and usually like rubber grommets right here.

Well, they were just tape that was built up. so I may try to find something uh, maybe like O-rings or something. We could stack on there and give it a little bit better Avenue than that. I think um, mechanically.

I I Until we ride it, who knows. I think we're close I Know the one thing we could probably jump on though is getting the decals on the gas tank. I Don't be better off with it on or off the bike to go and do that. Let's go look at that that stuff that we have and see what, uh, it's involved in it.

Yes. I Just labeled the wires that are hanging out of there. This is the one if I want to go hook up a brake light I Just got to go jump off of Power up through that that switching cable and then back down to that wire right here and that'll work the brake light on it. It should have one for the foot.

Peg too is the other part of it, the uh lever generally. I I Think it's law to have each one hooked up to some kind of switch. so there may have been something that was on here, some kind of provision. You see, it hangs like right here.

It's almost like the same idea. It's got like a spring nut hooks to it and it pulls down on it and gives a little power outage. All right. So there's our anyways, call it victim or uh, copy and I'm trying to figure out what's the best way.

Do we just kind of wing it? Or you know, because we're gonna go peel this off. It doesn't have like a split back a lot of times. if it's split, you can start. you know you could tape it right, flip it up, pull one side off, lay it down, get that side taut, flip the other side away, peel that one off, and then do the rest of it.
I Don't know what the best yeah I've done is maybe once in my life Learning curve: um Maybe if I take a piece of tape I'll figure out where I want it and we'll lay a piece of tape on the tank where this material would come to and maybe we'll mark it. sound good. Good thing you can only see one side at a time, huh? Yeah, all right. So I'm gonna go try to set that up.

Wish me luck. Well I was gonna put a piece of tape down here and use that like as my straight edge. I Also slice this nice and straight but I think it's yeah. let's just try flipping it if it'll flip.

Maybe you should have done the other way. Let's see if we can get this off. Some of you yelling at me right now because you know I did clean it off the glass cleaner here we go to warm out the bikes are out trying to make so I don't gain wrinkles in it. Uh, it's got a curve to it so it doesn't wanna that stripe doesn't want to.

One might be okay. it's got some Flex to it. You know? Well, we're committed Now let's get this out of the way. You want damage the other two you put the wrong one on.

it's on the wrong side. This tank is shaped a little bit differently too the back. Here the curve is much more gradual. so I was trying to place that, but let's get rid of good.

Let me give her a good rub. with this thing on there. Got a wrinkle right there. Might be able to take a blade too.

and uh, you have to slice. See how it looks, huh? The same angle as the other one. Step back and hire our work. Order damage I think I think we're pretty close.

It might be the only thing I think it's a little too far forward. Like I said, the curve on this one drops off gradually where the curve on this one's much sharper going across the back. So I was trying to eyeball which one's which. That's all right.

We'll put it on a bike. at 100 miles an hour, you'll never know the difference, right? All right? I'm gonna go. Uh, take out the takeout. I'm gonna go try to attempt the other side and get it roughly in the same place.

And then we got that little one for the side cover. It has to go on. Yeah, the first one's easy because the second one is. when you get a match, right.

it's like making a copy of something. See how this works out for us. Probably should have done it. From the bottom, there's less of a curve so the tape doesn't want to pull off.

Come on, give me an edge. Sure, at the factory they probably had a jig you just leave the thing in I'm gonna turn him back. let's work our way down. Kind of a bubble there.

huh? trying to put something flat on a round surface I think like I said I think the decal actually isn't bad. It's the um, this plastic that I'm working with forgiveness to it. Do this that a No-No just trying to get that bottom one I Have any wrinkles in it? There's one right there. Let's work that on there.
Getting a good thing? you only see one at a time, right? Oh, that looks pretty good. I Don't feel any wrinkles yet. A little bit of glue or something right here. good.

I Think it matches. does that look like that? I Don't see much difference. It looks like, um, this one kind of goes downhill more. I don't know.

this stripe looks right, but it does look like the writing is downhill on that one a little more. Oh well, maybe not. It's how it's staying. all right.

Let me get that little side cover done. so it's gonna put some O-rings on those little studs. put the left to right movement on it even if I do that and Link is going to be enough to hold it so they got to lock into there from those tabs. but the width of it is not going to be great enough.

So I probably had a piece of rubber that kind of came up around the edge and back down. I Wonder if maybe, um, you can use like a piece of fuel line or something? We need something that is roughly that wide and we see we've got for hose, if anything, kind of lines up to that in the land of hoses. So we want something that can have a really small ID that's too big. Good won't be anything a little bit more that's too big and it's only about a quarter inch stud that sticks out of that thing.

You know we could do. We'll work with a smaller piece. Maybe we could wrap tape around it too. something right about in the middle.

Bring a piece of that down piece of this down. What else we got here? Foreign actually? before. It's got a nice fat outer jacket. There we go.

Let's start with that one. It's like right there, but it's not gonna stay in place so it looks on the tank. Yeah, a little under. a little under on that.

We have a little bit of movement on there I'm not that's concerned about that. Uh yeah. maybe we'll keep working until we find one that fits tight on the pin and we'll build it up with tape too. Yeah, it seems like it'll do it I Wonder if we could? Actually, you better can't fit one inside another.

Would that work? Yeah. Tight squeeze though. huh? You could probably slice it, slice it lengthwise, and try to feed that one in the other. huh? Yeah, who's your daddy? That'll work.

They almost look OEM Hopefully you cut them the right width. I'm gonna find out right now. Yeah, it worked out pretty good. I Was already to rock and roll with the table down, but if we're at the kickstand and get that thrown on there, Yeah, well.

Last function check before you take it off the bench. I Think everything's pretty good. So I'm gonna turn down the idle a little bit. check the tire pressure.

Thank you. The pump it down just a little bit because it's gonna as it warms up, it's gonna come off the air. Where is it? What's up? Are you ready? Have you moving? Thank you Boy is this small. Let's walk again.
Thank you Foreign. Not bad as I Thought it would be probably 30 miles an hour. Top speed I've always been doing the loose sand. probably not much.

I gotta flip my gas over to Upper I was on reserve I Hope this is really soft. You might be asking a little too much of it just saying thank you. Obstacles ahead. Good part is just so light.

just pick them up and go over them. Thank you Foreign. that's a no. How about we go that way we'll hit that one with speed.

Run first. Oh yeah, I Don't know if third gear is clanky or something's just rattling in third gear kind of makes a noise. Oh big kids riding it. give me first first hand.

like driving on a flat. like driving on Two Flats I Don't know what happened to these guys I know some kids are running them around and towing it behind a four-wheeler or something and thrashed them making a mess. Here's a Cadillac yeah that is my assumption of what happened. This advice four wheeler marks all over.

Thank you Foreign foreign The first time it's ever really run with that carburetor. she says burn Austin paint off the exhaust and that kind of thing. ah if I go up a little higher with the idle Maybe Okay, it goes on its own I think it came out to be a pretty meat machine I Don't have much into it. These things are stupid expensive too.

You know, all those old men trying to live our childhood tour a child who we didn't have? For me, there was a kid you know, across the trails. We all rode around with bicycles and he rode around one of these and then he got the hot in the 70 after he had the Honda 50. yeah I think this is my uh I don't know what would you call it redeeming my child dude. All right guys, do that.

I think we're gonna sign off. Had some fun with it. Got into some Oddball stuff with that carburetor with that needle. just that the seat not having enough room for the fuel to come in I'm sure probably drove that person nuts trying to figure it out how to fix it.

I think we got it I know why I'm out of breath now I Get pedaled all right guys I Think we're gonna start it off right here I Got some other stuff to get into pretty soon. another another machine where this one came from, but uh, really interesting. so bad I'll see you later. We're gonna quickly line up a couple of the small bikes that I have just giving you an idea of the scale the difference that's in them.

So the Mainstay probably is the 70 that's in the middle of the Honda Trail 70. then there's an St90 on the right and then the 50 on the left. The Sd90 on the right actually runs and rides like that one. I wouldn't be afraid to be riding around town the other two.

they're just a little on the slow side so that's like you know, 25 to 30 miles an hour? That's like 35 miles an hour. 37 miles an hour. That one, you know. good back one probably get you up to about 50.
if you're on roads that speed limits like 35 40. it's actually pretty good. So I had another one I had a St 125 and that was a really good bike I wish you never traded it, it was actually partial trade I think for those two to get going, but if you find one of those, those are really awesome I'll just give you a quick close-up on them so you all have the same kind of ID You can take the handlebars and fold them down so you can you know Stow them away pretty good I Was just riding this one earlier today on this one. You flip a lever up on the handlebars and you can turn the handlebars lengthwise of the bike for size wise.

and then the 70 got the two Wing nuts. kind of like the 50 does. loosen these up and the handlebars spin around on itself and can tuck them down nice and low so that one's got bad fuel. it's got to get purged out and then 50.

I Need a little question? I do have a um a Honda Ct90 which is? well, I'll show you that's a Honda Ct90 right there. I Got the battery box off of it because the battery went pooey sitting up here. It needs air in the back tire. This one was done.

Everything works really good on this one too. This has a high and a low range for trail riding. It's got a, um, another shifter in the back that you can, uh, swap the level of it and then it's got like a a either fuel or water you could put in that tank and haul it around on you. That one's a nice bike too.

Really cool. Well we're at it. Honda Cb350 we did a long time ago my Yamaha 175. yeah it's spin around so the last one I have is this trial Spike the Honda TL 250.

it as far as travel Spike goes, it's a little too heavy and bulky for what it is, but it does have first, second and third gear are super low and they're kind of meant for like you know, putting around a trail or a course. I should say not putting your feet down trying to keep your balance. you know, jump over from one thing to another. Again, this bike's kind of heavy for doing that.

Generally they don't even have a seat at all anymore, but this is a neat little one. All these bikes have videos on them, different playlists and whatnot of them getting put together. So if you want to check those out, feel free much longer because all these were basket cases when I started with where the Honda 50 was. Uh, you know, pretty much all done.

just needed to get some uh mechanical straightened out. All right guys now I'm done I'll see you.

By Mustie

13 thoughts on “They could not fix it, restored honda z50. can we?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars deadsmooth says:

    Just about the time I was saying put one hose inside the other … did…you are always great to watch

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Horning says:

    I owned a brand new Honda 50. It was a fun toy to ride for sure. I ended up buying a 70CC jug, piston, rings, and head (yes, and all the correct gaskets etc) and then it was REALLY fun to ride

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Highlander outsider says:

    Hey mustie, you can leave your glass cleaner wet on the tank, which allows you to move the sticker around then once your happy with placement,you simply squeegee the glass cleaner out with a soft block👍🏻🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿👍🏻

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Solomon II says:

    Mustie you see the kid in there you know riding dirty

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! OutlawToys says:

    I kept finding myself talking to the video, "it's the float and seat", put small tubing inside of bigger tubing"… I guess you heard me… Ha.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kraig Cochran says:

    I wanted one of those so bad when I was a kid,but my dad said I was too uncoordinated and would kill myself.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vance Bashforth says:

    Do you have kids or no kids

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Matthew M says:

    I'm not sure but in the old parts , I thought I seen the rubber grommets for the gas tank . Great video, my brother had one of those in red nice looking bike . Take care

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Wes Boos says:

    It has a constipated carb🤣

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Erin Connelly says:

    Seen all of Mustie’s broken plastic toys in the sand pit,that plastic crap just doesn’t hold up to his abuse.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jim bennett says:

    It's a water sticker made to use water under and you can move the sticker all around until you like where it sits

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jim bennett says:

    The foot brake lever was never attached with a spring from the factory on the newer versions after 1971 considered hard tails worth 5K . If it has rear shocks it's second gen

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jim bennett says:

    Only really early z50's 1969 have batteries and are street legal

    Must have battery to be street legal.

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