This is the 2nd video on bringing this homemade volkswagen powered tractor back to life after sitting for a long time, whoever built it was very good at what they do, we had to tear it down to fix a massive oil leak but now we get to put it back together, will the wheels spin? lets find out.

So there's that and it needs to be addressed. Yeah, I'd definitely say that's the rear main stuff prevention undercoating coat in the driveway. but it's a cool rig I'm telling you, let me see another one. I Can't talk about the amount of people that have commented on it that don't want to buy it but think it's cool or got the tagging right.

Good I Want to suck it with my hand? Oh I See, just watch that. Yeah, that crank moved a lot. Let's go see because that was pouring out of there. Probably would have been a good idea to run it before you took it apart too.

But hey guys, how's it going? Hey, we're going to continue on this homemade Volkswagen powered tractor I Picked up about a couple of weeks ago. We got one video under our belt which was pretty much just picking it up going through it. It had a massive oil leak when we grabbed it so that was the first thing we wanted to try and address. So on the previous video we got the the cab.

The big cab that went over the top of it, got that removed steering column out of it, transmission out of it, a bunch of other Hardware that's in the back, took the flywheel off, got the flywheel seal and it fired it back up and it seems to have cured that problem. It still needs a bunch more. Love It doesn't have any breaks the you know the engine still has to be gone through when in service and all and we have to still put all that stuff back together yet just half of it sitting on the bench right there. So having said that, I think our best bet.

Maybe we'll get the machine outside. it's warm enough that we can fire up a pressure washer and maybe clean some of the crap off of it before we start reassembling it. So I'm gonna go do that. I'm gonna go get her ready to, uh, take a bath and then we'll bring you right back and start getting an interwrenching.

Well I See, it's a bit of improvement. Gave time to dry off too. let's get rid of a bunch of the crap. There was a uh what I thought was a trap door where the back where the rear end is I pulled some pins out of it right there I thought it would drop down and allow us access to the rear, but it doesn't I have a feeling it's where this gas tank assembly is allowed to kind of pivot down out of the way so that doesn't give us a a good view of the rear end.

Not that concerned about it, but I thought it'd be nice to see how it was built. you know, all right? So I'm gonna get that starter assembly off of there and we're gonna start working on resembling the clutch and figure out maybe a better way to get that engine, the transmission assembly back in place. Maybe we'll kind of take it apart a little clutch again. it was pissing oil out the rear main seal and it does contaminate it I don't know if I got one upstairs I'm gonna take a quick peek.

If not, we'll clean this up with brake clean I Don't think it's gonna I shouldn't say that I don't think it's gonna cause this problem because the tractor's geared so low I don't think it's gonna slip but now that I said it pressure plate. it's got some chatter on it. Let's take out a flapper disc. we'll clean that up.
we'll see if we have any like hot spots like blue spots that stay behind that'll show us the condition of that. Actually fairly decent I did find one thing that I'll show you in a second that cleaned up good I don't see any hot spots on there I was putting this in the car was restoring it I wouldn't do this but again this tractor's mostly going to be a toy for show and tell. VW shows the disc I took and cleaned with cleanser and then uh, carb cleaner afterwards it. Sometimes they can get impregnated with oil and they'll cause a problem with a slip later on.

Does not look too bad, it's gonna clean it decent. but I did notice where is it right there? Look at the chatter marks like something was cutting into the Springs these Springs are here for like a buffer between here. it's between the engine and transmission when you let the clutch out to take some of the shock so it's not like a instant on or off these. Springs This this whole piece right here can kind of move a little bit from the disc and again, this is the uh, the input from the transmission and this is the input from the engine and they tied themselves together.

so I'm not sure what that was hitting on. That's what it lines up with. My guess is that maybe the clutch pedal is allowed to go too far. So this when you hit the clutch, this pushes down, there's a throw out bearing I'll show you on the transmission on the uh, yeah uh.

When you push your clutch in, you're actually pushing this throw up bearing this, um, pressure plate down with a throw out bearing and that's what allows this half of the pressure to back off so the disc can spin. If I show it later on, we'll put it together. But what locks the engine and transmission together is a clutch and the clutch is squeezed between the flywheel and this pressure plate. This pressure plate holds tension against it well.

when you push the clutch pedal down, it relaxes. It creates a gap between here and here and takes the tension off of it. So my thought is probably it's just traveling too far and it's pushing through and it was touching those Springs a little bit. They're not enough to worry about.

they were like halfway through or so. I Have a little bit of concern that we'd break off a little piece, but I think we're all right. Maybe we'll put a stop on my clutch pedal can only go so far, maybe a bolt or something underneath it and we're going to need a clutch alignment tool which there should be some input shafts or like that's different ones for different styles of Transmissions but I believe I have a actual transition output shaft somewhere in here. If not, I think one of these will do where's it Hiding right there right in front of you? You didn't even say anything.

So this clutch disc gets sandwiched between the flywheel and the pressure plate like we talked about. But the problem is if you go to both that together, this has a lot of play and you have to kind of get it right on the money so that we try sliding the transmission in. you're not fighting between this part and the uh, pilot bearing that's in the center of it. So you need an alignment tool which is that line aligns the center of that two the center of the clutch.
so when you bolt it up, it's automatically kind of put right in the center. Then you can take your pressure plate and bolt that up. a way to tell. like if your pressure Plate's still got a decent amount of tension, is the gap like right now I'm looking at the airspace between the flywheel and the pressure plate.

That's how much crush is going to be when I go and bolt that thing up. let's go find yourself a hole. You kind of want to run it so it's got six balls so you kind of want to run them in evenly and put the tension on that and draw it in. All together you'll see I don't know if it'll show up on camera when I go to Fast forward, but you'll see this ring right here.

You'll see this ring kind of collapse in that's how much tension it's putting spring load attention on that disc. so I'll bring you back in a second. Let me get the bolts in it and we'll uh, probably use a air ratchet or something just to pick it up. but keep an eye on that.

Yes, I don't know how well that showed up. hopefully it did, but I'm just gonna go over it with a wrench now because I I Want a good hand? feel like how tight they are I don't like that one. you feel they snug up and then when we're done, we just pull this right out of here and everything's aligned I know I'm beating that dead horse for some of you, but some people just never have seen it before. So I'm gonna go over and we're doing so.

Now it's all sandwiched together. now. if the transmission was on here, power from the engine would be going right into the transmission and powering the wheels if it's in gear. If you push on this surface, these uh, hyperextend that side of the pressure plate and it comes away from the disc and then disc would be able to spin within there.

Another thing you kind of look at too, you can see this: this thrust ring right here if it's level with the back of it. if it was sitting on an angle, you definitely got a clutch problem somewhere, but it's looking pretty decent. All right. let's go get our bell housing.

take a peek at that and see if we can get that back on. Here is that bell housing which is a a beetle transmission bell housing and they cut it and then I set it up to adapt to the other transmission that's over there. But yeah, they just cut the whole half of the transmission right off of there and this is the clutch lever. You hit the pedal and there's that throw out bearing.

When you hit pushes on the center of that pressure plate. I'm going to just listen. it's a little on the noisy side. I Can take a quick peek see if I got one of those partial Lane to VW stash.
it's gonna be the ones. it's not this style. it's gonna be this one with the pivots. Oh that one's definitely worse because it doesn't even turn it and it's the wrong type.

Almost up too. There it goes. Got the new one in Square Alley? No more. add them to my shopping list.

Wiggle that assembly in there. It's got to get after this is in. We got to get bolts back on these uh, hard mounted motor mounts. So I'm going to pry up on the engine a little.

it's gonna go Yeah, all right. I think I'm gonna fight with I get the 10 in the way that's a guillotine. Let's uh, not. stick our hand in there.

this whole uh, this tin I think has to be on the other side. Sure, maybe not. I'm gonna go tap that into place without sticking my fingers in there. This is holding us back I don't I don't remember if this was on the other side of this lip.

Hmm I'll figure it out. drop the socket down the back there. had to go fish it out of the magnet trying to show the differential but it's got my guess is like early 30s Ford maybe a truck setup and maybe I don't know if I had a drive shaft or I think those used like a solid torque tube from the transmission back to the rear, but it kind of looks like that style doesn't it? Anyway, good recognize it through this little peephole. There you go, but I can chill.

Let's go take a peek underneath. Hey there's got to be a way in there I Wouldn't think he would just weld his way in and not ever be able to address it like how would you check the gear oil so it looks like this whole assembly can come out. It's bolted here. it's like just one big skid plate.

Let's go see. we got going back here I told you I pulled a couple of um in the very back to that round that round hump looking thing is. there was two pins I pulled out of there. take another Bolt there.

so he's cut the brake lines so that they don't they can just be dropped. Problem is I Think you need to do the gas tank and everything too. Yeah, here's where I pulled those pins. Yeah, because that's all welded.

That's all solid. This looks like the gas tank would flip down, doesn't it? like whatever that hinge is right there I would have liked to clean that out. Yeah, he's got to cut out for the rear to go around it so you can drop it. I Guess we'll screw that if we have to.

I Think we'll just leave well enough alone. It's got a drain on the gas tank. That's good. All right.

Where were we? We're trying to get a transmission back in it, so I'll take a peek look at the beefiness of that front end. huh? The welded ball joints to the uh, uprights doesn't need any suspension, but it's got big heavy ball joints. It's like Volkswagen tie rod ends I Hope they're Volkswagen spindles or not might be I Got a better look I Think they are just all the backing place and stuff have been removed. There's the bolts where the backing plate would be.
that's probably VW He just modified them, cut them down to fit the width. It's a Godfather steering box. not sure. Definitely one tank though, huh? And this pivots right here.

That whole thing is able to swing on the Big Bolt that's in the center. It's all half inch thick. That's half inch thick right there. Yeah, okay, so that's still hanging up.

We could drop that down. I think and I think the next thing we have to do is I think the steering column has to go in before we put the transmission forward. I think it was kind of. it was pinned in between the two of them.

Let's go grab that and set it in there and see how this drops down and getting the top two bolts in with the starter in the this eighth inch firewall has to get bolted through these points right here with the transmission. uh with the upper part of the bell housing straight down so this probably bolted to the top of the transmission. I Don't know can we get I think the problem was we couldn't get these access to these bolts I Thought was tight. let's um yeah, then go clean that up a little bit.

Yeah, no that's good. It's gonna rotate like that I'm gonna eyeball the train engine I Thought we had a problem trying to access those. it's that time. I Wonder if we could try to make this thing maybe a little shorter to work with? It has, uh, two pillar blocks.

In the back is the band break that goes on and it's kind of goes like underneath the seat bracket so we had to try to. Yeah, the two of us wiggle that out of there and while somebody was cleaning it to be nameless, they dropped it. That might be an issue I Gotta heat that up and bend it back. My little concern though is I don't know if it hit on here and bent this tab this way.

kind of has that look. Doesn't it like it's out of whack a little I don't know if it was, that's how it was or if I screwed it up I Guess we're gonna find out real soon. Um maybe we can I Thought this was pins like roll pins going through. There's that pilot shaft.

the VW pilot shaft. Um, you can take this coupler apart. we'll put this on First and maybe we can get that transmission. you know, a little bit easier to work with I don't know if we can.

Uh yeah, we only have to travel that far instead of That far for the engagement. Let's go see if we can get that off of there. I Don't know about the back side right here. What we can do? Yeah, that's the that's the pain.

I was seeing that so that one's got a pin going right through it to hold it. I'm not sure it looks like that's probably all one piece all the way to there. So I think we're just gonna have to take all the lumps with that. but let's try taking that off of there.
So tell me what do you think you made out of metric or standard? Some of you guys are saying metric is standard. That's a metric gallon pack. We've got four of them holding it. Let's mark that real quick, just in case we want to index it the same way.

Paint stick action that? yeah, see if that'll tap off of there. Don't think it's moving sometimes what people do. Okay, so put a set screw and have another set screw behind it. Let's see if that's the case.

Nope. Go get some air assistance. All right. I'm concerned that we're gonna have a hard time getting that back together.

Hmm to find out. I'm gonna clean that surface up real good with a wire wheel. Hopefully maybe we can get a little bit better. Uh, fit on it.

Yeah, it's got four keys on it. Four tapered keys. Did you ever have those times in life for you A second? Guess what you're doing? Okay, so it's got to go in like that. All right all over about the heathen.

We might as well fix that bend. Well, it's out. Let's give her some heat. Temper Temper foreign I think it did help as far as the distance.

as long as it goes together. right there you go. Let it slides where you're at big hammer time. Let me ask you to work for us.

Oh, you just kind of give her a quick eyeball. Make sure I'm not screwing something up. I Gotta take apart, you know I don't have anything like on the wrong side of something that goes to there and that's massive. Cylinder connection chain will be fine.

Pillar block should be fine. speak up. Now it was looking at the master cylinder setup. maybe on this side at one time I think what's the deal with that and that looks he he added to it.

had the rod go across and work the clutch. Maybe you had to clutch into the brake on the opposite sides I Don't know. Hey, let's go run that home. I Think we're good and everything else.

you could drop the firewall down. get in there. Three of them are in, of course. The last one was to fight on the alignment a little bit, give her a slight adjustment.

Yeah, hit it like gooders look. cross through that and so we run it home and see what we got. No, that's sucky enough I guess that's it and two in the front I think I dropped that firewall down and get all that buttons up. Foreign.

I'm gonna go chase a bunch of bolts and we'll get all that kind of tidied up. We'll get the starter in it and uh, we'll bring it back and we want to put those in before. I get the starter and I also got them I gotta spin the engine over too to uh, get them in place. one down, four to go should.

I set that clutch up well. this lever that was bent and this is the pedal coming from the other side I believe it was in that spot right there. You can tell by where the paint was worn, but if I tried doing that, I would actually be reloading that throw out bearing. That throw out bearing should not touch when you're not on the pedal.
so that's touching the pedal and now that throw open is not spinning. If not, if you try doing that, that bearing is going to spin all the time. It's going to burn out so it has to have that little bit of like it's called free play so we want to be ready. Let's go try it on that one, see how that works out for us and if that's good, we'll leave it there.

Looks like he had you know quite a bit of adjustment. Anyway, three different spots for it to be in. it. kicked that wash into the middle.

It was supposed to be a spacer that feels pretty good. It's got to be fighting it. They did put a bumper on it to stop how far back the travel is. There we go.

Let's give her a good push. make sure we got. go on fishing. Okay, got her room down there I gotta spin the rear end to get Gina watch me lose the other side.

Also, knee is he able to get on the sprocket I think you have a tooth off I think I got Play Down Below okay and a couple teeth off I hate when it happens good I mean he's got that like slag slag sag in it. Let's see if we can get it there. Is that it? Oh yeah. quick.

Get the master link in it. One of them should have enough space to get it back that way or that way that would drop it down the hole so close one of you would hold those two chains together so I can get behind there with a screwdriver and give her a little bit of persuasion. Go a long way. Don't lose it.

Definitely snug. that's popper in neutral I Think Nice. All right. What we got left the uh, the brake band to go on.

Yeah, that right there. All right. let's go figure out how this thing went back in there. I Guess some something like like that we have four bolts out of.

Suck that right down. That should work well. I Think it's uh, pretty much wrapped up, put back together enough to put a battery in it and fire it up and see how you know the transmission in the rear and all. That doesn't what the gear ratio is.

But before we do that, let's um, adjust the valves. Yeah, that has to be done when they're cold. Plus we'll get an idea what kind of condition the engine is. We pop the valve covers off, we'll see how much crud is in there, so let's get set up, knock that out real quick, and then we'll throw a battery in it the way I Like to go about doing that.

You pop the distributor cap off and you can tell where the rotor is, what cylinder it's facing. So these this right here: This number one spark plug. I Want that rotor facing towards number one? Not sure where it is. Now see how lucky we get? Yeah, it's on number two.

So I'm gonna crank the engine over to that rotor faces right here and adjust number one. Then I'm going to turn it 25, uh, 25, or 90 degrees to number two, point it towards spark plug number three and number four, and adjust each cylinder as we go around. Yeah, so I'm just going to crank it so that rotor faces just a little notch on the distributor. It's kind of telling you where it is too.
We'll just spin it over so it faces that. Now we can adjust number one. All right. it's truth time.

Let's go see what this thing looks like inside. I Can tell that valve cover's been on there a long time. Oh, she's rough. Yeah, that doesn't look great.

This look is a lot of. is that just Gunk I Thought it was corrosion. Yeah, the oil hasn't been changed very um, regularly on this one, that's for sure. But it is what it is.

So this is number one cylinder. We can go check this one first. and uh, can you tell? Does it show which filler gauge might be it? So it's six thou which is that one and I own a few Volkswagen so you can see the curve that's on it so we're just gonna go see that's way loose. Both of them have a lot of playing it.

a lot. A lot of play. I'd say that's probably 12. Probably double what it should be.

I'm gonna make real quick. just look at the the studs in the back I Want to see if any of the nuts have backed off? You can only see four of them. Sometimes they'll push off I Don't see anything though. What? That's just water that was sitting in there, that that gray color down below.

All right, let's go adjust the valve so we're just gonna crack them both loose. Try to. those are ridiculously tight. They're not cracking.

I Didn't get a six point socket on a ratchet. Yeah, he's looking to break loose and round them off the corners. So I have it. It's so bound up that we're not going to be able to adjust.

Let's go see what happens. A lot of times the, uh, the nut will be seized to the screw joke there. No, that's good. Okay, so we're gonna back that off.

man. Nope. You might be pulling these rocker shafts off and having to clean them because they are not turning. Oh boy.

they gummy. Yeah. I'm gonna have to take all these out. clean them on a wire wheel.

They have the movement they should. Yeah, this thing sat for a very long time probably and not run because they're all going to get egged out on us. Don't move that one. all.

just so for video purposes, let's just do one. carry the rest of my own. I'm just looking for light drag. Go across that.

something like that. Generally you go a little bit on the snug side because you crank it down. it kind of loosens up. Yeah, that's not bad.

It could be a little a little on the tighter side. Stop it. kind of hold that position. just give her a hair.

So I'm gonna go clean all these up and take care of the valve adjustment. and I'll bring you back. The engine was a little kind of clacky too when we started it up. I didn't know if it was like bottom end noise or what.

We're still gonna have to change the oil on this thing too, but I want to heat it up and get the a bunch of the sludge picked up in the oil. We'll see what that looks like. The strainer will probably be really gooey. also I hope this thing has access to it I haven't even looked under to see what's under there for that.
Well I must say went to the next cylinder. It's the first time I've had to do this. Oh I want to get free a little heat on it I can't get this one to turn. There you go this one I think I got going.

Yeah, so each cylinder I got to do that. Take them out. You don't want to wire wheel clean them up. It's gonna take a minute.

So much for adjusting the valve's cold, huh? Hey, see how long it was parked. Moisture got in even like rust inside the valve cover. Oh is that gasket on there? They are not glued on either. they just sit on there.

Get rid of that. I'll go over the parts washer and wash this up. even getting a little wire wheel I Don't want this rust kind of getting in into the engine, you know? So the valves are all adjusted. put it on top of the lobe.

look at that point gap. It looks okay. At some point we need to change the points I Want to check the um. vacuum advances, the vacuum hose going to the distributor and if you draw on that, you suck on that, hold on and it holds too.

the vacuum advance is working. That should be okay if you kept being able to draw air or if it didn't move down below, you would have More than likely the diaphragm would be gone inside there. But it seems to be all right. Let's go pop the rotor back on there and cap.

put a battery in it. Yeah, yeah, yeah. I Know. calm down.

I'll get it. one of you did that. snap it in half. I See she fires up without dumping any gas down the car.

So we want choke and we gotta hit the throttle. Accelerator pump works I Don't see anything squirting in. That's another thing that we need to address is the carburetor. but see what we get Choke off to go.

Needs a battery too. a little bit of throttle. How we do this All right. A little bit more.

Yes. I Don't want to rub too high? Hello baby! Sounds like we might have picked up a little bit of exhaust leak. engine's A lot quieter and dead. All right.

let's go give her a little more choke. a lot more choke. All right. we got some fuel on it.

Let's give her some air. Yeah, we got a chocolate. It should stay running in a minute for one more. When you do that, it draws raw fuel in.

Grab a light. I Don't think we got a hole in the manifold. Kind of sucks. I think that header pipe in there has got a leak somewhere.

Definitely not as placky though. I Got that warm up a little bit. We'll start running through the gears. We'll see how the transmission and clutch and all that stuff work.

Is that me got a generator light on? Let's go get a meter. We'll put it on the battery and see if we're making any voltage. I ask you if you're disconnected, if it dies, we're not charging. Yeah, so it's not charging.
You gotta look into that. Let's go pop it in gear. Foreign. That's going to be a Fast Tracker The tall gear.

that thing was moving. It's idling right now. In third, that's probably 10 mile an hour, at least just at idle wait for it to fall off the jacket, shoot through the wall. That's good.

It's got the clutches reverse. That's a good speed. First gear component reverse should push. Pretty good.

It's not that we can't change it up anyway. let's go while I hit the emergency brake, see if it'll stall it out. I Don't know if it'll do it at first. Definitely slowed it down and we got an oil light on I Think it might be just because it's idling too low.

Fire it up one more time, put it in neutral. all right, so we're not charging. Are we looking for pissing out the bottom? I Think Pretty good. that's not from that.

That's something else. The exhaust leak kind of sucks though. I don't know. It seems like it's up in the heater box again.

These are custom made too. My guess it's got like a a pinhole somewhere around there. We should. caught that earlier.

He's taking care of it with the uh sheet metal lock. you know might be able to get it out of there. Might be able to get the whole heater box right out because he's got like a an access plate that unscrews right there. This means nothing.

This is just an outside tin that's not the exhaust pipe. I wonder if it's right there? Could we get that lucky? I Don't think so. That's something to worry about. Different time.

Can we see the dream pin? green? Yeah. let's get that uh, oil chain now. We got it warmed up. Let's get the oil out of it.

Get that strainer cleaned out, get rid of some of that crud that's in there. Probably wouldn't hurt to run some kerosene through it too and let it clean the engine out. but we'll change the oil. We'll let it run for a while.

Maybe at the it's not going to get much use, but at the end of the show season we'll uh, do that. bring it. flush it out a little bit better. might get a mirror.

Look at that exhaust system a little bit better because I don't think it was that noisy at first. The valves are a lot quieter. you sound like that I Thought the bottom end had some noise to it, but no, it should be like black soot stain eventually. Just hope it's not down inside there.

I Still gotta take the whole screen down, but it's got a center drain plug. Yeah, it's looking kind of watery and very slow to drain. So that means that screen is really plugged up because it has to go through the center of the screen to get to the drain plug. Yeah, well, that zip for about 20 minutes.

There's three quarts that are in there. There should be at least Cruiser out of it. Let's see if we get the plate down. Get this one.

Oh yeah, see on sludges on that. That's what I expected. That's pretty bad. I would say is 56 year old engine probably hasn't had a toil changed since it was put together as a tractor.
it's for you 40 years worth of crap sitting in there. We still have to get the screen out yet too. That's not all of it. Have to get this down.

you could trash it if we have to. I get extras. Just like a metal screen. Look at the celestialism that oil is supposed to pass through that you can make an oil pressure problem.

huh? Sweep in the bottom of the block. it's got some sludge. It's not terrible. I mean great again.

This is just a toy tractor. For the most part. it's uh, my car gonna be going on the road, but we're gonna try to give her our best. It's the best chance at life that we can without going crazy.

All right. So I'm going to wash that up. I'm gonna go get some new gaskets. We'll put all this back together and throw some oil in it.

That's what it's supposed to look like about that. That's like 2.7 quarts in there. Let's uh, fire up. Hopefully watch our oil light.

We all went down at idle. Make sure that light stays off, man. let's give her. Definitely gotta go through that carb sweat around a little bit.

That's good. good. I Think we got at least the major parts taken care of. the heavy lifting I Should say it almost sounds like it.

Let's take this hose off. This is what this is. where the target air comes from. Terrific.

Let's open that up. Feels like it's right out where the wall is. It might even be. The gasket looks pretty good though.

I think just panhandling this pin pipe more through. if it's anywhere. he's not here. we could fix It it's inside the under the skin.

it's gonna be a problem. Let's um, so the charging light. Sometimes you can push on the brushes and they'll go. Let's go grab a little subscriber.

click the spring one on the bottom two that's harder to get to go on should be the voltage regulator one down below. I'm gonna I'm not gonna try that one while it's running for obvious reasons to run that plow up. Thank you. We'll get that vacuum hose off from the distributor.

Yeah, so it's got no air fuel mix. The carb's dirty so there's no idle circuit. Probably the best way to say it's up. carbs.

you gotta come get apart and get clean. Let's uh, let me try flicking that uh bottom brush on the generator. You see why? I didn't want to do a while throwing it. Yeah, somebody's just kind of hang out.

Their brushes don't want to touch. There's a way to test the generator. you'll run power to it I should spin like an electric motor. All right I don't think that did anything.

Let's give it a shot though. Throttle choke Foreign. all right guys. Well I think that's about as far as I want to try to get done today.

We got like I said, all the heavy lifting is kind of out of the way. Hopefully you know as far as taking engines and transmissions and stuff in and out of the tractor, it seems like the drivetrain is pretty decent. Got a good engine runs on four cylinders. Transmission seems like it's fine.
Rear end is spinning I'm gonna be popping or cracking. You know, until we put a load on actually push something. There's still a possibility that something can come up, but everything's so built. So heavy on this.

I Don't think that's going to be too much of an issue, but having said that, we still have a bunch of stuff to try to get knocked out to get the exhaust leak to fix because once the cab is on, we're going to get polluted with fumes on the inside of it. That tire goes flat. It's leaking all the way around the rim. It's not charging.

We need a massive cylinder I'm sure that one is probably pretty much had it. Um, gonna order. That's a dual circuit says for 67 and up. Beetle but it only has one circuit coming out of it for the two rear brakes.

so I don't know if it would be why. you should just try to try to replace what they have modded in there or just get one of the single ones with a single line. I guess I'll deal with that at another time, right? Yeah, so any brakes set up, the figure out what's going with the charging system. We have no headlights working and what else we got I'm sure we'll find all this stuff again.

That exhaust leak probably have to take that whole heater box right out of there and we'll try to find out where that hole is on there. Go! We got to go through the carburetor there's there's a still a decent amount of stuff to take care of. All right guys. with that.

I'm gonna go sign off I Think all you really for just hanging out with me and uh, doing some wrenching on stuff I never if you ever would ask me when I was a kid growing up by making videos for people to watch wrench on stuff I think you were nuts or else nuts one of the two I guess till the next one I'll see you later.

By Mustie

13 thoughts on “This antique tractor took amazing talent to build! now lets fix it.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PedrozaTravel says:

    I have to admit most of this was over my head, I am not a very mechanical person, but it was fascinating seeing how this engine works.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dale poppenhagen says:

    I wouldn't mind getting that myself

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Philip Marlowe says:

    The Amish don't trust a tractor made by the Emglish folks. . .

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Remington Steel says:

    I never understood why people don’t just change their oil. It’s so easy and means so much.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Francois Bouchard says:


  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Papa Hoe says:

    Hey when are we going to work on the orange truck, thank you sir
    Greetings from Florida

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Brunner says:

    Veteran [80] in Coos Bay, Oregun enjoyingvthis great Vid !!
    Thanks Mustie1 ❤😊

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HAROLD MUNOZ says:

    Wow Mustie I didn't know you know Sammy Hagar.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gralnic Garage says:

    This was probably our first actual example of a paraffin based pennzoil the old timers always talked about

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Cumulus Vapes says:

    Should put a twin turdblow porch motor in it and set the cannonball record, it would be awesome to see ya on VinWiki😄

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Charles Elliott says:

    Gotta love the vacuum cleaner attachment as the defrost.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Greggg57 says:

    Putting filthy, cruddy components back together……..

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars VochoTalacha says:

    Steering box is a VW bus one

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