i bought this 2oo4 toyota tundra a little under 2 years ago with a rusted frame. the recall was over for this truck and the toyota dealer only sprayed it down with some black covering that in my opinion just made it worse. so I purchased the truck cheap and patched the frame where the rusted holes were, then scraped off the flaking black stuff and sprayed it down with oil. fast forward today and the truck comes in to see how it is holding up and do some repairs.
lets fix an exhaust leak, a broken sway bar link and respray it with oil.
lets fix an exhaust leak, a broken sway bar link and respray it with oil.
how is this fella doing now, after 5 years..?
I would oil coat my wife’s Tacoma but she washes it at the automatic car wash 3or 4 times a month so I don’t think I could keep ahead of it.
OK. Live there with all the salt.i live in Oregon we don't have that here
Been working on cars since I was 14 now I'm 68 and still learning somethings by watching your videos
What's the Blinking Dash Light?
Wow! I would've ripped the whole truck apart and cleaned the whole frame. And yours still would've held up better! lol.
What state in NE are you in?
So, if you buy a new vehicle in your area, the thing to do is spray the underside with oil as soon as possible….two coats.
Order some new batteries
If I tried putting pressure on an exhaust pipe with a jack, the manifold would crack. And if I put my finger between the end of the pipes, the jack would slip of at that exact moment. M1 has lots of good mechanic karma. Be VERY careful trying this stuff at home.
Is that coating they put on at the dealership CRC?