a friend found this DR powerwagon at an estate sale for $50, then contacted me, its in real sad shape, looks like it crashed down a hill at some point then parked outside. lets see if we can fix it back up.

Hey guys, and how's it going? A friend of mine was at a state sale and he came across this. it's a Dr Power Wagon Essentially, it's a wheelbarrow on steroids. Probably the best way to put it. Uh, anyway he was there and I guess they had sold it to somebody for 500 and when the person was kind of getting ready to load it or I'm not quite sure how it went down but notice a hole in the transmission and it kind of bailed on it.

so I really don't want it I Thought it was a functioning machine and he called me up and said hey, if you want this you can have it for 50 bucks so I said sure So I don't really know too much of a history he doesn't know too much of. History Again, there's there was no way to go talk to. It was just a band of property that was getting cleaned out when I was pushing it. I did notice that uh, that wheel right there wobbles real bad.

So it's got a bent wheel on it and it, judging by the looks of it, probably hasn't run in quite a few years if it even runs. So let's go take a look at it close up while we're talking. So it runs like a six horse Tecumseh on it. it has a four speed forward in one reverse and a neutral.

Got a brake lever on the right hand side and I think that's a throttle on the right. Somebody looks like they made a extended bed for it and added it on. There is weights blocks sitting on the inside. I Guess they go lower on the chassis underneath it to kind of help it from.

maybe when you dump it, doesn't flip the whole thing over and there's another like bed with it I Don't know what the story is with this stuff I Don't know where that goes and my guess is this is for like mixing cement or maybe hauling sand or fluids around and again there's some other set of I don't know. Side: Gates maybe use that as a flatbed and then I don't know if that's a tailgate I'm not quite sure. Anyway, let's go bring it over to the operating table and let's go see what we can do with it and hopefully bring it back to life. Well, the size just lifting right off there.

So I got that out of our way. Let's um, see if you can flip it up. Foreign. What's going on inside? How it works.

So it looks like just like a regular like riding lawnmower transmission running back to a belt with a tensioner on it. What we got underneath it. it's kind of dark, but it's got like a mini bike centrifugal clutch on it, so probably at an idle. it doesn't go anywhere.

Then as you rev it up, that clutch kind of starts engaging and driving the transmission. depending on what gear you have it in. it's pretty simple actually. I don't really much to it All right? let's go see what we have happening.

For any kind of fluids or anything that doesn't look terrible, it's dark, but at least there's something in it. Yeah! I don't know. Mice got to the probably uh, squirrels eight part of the gas tank and that's pretty ripe. Let's go grab a light, take a peek down in there.

let's go see this golden color. I See some water? If that light's too bright for you, there is water right where the brightness is right in the center there and see on the bottom. the little glistening separate looks pretty low though, so there's not too much to get rid of. I Said that's got to be dealt with.
Let's um, give it a pull, see what kind of condition the engine. It looks like it's been pitted oil for a long time too. bobber that's really kind of wet and Cakey that's not terrible. Let's go.

also get this cover off too for the air cleaner before you pull it over. So in case it's full of crappy, don't suck it in. Yeah. the guy that found this force was, uh, the guy that got the suitcase scooter.

It's the scooter that folded up essentially to bring on an airplane. Believe it or not, from the 60s. he's the one that found it for us. Shout out to Dan he's got.

He actually have some other stuff too that someday I'll get to is looking pretty cruddy and wet. Yeah, definitely kind of sat outside I Don't know if that's gas and oil or just water. Looks like it's got a little pre-filter up top so it's got a drain for the fuel bowl. Let's see if we can get something underneath there.

and uh, actually, let's go give it a pull start first. make sure it even turns. watch. It just starts right up.

It feels pretty good. compression seems like it's decent. All right, let's go duh. take a peek in that fuel bowl.

see we got. Yeah we already know we gotta take the gas tank off, but let's go see. sometimes this tells the tale. You know of what kind of life it's lived.

Oh sure, it has water water in there too. and the colors though. Oh, it's got a on off valve for the fuel. Is it just gonna naturally drain that tank? We'll let that pee for a little bit now.

you can see the water right there in the corner. All right. as far as the transmission. I Took a look and with the bed the way it is and what it's doing, the hole is on the bottom side right about.

I Think here it was facing upwards so again all the fluids pissed out of it. I Don't know what kind of condition any of that is in. Again, it kind of looks like garden tractor like lawn tractor. I should say transmission setup.

so worst case scenario, possibly we can rob one out of the the stash of Parts machines I have and maybe retrofit one of them in there. again. The axles bent pretty bad. You might even be able to see it how much that tire is leaning in on it.

No, actually, it looks gradually looks like some kind of cobbling. It's got a broken bracket down there I'm looking right right there. Yeah, it's got a broken bracket I don't think somebody tried to fix it with a piece of I don't know what that is, hinge or something like that. So you also said it was a very hilly property that it was on, so maybe it got out of control and got away from them.

You know. All right, not too bad, not not like 20 years old. It's probably like, you know, maybe four or five years sitting. Let me get that out of there everyone's gonna see.
Scott's park right? oh boy and she's pretty cruddy. Okay I want to split style plugs on it, but it looks like it's pretty oil fouled and maybe it ran with the choke on. We had a run issue. they ran it with the choke on.

If it has a choke, all right, let's go keys on, see what it does. It's crappy, but it's there. What's um, dribble a little bit of fuel I'm gonna go clean that up on a wire. We just knocked some of the heavy crap off.

We'll shoot a little bit of fuel in there. We'll give her a couple of Yanks Just fire it up. We'll just give a quick listen. make sure it's not knocking.

yeah I dig a lot of carbon enough around that plug I Have a feeling the inside of the cylinder is probably the same way too. I Don't think this. I Think this probably has an automatic joke? Yeah I Don't see anything on it other than a throttle and a primer bulb. That should be enough with that cough and fart though, let's go see what it does or nothing.

it's not too bad. just I think when it kind of the Locking of the Um clutch underneath going on and off and a puff of smoke that it blew out, it may be a smoker I Don't know judging by how much you know crap that's at, what was on that plug definitely makes it look like it was oil valve. let's um, we kind of kind of disassembled a bit anyway. I kind of check for uh, like Mouse nest and overheating I see crap kind of hanging down around the tin so I want to get this off I want to get to the gas tank? kind of rinse that out really well and we got to do something about that hole that's in there too on the tank.

All right, let's go digging a little. I think um I don't know if this is just sitting on here balls for it holding it I Gotta work with this tune. I think we just lift that up. There's gonna be screws underneath there.

It's like it just got snaps in like working on stuff I've never worked on before like the Curiosity aspect of it. Uh hmm. We got one here for the tank and the pull starts got like three going around it. I don't know.

we may not have to take the pull start off. We might go get the tank off and then this whole chin will come off as one piece. There's a tag on the back too. I Wanted to see what year it is that say I got a date on it.

One of you will tell me what it is foreign. There's a reason why you kind of want to take them apart. So this is where the throttle was. took that off.

You can see there's definitely Mouse nests at least a little bit in there. so I'm just chasing screws, trying to figure out where all everything's kind of screwed down and bolted on. Get us that gas tank out of the way because like, there's one more back here somewhere. I Think straight up, possibly.

Yeah. clip there and clip there. Get that fuel line off of there. put the gas cap back on.
yeah, see if we don't Fuzzy Friends Come hopping out of here one more. behind the yeah in the mud was one hiding. All right? How about now? Oh yeah, Oh yeah. and that's why I take them apart.

What happens is it'll run, but it'll overheat and cook the mortar. which may even be. You know why this one is burning. Well, it may have already had that issue.

Anybody living in here, here's the hole. Where's this and move-in day that's been there a long time. You see how the corrosion it's been doing to everything. at least it's still at Spark All right.

So I'm gonna take a minute to uh Evacuate the rest of that so you guys don't have to hold your breath a little bit more in the coil there. Yeah, all right, let me go vacuum a bunch of that crap out of there and um, there you go I got cleaned off a little bit. took off what candy did hit with an air gun. got the rid of the wrist of the crap I think uh, what we'll do is I mean we'll get that carb off I Want to look at the flow ball underneath and make sure that is working like it should so we're gonna have some both.

that. but while we're doing that, let's go get the drain plug out of the bottom. get the oil drain in while we're screwing around with this. Yeah, you definitely am.

You didn't eat any of the wires, which is good, but you could definitely saw her like his carcass kind of cooked to the engine. It was all down in there so there's a big fan that sits up on here. This is in the fan shroud, directs air across the engine and blows out down the bottom. Of course that's all closed up, it overheats and Cooks the engine so hopefully you know.

My only thought is they could save him grease on this. It's not like a lawnmower where you run it for, you know, 45 minutes at a pop. This I would think you would fire it up and you would you know go five minutes across your yard doing what you're doing and you know, shut it off till the next one. My opinion, that wasn't very tight.

Definitely think it's uh, do I have to change that one twice. usually like run them a little bit and um I'll take the uh. when it's hot, you kind of suspend all the dirt and crap that sits on the bottom of the crankcase, kind of spins around inside it and mixes and get a better dream of the crap out of it. We'll see a lot.

What I'll do too is I'll fire it up later and then you kind of take a look at the oil. The oil is real dirty again, but I don't think this thing got very much maintenance. Needs a whack. Put up a little bit of a fight.

try to tear up the gasket too much. Yeah, so it's down. Put the linkage off of there and go over to the bench and football's pretty easy on that way. you only have to unbolt it, just kind of flip a bale like a master cylinder.

Let's go pop that off. I Think that's just sitting in there kind of gingerly. It kind of is like it. Clips In out of it, it's looking pretty smudgy.
Yeah, it's got a lot of sludge on it. Definitely a good thing. We went in and gave her a bath. All right.

I'm gonna get a little probe, pop that float out of there and just kind of rinse everything out. Really not much we can do on this end of it other than clean it. Fairly simple carburetor, much to it good. I Like women like that.

Hopefully it performs like a though so we get to lift out of there. there's one side got it? Oh, you get underneath there a little bit better clean. I Also want to check out that with the needle and seat land. make sure they're okay.

so I'm not going to put this in a carb cleaner I Don't trust the plastic part of it, you know? I don't want to destroy it and uh, we'll put that back together. Hopefully functions like she should. Sometimes he's gonna be the style. Carb can be a little, uh, problematic.

looks like a like a big ballast resistor or something, doesn't it? instead of a carburetor juice all cleaned up I'm not gonna take that gasket off of there because the rest of it's still on the engine and putting them back together should kind of marry not have a create an intake leak. Let's go look at that gas tank where the holes are in that. Yeah, I wonder if we can, um, maybe we take like a big soldering iron or something and like kind of heat it and mush it back over the hole. Any kind of putty or anything like that you can put on there's it's just not going to hold up.

I Don't know if that one's a hole or not. Neither feels pretty close to it. Any other one might be okay. All right, let me go wash it up and then we'll give it a shot.

See what happens? Yeah, this might make a smoky mess. Let's go heat up. let's see if that's enough. Kind of sneak up on it, you know? Come on.

whoosh. Probably should have used something for like a fill or two. you know, cut off a piece of the lip somewhere else and let's see what we get. Kind of hoping we can like fold it in on itself.

we just making it worse it might be I think um I'll let's go screw it a little bit more and we might we might need something to kind of fill it up out. I Thought that would have folded over a little bit better than that. Okay, extra material down there. We need a little bit more heat too.

Let me go cut off a little of that lip right there. We'll try to use that as a a solder I think it's working getting on it I think it's kind of falling through the inside a little bit though. I Just break that piece off. Let me let that.

can't see if it's got it I just let it be for a second. Okay, separate it like there we go. let's let that cool off. I think there's a little pinhole up top here.

You guys like work away Bondo The way you screw with it, you think you got it and then you make a big mess out of it. All right, let's look at that, chill out. What I'll do is I'll uh, I'll put my finger over the fuel line going out and we'll blow into it. We'll see if it holds the air pressure a little.
questionable right there, but it doesn't look terrible sometimes. In your mind you have a picture of how something's going to work out. It doesn't quite. Hopefully all right.

let's get up up in personal with this. Put our finger over that and I think we're okay. Good now. look the greatest.

That's right. Just got a function right? All right. So where are we? What do we get to knock out? Carpenter To go back on fuel tank Seems like it's decent. we got oil in it uh maybe probably a good time to pressure washer.

We'll throw the plug in it and we'll just stick like a piece of something something in the intake and we'll give her a bath and clean up a bunch of the crap. A lot of times you know people say why don't you do that right away I Kind of like it for like witness marks. If you take something apart you can tell you know how gaskets went and how Hardware was and how um you know just how things came apart, the the imprint that they leave behind and sometimes it also gives you a tell as far as like if something's wrong. like again, if you washed it all off you didn't see where Oil staining was and yeah, just that kind of thing.

So I I kind of approached that part of it I'd rather work with it dirty. it's not like a joke there and um, you know, pick away at it and then at the end kind of clean it up. just my personal preference. All right, look at the drain plug in it, throw some oil in it, and uh, give her a bath.

I'll bring it back. well definitely increase the value about 100 bucks. Paint's pretty decent on it actually as we get all that crap out of the way so we gotta put oil in it I Want to take the drain plug back out one more time just in case any water do you get in it we can. uh Purge that out and then I got all the tins cleaned up.

Everything's ready to go back on it so probably just gonna jump ahead. We'll get it back together and try to run it and we'll see what we get. Hopefully it is not a smoker and the other thing on that too is possible because that air cleaner was so clogged up and so wet. If it was running with that, that would also cause it to run in a heavily choked, uh, set up.

Get up. whatever. That definitely looks much better. Hopefully it functions as well as it looks I Let the air cleaner off because again, it's you know, got its issues.

As far as it's going to be choking the crap out of it, this has a primer bulb on the side of it. Look at that. Oh wait I hope you'd hear us I don't know if that's pumping fuel or not. Let's go up pop You're Gonna Stand give her a couple Yanks and hope she fires over.

Hey, come on baby, talk to me. let's just give it some throttle. Oh I think it's just rattling though I don't think it's it's motor. let's let that warm up.
It does have that clutch underneath but I saw the soot that was blowing all around trying to keep an eye on that. pulley. Seems pretty quiet. I guess I I Guess it's just got a throttle.

that's how you make it. Go pull the RPMs up a little. I would think there's a bunch of crap in that muffler that may burn off too so you may smoke for a minute, but hopefully it goes away. It is making it a little foreign.

Go turn the fans on, open the door down by. um, let's try bumping it in one of the gears. let's see what we get. Oh man.

foreign that wheel is if I turn the idle down I was hitting the brake too to try to make it stop. Maybe that clutch just has a bunch of rust on it. needs to burn off. Hey, just fit in that wheel.

Yeah. I think we just gotta get diver down a little bit. All right, this does something. we're getting there.

engine seems like it's decent or we just gotta fix. and it went gear which is, uh, you know, so you're having to run it through all but we got first in. Reverse I Don't know if it blew something apart in the trans or if it's just um, I don't know. we'll look at it in a minute.

uh I'm gonna try picking on that idle. pick him on it. I'm going to try to turn it down a little bit see if we can get the idle where the clutch isn't locking up like it is. It's like there's an adjusting screw right there.

I Got the light touching it right now? let's try. My guess is backing it out so it has a little access hole through the front of it too. It doesn't make a difference. foreign.

Let's go. Um Jack a tire up in the front and we'll take a peek on what's going on with that setup up there. you're probably not gonna be able to see it, but I put it up in the air, take a look at it. It looks like behind that spring.

There's one on this side also. So I'm gonna go try turning that one a little bit see if we get the idle down a little hiding. I Don't know if you can't a little high in your high chair. Let me go screw with that one, see if it'll work.

Foreign still trying to drive it. so I would say it's probably an issue with the clutch. uh I don't got rust on it or what? because anyway, let's get a wheel off. see what's going on in there.

Got a good amount of rain coming down. Good day to hang out in the garage. It's just like a snow blower. Wheels It looks like see what got happening in here? Yeah that whole bracket's kind of just how far off that is.

Looks like the whole bracket ripped out. You can see the bearing is cocked I wonder if the it's the axle that's bent and he put whatever. this is a piece of angle let's put in there to help support it happens. you don't have a welder I guess And the holes it doesn't like.

you haven't showed the hole in the transmission. Let me get you up under there there. at first I was kind of thinking maybe um you know, blew something out of the trans and and like they worked it too hard and it got a chunk. but judged by the fact that that wheel's all bent up like that in the axle, one of it like got smashed into some rocks or rolled down a hill or so.
If all the gears work we could probably just there's no pressure there. you know it's not like this, just gravity for uh, the price. Plug that with something, you know, just something like JB Weld or something we don't have to get totally Fancy with it. Maybe we can take a piece of metal, match the curve of it, put JB Weld on the metal and like put it like a like a tire patch on it.

Yeah, let's um, fire this up and see if it's the axle that's doing all the wobbly or if it was the uh, the rim that got bent. I'm kind of betting it's the axle I wonder if we can heat that up? Well let's go see what we got first. All right, it's got a wobble to her. huh? Gears are good.

You find as long as uh, we got one tire up in the air and that's the brakes right there. and then it's got a little tiny pad inside here. move that leverage this kind of binds up on a caliper right in there. Let's go bump it through the gears probably.

Mark right with the high side of it is okay. I'm gonna put a mark on where the high side is. maybe? Well, I'm guessing problem is that the Uh seal is right behind there I'm a little cautious of trying to go cook it. let's see what it does.

It was able to bend one way right. You can bend it back all right. so that's the way we gotta go opposite to get it out. I Don't know.

maybe he let's go. Um, this really isn't doing anything right now. Anyway, let's go get this assembly off of it if we can and um, they will weld that up. We'll get a better idea where it's been.

judging by how much this is moving, the band's probably behind it. Hey, we're cool. What you got right? Yeah I Hope that bearing's got Keepers on it to help it stay in place. We think it would just kind of float in there.

That's another one. What he said. look for set screws I think there's one right there I can feel it? Yeah. I'm gonna loosen up those set screws.

We'll see if get that that bearing off of there foreign still bound up on it spacer off. they're backed off. Let's go. Um, try to get something behind it.

Give her a couple of Love taps Jack might be in the way it's moving. Let's um, run it back. We're trying to drive it through where the bend is I'm going to take a wire wheel I'm going to clean up whatever I can on this a little bit and lube it and give us a better shot of trying to slide off or a little. Scotch Brite Wheel there we go.

I Can see an air gap in the axle I'm with each rubbing, hits right at the right at the union. There just kind of makes sense, right? Ah, what do you want to come up with for a solution to try to bend that one thing I was kind of I wonder if we can I don't say anything to chain it down too. You know if we chain this side down and we get with a floor jack and we kind of push on it right here to try to bend it back down that way the there isn't too much pressure on the axle. Hmm.
the other thing is heat too. but there isn't. like I said, there's an air gap I could see right inside there right now just wondering. fluid's gonna piss out, you know? Yeah, so our high spot is starting to get rubbed off over there.

I think I'm gonna try spinning that transmission. Let's go back in here. We'll spin that so it's straight up. Maybe what we can do is if I can make something going to the ceiling.

you know, pushing, uh, pushing downward holding it and we can come up underneath it with a Jack and push on it. Worst case, we'll give her a little bit of heat too. but let me see if we can kind of cobble up going straight up above us so it looks like either two or four boils bolts and we decided to take apart. We either take these out on each side or these out on each side.

Get the bed up out of our way. A big erector set should done that to begin with. Huh? I Said thinking about a little bit. Instead of maybe, uh, going through all that, let's first, let's just try shoving a pipe over it and see if that will help.

Yes, you can get a pipe over it and kind of yank down on and get the band out. You figure it had to bend fairly easy. You generally axles are pretty tough, but you know, let's go see. I'm going to, uh, strap the other side of it down.

so when I'm pushing down on this, that side's not going to lift up. hey surprise to see what's going on. it's over. That one's pretty good actually.

Give her close as we can I know I'm running the risk of cracking this right here. Let's see what we get. anything I wish it was a way to kind of I think it did something and it's still going. Still going way uphill though.

Yeah, give her some more I think the pipe band. well, there's that. Can we sleeve one in the other? The two pipes ah, so close kind of give the support I want to try to maintain as close as that diameter as I can I'm gonna eyeball that again. Maybe.

uh, like a a jack handle from a jacking off that one. it's capped on the end. Maybe that'll work. Yeah, grab the Jack handle any chance.

Come on. Oh yeah. good. I I Just didn't want to give um, no support.

You know the closer I can be to the diameter or that I'm not I'm not touching in just one little spot I get better support that's on it I'm kind of thinking maybe we can, um, put some heat on it and try to help it and I promise I think it well like the bend is right there. Part of me is thinking maybe if we take it all apart, get the axle out of it and put it in the Press Another part of me is like why don't we just take some wet Rags try to put it around and put heat on it and see what we get. There might not even be a seal in there at all. It might just be a bushing because again, that's just gonna have like a little bit of gear oil in it.
There's no, it's not like a car transmission. You know it's been so slow. It really does not try to convince myself, um, come up with something. We'll figure it out I think I try it one more time with the support of this I cut a piece of pipe that's about that long longer than the axle because uh, this has a plug in the middle.

All right, let's go one more time I think that may have done something that time. almost flipped the bench over here. Let's see if that's getting us in and I got us a little bit I keep going I wish you know I wonder if I can take a square off of that that top section with kind of eyeball? Give us an idea how close we are we go. We started back up too and see you know, make it spin I'm gonna go a little more.

thank you. Go too far. you don't have to go for perfect I wouldn't mind it though. Let's go start that up and we'll see how it looks Arnold Cold start, neutral thank you.

Definitely better spot though. you try coming out a little bit see if that helps us. Ah, start It up again. Better go.

Kind of pretty much maintain that spot. All right. Let's try to stop it at the right location. Hey, it's almost to the point where we could live with it I wonder if the rims got it? Might figure that out later that we could do.

just shove it on there. Spin it right now. if the wheel wobbles? well, the room's got an issue. Let me poppy in the stand.

Uh, a hair. not enough to worry about. All right I'm gonna do the same. Keep doing the same.

So I feel we have a winner before I break it. whichever comes first. We're both foreign. My only concern is that with that bearing was trying to walk.

Let's throw the rim on it. see how it is with the tire on it? Let's see how that does. Definitely a lot better when it was, huh? I may give it one or two more shots and then call it good. I'd say we go with that.

Let's make sure we get that Center in the hole before we. uh so well and stuff should be able to do that. Squeeze that axle over because this is what supports it. There we go.

All right. that looks like it's in the middle. What's your eyes? My rod is sticking. What happens? Gotta stick your rod all right.

Foreign. Thank you. Let's go put that tire on as I can remember this one's got a slow leak. Let's go see if we get a spray it up I don't see if anything.

um shows hope he's not leaking through the tread. it's got some dry rot on it. kind of common maybe valve step? It's a tubeless tire so plus it's also the one that took the hit. right.

float that sit a little bit see what shows up. Well there you are. A good trip in a plug in that see if that'll work. All right.
foreign, foreign back together. let's go do a wobble check stain as it is no matter what. Savannah Who's your daddy? Well it's fine to me. I'd have a shimmy at about 60 or 70, but five mile an hour across their yard yard you never even know the difference what we got left, we got the pasture feel, the gearbox and we have to deal with that clutch.

Whatever is kind of happening with that that it seems like it always wants to drive. You know it's not grabbing now, which is weird. is the idol still just maybe a little too high? I'll try bringing it down a little more, but I'm afraid that it's gonna be hard to start. You know, like I don't know? Let me try to turn it down a little bit more.

See, we're able to get it because it feels right. Actually, no eternity? Yeah, yeah, well, it's not grabbing the inner I don't know what I'm doing I'm gonna get a light up there and shine. Actually, it looks like the one of the shoes is sitting on a funky angle. Yeah, there might be an issue going there, huh? Well, that'll make it a little easier to work, huh? We got the clutch I don't know I don't know, but I wonder if we're missing a spring right on that side of the shoe? Looks like it doesn't it? Yeah, that's what's going on there and we should be able to find something to fit.

Let's go look at the gearbox. see we got going on over here. Looks like actually somebody tried sealing it once before. Huh? with all that black crap all around it.

Whatever. this was. Yeah, it's like I don't know kind of putty or something they put on there. Let's um, take a peek inside I Look bad, huh? that one's giving her the truck.

Yeah, maybe we'll scuff that up and I want to make? we'll curve like a little piece of metal to match the profile of it and we'll mix up some you know, one of the putties or something and we'll do the same. Probably this thing probably should use a skid plate Thomas somewhere. All right, let's go. uh, scuff that up real quick and see what uh we can come up with.

Go give her a seeing I Think you get the idea I'm gonna work on that. Get it nice and cuffed up and we'll try to curve a piece of metal to match that I took a piece of Steel put a curve on it so you definitely need more than that. Actually, that part's not bad. Let's give a bench heave on the side there slice.

Let's go chop off right about there and we'll bring that back in a finish molding that too I don't know how we're going to clamp it though. Okay, so looks like I can get pressure using these two I can touch. you know, dead center and dead center and it's kind of spring-loaded You know what I mean it's like this is sitting crowd so it'll actually have like a little spring pressure on it. Let's load up.

I got some two-part epoxy. we'll make it and probably put it on this. It will make a circle going around it and so we don't push any into there. if we have any extra.
maybe we'll do also on this that I would think that would do it as long as it doesn't get hit. you know if you walks into a rock or something. I'm sure it's going to be an issue, but we'll see. How about that? Just kidding, how about some Tarot putty? I'm almost out.

we got a little bit left. it says uh, steel reinforced I do not know if it's gonna be for steel against aluminum I would think so right? I guess we're gonna find out or dropping the surface up I I clean both of them with lack of thinner. Yep, let me go goober up a bunch of that and shove it around there and see what we get. I'm thinking something like that I wish I had a little bit more to work with.

Hopefully these and we'll get them placed on foreign. Try tapping on it to get it to to seat how good it's a squish. Just do a bunch of that stuff out on the both of them and then we'll let it set up. Yeah, threw some clearance on there, but I have a feeling that that is not going to work I feel like it's gonna stick because you want to put pressure on the the end kind of curl the way I could always come back and uh, you know, feed some goop.

If it does stick, it can come back and you know backfeed the the sides of it as a sealer to keep it from, you know, getting ripped off I I'm uh so sure it's gonna do what we needed to do. it's already hard I just don't think I had enough work in time to try to get it in position the way I wanted it to be. Yeah, I'm thinking we don't got it? Let's go see. Great idea! Actually, it probably would have been fine if I didn't peel it off I don't know it's not sticking to the base metal underneath that you gotta come up with something else.

Plus that stuff on the old side too. They didn't help things, let me recurve it so it fits again and maybe try to mix up. maybe like a two-part epoxy I Guess tweak around the vice a little second attempt. two-part epoxy? see how that does? Oh, that's curious.

Get the clutch off of there and see if we can find a spring for that. See a set through there. just need the center of it but trying to get over there yeah, this looks like it's gone I'm gonna go do some shopping. See what I can find for? Uh, finding something small like that.

If I got to get it in there they got snapping on the top. you could probably just pop that in. the the whole Center will come out yeah. Tell you the work will do not to use a regular wheelbarrow, right? Manual labor I See it? you thought I was gonna lose it, didn't you? All right? let's get that off right there.

And yeah, we're just missing and that's probably why it's sitting racked like that too. Parts are falling off everywhere. All right, let me see what I can come up with. So I gotta make a spring I need to Spring about that size and all I have is something.

it's engaged which is way too long. I'm gonna try to fold one over and make it the size we need. just kind of run it into a jar of bison, try to get her to go something like that and I'm going to take a whiz wheel, cut it right there and that should be the other hook on the other side. Hopefully the problem is that this one's kind of long, but we'll see if I can try sticking a device and try to get these two to Crunch up a little further.
That's the idea like that like that, but you can see how much longer it is I want that one fall all the way over? be one of that one. Crunch up. Yeah, put it on there, see if it will work for us. I Think it might be a little too heavy, but we're not going to note that we put it back together, right? Yeah, So what happens? Yeah, the motor spins it.

Um, these are essentially weights and they want to fly outward. And when they fly outward, they want to catch on this drum. and then that drum in turn turns the belt that runs the uh transmission. So wish us well.

Definitely much more of an air gap going around it, huh? My only fear is now we're going to put it on and you're gonna have to rev the piss out of it to get it to move. But let's go find out that's been standing outside for an hour or so. I Guess a gas tank doesn't leak, huh? All the fuel is sitting right there I Thought it was gonna leak out of the cap too. Seems to be okay.

I'm gonna let this set overnight with that transmission the way it is and we'll let that cure up nice and hopefully we come back and put some fluid in it. It stays all right. It's the next day, maybe probably about 12 hours of cure time. I think that's pretty much got it.

You know what's nice too, that's got a little bit of, um, what do you call elasticity. a little bit of give to it so it's not brittle. watching this fall right off here? I Think we're pretty good on that. Let's go flip her back down and uh, put some kind of fluid in it.

Looks like the gas in the middle cap is. uh, definitely past the function test overnight. Well, my guess is access would be this rubber plug here. Come on and break off.

Yeah, yeah, a lot of times they have taken apart. all they have in them is grease. They don't even have oil in them. Not sure on this one though.

I'm gonna probably just put a little bit of a gear oil in there. Have a well-deserved drink my friend. Hopefully you can keep it down. I'm probably just gonna put about maybe an inch and a half from the bottom.

only be lower than the axle height because it may piss out the axles and pretty much all it does. Again, it's just a gearbox. There's no clutches. there's no nothing like that in there.

There's I'm sure some bearings, but there's a ring gear for the differential on the bottom. as long as that's wet. when that travels through the gear, oil on the bottom that makes it splashing around on everything else. and this thing's been so slow.

like I said a lot of times they've taken them apart and all they have is just some grease on the gears there. Yeah, see if we can any wetness anywhere. it looks pretty good. I Didn't expect that to be an issue again.
just gotta watch it that we don't High Center on rocks and stuff and probably mess it up again. That's decent. Let's go fire it up and check to see how that clutch works for us. Now with the extra spring on there iron hole.

didn't take off. Spread it good second. doing what it should n't leave the idle where it is I might bring it up a little bit later, but it seems like it's okay. Um, so it came with three cement blocks that sat on the gear.

I'm gonna go put them on and I'll put the body back on I think that's pretty much what we got left to do. Oh, and that you'll catch a baby. Good stuff. Get him! I'm Gonna Make You Fit most expensive part of the whole machine.

Eight bucks. that should finish our repairs. So I decided to put the black Hopper on it and everything's good except for when you try to shut it kind of fights it a little bit. I Don't think it's this I think this latch has a little bit of a Bend to it.

but I would think that when you're closing it, you shouldn't have to grab the handle and pull it out of the way like this. Gap is too close. so let's heat it up right here so you can get some of that bend out. That'll fix both of those problems at the same time.

Hopefully okay. Plus, we can find out we have gas leaks wire at it. Yes, you do it. That looks better too.

She'll just clip right in there we go. Slide adjustment on the PIN Good like it never happened I Just all back together except where does that go? like a little extra? you know what? I think it goes above the engine. Oh look at that. Nifty Probably like no gardening would be my guess as a setup and my wife is already kind of spoken up for it.

She wants to use it. We got a bunch of raised beds and stuff she's putting together so that might work out pretty good. I Don't like the fact that the the drain holes kind of piss on the engine though. It's kind of weird.

Maybe your your flowers? you kind of put your flowers and stuff in here and this is like your potting soil and everything. He's my guess. Could I plug them up if we have to too. You know that's my guess.

Yes, probably for flowers. you set them up in here. when you're doing your thing, there's plenty of room underneath it. I'm gonna go wipe that and uh, take her off the bench, put her on the ground.

So once you left in the hospital, say two of them broke off. I'm not gonna fight with them I'm just gonna put some self-tappers next to it see how this goes? Thank you! Sold! these are out pretty good. Oh you can firing it up. Oh here.

Foreign run I Got a bunch of crap laying around the cabin I Want to go clean up just um yeah. old. Lumber that was cut down and left behind for a long time. that's you know.
No good for anything else but landfill. So I'll fill up the hopper with that and we'll give her a run down the trail. see how it does. Foreign I Think the pole star needs a little bit of lube here at like high Fields a high-pitched wheel I Think that's the Pulsar the third gear that brakes brakes work good.

foreign it should. I Think again, my wife is going to end up inheriting this. She's always complaining that I always have big Power Equipment and move everything around and she's always doing everything by hand. so hopefully this makes amends.

It steers pretty easy. You would think that you'd have to kind of fight it a little bit. Nah, it's pretty good. I Could see why they went to maybe two wheels in the back.

give it a little bit of balance better. and if you're trying to like go up ramps or something to put it in the back of a truck that can be a little bit of a painy ass with the Uh three sets of wheels on it, having to have three ramps instead of two on that, it seems like it functions really well. Starts real easy starts on the first pull as you give it like one squirt of the Prime and it goes having no choke it, you know? I Was kind of questioning that a little bit, but it's a decent machine. 800 pound capacity is what it can do on it and you can have a hard time getting 800 pounds in there I would think due to the fact that you know just the size of the box that is on it.

So brakes work good. Uh, ran through all the gears fourth gear, you're almost trotting along with it in fourth gear a little too fast. uh, again, that's me more for transport, but it seemed like it didn't slip the clutch at all. It moved.

um, you know, wasn't slipping so it moved all that. Lotus that's probably 150 200 pounds. There were some big rocks I put in there too. So I'm gonna beef it up a little, but no, it's a neat little machine.

All right guys. with that I Want to thank you all for hanging out, having some fun, bringing old junk back to life. I Really enjoy it and apparently we wanted to. You guys do too, so we'll continue doing that.

But for this one I think we're gonna go call it a win and I'll see you in the next one. Till then later.

By Mustie

16 thoughts on “Trashed engine powered wagon. let’s fix it.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Russell Petrie says:

    gas tank glue gun and cable ties weld it

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pnkflyd66 says:

    That clutch is screaming.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dominick Serignese says:

    You should make a skid plate to protect the repaired area.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars RollinMyOwn says:

    Have you ever used that alumiweld? It would do that with easy and it would hold if you keep it clean with a s.s. brush before brazing it. Idk just my 2 cents.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars HELVIS says:

    Another great video but I would have pop riveted a piece of aluminium plate over the hole with sealant, also would have welded both sides due to the weight it carrys…keep up the good work..

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mercury Demers says:

    That motor was made in the 45th week of 1960 !

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Tom says:

    Jb weld??

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim says:

    Score, great job as always.!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Travis Ray says:

    Those rope plugs have saved my bacon on countless occasions. I carry them in pretty much every vehicle I own. Bikes, cars, you name it.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 8 8 says:

    this was not a save, this was make it like new

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars E. Fifield says:

    had one just like the one you have ,very handy and you can get a sulky for it through Dr ,cool fix!!

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Burch says:

    Now all that's left is to hook a ride behind trailer with a seat so your wife doesn't have to walk (or run) behind it.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Billy Haddock says:

    Congrats Mustie1 on getting the Dr Power Wagon running and working good. Wife will love-it..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars chris kingston says:

    Nice fix! I want one!

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dwayne Miller says:

    Thanks buddy I always look forword to Sundays!!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mark mullins says:

    If your wife is like most women they want to sit and drive the machine not have to walk

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