this is the final video on this Ratty 1992 Daihatsu kei truck that was bought as is, in unknown condition. well it has many problems, lets see how bad it is and if it was savable.

Yeah yeah that filters junk anyway, you want to get that out of our way too yeah. I don't think coolant's supposed to be coming out of there. That was easier than expected. Oh, it's not too heavy anything.

I look disconnected or connected. That's why they take it right feels like some who's still hanging with us all right, we're cheating, looking ahead of time, nope, it's free, let's go over to the bench, so it was leaking oof that that looks terrible huh. That cylinder both is like all this. Almost like crap look at all the pitting in the top of the middle one, though, that i think that's a problem right there i'll get you in there hold on all right.

So that is what the cylinders look like. Yeah! That's pretty that rough, not much better! That's been about 10 minutes, they look pretty good they're dropping down a little bit. I think it's just a gas evaporating. So if i look in the ports, you would normally see you know moisture kind of leaking down around them.

Well, now that we know that everything is pretty much a piece of crap, what do you say? We try putting it back together the best we can we'll clean up what we got and see if it at least run ah come on, go go baby. We got it, i sure hope that camera was up and how about one last yahoo the next morning, let's go see what she does. That's kind of cooled off and airing out a little let off the throttle and suck my bottle collapsed everything out of it. I got ta run about three cylinders, then maybe we try get fuel to the carb.

Do i let off the throttle too much it just sucks all the fuel right out of the bottle, hey guys, how's it going hey we're going to continue on this mini truck. I picked up with a really crappy engine in it and we're in the process of trying to resuscitate it. So without further ado, let's get into it all right, so we got to run and got to rev, which is the most important thing. The other cylinders seem like they kicked in.

I think at this point maybe we'll try feeding some fuel to the carburetor, and so you can get to run off the carb, see what it does at an idle, i'm not giving it. You know much hope. I think compression is going to go away at those rpms, but let's just go see you know, i don't want to condemn it uh until her ask you at that point, but if you saw what those cylinders look like you'd be surprised that they actually ran it. All so, let's go get something set up on there and get some gas going to it.

Well, we've got a gas can set up on it clear line, running down to the fuel pump. I had no fuel pump, the carburetor. I have no idea whether that's any good or not. We haven't taken any of that apart.

We should probably plug that vacuum leak. I forget where that came off of i think i went to the fuel pump. Let's just go plug that for right now, just see if we get anything. My hope is that it kind of takes over and we'll run off the carburetor and then the next thing is that i want to see if it if it will idle.
That's probably what i'm trying to get to see if it'll run on those other cylinders, and if it does that, then we can kind of take a little further afterwards, all right, not much in the bottle. Let's go, give her a little squirt a little prime. Probably just leave that right on there shouldn't hurt anything idle. Imagine that the robot seems to have calmed down a lot too still got some, but not like.

It was oh all right, i'm not getting too hot, because i get no cooling system hooked up. Let's go shut that off. I'm gon na go button up that carburetor and we'll throw the fans on i'll, put the radiator and all that stuff back together. We'll just see we get uh again, we still could have coolant leaks going from the uh compression leaking into there, but before i get it too hot and you know cause more damage like it did the first time, let's uh button, all that back up well with All that cylinder head damage, i'm not sure whether that is going to seal we're just going to put water in it.

This is a tad cheaper, so hopefully it'll fire up after you put this together and we'll we can let it come up to temperature. I'm also curious whether it's going to idle or not. My my feeling is two of the cylinders at an idle are going to drop out because your compression that could be high enough. But possibly if we can turn the idle up to where all three of them stay running, you know we can use it as is for now.

I also think if it cycles a couple of cycles, the rings will kind of free themselves up from their their grooves. I would call that full. I wouldn't think this system takes too much. I got ta burp itself out of there too yeah good enough for now all right, let's go get set up to go fire it up and see if she starts on her own.

So, on the left side of the machine, i want to go kind of burp. The lower radiator hose the water is pouring right out of the side in here. When i had it apart, there was two screws that went into the side of the block. It looked like they were missing, they just weren't there i didn't take them out, but they're they weren't there um.

I have a feeling they belong in there. I just i thought it was just for the dust cover on the inside uh, maybe not either that or there's something else. That's screwed inside there it's got water in it. For now, let's go fire it up like everything hooked back up and again, you know we're just trying to get an assessment.

I really want to see if again water goes into the oil. I check the oil level, the oil levels to the full mark. So if we start getting oil above the full mark, we know it's going where it's not supposed to be going all right see if she starts up open the gas up. I always suspect it's going to put up a fight, but let's go see we're got a key on.

Let's see, it's got a metal wire for choke. Let's try doing that. I don't know if you saw it, i see it. I found my mistake: hold on that yeah there's your problem, that's where your water is coming from, not that it's obvious or anything you want to go put that on there and fill it back up all right the hole of an again.
We didn't count to that people idle yeah. I don't think so. I think it's. I think the gas is overflowing too say that we might be out of we're out of gas.

It was overflowing carbs leaking, so we got to go deal with that. Let's go piss that off for a second see if it'll go choke it, it's actually amazed how well it runs. I got to go, get some gas back in the tank and uh. Oh, i want to try to run for about 10 minutes out.

Maybe i'll bring you back, therefore, it's going for a little bit very clipped off. Unfortunately, that's not a good sign, that's water, getting mixed in with it. That could be stuff, that's already in the exhaust, but i doubt it see we get. I always think.

That's probably cooling going into it, but it might, it might clear up, probably won't, but it might clear up. So i figured out with that lever on the floor was for there's no idle stop on the carburetor. That's why this would put on there. So that's what that was doing, so that was meatball to keep the engine running okay.

This next issue i have is the carb - is flooding over it's running right out of the throat of the carburetor, judging by the rotted out boot, that's been doing it a while. The bottom of this boot is rotted. You see it dripping down through i'm going to try. I don't know if the float is right inside here.

This is where the gas is coming in. I'm going to take that banjo nut back off, we'll take these three screws off, see if there's a needle and see that we can kind of clean up and stop that from happening. Because, right now, when i'm doing all the, i just keep pinching the fuel line at an idle, i think what it's doing is flooding it out. It can't keep up with it.

You know, although it runs, i don't think it's going to make any power. It's probably the other problem you hear like when you rev the gas up, the acceleration is very slow, so even if we do get her going, it's unfortunately, i think it's going to be lethargic, but i haven't given up yet. Apparently i get a kick of all the little stuff. That's been done to try to mickey mouse it to keep it running.

You know between the running that wire up for a choke. It's missing the uh, the stops for the idle speed they're, not even there they're gone, so i don't know. If somebody took it apart to repair it, then it wouldn't idle and then they went they put that goofy thing on the pedal. Everybody thought it was for like a pto or something so did i you know they would keep the rpms up nope, just just just a way to keep it running all right, get the screw out of there first and that clip that i just lost yeah.

Let's, hopefully, this has a float that we can work on get out of our way. I'm gon na go. Try cleaning that up make that sew. It functions correctly turns on and off this right.
Now, it's not me if the float wouldn't be sunk too. You never know and they'll blow out that ball too, that doesn't look terrible, but it doesn't look great got some a couple of pollywogs floating around in the bottom. There found the idle speed adjustment that hose right there. This is on the lever, there's screws on the other side, though, for i don't maybe for fast idle that they're, not even there they're just missing.

I didn't see anything all that dirty with the needle took it apart. It was clean on the inside pop it back until we get float's, not sunk. Neither i'm gon na look right there, we'll unclamp the fuel the bowl fill up and see if it continues to flood out, could be something internally wrong with that carb too, i don't know all that red stuff is underneath there like fabric or something. Oh, that is see i'm talking about the rubbers all burned up on the on the boot like either that's been off for a long time or had a fire and it melted it or the fuel has been leaking back out of the carb like that.

For a long time and it rotted the boot away, i don't know that looks like it's still doing it well i'll, try firing it up again and uh see we get out of it and i just shut off it. It was pouring gas out again. You see all the how wet it is down below i'm gon na try taking that out and resetting the float level a little lower lock that float level down. I don't think i think it's probably a car problem.

Let's go, fill it and see at what point it starts pouring through oh figure, that's about where it would stay. We should stay halfway up i'll. Let that sit for a minute i feel like it took a little bit. I wonder if there's just like a passage that is uh like if it had an accelerator pump or something in it, where the pump diaphragm or whatever is in there is rotted out, and it's just allowing fuel to bypass it.

I think a rag and wipe that down huh see if it's getting wet yeah. Let me grab a rag. I didn't see anything. Let's go broke there.

It goes so that's the level where it starts flowing over right there. The thing is, i don't see any port or anything up that high. That causes it to do that, if you guys can see it it's running out of the carb right now, let's go see what level it goes down to if it goes down to a level. That's you know ridiculous.

It goes down to like three quarters a an inch from the bottom there's something wrong with the carburetor so i'll. Let that do its thing find what level it goes to. If not, then the float adjustment will take care of it. It seems to stop right at that level as good, so i think the float tweaking it should do it.

Let's go put that back together, we'll try it again and all i did on the float itself. I took a little tab and i bent the tab up. A little bit so as the float comes up, it shuts the needle off a little bit earlier and let's that level fuels that being up here be knocked down here, a little bit, that's more like it get the idle set float levels down a little bit. So it's not flooding over popped off the coolant i put the cap on it.
Let it pressurize see what we get seems like the exhaust has calmed down, we'll see what happens as that runs a little bit too see if that steam starts increasing. As the coolant pressure comes up, let's check out that carb that's staying dry. Let's let that get up to temperature if, if it works, yeah it's getting there we'll let everything do its thing, we'll see. If the fan comes on and off, then we can probably run it through the gears to see what the transmission is like.

We should be able to come on simply burning off all the water that leaked out over it. That's just steam that always smells. I like down the idol a little more it's about we're about. Two-Thirds of the way up.

I don't know where it would come on. Take it right there, so it's dropping a cylinder. You want to folks to check all the lights and everything seems like they work. I don't know if these are supposed to idle at anyway.

That sounds a little high. I would think. Probably i don't know, maybe 900 800. I think we're at it.

If i had the guests here, we're probably at about 1200., i would think it would smoke like smoke. Oil smoke more than anything how bad those cylinders are could be. Maybe that's what it is exhaust won't rough pain came on at about whatever you see right there. I love the light.

Checking that out. I wonder if one of these switches might have turned it. Okay, we'll on it cycle a couple of times it's been running for about about 10 minutes now pop the breezer off soon blow by we're getting it's really not bad, not like when it was first doing it huh. Well, it's running muscle pop it in gear and let the transmission stuff kind of spin around a little huh.

I think it's gon na hurt reverse here. Third floor it'll be reversed. I'm gon na put that lever the other way. I don't see much of a difference between that that looks slower.

Doesn't it so that little lever in the middle is high in low range, we're trying to figure out what this was get the d to end and then nothing here. So that's high range - and this is low range and it's neutral in between we're gon na, let it spin in gear for a little while. So all the cooling parts move around how we doing for smoke clearing up pretty good here. Let's just let those cylinders polish themselves as best as possible, i would never would have thought that engine was going to come back still, don't know if we're gon na get water in the in the oil or anything yet, but so far it's looking a little promising.

I'm gon na try turn the idle down some more. I want to see if the uh it'll stop dropping cylinders at an idle, we'll leave it there for a while. You can kind of tell all of a sudden the engine will start shaking. You know it starts skipping a beat right now.
It's still running on three be curious to see what the compression comes up to you know after it and look those cylinders were shocked too amazing yeah i'll, keep letting it run and see we're getting the oil level. It was right to the top of that looks like it's. Maintaining you haven't picked up any water. That's a good sign, also keep an eye on the cooling system too, see.

If that starts, to go down. Let's go slowly open that radiator cap and see what we got going on in. There scared there's some pressure on it, not terrible. Take a peek in there he's a little cloudy looking, but i wouldn't say: that's oil in there plus.

You know whatever got flushed through the system, i'm sure that radiator wasn't exactly the cleanest good, the probably going to do now, i'm going to let her just cool down for a cycle and see how it restarts. Well, i actually let it cool off. For a few days - and here we are now - i was having a problem - it would kind of run good restart. Then it wouldn't in fight.

You didn't have to go crank the crap out of it and get it to fire on one cylinder. Then it would idle and it would not idle so it's kind of dancing around what it likes to do. So i'm gon na go take a little bit of a break from that. We're just gon na do so a little bit more assessment on the rest of the truck and trying to get the rest of the truck uh, at least to yard driving conditions, no matter what engine it has in it.

It's still gon na need the rest of the stuff kind of functional, so brake pedal goes to the floor. The back tires are flat uh. I want to look into the rear differential gear ratio because that may be a problem for us. I put a piece of tape on the both tires and they're, even the leaf spring.

Let's just kind of mark, i guess straight down where the drive shaft is maybe on this side. Mark is done and we'll spin it it'll give us a ratio, an open differential. So you got to kind of grab both tires and do it you know, because if you literally could spin one tire and the other tire spin the other direction and nothing happens. You know what i mean.

So let's go get her all right, so we are right. There, even with leaf rings one two, a three four five six and it is looking like. So that's seven. If i counted right and this one's not even there yet so it's a seven and a half.

So it's like seven and a half to one every time. The drive shaft spins, seven and a half times the tire goes around one. That's a really stretched out gear ratio. I can imagine what that ring gear and pinion.

Look like size wise. So, whatever you hook to it, if it really, they could say a normal rear. End out of cars like three to one and we're more than double that and the higher the one. That's not a one goes three to one final.
You know what um the slower the vehicle is going to go for the same input. So if you have a car - and it does 100 miles an hour - motorcycle does 100 miles an hour and it has a three to one ratio on the back and you put it in this. Your top speeds are going to be 50 45 50 miles an hour at full rpms. So that's how we got to kind of thinking when we swap something around what we can do.

One thing i'm kind of thinking of kind of sucks, though, because even with the gold wing the offset is this way it would. The shaft actually would line up. I wonder if this has a if that's the high in the low range. I wonder if we get a different output from output of the transmission into here.

It might be part of the trans, i don't know, but it looks like a transfer case. Doesn't it or the height and low range part of it? So possibly if we were to break it here, get rid of the transmission. I don't know all right. What else are we doing? Let's go um pop the back tires off of it because they suck see what's going on with those funky lug nuts yeah, those funky lug nuts.

What do you think that one is doing up there? It's kind of a, i know, a bolt with a spacer from a shock. It looks like we'll find out. I have to make one of the studs pulled and they got it threaded right into the drum. That's a different setup.

Huh. Another thing too: we ain't got no brakes. Let's go take a quick look, i don't know if you want to pull that drum off or not, or should we just maybe try some shoving some brake fluid in it and see where and if it pisses out anywhere. You got a couple of jack points that you can run screws in it'll push the drum off.

Let's go see, first of all, if you can even find where's the reservoir for the brake pedal all right. The pedal's there, where a rod or something goes straight up, vw bust it's under the dash. I wonder if that's where it is, go, take a peek there. It is right there, okay, anything in it.

Let's climb up there, looking pretty dry pretty muddy too. Is this like a sleeve that comes out right now, it's got a bunch of crud looks like those two hoses right there. Now the two that fill up the mask, let's just throw some fluid into, we get, should piss out where it's got an issue right. We think we have at least one of the two circuits.

Nothing is right to the floor. Open them up see if you get a pedal, if we don't get, a pedal, should squirt some fluid and mark it's territory. Let's see if anything's coming out anyway, not maybe we'll start throwing a bleeder on it. Anything went on the floor.

No all right! So you get a wrench back here in a bleeder and uh. I got a little like power, bleeder one-way check valve. This was talking about it's just a piece of hose and that's a check valve. So, as you bleed, the brakes allows fluid to go one direction in air to exit, but when it goes to bow back the other direction a little door shuts inside of here.
So this is just going to go over the edge of the bleeder and crack the bleeder loose and pump the pedal a few times. If we get anything uh, sometimes this works. Sometimes it doesn't how good of a seal you get on the end of the 80 success rate. You normally do the furthest wheel away.

It gets the most air out. This got a weird system, though it goes over to the right hand, rear tire. Brake line goes over there. First, then, the brake line runs across to this side a lot of times.

You got a t in the hose that goes down in the middle. All right see. If anything happens, nothing says the master cylinder is any good. Neither i can't mess i'm going to take the bleeder right out of it make sure the bleeder is clear, especially if you sit with no cap on it.

Sometimes the tip of it gets all clogged the opening. If it doesn't really happen, especially when you're trying to bleed with like no pressure once you get pressure built up, usually pushes through anything yeah, i'm gon na go clean that up make sure the little port is doing what it's supposed to be doing. I can't blow through it. You know i was thinking, but the engine set up.

Why it's doing what it's doing? I wonder it has like a governor system on it that is supposed to make it shut down at a certain rpm. It also seems like we fire it up cold, it's fine when you restarting when it's warm. I don't know if, when that backs off, if the the, how they're controlling that, how they are, are they governing? Are they shutting the carburetor down? Are they, you know changing spark what what is it that they alter to get it to slow down? I wonder if it kind of comes on from time to time when i'm trying to start it when it's hot, it's just a brainstorming out loud. So i don't want to pull that carburetor system apart and we'll do a compression test on it again.

That's clear! Now, right, yeah and uh see we get the numbers, i'm not really expecting it to be uh recovered. We we know it's junk, but as if that seemed better the nozzle's right there was right there. There we go she's peeing now, so it's good for that one circuit. I want to fill it back up with fluid too.

Before i go any further screw yourself. You start bleeding brakes, you forget to add back to the reservoir and you run it dry, all right all right. I filled it back up and we're just gon na go crack it a little bit and we'll see if we can get a little bit more kind of want to push the old fluid out too. I'm a one-man band so can't call somebody to pedal up and hold it.

Sometimes it's good if you can get it with a little bit of pressure in it to get the air out of it. It gives a little bit of zest behind it because sometimes the like a high part of a line high part of a line will have if you're going real slow, the air just kind of stays there. So fluid gets up and over the top of it. But the air flows back to that top section.
You get a little bit of pressure behind it and it comes out with a little bit of a zest. It you know, forces along shot number. Two plus, you can see how much air you're getting if you get bubbles in here like this, all that air just came out of the system, number three pedal's getting higher, then one more and then we'll probably jump over to the front yeah. Looking pretty good.

I think we have the rear circuit in front, not so much. You know to the front: it's not locked up yet good sign all right. Let's go get that bleeder set up on this one. Do the same thing.

You know what's better about the front brakes, you sit here, pump it up, leave it by yourself. Other side might be a little bit more difficult, and this side is not bad pedal's. Getting pretty good push that mud out. It's not even a bad idea to bleed your brakes in general just to change out the fluid as it takes in moisture over time.

It um gets contaminated and it starts taking out the it allows the components to rust, and then the rubber gets deteriorated with the master, cylinder and the wheel. Cylinders get a bunch of rust in them, see how bad that was coming out of there. It's getting worse. Instead of better, so that's all the crap, that's in the lines and probably in the master cylinder, i want to cop that up top that up so like that color that you might see might even like that deterioration of the rubber, too that's mud coming out of There so so so there you go that last one looked pretty good plus.

I could see it in line right here. It's getting much clearer! So i'm happy with this side. Let's go see the brakes. Work, yeah good pedal's still a little mushy, but we got the other side to do yet.

Unfortunately, i was gon na be a little more tricky because they can't reach across on a vw bus. You could the bar comes out from underneath it. You literally stand in the middle of the bus underneath and grab the bottom of the brake pedal and bleed brush both sides. That was the brake fluid that came out of the front yeah she's a little past, her due date, i'd say, but we got pedal.

The thing is you're saying to yourself what you can do about wheels man those tires in the back, what the heck is going on. With that i got a plan by using a keen eye, scrounging the old internet. I came up with four and a half new wheels that are off a mazda rx-7. I think it's 78 to 86 has the 110 volt 110 millimeter bolt pattern on them.

That fits this. That's what the two front rims were that were on it already. So i looked them up say: well, they fit i'll get more. So i grab those the tires have 300 miles on them.

I haven't seen cracking or anything. I don't know how old they are, but they look quite decent. So let's go slap them back on there and that would definitely make a a roller and a stopper, so the old one was a 175. This is a 185 a little bit bigger.
Who knows what it's going to do when the suspension comes down, looks pretty good, though closest it comes, is right there by about a half inch, but this is just you know, moldable by hand, let's take a quick peek. You can see. We offer clearances just concerned about right here. Yeah you going to turns and stuff that does get a little bit of leaning to it.

It's got a good fingers width a little more half inch. Maybe that shouldn't be an issue. Let's see what the about that! This is a stock tire, it's just one size down about the same thing. The original tires are puny 12 inch rims.

This is a rear and try putting that wheel on i'm not having it. I'm looking at the studs they're all kind of displayed inward. Let's see if we can make a little adjustment, i don't know what they planned on running with this thing, but those are some deep, ass padoolies on it yeah. I just need a couple kicks in the right spot.

I've got a lot of rust, nice and clean. I say it looks a little bit more presentable, probably take some dents out of that front wheel, lip it looks like he's doing so much of a backwards. Wheelie plus is off the lift too, and there's no weight in it. You know it's meant to kind of crush down a little bit.

That looks pretty good, so we got brakes, it can roll transmission works, shifts, clutch works, lights, work, engine kind of works uh. So i guess you got to try to come to a conclusion with what is happening with this. So let's go put some gas in that bottle. Again, it's been a couple of days since it's been run, we'll hook, dropper cables up to it and give it a fire, see what it does and see what we uh.

What direction we decided to go all right, cold, start and key on this. Is our choke see if we hit the gas pedal that battery's dead too it's back to its old tricks? That's what i'm afraid of just doesn't have it. I need the jumper pack with the charger. Rather, let's go a little bit more spunk to it.

Work that gas pedal all right, let's see where it is on the smoke spectrum of things, it's not terrible when it's cold, i don't think you know put some straight 50 weight. You know probably wouldn't hurt either can't die on us and dead and it starts flooding over again. So that's why i died all right. I got ta go pinch off that fuel source.

Why does that do that? Does that float chamber like holding a vacuum and it's going down? I don't see anything about the float. I don't see anything about the needle, so that's definitely causing us a run issue of some sort. Wait, you think so now that carb is flooding over, but i really don't know if the carb is the actual issue. It may be that something is telling the carburetor to do just that, i'm just marking a bunch of stuff.

Now i take it off with different dots, so i know roughly what vacuum hoses went to what and uh we can call them like. That's, mr three dot i'll put three dots on that one, and so on. Anyway, it's got a uh coolant passage which i think are these heavy hoses right, which ones are they these right here this this one and i think another one. So i think coolant flows in and out, maybe that's a preheat.
It just seems like either. Vacuum goes into there and and tells the carburetor it draws too much or starts creating a vacuum that draws a bunch of fuel into the flow ball. I don't know what's happening so without further ado, i just say we go and start taking stuff apart, we'll get that carburetor right out of there, we'll look at it on a bench and we'll see if anything kind of stands out as far as what's going on With it kind of just educate ourselves how this thing works, maybe we could find that there's a an issue, but one way or another we got to get rid of this thing. Flooding itself over so top bolt was right there easy to get to and then the bottom one and then allen bolt goes through the center of it trying to figure out where they hit it.

You know enough, we got it's it funky setup. It's like a bullet, are we free? Anything else connected, looks like it's on a stud come on one fuel line connected to it, some kind of line, some kind of hose that one right there. So so what is all this? Oh, i don't know if it's going to show up in the mirror, but whatever this hose is is rotted right off of wherever it went. I don't know if that's plugged or just corroded from whatever this thing is not looking too good yeah.

This is just blocked off her. Something happened to it over time. I don't know like this is like a preheat. I thought coolant went through that and kind of warmed the manifold up like on a volkswagen.

They they run the exhaust through it. I don't know if that's the same scenario, for that. I don't know if that's a cooling line or not it's tapped into the same as whatever this is, and this looks like it's got water coming out of it right, yeah, that's a coolant line. That's a coolant line and it's got to be returns on the other end.

That's probably this is the other side of it right there, so that would feed one way in one way out. It's probably supposed to go through that and it's not because it's not even connected and it's rotted out, but let's go look at the carburetor on the bench. All right, odd contraption seems like an awful lot of crap to do a very little bit of work. I also think when i was running it spit out some kind of red nest in the flywheel.

That's all this red crap, that's popping out everywhere. So it looks like coolant goes in here probably worked some of the choke and where did it exit? This is the top right yeah. So that's how it was in the in the truck so one there and out there see a flow passage through there uh, and then we had my guess is that something is causing vacuum to make it so that the float starts. Drawing fuel - and i don't know what that's gon na - be: let's take some stuff apart a little bit see if anything makes sense to us, so i do see some more big chunks of dirt gravel coming out of it.
Possibility that's getting flooded out again. I don't think so: let's go see if we see any kind of dirt on that needle of course it went the wrong way, let's clean down in the center, i don't see anything on the needle, not ruling that out. That's the problem, but i'm just it doesn't seem right, doesn't seem like that's what the issue is. Let's go, i would think that's an accelerator pump when you give it the gas it shoots fuel down.

So let's go give all right. My throttle is where this side yeah, so that that's going to be an accelerator pump which will have a diaphragm in it, because you can pop that off of there so foreign, so still pliable, that would squirt fuel into the carb. I believe this is going to be an idle shutoff, so this has a solenoid or a plunger. Inside of it, you put power to it fires and opens a passage for fuel to get through yeah.

It goes right across that's the main fuel in and it looks like somebody has pinched it it's crushed. I don't know if you can see it, somebody crushed it. So it's drawn back and crushed down. So this has been disabled and not hooked up.

I cut the wires on that. It was hardwired without a connector in between it, and i would think this one probably along the same lines and that one's the same scenario. It doesn't look it's hard to say whether the center that's clogged or not, side, ports. Look! Okay and what you can do is you can actually just hook this up to a battery ground that out and tap this you'll you'll hear it fire back and forth.

I'm not sure if that's clogged or not we'll, look at that later uh. What else we got to take apart? Let's go see what is inside there and there it's just a open port. This might be something like uh slow, the idle down when you're coming up off idle or going down idle, rather where it doesn't just kind of slam. It kind of decelerates it slowly.

I'm not sure why that, though it's got an adjustment screw in the middle looks like. Is it hooked to the choke yeah? So that's hook to the chokes, that's a vacuum, pull off for the choke and it's got a temperature. So it's got, it looks like as the coolant warms up flows through it tells the choke to turn off and then it's also got a vacuum to turn the choke off. So why is it flooding over when it's running and all of a sudden? It just starts dumping fuel out of itself.

What is causing that to flood like that? I guess we could try just disassembling the rest of it and putting it in the cleaner and see what we get. I also kind of wonder so. The the four wheeler carb came in that we were gon na go put on the for those you didn't see on the honda four-wheeler. I ordered this carp for it and i don't know they're pretty close as far as the amount of volume this one's actually larger.
If anything, the amount of volume that goes through, i wonder, if looks like physically you'll, take up about the same amount of room and throttle cable would be that can come out of there. It's just a vacuum hose all right, so that could be a throttle. Cable and then for a choke, these run that little enrichment, cable thing on the side of it. This would be fueled in and what is that primer? It's probably a primer for it.

I wonder if we can make a manifold up that would just bolt to those two bolt holes and kind of do away with this nonsense. The other thing is the other engines. This engine is so cooked. How much effort do i want to put into it, but i don't know: maybe we can make a manifold up to it, we'll just hook a fuel line up and try it see if it performs better running something like this, then that whole conglomeration, especially that has That rotted out holes underneath and possibly you can fix that and the problems go away, but i'm kind of doubting it seems very over complicated.

All right. Let's go see if we can come up with possibly going this route, so i dug up a piece of radiator hose seems like that should fit on there and i found a bushing. It's roughly the same size. You can make this the side that bolts to there and we'll get a metal plate, we're going to clear the bolt holes yeah.

So i think if we make a a metal plate and drill it out, we could bolt it to the intake manifold, we'll punch that bushing out of there and it'll just be like that with the rubber in between matching it you think. Yes, no, maybe, let's give it a shot. Watch those so so so now we have hooked up is a fuel line no throttle? No, no, not no choke. We can work the throttle by hand and i'm going to give it a little nectar of the dinosaurs to prime it see if that helps us at all all right time.

With the present. Let's see what we get. Ah, how to turn off doing good, but coolant is pouring out of one of these hoses. I am going to go tap both of those together and let just put a piece of pipe in between them, so it kind of does the flow that it's supposed to sound good though huh once it went, i just shoved the bolt in it might want to Plug that one too, just saying all right, third time's, a try, tell me where the noise is coming from.

I didn't know where it was coming from these speakers. I'm like this got a horrible intake leak. No, it's a speaker so cold right. Yet an idle speed under it and knock her down a little.

I don't know what i got for vacuum: hoses hooked up. What goes to where that's too much yeah. I don't want to have hooked up to what for vacuum. You know as far as the distributor and all i don't think it's correct: let's go choke it a little.
I'm gon na warm up a little, let it run and open the door and we'll see what it does for smoke now with different carburetor. Again, it's smoking. Pretty good, you think, would have a ton of blow-by none even on the other hose. That's the one.

That's like the pvc cool. Let it warm up here we get getting about halfway up to temptation. I keep bumping the idle down a little bit more and more. It does not like to take throttle so, though, a little on the lean side, i would say again without trying to figure out how to wire what vacuum hoses to what and what's kind of that may be causing some of the problem plus the rest of the Air, cleaner is not in the circuit.

You know it's just a carb direct. So when you put the boot on, then the restriction of the air filter enriches. It also hard to believe it's that same crappy engine that we had a part huh to make sure the fan still kicked on we're at about halfway up i got to handle pretty low, try giving us some gassy, we get it somewhere, hey. You really got to kind of feather it.

On the bottom end, the ozone carpet have a accelerator pump which, when you hit the gas it shoots raw fuel into the cylinder to help it kind of catch up. This car doesn't have that should be coming on. In a second about where it comes on, i just want to make sure those wires that were disconnected off the carburetor didn't have anything to do with the feedback. I don't think so.

I think he's going to have a temp switch, probably on the radiator or water gets up to a certain temp it'll. Just kick on. So, let's see how low it'll go before it stalls, so he amazes me runs just working, but it doesn't like when the fan comes on. I don't know if it's so much draw that it kind of stalls out the uh alternator logos on it and kind of stalls the engine out at a lower rpm.

I jumped ahead and got a bunch of stuff knocked out. We now have a gas pedal. We have a choke cables around here. I've mounted it yet the intake boot is set up made an air cleaner for it took everything apart and just checked over everything.

I did pull the front cover off on the timing belt double check. The marks make sure nothing was leaking pulled. The valve cover, readjusted the valves and set it oh made a crossover for that that cooling pipe, that i had blocked off just tied both sides of that together and got rid of the remote starter switch. We should be able to crank from the key, so let's go uh fire.

It up see what it does. So it's pretty much almost a cold start. I guess uh. Let's try it maybe with no choke and if we need it, we'll add it to it.

I got a little cranky. He liked to choke backing off. Sounds quieter too. It's not so tappy.

Let's keep it idle sounds pretty good. Huh can't go down that low, so i have to let it warm up with the choke. I guess like you normally would i don't think it gives it any throttle? I think it's just a joke enrichment same idea hit the gas pedal a couple times so and that's why you test things. Throttle sticking run nice just letting it get up to temperature.
I want to see what happens when the fan kicks on and if i try any more lower of an idle than that it falls on its face and dies. The carb does have an air fuel mix, it's right under the carb. You could back it out and richen up the idle part of the circuit. A little bit, i think, might help it because, as soon as you just give it a little bit of choke, it fires right back up again.

But for now we're just gon na kind of move forward. Follow steam, burning off the radiator. I refilled the cooling system. He wants to live.

Okay, any second! Now let that knock the wire off or something that i disconnected from the carburetor come on baby. There we go pretty good, see how it fires right back up. If it does, if you grab it, give her a little bit of this fire's right up. I can work with that.

We're gon na need something to sit on. We got porsche 911 flood seats and we got rv seats um, it's the jumbo version had to go. Take the armrest off the left hand. Side make a little bit more pun, intended elbow room for the seat to fit in there.

It's just sitting there nothing holding it. What can go wrong right so so all right, we're in low range, see what it does. The speedometer doesn't work. That's tough! That's fourth gear! I think it has a fifth, let's see, tire's rubbing a little.

That's reverse all right. Let's go, try high range hold on, so, oh, so so that's it well guys. I think we're gon na go bring this one to an end. We got it to the point we wanted to get it.

We got ta sit with yard. Drives woods drives all the gears work. High range low range works, brakes, work, cooling system's doing what it should charging system. It actually runs on all three you got to keep the rpms up other than that you know.

It'll fall in space. If you block it a little bit but keep it revving, it seems like it's fine, you run it through the gears. It made me the way they are naturally again. It's the only one i've ever driven, so i don't have much of an opinion one way or another.

It's pretty cool a little bit of clearance around the front tires. You can see that one's rubbing on that that wheel well right there in the front a little customization with a hammer so that she's, like she's doing pretty good. I'm amazed, i never would have thought this thing would have come back to life after we saw the condition of that engine and what it was in. But for now guys, i think we're gon na call and thank you all for handing me doing some wretching and we're getting something else, pretty cool, i guess probably on the next one.

Until then i'll see you bye.

By Mustie

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