this old vespa sat in a basement since the 70s, lets see how it held up and if we can bring it back to life.

Guys how's it going i'm with a friend of mine. And he had had told me about some vespas that he has in a storage container out back. I'll let him tell the quick story about the back backstory. Yeah.

Yeah. What you got so these are part of an estate. A guy in brookline massachusetts bought these probably in the 1970s. They were in a basement apartment.

Probably since the late 70s or very early 1980s and they were a group of of five vespas that were in the basement super dry environment. So that that's helpful and the first one you're looking at is an early 60s. I want to say maybe a 61 or two and the one behind. It is a 58 vespa they're both 150 cc vespas and they are ready for you to do your magic cool.

So they're 40 40 50 years or so they haven't been running in but they were stored fairly decent. So yeah it was a very very dry environment they look a little beat up. But normal beat up miss for riding them i guess awesome. So let's go get them loaded on the truck get a little better look at them.

We'll bring them back to the shop. And see what we can do you're gonna run out of real estate. There on the ground. Yeah.

So i can go careful about defender should be metal in the front. It should be fairly stout grab the body. Though you want me to carry one here one end of the back out one side balance. The handle bar.

So it doesn't kind of thing maybe i think uh that fender should hold up it will bend because it's bent in it so it might bend out on you a little bit helping. It yeah. It already took a hit in the front okay. It's insurance or if you if you can get it right now and you can grab that it's actually yeah once we get it up yep two okay.

I didn't feel a thing. I'll say it's all there ready come on i'll just pop a wheel here okay. The fenders are just clipped on so they may want to pop on you so i grab the bottom is the idea. Yeah i like it i wouldn't repaint it or anything.

Unfortunately. It looks like somebody had already done a little bit of painting on them just a nice pressure wash the back tire is flat. So it doesn't want to work sit up as straight as it should there we go. It's not gonna stay there.

There we go. That's let's see yep hey. Joe you need the 75 mirrors hanging off the side of them right and two kids. That's how they roll in italy car.

Yeah. Won't they make a cute couple. Let's get them back to the shop. See what we can do so.

The one closest to us is a 64 and the other one is uh. 58. That we found out the 58 has a busted front end on it so that might be a little bit more in depth. No no until we get into them.

So let's go grab the 64 first or start with that one and then you know do the other one at a later date all right let's get her on the lift. And see we got gonna fit i'll start now with a bang. Let's give it a quick walk around see what pops up right away front fender smashed up seat cushion's missing. The lever is busted for i'm guessing.
It's going to be front brake. I will leave and the casting castings cracked out of it looks like i took a dive got a hit on the headlight. The gray looks like it's been been repainted. I don't know about the green.

I would say probably the green too floorboards a little banged up that need a key do we have a key. We do not we have to go work something around that looks like it's locked is my guess to be pushing forward there we go all right we're in don't know what that stands for amount of oil. Maybe fork. Oil.

No pod would be a piece of metal laying on it that doesn't look like it's part of it though does it it's like something for like holding plumbing or something on a house rear brake shifter is here that's how these work this is the clutch and then you have a four speed you turn the whole lever to shift gears. It's not like a regular bike. Where you have a shift lever down. Below gas tank should be under here.

It's right. There queen not sure how that flips up i need two hands. We'll go see what we got under there and take a peek at the gas tank. And the engine access is going to be the cover on the other side pops off let's get you into steam get her up in the air and start dissecting let's get the engine cover off of there.

Let's see i thought. It was just like a pin in the back. I might have another lever. I'm not sure come on it's got a pin with a piece of hose on there it's like somebody primer that we're missing.

An intake boot. That went over to there and shall we it does turn that's a good sign a lot of drag on it though we'll put some oil in there before i turn it anymore looks pretty complete. I had one of these when i was a kid. I used it as a mini bike and unfortunately where that transmission sits.

It's very susceptible to rocks. And it was very susceptible to rocks. I ended up punching a hole through it and and it ended up being the death of it and that doesn't look too bad. It looks pretty complete all right let's get the plug out of it a little bit of oil in there we'll get her to spin around hopefully.

It's dry huh. So we're thinking this is set since 1977 in 1977. I was in the seventh grade put put in perspective. How long it's been seventh grade has been a while for me all right.

I'm gonna need two hands on that go get that boot off of there. And we'll turn it into a little bit. Yeah. I might end up crumbling out of there.

Let's go see we gotta get it it's almost like it it melted onto it that's how the whole project's gonna go there we go a little crispy got a bosch plug in it let's go get that popped out of there. Yeah. I believe at the time. I my mother said you can't have a motorcycle to deal with that a spark plug socket is that it ain't gonna fit over that about the time i got mine like 12 or 13 years old of course.

I want to get like a motorcycle and my friends had them i was like my mother was like no so i found a scooter scooter's not a motorcycle. I talked her into that let me tell you a scooter is much more dangerous than a motorcycle especially. When you're trying to trail ride. It that's what it did i got the scars to prove it yeah.
It looks pretty normal that's the kind of spin. We get out of it with no plug in it no resistance. And she's still a little gummy let's throw some oil in it see if gets uh free up okay. So you don't know these are two strokes.

And they have no valves anything coming out of that a little bit the two strokes. So no valves no camshaft. They're simple little motors they use the oil can't find the hole. They use the oil from the premix to lube the bottom end.

It's already getting better will it kick work nope spitting them around a little bit well. I guess we should probably get the kick to work look into that bit me and we'll get her spinning a little bit we got to deal with the key. Too see if we get spark. I wonder if the other bike has a ignition in it maybe we could steal it out of that i'm sure put a ratchet on there too all right let's uh.

We want to do kickstart. All right well it kind of looks internal. Let's give her a couple maybe it'll catch there it goes. A little bit of moving on the inside.

Yeah. Let's um. See what it has for crankcase oil. It's probably just all gummed up maybe we could drain that out of there and or add some to get it to stop doing that let's see how i feel it's good well uh 11 millimeter.

Fits really yeah. It's in there kind of nasty looking. But it does have a fairly full level to it uh let's go see what we can do about bypassing. The ignition system to try to get spark.

We might be able to do it right above this there's a little junction box right there maybe we can bypass. I think this goes off to the ignition switch and this is wires that come up from magneto go the separate directions and go power the coil. There you go a little peak on the inside that one was getting pinched. Nothing's saying.

Too like when this was put away that it was running it could have gotten parked because it was dead too so actually i'm kind of wondering if this is just for locking. The steering column maybe it doesn't do anything and i would think that we have does it have directionals. I don't know you got that one that one looks like it would probably be directional. Huh horn and i'm not sure what would that be that would be horn.

I think maybe that's kill on and off and we don't have the other setup. Let's go set up a drill on the socket and we'll spin it we'll just see if we kind of get anything out of it let's get that boot off and then we'll just put the plug directly on it. See what happens i would suspect the points to be dirty just have to sit in that long let's just see we get that we don't want a hammer wrong drill hold that thought oh it's got good spark. I surprised go flip that switch the other way see if it shuts it off no.
It's still got spark does anything turn it off. I do not see is one of them maybe a kill button all right. I'm gonna hold that button and i thought was the horn. So it has spark all the time other one on the side.

There it is so the little button on the side is a momentary kill this right here that kills it so i would guess that would probably be horn. I do not know i'm gonna guess directionals if it has it or high b mobi maybe. But one of those is hiding low beam. They're not that important right now we got spark you know what that means don't you i think the air cleaner is underneath the seats.

But let's go pop this top cover off and make sure that's not where it is it may be i just like i said. It's missing that hose going there so it's been a day or two an air filter in there it does little metal. One let's go pop that off of there can we we'll run without it they are pretty simple machines. I think the biggest thing really is like how's the clutch.

How's the transmission all right now we get right down into the carb. It's got a slide for a throttle. So it's blocked off right. Now.

There's a slide going right across does the throttle work let's go give her a twist and see if we get anything the cable might be getting us. Oh. Yeah. You got functioning.

Let's um dribble. A little bit of fuel down. The plug hole and try to probably fire up with the drill. Maybe that kickstarts gonna kill my hand cause.

I've done quite a few of these and they've kicked back and people have asked what are you using a youtuber sent me this this is essentially. It's just a let me get all the junk off of it. This is i think for a breaker. Bar.

And all it does is it turns a breaker bar into a ratchet and you can see it's got a ratcheting paw and then you can flick. It the other direction and allows it go on off forward and backwards. So what this uh helps do when you're trying to start something with a drill. Generally when it goes and starts it wants to spin faster than the drill can go so you're cranking it over let's go put it together you're cranking it over on the engine.

Then all of a sudden. The engine fires and wants to go faster well it wants to rip this whole assembly out of your hand. What it allows you to do is it can spin faster without spinning the drill. Hence.

If you guys can see it on there and then when i lock the trigger you hear it just kind of go ratchet forward. So that's all it's for just allow us to go do that all right let's go back up a little bit dribble a little bit of fuel in it and see if we get her to kick that should be more than enough. I'm not gonna tighten the plug you know it doesn't have to be cranked. All the way down for it to run with a ratchet.
What do you think i think she's just gonna fire right off let's go. See i think we need more rpms out of it let's try for fast if it'll go my drill won't go my battery. Yeah. I'm gonna go change out the battery that just came off the charger.

There's one for the junk pile. Came off the charger used it for two minutes. Done pressure battery come on she wants to live. Let's uh dribble.

A little bit down the carb that way the bottom end gets some fluid. Too that's more than enough quiet also let me go give her a little it's holding throttle right there all right this bike wants to live let's go look into the fuel system is it going to be our next issue to see what kind of condition stuff is in all depends on how it's put away the carb does not look terrible from the outside. But uh. Seeing what the gas tank is is going to be our biggest.

It's like somebody took a piece of copper wire bent it around the fuel inlet would you be that all right let's go see what we got to do to get under that seat and i think we actually could take that whole thing right off of there let's see how it's put together. Though i thought these just flipped up like how you can get to that gas cap right and then there's like an access panel. I think this whole pan will come off of here and give us access to the tank looks like we've got two of these you could take this off. We'll take the cushion off once the cushion's off then we can get the hardware that goes downward.

There you go it had these little paws on there i just kind of clamp around it and i guess you could slide it forward and back also that's why before we have any access to the gas cap. Now we do let's go take a peek in there and see what that has to offer offers. Oh actually i am quite surprised. Let's see that's pretty good pickup tube a little bit of crud around the pickup tube.

But not terrible you guys got a better view than i do actually and i think it under the seat or in front of the seat should be a uh on off out and it's probably a choke lever. I think we should just try dumping a little bit of fuel in it see if it pisses out anywhere. You think it could be good is that a crack right there. What does that look like dribble a little bit.

If you'll use that even just to clean out the tank anyway we're about to choke let's see if that that choke does anything that's right there there she goes nice. I'm amazed you see stuff i can grab that's been sitting for this long just needs absolutely everything this one so far. It's not putting up a fight now the woods. Yet that we don't have the transmission or anything.

That's good. Let's um yeah like that it's a nice little connector uh. Does it use a fuel pump. I think gravity feed should be enough maybe just the on off let's go put a little bit in it just see.

If it kind of pisses out anywhere that front flips up kind of looks like it's got a hinge now it's spring loaded. See how well i can do without a funnel go get it i'll make a mess. I think i'm going to make a mess let's get some of it in there spill. It because i want to make sure i'm not leaking stop there all right don't see anything pissing out the bottom.
Yet. I think it's got its own little cave in there. Though i think that whole bottom end is kind of sealed off to the tank that fuel level not sure what's on it what's off. I'm going to turn the opposite or whatever.

It was i wonder if uh. We could see gas coming in the line. Maybe where'd you like go anyways. You know we're gonna end up pulling.

That apart. Anyway can we take we will take that little nut off right there. We'll see if we get fuel going to it the top of that screw looking wet it looks wet doesn't it come on now let's go pop that loose and see if we can get anything coming out of it i think we just need to crack it yeah. It's something let's uh flip that lever the other way it might have been already on let's see.

If that does there it goes all right so that's off. Which is good this i think. It's got a little filter in it maybe we'll pull that out real quick just see. If there's a little um brass cartridges or nothing.

I don't see anything let's go to turn that fuel back on we'll give her a couple of kicks. If she goes on her own so far it's making my job easy now you uh you want to spin it with the drill. What do you think let's um fuel back on yeah. We'll spin it with the drill if it stays running.

We know we got it uh choke is off just see we get again nothing like that trying to go laughs. Let's give her a little bit of choke right back my drill's not liking. It the battery get already let's go for a low speed. She not smoking.

I gotta turn that chip we got a tail light got a headlight. I think or if that's a running let's go flick. Some switches. See what happens nothing on that yeah.

That top bulb was burned out you can see it that little it's even an idol throttle's all the way off he's gonna die. I think me all right let's kill it i killed it with the kill switch all right let's go get a jack underneath. The middle of it we'll jack it up and we'll see if the tires will hold air and then we'll try bumping into the gear. See if the clutches work man that thing came back that thing wants to live.

I'll throw some in that one we'll be gentle about it looking for cracks in the sidewall. Generally wherever. It was parked where it'll do it that's it for a second see if it goes back down. That's probably.

5 psi michelins or tires. Yeah somebody went through it painted it all cleaned it up too bad huh. I would have preferred to be original paint ball fish seems like it's good. No rod holes in that i don't see any mice damage on it.

Anywhere. Let's go give her a little more let's try that front one both of them. I would suspect that they're going to be kind of lumpy going down the road being parked in one spot for so long. But at least they hold there let's go try the other one loosen.
The jack up and get a little bit of room for the tire that's like five psi. It's about 15 20. We'll let that sit too see if they stay up all right. I gotta get that jack underneath the back and get her up in the air.

Let's try using the center stand. But i'm gonna go with this instead kind of what's meant for are you free. Oh yeah. That's how it's got a little bit of a lump to her there's that tire that's with air in it you know it shows up still holding yeah because i'm playing it too.

Oh that is all right let's go fire it back up again and we'll try bumping it through the gears. And see if they work and this clutch works so the way the gearbox works. It's got this you can see the little teeth on it it's got a cable on each side so it kind of does like a push pull going up to where that shift lever turns back and forth let's go grab that real quick and just see if it at least shifts gears before we try firing it let's see if that'll turn for us. It's real gummy.

Let's um see if i could turn the motor will that help it it kind of has a ton of slop to it wow that's a clutch. Too yeah let's go fire it up and see if it'll go need a kickstarter work try that i'm gonna get some of the crap off the bench first firing a hole. It's gonna hurt here it does not want to shift it running or not running it's kind of bound up. So that may have been an issue before just from sitting.

I'm not sure what's happening. What can we do to help look into that and then we just pull this whole paw right off of there i try going from first through neutral in the second either way it kind of wanted to move clutch. Feels okay not saying that that's not bound up neither. But i think it still would have just popped in gear.

If that was the case let me try screwing with it a little bit more before i take it apart. I'm gonna try a little bit more go fire up again just kind of keep working that back work the clutch on and see if it'll it'll finally go my guess is just the gears are kind of stuck on where they want to rotate so that's not even trying let's see if we can work it gear try for more so. Let that spin for a little bit it's in gear. We just look like the fluid kind of spin around inside.

There see if i'll help the gears out a little cycle. A little bit. We'll probably change out that fluid uh let's try hitting the brakes people stall. It yeah so i'm hitting the brakes.

So let that work the clutch at the same time it's working the brakes it's in neutral. Yeah you can get a good gear. I have to put you in the sand might have found what the issue is there we go now. It's in a gear.

One of them people thaw it out yeah all right let's go put you back in the skin. I want to go squeeze the clutch in try hitting the brakes and see if the clutch will work clutch is stuck and feels like it's ready to break those cables out too uh if i try running it with the clutch in for a while and see if the plates will free up. I think they're just kind of probably stuck together. But they are definitely locked up right now that and the gears really feel like crap you wanna try to change it out well.
I don't know if that's gonna why does it feel like it's a neutral nail you pop you understand it seems like everything kind of wants to work plus. I think like it'll it'll catch in between that is on a notch. Though so it is got a neutral between first and second let me get something better to try to fling that back and forth with huh maybe we lay a screwdriver between those two try that let's see if we can get that to get that light down there okay so it can go so that looks like neutral by the notch. And if we go one more towards us should be first gear that should be first go rock that tire get the gears line up see if it'll go i'm gonna go spray some lube underneath that pivot point so you can get that to free up a little i'll just spray all of it huh.

And it's got a lot of play in it like when you're turning. It just seems like that's got a lot of play it feels like the cable up top is fraying like it's ready to let go not sure that though what could we grab that with to make it turn a little easier can we just take can we get these right out of the way but without taking them off. I just don't want to damage the uh. I don't want to undo them i got one we got one we should go get the other we just turn the shifter up make room for the other one all right here.

We go now let's see if we can hmm. Maybe. A little pair of vice grips right on there we'll clamp it and be able to give it a click back and forth. I just want to beat up the end of that you know it is steel.

Though so all right let's see if we can get that to shift now there you go so it should be fourth gear all right nope. I'm wrong. So that's first gear neutral second third. Give me one more there you go.

That's fourth gear. Let's go start it up in gotta get that clutch to free apart. Sometimes you just put them on the ground. And you put in gear.

And you ride it around and hold the clutch in it'll it'll free up let's leave it in i don't know a second think that second right. There let's go fire it up and try that we'll do the vice grips on it shouldn't hurt it actually now that we know how it works we can use the vice grips to shift it it'll start here that's neutral first gear neutral that running spinning gear a little bit. I'm gonna try holding that clutching or tie in that clutch back with something so ah yeah. She's not gonna free up.

Where is the clutch in this thing. Where's the access to it is it like built right into the center of it i don't know yeah. But those plates are stuck together that's all i was doing i uh the clutch is tied back right now and i put it in first gear and i kept hitting the brakes and trying to get the plates to break loose. You know the rear brake works.
Too we could put it on the ground and ride. It that might be a little dangerous. So again we can still stall it out with the back brake. Though it's also 91 degrees out.

And i got it kind of cooled off right here. I don't want to open the door. But it's getting kind of smoky in here as you can see from the beaten. What i want to do our clutch cable is where oh somebody goober up that muffler huh is that a clutch cable right there that's it huh can we try let's get another pair of vice grips on that let's see if that'll pull forward anymore.

Is that the clutch cable is that one of these is i would say that's the brake. It's heavier and let's go see if we can get a pair of pliers on that pull see if that'll pull any further than that you see here. Let's see if that'll do anything a little bit more and that sometimes even that'll just let's um. I'm gonna go and pull grab.

I'm going to swap tools around i'm going to go put like a pair of pliers on that and i'm going to put the neon nose vice grips behind it and a little bit more tension on it than the lever is able to give it and see if it'll help yeah something like that because us a little bit more pull on that cable do you think. It's still in first gear. Right yeah. I'd say we go for a fluid change.

I wonder if we could soak it in something too let me go look up how they're designed. If there's an easy access to it doesn't look like it though does it just you gotta kind of take and split a whole bunch of something apart to get to it and we go look up what it has for a fluid. I mean we'll dump out what's in there try to put something else in there. That uh might do something i'm just guessing right now that's nothing fancy.

It says 30 weight motor oil that we got so he comes out of it plus. We've got the spinning a little bit. Which is good it gets to pick up all the crap and let it come out with the oil because whatever debris was going to be in it you know sitting for 45 years or so. It just all settled right out so.

And it's not like it. The oil has nothing to do with the bottom of the engine. It's not like it's we're doing damage. Oh that's pretty muddy that's coming out like a like a tar that might take a minute is the other let's go with the other plug off i might need it to vent a little bit sometimes you take the other plug out it'll have air can come in allow it to do its thing.

See if it doesn't makes any difference for us nope all right. We'll let that sit for a while let it pee out and then put some fresh stuff in it try it again. What's the interesting take a look at the fuel system. See if we're leaking anywhere.
I am. Surprised and amazed especially that right there. I didn't really think that was going to hold up huh looks okay. I don't see anything dripping underneath.

It there's not much gas in it. But so far it's looking good it doesn't look like it's overflowing into the car. I don't see it dripping down the throat of it somebody put it away right right all the fuel out of it that's a mud huh. That's what came out of it it's pretty muddy pretty slow moving.

I was hoping it had some kerosene laying around somewhere and kind of put that in and let it like rinse through. I couldn't find any it's a little oil can't probably be our best bet. I wonder if we could leave it like outside running on a center stand with the clutch pulled in just leave it in gear. And just let it run for a while you got to kind of tear.

The whole thing apart. I believe to get to the clutch. It's not like it's easily accessed on the bike to get to pull it out as an assembly and then change it not sure that but let's go fill that up with that little squirt gun. There we go just keep doing that until it doesn't want to take anymore.

You say kerosene probably a little better if worst case. I go chase them. The gas station down the road sells it wouldn't hurt to have some on hand. I would say it probably takes about half this can see if it's nope.

Not yet also could have been low and there goes the compressor that's it that was already one can so. One of those really low reload. This cane's a little there it goes. That's full let it pee out and that can the center post of it is so large.

It's probably half the diameter of that so this this can full probably has that much oil in it all right well let that do its thing. That made you do just that let me just go put it outside hopefully. It doesn't vibrate off the center stand to take off there you go let's check on our tires. One's still got air in it let's see what the front one's doing the front one probably still got air in it too good well it would work out great.

If you propped it up on the center stand and the front tire was the one off the ground and not the rear tire. I gotta come up with something different i thought about trying to put a bunch of weight in the front. But i have a feeling leaving it out here unattended by itself might be a dangerous thing kind of get smashed and run its way up the wall. It's like it's already happened huh that might do it the platform.

I use for lifting stuff up to the second floor. And it's got a same hitch on the front for holding the front wheel. All right let's go fire. It up let her run out here on that setup.

We'll just let that be for a while and see how it does clutch is already in it's squeaked in that while it's around let's see many miles around. It 9093 that i don't know if it works off the transmission or if it works off of the uh. A lot of times. It's just a cable to the front wheel.
Let's see if we put that he's probably cable to the front wheel 70 miles. We put on it sitting here. Not sure actually the speedo would be going up wouldn't it that only it's moving let it run a little bit see if that changes for us you got a horn hope it frees up i want to ride it after about 10 minutes let's pump the brakes a couple of times yep. I don't think it's going to go.

But i'll give it some more time it'll get real hot all right try one more time no. It is not going to go. Unfortunately. If i might try some kerosene in the future.

I'm not sure this is not mine. We'll go bring it in we'll we'll talk a little bit well. I wish that clutch freed up because i really did want to try to putt around on it and get to that extent saying like we were able to take it from 45 years to not running to getting it back up and running and riding. But at least got the running part taken care of and everything else kind of checks out pretty good.

Too you know we know that charging system works for the lights. We know that the magnesium is working for the spark side of it the transmission seems like it's okay uh carb fuel tank. All that stuff seems decent. You know front is a little banged up because we went down at one time.

I'd probably grab like a cable kit for it. And you know new tires and of course. The seat cover and that kind of thing. But it's not my bike.

I do not own it uh. It came out of a collection that again it sat for a long long time and just for me to give an assessment of what it is and then possibly get it running so at least you got it running and whoever purchases. It can jump into the clutch or you know possibly get it get freed up and try riding it around i i still want to damage it you know the last thing. I want to do is like stuff it into my truck or something not being able to stop look.

It's got some i don't that's mold or what growing on it definitely see was inside some place with uh no light for a while i definitely paint this one too. The body's clean enough to uh do that with so i wonder if um tying that grip back like if you're gonna store. It i wonder if tying the clutch together would be better for it just not sure would that cause damage in a different fashion. You know instead of the clutch being stuck does it i don't think i could think of it well it could be stuck in the open position.

But maybe the cable failing over time just having that load on it all the time i don't know that's a decent little machine. I think they do about about 50 miles an hour. I'll tell you it could be the yamaha dt100. I know for a fact all right guys.

But i'm going to go sign off and thank you all for hanging out with me and the other one will jump on probably on a later date. I got some other stuff that i want to work on in between so maybe we'll pick that one up maybe about another month or so. We'll take a peek at that but for this one for now. I think we're done well thank you for hanging out.
I'll see you soon later and for you that are still hanging out if you guys are into trains by any chance. I shot some footage of uh something we went up on this uh past weekend. That was uh really cool so if you like trains stick around for a little bit and watch some footage. I'm going to add on to this i'm going to enjoy it i did i thought it was really cool.

Though it's a different style of training than what you normally used to oh migrate. Oh action. So if you look at the reflection of the window. You'll see the angle.

That we're out checking out right here. It's uh 30 feet off the ground. And this is the steepest incline about 37 and a half percent. Great jacob's lap.

Here we go this door is slowly opening up. Oh yeah folks beautiful day on mount wash up here at the whites. I want you to take a look to our right hand side. That's a beautiful view looking across the amadosic ravine.

Now today is a day for a beautiful little miniature hike. We have a close to an hour at the summit and this hike will only take you like not even a couple minutes. Oh. So so hmm so so so half way.

Thank you uh come on so so so so so so okay.

By Mustie

18 thoughts on “Will it run? 1964 vespa vbb 150”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lester Gillis says:

    Diesel fuel would also cut through the sludge quite well…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robert Jean says:

    Had one of these when I was 16, paddock bashing. Great fun. Highly sought after now here in Australia 🇦🇺🇦🇺👍👍

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stewart Hunter says:

    Love the Mt Washington footage. I’ve been there several times and a couple when there’s been a few feet of snow up there.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Enjayco Engineering says:

    Hi Darren. As I watched the video I wondered where Lily was? Haven’t seen her in a while

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shannon Wittman says:

    Really great assessment of this old Vespa. I like both the Vespa and Piaggio scoots, the wonkier the better! In his teen years prior to joining the Who, singer Roger Daltry (known by his peers as a sort of ruffian) burnt up the streets around his hometown on an Italian scooter, though I don't know what make it was.
    When I was living in Seattle, Washington in the 1980's, there was a neighborhood motorcycle repair shop that specialized in old European scooters. They usually had a dozen or so, reconditioned, sitting in a row out front. I wish I'd bought one.
    Mustie1, we are all looking forward to scoot number two in a future episode!

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Soykin says:

    They’re saying those little 1960s vespers gopher five $6000

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gary Soykin says:

    I heard there’s lots of parts for those things all these Vespa clubs in Italy and here

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Max Nafe Horsemanship says:

    Forget the Vespas, take that A home with you!

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry Watson says:

    I think I heard a familiiar laugh on the train while ascending .

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Geoffs page says:

    It runs and idles let's take the carb apart for no reason

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Voorhies says:

    I'd look for a service manual online. The gear box and clutch needs to be tore down and cleaned. Inspect parts for damage. It shouldn't be very hard with the diagrams and part numbers. Fixed up the Vespa would easily sell.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimmyguy428 says:

    I had a '65 Vespa 150 in my teens. It sat for quite a while before I got it, and the clutch was stuck the same way as this one. I fixed it the same way as I did on a few other motorcycles in the past. I got it running, warmed up the engine for a couple of minutes, shut it down, put the trans in second, and had a buddy help me push start it in gear. I puttered around my property while holding in on the clutch lever, and kept gently goosing the throttle till the clutch finally freed itself. Sometimes you can just put it in gear (2nd or 3rd) with the engine off, hold in the clutch and rock it back and fourth until it frees up. These Vespas are really fun to ride. I miss mine.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Digital Dan says:

    In most of your projects, I'd be happier with more of a de novo approach, like a watchmaker does — full disassembly, analysis, and servicing. I suspect you'd lose the rest of your audience, though. I found myself feeling sorry for that poor transmission in any case.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick Radonich says:

    They have a Cog train for Pike's Peak in Manitou Springs, CO. That's a neat ride too.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James Davis says:

    Cool train ride👍

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MARK LOCKWOOD says:

    reminds me of Colorado.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Daniel Ross says:

    Clutch is opposite side to Flywheel, above the back wheel. Its easy to remove the motor in these to gain access. Undo the back Shock at bottom. Jack up rear end. The motor will pivot down on "wishbone" arm mount to frame ( may have to loosen the bolt a bit). If you really want to take it fully out, undo that wishbone bolt and can pull motor, wheel all out- of course you have to loosen the cables to carb, clutch, gears and back brake. Then electricals can be disconnected from that small junction box on top of flywheel- take plenty pictures.. Either clutch plates or full clutch assembly ( it is wet type, using same oil you put in bottom) are readily available for these. The frame number is stamped into the "weld" skirt underneath the cowling over back wheel ( left hand side sitting on bike). Then the Motor serial number is stamped on motor wishbone, viewed on right hand side just forward of the gear selector. Be careful with the gear selector ( two bolts , it can be removed). It works by linking to a rod / and what they call a "crucifix" – four pointed metal part, which moves each gear ring cluster as the gear selector rocks each way. If you are not careful or force the gear selector you can damage this crucifix, which means you have to "split" the motor casing to replace etc… These do wear and result in bike jumping out of gear ( if all clutch adjusted correctly etc) then worn crucifix.. Also as some other poster has commented, best not to use actual 30 weight Motor oil, best to use proper motorbike gear case oil ( 30W MINERAL, not sythentic) as oil is used for both gears AND wet clutch. I use MOTUL Transoil Mineral 10W30 as recommended by a lot of vintage Vespa owners.

  18. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jonathan Buck says:

    …..pretty hard to kill a Vespa.

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