A subscriber was cleaning out his shed and had this in the corner, so he gave it to us to see how it would do after putting it away with marvel mystery oil in the fuel system, so lets find our by taking it apart,

Hey guys and how's it going hey. Last summer, a subscriber. He sent me an email about some machines that he had, and this was one of them. It was a home light generator that he had packed away in a shed outside and put it away with marble.

In the tank and marvel in the carburetor of course ran all the fuel out of it, and i was curious to see how we'll come back we're sitting at you know, 20 years going through yeah we're in new england, so you can get down to 10 20 Below - and you know, 120 above in a shed over 20 years just sitting there and it came back pretty decent. I think it still had fuel issues and i think, like motor mount rotted out, and there was a couple of other things, but it did come back fairly. Well, anyway, it came with something else, which is this: it's a home light generator same scenario same 20 years in the shed same marble in the tank and marvel in the carburetor. But i wonder if we will have any issues with the pump being cycled through that weather.

For so long i mean they're, both decent units - they're, not cheap stuff, and hopefully they do come back. But that's what this video is going to be about, so we're either going to try to revive it and get it working or we're going to go, find out what happened to it and possibly fix it. Further ado, we'll get her over on the lift table and let the games begin. Let's take a better look at what we got.

I have really done nothing with it other than parking in the corner after grabbing it, so that would be the hose for it. I believe you had a bunch of manuals. Talk about being organized huh. You rackers are on the floor they're waiting their turn, but for this one i think we'll pick away the pressure washer we're gon na try doing it without using that, let's do a quick walk around it looks like oil's been leaking out of the pump.

I don't see anything in there. Do you like? The pump is low on oil. It's got a tag on it. I haven't tried pulling the pull start.

You guys got the oil shut off, which is nice, saves itself before it blows up. A lot of generators fail that way. People think they've crapped out they lose spark. Meanwhile, the sensor for the low oil that has low oil and it doesn't take much it'll shut off or the sensor itself will fail.

Don't look too bad, it's probably the pickup for uh fluids that you want to go pump into it like a soap. Let's go ted uh get ourselves a little flashlight, we'll look in the tank caps busted, some crud and rust on there. Let's go take a peek inside what it looks like all right, let's go in there i can see, remnants of the oil looks like it's all evaporated out of. There looks better than the other one, the other one remember, having a bunch of crud there's a little bit of crap down around the pickup over there, a little white chat until it's like chips of paint, the gas cap.

Let's go check the oil on it in our area. There's a lot of pressure washers you find at like yard sales and free piles on the side of the road. What happens is you know? We have winters and they freeze and people don't get the people. Don't get the water out of them and it cracks them looks decent full.
I think that'll be okay too. Let's go pop that air cleaner off right in front of us yeah, so they freeze and people are using the next year and water is just coming out everywhere, all right what we got for getting that off of there. If this is a foam one, they have a tendency to corrode make it like. Mushy you'll.

Stick your finger in them. They just go to like the putty yeah. This one's got that that same issue. They just kind of disintegrate on that outer part.

So we're going to get rid of that all together, that's just going to turn the dust when it'll fire it up. You blow that off. Actually there you go just pop that out of there get you to look up a little. I want to see if things are functioning bottle moves, it's weird that it has a high and a low level for pressure choke works.

You would think a pressure washer would just kind of come on and run at one rpm. I don't think you can control the volume with the pressure by the throttle. Go grab that pull start see if she turns over. Look at the tag in japan got a bit of drag to it be expected.

I wonder if we can decouple you're supposed to run a pump with water all the time. I wonder if there's like an allen, wrench or a coupler that we can get to, i see a couple of rings there. Then we can just disconnect the pump from now and we'll kind of work on the engine. Then we'll introduce the pump later so we don't cause any damage he's supposed to run them with water.

But again i don't want to do that over here. Uh, let's go they're a little light again. I think there's gon na be some way to have that coming apart. Right worst case might even be able to just unbolt that it's got a lovejoy coupler in there.

I'm gon na go. Take a peek see if i can find any set screws, i'm gon na rotate that around we'll loosen them up and we'll try to slide that coupler back. If not, maybe we'll just take those two bolts off and we got four over here - we'll pull this away! Yeah, i see one right there again allen wrench in there see if that'll crack loose. I want to break the ball off the end of the allen.

Wrench she's not going those couplers just kind of splined themselves, together they're not connected other than what you want to call. It friction on the sides they're notched into each other, so i'm going to go with unbolting it and trying to pull it away a little bit. I think we'll wiggle, that out of there put a plated metal underneath it, because it's nothing supporting the other end but see how it has a slip joint in there. Probably the easiest way to do that.

We do with the pump by itself all right. Let's go explore the engine, that's gon na be a little bouncy. First, that's a little better, throw some vice grips on that clamp it down. I think i'll pop that plug out of it.
I think, try to get rid of the drag of the compression. We'll see this is any issues with the engine. It's the gas cage. On that thing, making wiggly noises it's running a little lean.

Let's go chug it over a few times see how it feels. Ah, a little chalky dribble, some oil down the plughole lubricate. Those rings been nice and take a scope and look down inside there and see if there was any kind of rust just curious. What happens over the course of time? You know there you go swish around yeah there.

It goes now it coasts, where you think we go put the plug in it, see you've got spark the kill switch on. It is just like a momentary, a button you got, ta hold down for it to shut off, and hopefully this part of it works. Everything else there we go good good, let's go dribble a little bit of fuel in it, we'll see. If she takes off.

I have another pressure: washer like a more of a commercial one, decent one that i picked up at a like. A warehouse or a factory clearance sale or going on a business sale. Of course it sat for a while. I got it working, but it seemed like if you tried running it for at least after five minutes.

All of a sudden would lose its capacity and like that, that pressure would go down, you'd, hear you and then you let off the trigger and you pull the trigger again. It would come right back. It was kind of confusing like what was going on, so they got like a regulator on them. You can adjust the pressure on them and i ended up bringing it to my house to do some work over there and lo and behold it was fine what so? What it came down to be is the supply here.

How much pressure is coming out of the hose? Wasn't enough to keep up with the volume it was trying to use all right there we go with choke open. Let's go back up a little bit see if she ticks off i'm going to give it three pulls. What's your guess, three, all right, ten good probably used up the gas all right good. So we know the mechanicals are going to work.

Let's go see about getting that bowl off the carb. We end up pulling the whole thing: let's get the bowl off the card and see what the inside of that looks like. I think it does three out of the way you got there. I got that other one running.

I was like what a piece of crap this is. I got ripped off. Nope, that's fine! I do know like, even when you try using a garden hose here. I think the run is just so far from where the supply is and it's just a half inch, copper tube that feeds it, but it's like 100 feet of run.

That's on it come on not 10 millimeter. Oh, it's got a little locking tab. Tell me i guess they figured if it came loose. They don't want to get sucked into the engine funny.

It's got lock washers and a locking tab. They were taking no chances. So my guess is that the bowl should be filled with oil. Oh, it was filled with oil again, whether that evaporated or not too what we got good screwdriver, get that choke off of there.
There you go, i think we get the bowl off from here. What do we need a 13? It looks like 12 or 13.. I remember going to like the car wash and i'd be like the only pressure washer i ever used and they're. Okay, the one where you pay, that you put the quarters in that kind of thing and the first time i got to use an actual real pressure.

Washer, like there's a bit of a difference: oh yeah, you thought you think that saved it. I would think so. It looks like it. He filled it right to the top too then run for a sec top four.

There you go, i run out, go check and see what we got for sludging. The bottom looks pretty good. There's there's something there, though there's some kind of crap around the center of that i think uh. I think it's warm out and there's our release.

Let's get, we got just one linkage right here: yeah, let's go get that off of there we'll get the fuel line off of it. That clamp's not even doing anything so the spring is nothing. Fancy only got one set of holes to go in. Can we get? I have to come out of there.

There we go. Let's go take a peek on the bench, real, quick underneath and see. If we got any crap inside, don't want to stretch that seal out. Let's get the float off, try to yeah.

I went the other way. Sometimes they peen them, sometimes they peen one side of the pin over. So it can only go one direction. That's not overkill.

Do far enough hear more tap it right out. If we had it right. The first time i could see the crimp, i ran it. The wrong direction yeah definitely got some like rubbery material that settled on the bottom.

I don't think that was a gasket of any sorts. I think that's just crud that sat there it's hard to say also was it. Was that stuff already there when the fluid was put in it and put away 20 years ago, or did that happen because of it come on part of me thought about draining all the fluid out of it out of the float and just been gas and see? If it would start, this is the main coming up and if i can't see through that, if i can't blow through that, i'm gon na, let you know in a second i'm gon na hold it up to the light and see if there's any anything going through It it is clogged and the fact that it's clogged didn't take too much to blow it out it's open. Now i don't think it would have started.

I think it would have starved for fuel and you know if i don't clean it i'll have issues. I don't know if we can get the whole motion emulsion tube out of it. Let's go see if we can feel like we lock on anything yeah there's like a whole. Another level that can come out, i'm gon na get a fatter screwdriver.

That fits that a little bit better. Does it look like i've used that one before around the sides down, so we get down in there, yeah brass and aluminum generally isn't too bad, but when you introduce gas, then the gas goes bad. I don't think she's gon na go yeah. What happens is it's brass? You know it looks like that.
Just larger and the edges start to break away and that's that sound that you're hearing, so we're not going to get that out of there. So we're going to have to go move forward, give that a quick, rinse gon na melt, some of that crap off the top there. I don't. Those are a little probably just like little plugged off ports, yeah they're, all full of crap, too.

Look at the mud! That's coming out of them, i'm not sure if they would have drawn anything up. I think the fuel just goes in through here through that main jet and then up the emulsion tube, but both of these guys full of mud. I think we might just throw an ultrasonic cleaner, because if we don't you'll know i'll have to kind of like security right, just do it for the sake of doing it or murphy's law will get us get that seal out of there, because the seal will expand. If i don't it'll get all blown out there, we go get that out.

Let's get the air fuel mix screw out of it and it looks like we have an idle one. That's coming down from the top. Let's get that out, and then this one right here there we go. It's all full of uh marvel too what happens to sometimes the oil is thick, although it saved everything you go to put fuel in it, the it just literally can't drag it up.

It's so thick, it doesn't want to get moved, see we got going on here. I think we are in yeah. It's got mud sitting in the bottom of it, so we definitely need to come apart anyway, but the bolts not all corroded, that's a good sign. Usually a lot of times you take these apart, just nothing but like white powder and junk all over everything, so it did need to be done now.

If you did it for say like three years, maybe possibly you could have just pulled the the bowl screw and have the drain out and have fuel go in it, but it wasn't gon na run this way, all right, let's go soak all those parts get them Doing and we'll jump onto something else, look at the layer. That's on there, let's go through that pump in the vise i'll. Take a quick look at that. I know it already pissed most of the fluid out of it.

Let's see if that took on any damage. They're going to stay go see if the center he had a lot of drag when i went to go turn it over. Let's do that. It's terrible! It's got like a little pistons that move up and down.

I think three of them man. I wonder if he put oil inside those that would be right here. Those three pistons hold on, i laid it down like it was in the machine, and i thought it was out of oil. What it was is you tilt it up, see the bubble.

It's actually over full of oil. I think normal as you go kind of like halfway across, but it was sitting like that and it filled the whole thing up. So you couldn't see anything. So it's still got oil in it.
I wonder if it maybe even pushed some out because it was over full. We need to leave that alone. Now that's loose, let's go pop one of the uh pistons out of it just see what it looks like i'm going to end it we'll see. If you put any oil or anything inside one of those and it's going to have a little pick, i may not even come out it might be keyed, there's no there's another one going this direction, let's get one more out of it.

I'm in the mood to take stuff apart we're not right kind of boring. We just sit there and start it up. I also take it apart. I got a lot to get in there.

It's gon na launch me across the room spring pressure more the same, and i would think there could be like little valves they open and close, but i do believe, there's pistons behind them too. Let's hope we get one of them out of it now damaging them. You know, unfortunately, it might be on the other side might be where it's bolted into the pump itself. These are going to be the valves and we got more internally here.

I think this is just a gearbox for the most part, this part of it everything's contained here in this brass head, i'm going to look at that real, close, real and we'll see if i have a way to get those out of there. If not, i may not dig any further we'll see. Let's give that a little wiggle just don't want to break anything yeah when there's something on the other side. Holding them just give me like little one-way doors.

All they are little valves, but there's three sets of them each. You want to kind of see anything i think they are was 360 divided by three 220. 120. 120, 120 degrees, apart from each other like if you would have a three cylinder engine, each one makes its own pulse, but then it spins so fast.

You can't even notice it yeah. I don't know you want to go further. You afraid we're going to damage it or not. Uh, let's go for it.

Those screws are not metric. A little more persuasion holy moly top on my fingers. It's always one right. Let's go see what we got.

Parts go flying everywhere now, there's the pistons it and that's what like, if you go to run it dry. These are what you're going to burn up and they should dance up and down. As we turn it there, you go little three-cylinder engine. I wonder what we could put on them for lube on the startup: try to get it where they're all even see where those o-rings are down.

Let's take a look at the bores. Let me get this out of the way. Let's go flip this with a the breather is facing upward those little oil drops that are coming out of it yeah. So the boards are pretty corroded, i'm sure they probably would have polished himself up.

But let's see talking about yeah, that was the drag. That's all the drag right there is that, anyway, they call it the girls on brass. What that corrosion would be. So that's where the seals would get eaten up.
You try to spin it on them. It probably would have polished itself up. That's pretty bad right. There huh that center one.

I wonder if we should take like a break cone and just kind of lightly, give her a little shot of like oil and just polish that surface up a little bit. I don't think it'll hurt. I think that's gon na do more damage just trying to let it run like that anything. So the little brake cones these for like doing wheel, cylinders on your car or a master cylinder.

It has an adjustment on like right now, there's there's no preload that don't even do anything. You know just kind of flopping a hole but more you crank down on the spring tension, the more it wants to put pressure on the outside walls. So we're just going to set up where it's like really light just so we're just trying to break off that outer outer crust. Yeah sound like that.

Let's go get a drill hooked up, throw some oil on it. Just give it a little up and down each wall there. You know it's. Just motor oil understands the chance.

You know motor oil might kind of destroy the seals a little bit, but it's going to have water rinse to it. Hopefully very shortly. It's not going to be much of an issue. Let's give her a little bit more wipe them with a rag and see what the size of it looks like.

There's that little light okay, i don't think it's gon na take much to get it cleaned up and there's still some more crap on it. Though you can see it on that side wall there, i'm gon na work on them a little bit until i get rid of that. I just want to dig up into the grass too much, but i do want to get rid of that. That white corrosion that's growing on it right there with the rest of it.

It just seems like maybe that one seems to be the worst one as a little three-cylinder engine looks now it's pretty good. I don't think we took off any real brass and definitely proven from what it was. I think that would have probably chewed up the seals on us. Take a quick look over here.

Just make sure we get nothing going on so the back seal. These are the one like this sits in that groove down below, which is kind of sitting on the face of it right now, the actual pump seal is this one right here, a little on the on the stiff side, there's stiff and soft right here, jokes: they Probably saw a rebuild kit for this, but we're going to go ahead and move them with what we got yeah, i'm not going to be able to do anything. Sometimes they make a ceramic ones too. I think on some of the newer ones.

Oh the bore ceramic. You can see a little bit of rust, just kind of sitting in there from water. You probably have these three screws you take out. You probably change them right now complete, but we're gon na leave them alone.

I don't know we should probably coat it with something. Uh, let me go see what i got just so happens. The guy that gave us these machines also gave us some silly cone oil, i figure again. All most of this is going to get washed off, since it runs 30 seconds of the you know.
This thing screaming away: i just want to make sure that when it first fires doesn't burn itself out, that's the problem with pressure. Washers too, is you're supposed to have a supply of water going too many times kind of like a boat motor, perhaps it'll take out the rubber seals. If we tried starting that up the way it was that it would have cooked it right away all that crap that was on there all the green, green and white corrosion all right, so we go put those back together. All right i give was it like that or like that, i think i think it was like that right.

I might as well throw some in the boards too right ounce of prevention watch your stuff like melts away the uh, the rubber seals yeah. Let's get that back on there. Hopefully it doesn't fight us too much yeah, it is, can we will they pop out of there? I don't think so. Right yeah, i think the seals are so hard, they're kind of good thing.

I put lube on there just jam. It in the hole with no lube out this bright idea was it to take it apart. Emma like trying to start rings on a piston. You know, i wonder if these lift off two pieces, i wonder if we can start them.

That can be a good idea or not. Let's go see what they do. Definitely don't want to go past. That is that all they go, maybe they just that's all they go.

Is it just that far? So this is not what's going up now. This is just a seal, then you go in so far and then the piston goes the rest of the way. So what gives what gives let's go? Take a caliper, real, quick, it just seems weird. Maybe this is the only piece that changes the volume.

Let's go crank that real, quick try to understand what's going on so this like. Will this go up and will this go down there you go so what's happening. Is so all this stuff stays in place now it makes sense and it just changes the volume by that this, the piece of teflon in the middle, so the seals are not moving up and down they're, just staying put so it might actually been okay. Let's go get it: where can we get all three of them, the same height? Will that work yeah? So all those are going to sit against that ridge and that's it right.

It's just going to push all these right down. So, what's stopping it from going back together, what am i missing? Just falls together. Gon na beat it with a hammer. What is it running into that stops it from going so, let's go if that's how it works.

Let's just go. Take all those seals and we'll start them in their bores right, just drop each one down, we'll get them already started, probably leave them on there. They won't fall off and we'll get all those cups in place, because i think that's where it's fighting. I think it's trying to get those lips to feed in and if we don't, if we force it we're gon na end up taking out the edge of one of those think that'll work.
Let's try that, ah there you go, we got the magic touch. Now, let's go throw those screws in there buzz it back together. The output where the wand goes on check ball is kind of same as that pneumatic for your air compressor tools that same idea a little love. So i was thinking this was an angle drive running up in here and then the pump guts were up inside here.

But it's not right. Here is a crankshaft going across and you know just like on a car. It's going to have journals that are offset from each other; they have little connecting rods going through those pistons. Each one kind of moves up and down and then on here is a check valve each one of these is a check valve for its own cylinder.

Water is allowed to come in through here. This is the. What is the in i'm going to say this is the end. This is probably garden hose in right.

Here. Feeds water in on these sides, these valves when the piston goes down we'll pick the end, one. The piston goes down. The valve allows that chamber to fill up with water, then, when the piston goes back up that valve shuts off this valve opens up and allows water to exit out and create pressure, but all three of those are kind of working together.

So that's the setup on it. The clearances are not critical. Those were not rubbing against the sides of the uh walls there it it. I think it would have been fine, but i'm glad we took it apart anyway got to see what was inside.

Let's see our carb cooking is going, looks pretty good too. All right, we'll go shut that down and bring them over shut up there. You go, let's put the parts back in the bowl. One thing i just want to make sure.

First of all, i'm looking at the float. I want to see that it's kind of level going across in the upside down position, and then it drops down i'm going to blow into it, make sure air can go through. I'm gon na flip it over and make sure i can't blow any air through it. That's just making sure that the needle and seat are doing what they should be doing.

So we should be good to put everything back together and we can put the car back on the machine and then probably get into me we'll fire it up without the pump on it and drag the engine working correctly and then we'll throw the pump on with Water, it's got a valve on it, see if that, oh, i think it would be full of oil. You know or something we should probably rinse through - that maybe put some gas in it uh. You know what else we want to do too. Let's go: take an air gun or something or vacuum, we'll blow out whatever that crap.

That was that we saw in the tank see if we can get some of the crap out of there. While it's, you know just dry dust. I don't know if that did anything. It's actually got some sludge on the bottom.
Let's go: throw a white rag on and hit with some soak with some brake cleans. You could break it up, get in my belly, there's like two different levels to it. There's like a lower level here, the upper part looks okay. This is just where all the gas was sitting or oil.

Both there we go yeah i'll, keep doing that till we get a clear bottom yeah about 80 percent of the way there already. I think that's got it pretty good. We'll do is put some gas in it and we'll open the valve and it kind of just rinse through it'll, probably rinse out the fuel line and the petcock and we'll see if the petcock even works. It's an odd word.

Isn't it let's not get crazy here there you go it's a good dollar 50s worth so shut off yeah. It don't work. Let's see if we can prop this up, some kind of location hold on a second two hands. So all the way out do you think it had a little greater flow than that is all the way out off.

I don't think so. Now put it in does not make a difference there, it goes wait, wait did we get it, but i just had some crap in the valve. I think they do have a rubber tip on the end of them. Let me see if you can get a little bit more aggressively turning it off.

That's what pliers and she's not going to stop. Oh well. Can we fix that right on the club, the carburetor throw a clamp on there. You rinsed out a little bit of dirt too, so that's kind of what i was worried about just pushing that into the carburetor.

There's no fuel filter on this thing. All right. Let's see what we get chokes on, we got the throttle that is idle somewhere in the middle. Let's go for that sounds pretty good.

We get towards the night, though we can jump that air fuel mix a little. I want to run it into. I want to run it until it doesn't run a rough take about about a half a turn, so it still works. It's hunting a little bit, but that may go away and hunting is, could be either a governor set up or it's just running a little on the lean side.

But it does not have the air cleaner on it and that will kind of make it run a little bit richer. So i say we go and put the pump back on up the air cleaner back on it shove some water on it and possibly give it drag too. Sometimes the drag helps get rid of some of that bounce, but we'll see it also. You can go like once.

You run it for about five minutes. It may go away just from warming up. If not it's a little on the lean side. That's weird check that out.

Can you see the smoke come out of it? I don't know if that carb is flooding over, see the mist yeah. You don't see, they're stuck, it's dripping. I hate. When that happens, i'm going to go pinch off the line and go drop the bowl again and either a little piece of debris went down there and got stuck between the needle and seat or there's an issue.

One thing i did forget to do was see if the float floated generally, that style is kind of like a closed cell foam. Almost i don't believe those are hollow gently, don't have an issue. There's some crap there's some crap in the bottom of the bowl, though so i have a feeling it's just some dirt cutting between the needle and the seat. Just quickly turn that gas on to get a couple of shots and just hold that up see if it shuts off that's taking some decent pressure for it to shut off it.
Nothing's saying that the end of that that the nipple on the uh needle isn't bad. Neither i looked, i didn't see anything clean itself out a little all right. I'm gon na go throw the bowl on it. Real, quick and uh i'll release it and i'll see if it overflows again.

If it went away, i'm just gon na leave it. If not, we have to take that apart and take a look at that, the seat of that needle a lot of people are going to say why, don't you put a filter in the line grab, i don't have good luck with gravity, feed and filters a lot Of times you will get restriction and the filter will just kind of like air lock and not allow fuel to go through where, if it has fuel pumps enough to keep it going. But let's go give that a second see what it does good thing and put five gallons in it. Huh it's been a minute or two.

I don't see anything it does again we'll tear into it more, but for now i think we might be okay because i eyeballed it pretty good. I didn't see anything i looked at the needle when it was out. I didn't see any scratches or anything on it. Not that sometimes the needle will get like deformed it'll, get like a a taper or ridge on it, and it also can go like where it leans.

To one side stop it it'll have like um the crown of it will rock a little bit to one side of it and then, when it's trying to seal it, it can't seal around the side of it, because it's it's already touching on this side. That makes kind of how you want to say it egged out contact patch, probably taking this apart so many times. Every time i got to bend those tabs up to stop them from rotating it eventually they're going to get weak and break off we're going to run it one more time, just make sure we're good, and you think we even need choke. I never even hooked it up without chokes he somewhere in there, so all right, hopefully it doesn't flood over there.

We can move on yeah. I think you just got some dirt up inside there all right, i'm gon na pull that hose through for the vent and we'll pop the air cleaner on it. Just when you think it's safe, let's use it again. All right, i'm going back in you - can see even in the float ball after it was all cleaned out.

All the sludge it's showing up again. All you need is a little bit of that to get between the needle and the seat. So that's the tip of the needle right there, a little neoprene nipple and that seats against a hole inside there either. One of those can have a little bit contamination a little bit of dirt that gets put on them.
So i'm going to go and clean those up, i'm also going to go through the float in the cleaner make sure it floats, because that would do the same thing. So it does your float float that looks okay, the way that the needle is still on it. So it wants to flip it over that other direction, but if that thing went so you could barely even see if it was hanging out like something like that where it's just on the verge or it sinks, then you know it's screwed. Let me expect this file to do that.

Yeah, i think, on the inside, it's kind of like a closed cell foam, so even if it got a little hole in it would just fill a little tiny chamber of it not like fill the whole thing up. Like a hollow one, like the old brass ones, used to be i've used like valve lapping powder in the past, i'm just going to go, i'm going in dry, the q-tip, i'm just going to kind of clean and polish that surface that it sits on. I guess you could use like toothpaste or something too if you wanted to just make sure that surface that it touches all around it's polished. If anything, i'm going to go say it's the needle.

I look closely at the needles. You can see. There's a ridge going. All the way around it so again, this is what it is.

Let's try it one more time. That's why it's good to have the fuel shut off that works. You know you can shut the thing off when you're not using it, because what would happen is you put that thing in your garage and you're done using it and you put in your rods, you come back your whole house, or you know at least your garage Has filled up a gas phone could be very dangerous. So it's all right.

If you have the capacity to shut it off and it's leaking, but if you don't have either one you got ta wait till the tank goes empty. Five bucks, a gallon, don't want that! So i kept working the valve, you have to fuel the shut off there, but now i was looking at the pad all right. I'm gon na go unbolt that we'll probably tilt it forward, so the gas goes to the front of the tank and uh see. If we can undo that and see, what's going on inside generally, there's like packing that goes around it on like this, this glam nut that i'm taking off and you can kind of tighten down on that and it'll crush that packing around the shaft just get like.

What's left of, it is gone, so there'd be a seal right in here that this part of it. So you have to come down that part right. There has a seal on it. So, as you crush this into there, there's that taper on it it closes in around on the hole and stops it from leaking up this end of it.

You can't get that off if you were to it's kind of a rivet on the end, you take the grind, the rivet off you take the end off, take the seal off and re-change it. I'm gon na go chase what i have real quick. If not, i think i'm gon na blow that out we'll just try packing it the best we can, but i have a feeling all that went to brittle on the inside i'm sitting. Let's look underneath the magnifying glass we can spin it.
This point right here is bent, so it must have taken a hit at one time and the post is kicked on an angle. Normally this would seal kind of like the carburetor, but just brass on brass, and it can't because it's not sitting in the center. It kind of waddles there's a you can see where it like started to try to make threads on it and look real quick see. If i have anything in my stash.

That's like this, and this is one of threads in the tank right yeah. So it would have to be one that has that style of ceiling off the tank, not just an inline one, oh you're. A little bit should feel and still got a lot of slop on it lights. Getting you sorry, you can tell the packing's not even doing anything.

Usually you screen squeeze down on the gland that, like i said, the rubber seal will kind of crush a little bit more. Sometimes, though, if you back it all the way out, it'll have like it'll seal on its face, and you run it all the way in it'll seal. I don't think it's going to work on this. One, though see, if it still pisses gas out of the fuel line, well, there's your answer.

At least it doesn't leak out. The other end right. I know you want me to steal one off the other machine. Let's see if we can get an o-ring metal too small might do it, i'm just going to run that one down and we'll see if we can, like, i said, like the taper will pack in on as long as you get that down in there.

That might not even may not even fly for us there. It goes all right, we'll see if that'll work, let's see third time the charm cracker open, make sure we get castle flown. We do make sure it still shuts off. I think, on the shut off part, we got ta give her.

No that's got it, so you can always give her a little bit of, and then i ran that gland not in. If you run anything too far, you won't even be able to turn the knob back and forth because it just crushes down so much on it, so that one seems to be okay, licked all right see if we can carburetor we'll uh play this time so and Hopefully, no p, no more. If it does we're going to work with the valve. Just move forward took a minute before it didn't happen.

Right away actually took like about a minute literally 60 seconds, then i started doing it so i'll. Let that sit i'll, bring it back if it's screwy i'll bring it back either way. I think we got it this time, but i don't trust it. You know you still act up in a later date, so keep an eye on it.

At least the fuel shut off is good, so i can shut it down when i'm not using it. Another good thing about these little couplers that go on here, other than kind of like making a link between the two of them. If there's a slight uh mismatch, this can take it up a little bit. It's allowed to slide and kind of kick a little bit.
The other half is essentially the exact same thing. Both of these are the same, got a little dampener in between them, and it has a little bit of room for cushion plus they just don't hammer on each other too keeps the two sections of metal from beating each other up so sort of getting ready to Put the pump on and wiping all the crap off of it, i'm like well, the oil came from because the thing's full, why not any oil and then made sense that that's what failed was the valve? It was leaking out of the tank through the side. The back side of it dripping down, but it was the marble mystery oil until that rained down. So there's nothing in the tank, but the carburetor was still full.

That explains it rather deal with that and having that leak, that's for sure trying to get the seat on there spin the engine a little to get it to it should be right about there yeah. I can't stick my fingers in there to turn it fight with me. Will you i will win you just, don't know it yet. Look at the tip on this thing: yeah yeah.

It's got both of them on the same double header, but how would you? How would you switch from one to another that doesn't slide? Does it? No, it's all one piece. So how do you switch from one to the other yeah because we're going to find out when we put water to it, you think it like you would like click. It one direction or the other, and no i'm not going to look at the manual it just does both. I don't know.

Well, it's the next day set overnight and it is still not playing well as far as the needle seat is concerned, it started did start, dripping real, slow and, of course, the fuel valve. It's probably more of the same, not shutting off completely so it does need a needle and seat, and then, if i can get a rebuild kit for the uh or just another, shutoff valve should be good. One thing i forgot to mention there is a relief valve on the pump. So when you let off the trigger, the water no longer has any place to go, but the pump is still trying to make 2000 psi and push it out.

The end of the gun and that pressure would just keep on coming up, so it has a relief valve that fires off and what it does. It dumps the pressure from going out of the wand back around to itself and kind of feeds it out itself. In a circle and it kind of uses the hose as a reservoir, so say you got 50 psi coming in. It goes up to 2000.

It may bring the water pressure up to about 60 psi in that section of the hose and just kind of use that, like i said like a buffer for it to uh, not over strain the pump and just you know, stall the engine out, i'm gon na Flush out for a second any dirt or debris, that's either in the hose. I don't want to clog the tip. You can see. That's what we got for water pressure here, not that great, so a bigger machine, it's just not enough volume to keep up with it.

Your machine say is putting out three gallons a minute and you only have two gallons supply. Something's got to give right. Yeah, it's an odd setup. I don't get it, you think you got to be able to turn one of those on and off.
I don't know how you would do that you could always look at the manual, but that's cheating, weird go fire it up. Dude it does. I think one tip when it's not having power and the other one. Let off you got me.

I thought that's just vlog. I can't wash itself pressure's definitely down what it should be, not terrible, but much better than that. I think we got ta figure out. What's going on with that tip situation up there all right i broke down and looked at the manual.

You won't believe how that is supposed to work you're supposed to turn it one way hit the trigger no pressure. You flip it over the other way, hit the trigger it's high pressure, little door inside here that flaps one way or the other, and then you hold it down to get that pressure kind of weird huh, never seen anything like that. Before give it a shot, see what it does see if he does it at low pressure, that's just weird huh go fire. It up huh! Well guys, i think we're getting the end of the program about here.

The only thing i see is the needle and see what needs to be addressed. It should probably get a new one, no fault of anything that could have been done to save it. As far as you know, we had gas in it. You had stable, you had oil in it dry.

I think that tip still would have done the same thing it just over time. The rubber just got gets too hard and brittle on it and it doesn't make a soft seal against the uh seat and that's your outcome. Uh pressure's not great in the building, so i don't think that is any issue with the machine. I think we're just not feeding it enough.

The little one over there works fine off of the amount that comes to it, but it also uses probably about a third of the water that this uses. So i think it'll be fine. I'm gon na run it over to the house. It's gon na do some pressure washing on the building and i'll put in the notes if it does have any issues or we'll make another video about the pump being crap we'll tear it apart.

As far as this one's concerned, guys we're gon na wrap it up, and thank you all for hanging out with me and we'll get into something next week until then later yeah, we're good cut it you're golden on this side. Are you okay? On that side, i think we should probably just take the galleys, maybe and kick the essence just straighten it out.

By Mustie

3 thoughts on “Will it still work? free old homelite pressure washer sitting for 20 years.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hola! Mr Mawson says:

    Hello mate 👍

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Meof Myof says:


  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars BrianW says:


    Waiting patiently 😂

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