this is the 2nd part on this 1931 for model a pickup that has seen better days, over 30 years in a run down leaky barn has not been good for it. lets see if we can do our best to save it.

Hey guys, and how's it going? Hey, we're going to continue on this 1931 Model A pickup that we dragged out of a barn uh, about a month and a half ago before the holidays and brought it back to the shop was supposedly running when parked. You know how that story goes right? Anyway, we started getting into it. we're trying to turn the engine over and it had a tight spot, kept working it back and forth Shot oil down the cylinders, all that kind of happy stuff and went forward with getting it to spin After getting to like a tight spot. found the distributor did not turn, took it apart and the distributor was seized right up.

Here's the shaft that comes up through the head gasket that was driving it. This still turned, so this is still operational, but in the distributor it was all locked up and bound up. And of course you couldn't go any further from there because we had no more parts. Well now we have parts.

Let's go show you what we got and see what we can do to move forward with this project. Yeah, so here's the old distributor in parts that was in it and we got that out of there. This is the shaft that was in the distributor. This is after it's been cleaned up of course and you can see the bottom is busted right off of it.

Well that was the what had to go give when it was trying to turn and did not want to turn so ordered a new shaft. they were readily available. New Distributors were expensive I mean like even like we built ones, they're like 500 bucks. It was really kind of surprised on that.

Anyway, we got a new shaft we can go try putting that back together and uh, rebuilding our distributor with the parts that we have in it and hopefully that'll work. If not, we still have another Avenue to go chase. I'll bring that out if we need it and we got an engine gasket set right there for whatever we need without further. Ado Let's go build ourselves a distributor.

Yeah, see what we got this one. I had cleaned off of the wire wheel and I tried putting it back in I think I remember it was all bound up still and we had to press this out. We had to beat the snot out of that to get it to come out of there so it was never gonna be able to be saved. Let's go see we got with this one.

Definitely feels like it's better. it's binding towards the bottom I don't know what we can do to I got it now I'm stuck. What we can do to clean up that bore. It's got like a uh you can see it.

It's almost like a it's not a bearing but it's got like grooves going down. My guess is probably for oil. You see that I don't know if it shows up or not right there. Let me see if I can find some like I don't know.

like Gun Barrel brush or something and we could run that through with some lube. Maybe clean up some of the crap that's inside there. Let's go check the little wire wheel stash out. Shoot it.

There's something right there. There's a brass one. that one is cotton. anything else? it's that one actually feels a little bit finer.
bristle. Let's go start with that. Yeah, we Lube her up a little bit of WD see if that'll even fit in there. Get in there.

get in there. there you go. Doesn't like reverse. a lot of crap coming out.

Oh, look at it. look at the pattern that's in there. now. you can kind of see it.

Yeah, so it looks like it's meant to hold a little droplets of oil. or Grease let's go look at the poop that came out of it. There's a screwdriver Edition by the pilot. Rustic kicked.

Yeah, look at all the all that crap that came out. Yeah, no matter what, we weren't going to be able to free that up. Should we get the same thing on the bottom? Yeah, it looks good. Let me go rinse that out and we'll go try that shaft in here and see how she how she plays.

Hopefully she doesn't have too much playing with it I'm concerned about he's up top if it moves around too much. that's where the points work and then we'll be able to maintain a points. Gap Let's go see Yes if she plays any better. now let's try it dry.

It feels like the Buffalo that feels pretty good though. Let me go for play. I Don't feel anything so that means we put lube in there. She'll really like it.

So it's been over a month since I took this apart. How good are we gonna do? by memory, these are the parts that were in it. So this is the points plate and a condenser plate that goes underneath I believe that came out of it somewhere. This is the cam for the top of it for the points and then we got a couple of screws now I know I think the last thing we did was take the bottom of it apart which consisted of uh, this collar went on it like that and then it had a pin that went through it and kind of held everything together.

One thing that looks a little funny to me though might be just an optical illusion is that hole the same size right now, right? and that fits. It's tight, all right. So I'm going to go fudge with this a little bit and try to figure out what the process was. I think I have to take the condenser off and that gets fed through that hole like that I Just gotta remember where that this pre-loaded spring went that was on the bottom right.

I don't think so. Worst case I Take the chip out of the camera when we look I'm getting watch. it wasn't in there at all. so I'm gonna go.

yeah, instead of boring you with going through all that, I'll bring you back when you get a little bit further assembled instead of watching me try to Fumble through it. I'm gonna need to get that to Mush over a little on that end. I'm gonna try taking a center punch in the middle of it. Try to spread it out a little bit so your dexterity is you can get that right in the middle.

Should spread it out I just don't want that PIN to work its way back out again, you know I had ground off a flange that was on there before I might do it I'm gonna try tapping it out see if it wants to work out of there. If not, I think we're okay. Yeah, so the spring just went between the upper and the lower plate and I guess it just gives like a little preload holding it up because this plate needs to be able to rotate uh, mechanically through. uh, a lever.
I think it's on the steering wheel to adjust the timing when you're running it. And as far as the cam for the the points I don't think you can I'm not sure I don't know if you could rotate the distributor or not like you are in a regular old car because the the cam in the center isn't keyed to anything, just has a screw that runs down the center and it's got teeth on the bottom. I should have showed you that before I put it on Anyway, there's teeth on the bottom it looks like and you run that all the way in. Let me find out in a second you can Index this the rotor kind of where you want it.

My guess is we just kind of set you know maybe top dead center on number one cylinder and we find out where the rotor is pointing on number one cylinder and we just rotate that the rotor to point at that one post and make that the beginning. You're probably what a test light too open and closing the points but and not much to it. I'm not sure if this is in the right location or not. you kind of indexed it.

It's got little tabs that it can lift up out of it. won't do it with that in there so I'm not sure. Yeah there's the cylinder head. it's got a pin in it and the pin that goes in the distributor.

so you don't rotate the distributor, you just rotate that that little cam on top. Let's go look back at the engine, see what we got going on over here. so this is that what drives that. Now if you turn the engine over it did.

spin this and this goes down to the oil pump. Drive Only worry about taking it out. Here's something on the other end. Drop right.

let's go look at that sludgy piece of the thing out of there. That's key Just to go. One Direction I Think the top is the same way too. I will clean that on a wire wheel when I took the cylinder head off, one stud pulled out so we'll work on getting that one back in.

and I think we should probably take a wire wheel and clean some of these up. Huh? Looking pretty cruddy? Yeah. I I Think we would be better trying to keep the copper head gasket I Know it kind of boogered up just a little bit on the corners I think this is the one I got I'm trying to get kind of get it to break loose. you know, All right.

So let me wiggle this out of here so you can get out one piece. If not, we already have another one and we'll clean some of this stuff up. We'll take a wire wheel and cleaned the threads and get that last post in there and clean that up. Look at that.

the crap that's on there. The other end was what was broken off of here. on the old one, the tab broke out. I Mean it's got an offset to it.
A little bit of play. Probably should have ordered one of them too. And look at it. Can you flip it over? What's the difference, right? The oil pump just gonna be just sloppy on the other end.

please. Sloppy side up? Yeah. See if a little brass action will help us here? Get in there without beating anything up. I Think it's actually just one big piece of brass I Don't think it's um, you know, sister sandwiched.

Probably just mostly around the studs. It's going to want to hang up like this one. Yeah, let's get a bunch of crap on it. Probably would have been a good idea to run around with a wire wheel first.

huh? I Think we're almost there. Good time to look for cracks and stuff too. Get over there. so tickle where I will clean a bunch of that stuff up I Don't think that would be that.

Is that an acorn in the cooling system? What's that? It looks like a part of an acorn to me. Doesn't it? Go get a pick and dig it out of there. Let's see. Yeah, she's going.

She's diving. Let me stab it. Oh, is it right? It's part of it. Come to me.

Oh what? that is kind of squishy I Don't think it's supposed to be in the engine though. I Think it's an acorn that just, um, soaked up a bunch of crap over time. Oh, oh, it's just weird, huh? What was that? It's kind of squishy. Whatever.

it is. more of it over here. Someone's going to be able to ID that is that crap. Oh I'm gonna take an air gun after we're done because I don't know we're gonna be able to block off all these ports anyway.

dig them out of the intake over here. I think I might have jumped I think it fell to the floor. There's more of it. Do anybody can kind of describe it? It feels like like acorns, but you're squishy I wonder if it's like a nest of something? like my assessment of eight Corners that's been soaking in antifreeze for 70 years.

It's more the correct anymore. I had nothing. That's nothing. It'll clean up afterwards.

The valves have Ford stint in them I Don't see any cracks. Anything looks fairly decent. You can tell where the Rings uh with a gap in the Rings are you see it like a line right there. line right there.

If we rotate it over, let's see one like right there. I'm gonna wipe them down a little bit. I'm gonna work on the cylinder head next and we got to get the uh, the stud in there. Let's go work on that stud.

Let's use that old rat attach itself off. Okay, come on, somebody wants some heat. Tell me you don't want to come off. Don't touch that.

it's hot. And now you know because I've done it before. Take it over the wire wheel will go clean off those threads foreign nut on it. It goes all the way smooth.

No problem. If not, we may have to run a thread chaser or a die over it. I Thought these just use the nut too to run down and it'll kind of clean itself up. You could put it in like if you wanted to, you could put in like a bowl, but if you're doing like a cylinder head, you kind of want to be able to torque it, it wouldn't.
You wouldn't get a good reading. You'd have too much drag. I wouldn't say that's terrible. That's pretty good.

It shouldn't affect us. Yeah, that's fine. So what we'll do to put that in there? We'll get another one, probably one that's not super hot and we run it together and lock the two of them together. Something like that.

I Gotta get another wrench. We'll lock the two of them. Then we'll run this whole assembly down, split the nuts up, and spin it off. Okay, now it gives you something to turn on so you can thread that part into the block and go clean that up on the grinder just a little bit before we got it called.

Yes. I Do trying to reach over you. That's how we do getting that in there, reaching over to the top of you. Hope you don't mind.

I Went to a uh Chiropractor first time in my life the other day. why am I feeling it? Yeah, everything leaks. it's probably healthy I went for a migraines. believe it or not, um, kind of worked around the tightness of the neck and all.

Let me see if that helps me out and get my ass kicked with them. I've had one every day about 24 days in a row. There's medicine you could take for it, but like when the medicine wears off, it just um comes right back and get like Boomerang the medicine actually starts causing the migraines so I had to kind of go hold cold turkey. It's not filming for a while, but I am five days out I think yeah, five days out if I'm not taking any.

uh, it's called zomig. It's like there's a whole bunch of them, but uh, more once I take a zomeg that uh, constricts or dilates the blood vessels. that's one of the other and uh, you get Boomerang ones keep coming. So I tried um yeah Chiropractic plus he did my lower back and all that kind of stuff too.

Felt good weird the next day I woke up and it was like, um, everything was popping and cracking when she never really kind of happened before. Okay, so we gotta get a wrench on the bottom and that's gonna squeeze in there I'm sitting on the fender kind of sliding down. gotta be careful. these are plastic fenders too.

All right. So I gotta get return to get there. All right. what's up so far so good and they just back the nuts off and you can kind of all right where I need to be.

Why don't you get it for me? Come on there. We go Once stud installed I'm gonna if I if um I'm gonna try that for like I don't know I'll go by four times once a week see how that does for me. If not, I'll actually even try your acupuncture. All right, all that stuff is voodoo A long time ago.

a lot of friends I swear by it though, so we'll see. It's hard to make videos when you feel like crap. The last thing you feel like doing is talking to somebody on camera. but I feel pretty good today.
hence us working on a car. All right? So I think that gets us I Looked at the head gasket and it is a laminated one. It's not one solid piece so we're gonna go open up that package, try for something. The new one there looks pretty good.

Let's go take a peek at the cylinder head first. Here's a head gasket I was talking about so you can kind of see I was got a screwdriver up under there trying to pry that cylinder head off. so I did that. a little bit of boogeroo but it was actually blown out somewhere else.

Where was it right there? Kind of coming apart there too. So and generally if you like if head gasket blows, it'll it'll have like a dark color going across it. like you know, possibly something there. Maybe possibly between the two.

Chambers there when they're gone, they're usually always gone. You'll see it. It'll burn the gasket completely away. It won't even be anything there in between.

All right, let's go take a peek at that cylinder. Head, flip that over and kind of prep that. probably much the same way we did the other one. I Don't think that's doing anything for us now, is it? We'll flip that over.

Let's do a quick peek. I Know one cylinder was running a little. Number one. yeah, you can see the color difference in it.

Didn't have any reason so I don't suspect and cracking any acorns in it. What's that right there? Something's right there. foreign too, isn't it? Um, it dope. I'm gonna get it out here again.

Yeah, I know what they are I'm pretty sure they're acorns. It seems like they've just got kind of like solidified from the antifreeze. I Looked underneath underneath. the uh, looked underneath.

underneath. looked underneath the scope and it looked like that's what it was. All right. I'm gonna go wire wheel, clean that one up and uh, just get that gasket out and we got to spray that with like a copper coating.

Yeah, head's cleaned up. Let's go see what's we got for a gasket set. Careful, cut right through it right? Let's see how that kind of eyeballs up. Make sure we're good to go.

Is there a front and back? Is it the same each way? I would think probably right. except for where's the distributor? Come through right in the center, doesn't it? Yeah, so that shouldn't matter. Where's the old one? That'll tell us, right? Okay, that's a light. See if there's anything shining through that it ain't supposed to be shining through vice versa as long as we have no holes not going through.

I think we're good and I got a gucky with some of that. If it's the copper one, you don't have to do it. but let me just read this real quick. I'll give that a shot.

Okay, kind of expected it to come out more like paint I don't think that needs to be wet I think that can set up for a little while and kind of cure get tacky like I'm gonna go take the cylinder head and the block. kind of wipe it down with like an acetone or alcohol I cleaned them. What do you think? a second coat doesn't matter? Am I trying Am I trying to treat it like paint and not a sealer I Don't think we're gonna hurt it. Oh chicken blanks.
Well I guess that's all we're doing I check her for two minutes I Know you can't see the crank, but so the engine spins this way right? Yeah, let's confirm that. there we go. So I'm looking at the front of it. It's spinning clockwise now I Want to try to find where top Dead Center is? So I'm going to want to spin clockwise and we want the stroke so that would be an intake charge right? Yeah, you take valves open, close, both foul stay closed I Want to go right to top dead center kind of find where it's doing a little bump.

I'm going to mark that on the pulley just so later on we have a rough idea what Top Dead Center is which one that we're on and uh, we really shouldn't need to turn it while we're putting it together. Get that! Rod out of the way and uh I think we're good? Nope. yep, he's a little ahead. Yeah, yeah, I should have cleaned the top of it but I forgot to.

Oh well. I left the theme on it thinking it would help me support it. I'm not sure if that was a great idea or not. hover over the hole.

let it rip I should have cleaned that up a little bit. they didn't Oh and go get my nuts. I'm gonna go clean my nuts trying to get rid of because you get the water jacket nozzle has to go on when you're torquing the cylinder. Head down.

Okay, let's go see. we got for gaskets first. I Cleaned this up and it's been broke before somebody braced it back together. And then here's the gasket that was on it.

Here's the new one that's a piece of paper and that one's like a sixteenth of an inch thick. I Guess we'll go with the new one, but we'll just kind of goober it up pretty good when we put it on. Oh the nuts on there. put a little bit of Lube on each one too just so you don't find and looked up the torque sequence and it's I think 50 or 55 pa.

Uh, foot pounds is the final. I'm gonna try to I'm going to run them up to 30, then I'll run them up to 50 or 55. essentially you just kind of work from the center and start working your way out to the to the outer edges. the ones by the water pump, the one on one of the other side.

I'm just gonna have to go by feel with a wrench because you can get a socket on it. Foreign, foreign 14's there. all of them now. I'm going to run it up to we're at the 50.

the same all over again. I'll tell you what. Yeah, I looked it up. One said 50, one said 55..

here's that drive for the distributor. Drop that in there, have it lock into place. There we go. Oh man, look at the slot that's in there.

Yeah, all right. So the next thing is to try to get the distributor and it's only going to go in one way. Like we said, it's got that tab on there. It's got a bolt.
It's got a bolt that goes in there that holds it. Let's go grab the distributor so we could look at which way it is facing. So we want all right. the little space of that way.

let's just see what we get doesn't fit in at all right? Yeah, and so it's got to drop into that tab no matter what, right? This is where right there. we should be able to rotate it. So let it actually. I think it's got it.

I Think the center is just spinning There we go. Man, it's a lot of play. It's a lot and it's not like there's an advanced or anything down there. Oh, it's not down all the way.

Let me give a someone give her a tap tap. Yeah, let's see if we can get her I might not be on that pin too. Go look underneath. Oh no, your problem is trying to hammer it in the wrong hole up a little right about there.

I Think that's it. Let's rotate that Center like again. see if. get it to there it goes.

Yeah, which plate we got Now that's not bad. It's only about 10 degrees instead of 70. and it gets a rod connected to it. that's a advanced.

That's what this part is set up for. We got to try to figure out. we know it's at top dead center. Uh, let's go grab and then we have to rotate that like we don't know which way this is supposed to.

Face So I would think I'm gonna go grab the rotor. We gotta have that probably facing the number one spark plug is going to be here right? What's gonna face roughly like that? I would say get the cap. Okay, so that's got to cut out with a lever and I don't know if it's going to be either that one or that one. I'm not sure which one is number one cylinder, so it's either going to face there right there.

Let's get an OHM meter and see which one is connected to which and if you can see the meter, the light might be a little. Let's get rid of the light all right. So we're going to want to know which one is that one right? and we gotta go on. Resistance not voltage neither.

Let's break a lot of carbonation. I'm gonna say it's that one and it shows a super high resistance. You can get it to t-shirts pretty sure where that one. Let's try this all right.

So we know and that one is. There might be some resistance across those two. There might be resistance built into this I don't know. Foreign.

So that's number one. We know we have to point roughly at that tab and then that lever. We've got to figure out which way that lever goes because the lever has that much movement to it. You know, have a weird setup, huh? So let's quickly just tighten that Center down.

That'll get Us close. Hopefully he doesn't turn on us. Probably what you do is again, it's like a test light on the points. You probably do it just when the points are starting to open again.

That's what happens when you wait a month. I Forgot about the hole was a little Punky that the bolt went through that, pinched to the distributor and locked it in. so we haven't turned anything so it should just drop right back in again. But I also can't find the bolt and I think it uses like a step on the end of it like a pin.
Try running this end. part of the casting is busted away on the head. So what I might do is I'll run this in and you'll think I'm gonna lay there a drill and we'll kind of make like a a bit of a taper to it. Like when you look in the hole you can see half of the the retainer ring on the distributor.

That's pretty good and popping through. So when you look through this hole I'll show you a second on this shooter. My neck is starting to hurt too so have to get in this time. you jack it up a little bit and uh, we'll continue filming on another day.

Not that's going to matter to you. So we could do is we'll grind this down to more like a pencil point but like a half that diameter. I'll show you. so when the distributor's in there, it falls into like that.

Groove So I got to kind of make this screw the diameter of that just for the tip of it to lock it from falling out. Get you in there. you can see there's that lip I was talking about right there. So the Bolt's got to go.

We need to be able to catch that and hold that lift down so the distributor doesn't want to lift up. I might go Whittle that just a little bit more of the bolt looks like it. It looks like it obviously gonna favor it in the center, but it does. It looks like it's a little on the uh, on the upper side of things.

We're down all the way right? Yeah, yeah, tapered it a little more that's showing up I should do it all right. Well back at it and they jumped ahead just a little bit doing I attached the rod that connects to the mechanical advance that is on the steering column. It has a mechanical Vance that you run, especially when you start it up. You want to be at zero or a little after top dead center so if you're cranking it by hand it doesn't kick back at you and break your thumb off like the old folklore talks about.

anyway. uh we're gonna go set that up. You guys still set the timing up but this still needs to get attached. This is the uh electrical connection between the coil, the point side of the coil and that just threads into the side of it I Believe it just touches the back post on the condenser which is all the same wire and the only other thing that was done was on this side was there's an Oiler which has been cleaned out and filled with oil.

Looks like it can get filled up one more time but that's what. uh oils that Center shaft that burned up in the first place that was never done, never maintained. So note to self: keep Earl on that. All right, let me get this set up and we're going to try dialing in that uh cam that's in the center there for the timing and before you start setting stuff, let's hook power back up and we'll see if we just have spark.
I'm gonna draw on current now it's back feeding and there's a light on I think it's directional? let me go turn that off on the dash. that's better. I Got that turned off? Let's um so we should be able to Arc the points and we should get a spark over there. If it's working here, we are gonna kill the light and it's got a good spark sometimes I see it sparking every time.

The camera's not always picking it up anyway, so that works. Let's go figure out what we need to do to set the timing. and so I'm going to show you the the spin and how much timing it has so that's all the way up. That's all all the way down there.

so that's kind of start position. Let me get it there. it goes that start position and I want it actually after top dead center. So I want to try to set it as zero but I want a little bit I'm going to bring it down just a hair so that when it's all the way up.

if I if I set it at zero there it'll be after top dead center There you're following me that way. If you go to crank it by hand, it doesn't want to kick backwards on you. If it goes to kick, it's always going to want to go in the forward position, not backwards. If you're it's going to want to do the opposite.

and that's when you always hear that story. You know you're breaking your arm, breaking your thumb. All right. let's get a test light on this part of the coil and we'll put power to the other side of the test light and we'll see where the signal makes and breaks, but we're trying to lock it down right there.

That should be zero. Hey, I Kind of hooked up a little bit different. I Did disconnect the coil out of the circuit because you get resistance from the coil and the light won't go out all the way when that happens. But right now our circuit's close.

so this is power. Make sure you're showing up this power just coming off 12 volt. Supply Connected to my test light. doesn't matter which side, either one is going to light it up and then the other end is on the points.

So as you open the points, it should open the circuit and not have a circuit. So we want to kind of be right on that Verge of where the light is turning on and off and driving on which lobe it's going to be. it's going to be on the receiving. I'm dyslexic so I screwed this up all the time so we either want to be all right on that one.

Look at that one. Let's go set it for this one. Yeah, the problem is too. There's a lot of play in this and I'm sure it's playing the timing chain and everything too.

but let's go lock it down right there. Essentially, it's going to wanna. it's gonna kind of when it's spinning spins this way. I Believe Uh, it's gonna be great.

Let's go set the cap and the rotor on it. We'll look at the rotor and see where the rotor is pointing. That should be right on the the nipple. You know what I mean should be painting pointing right at that post and that is going to be correct.
I think if I try going the other way I might be too far like that. We'll try it. We'll see what we get. All else fails, right? Um, probably one thing that should be done is that shaft that's down below there.

The play. That's where the two shafts were put together. That bottom one should probably be replaced. Uh, but we'll see I don't think these things are essentially a tractor.

They're not that picky. We'll screw that back together and probably do. We will dribble a little bit of fuel down each spark plug hole and we'll try giving it a crank with the power going to the coil and we see if she fires. If she does, then we know we got it.

And just to show you why I disconnected the coil out of the circuit. Here's the coil connected to it and you can see the light change dimness, but your uh, grounding essentially through the coil through the resisting the resistance of the coil. That's why I just took it out of the circuit and a little few little for you, a little View and a little for you those plugs and wires back on it. We'll give her a crank all right.

let's go see freeze any life or blows up contact. I Saw a blown exhaust out of that other end over there. She went to go kick a little bit which is good. I Don't know if there's a hole or something over here.

Hopefully it's not blowing around the head gasket. Ah, there it is. The exhaust manifold is open. see the hole.

Yeah, more issues with it. Let's um, we gotta make sure the choke is open and it's got a little bit of throttle. I'm sure this carb system is all right. Yeah, it doesn't even move which one this is going to be the choke I don't know which way it's gonna be open or closed, but that needs to be opened and is there a way you can get any fuel into the intake? They get like looks like there was a spot there they got.

what's that? a little Eerie to prime it, you know what I mean hmm. let's uh, go crank a little bit more see if we can get anything out of it. It's yeah. the fuel situation is, uh, hard to try to get running.

If the card was the other way around, sitting on top and pouring down, it wouldn't be an issue. but trying to be, you know, an updraft like that doesn't, um do well. We're trying to spray something into it to get it to go a little up a little bit off idle. Let's try it again.

I Think it used up whatever fuel it had I'm gonna try priming it one more time just for schisting Giggles to see if we can get her to go if it doesn't do that. that time it it sounded like it wanted to fire at the right time. Uh, but we got a deal and dig into the fuel system. I Was hoping for a little putt putt.

but yeah, try it one more time. All right, one more time. What's the time it took me to put the plugs in last time? I Think some of it evaporated. Let's try moving the timing a little bit.
see what we get. Actually, the lever had moved a lot from where it was supposed to be. wrong lever that was a directional now I Think we're close, but we gotta delve into the fuel system. plus I gotta put my jumper back on charge.

All right, let's get the curb Rotator out of there and uh, get that soaking and kind of screw with some other stuff while we're waiting. Yeah, it's kind of surprises we're gonna get in there, huh? Let's look at that I Hope that bolt has to come all the way out or not. foreign could just just pop right off. This is kind of like that Plymouth that we did.

Same setup, probably the same carb again. the throttle is totally frozen. I'm gonna get the fuel line off and two bolts. Yeah.

I See a throttle was, uh, locked up in place. Air was coming through that you see I tap that open a little bit but I don't think any air was coming through there whatsoever. I'm gonna go try because I want to dump a little bit of fuel down one more time now the air can come in. We'll leave no carburetor on it.

We'll see what it does. Actually, just as it was, whatever fuel was in it, We'll try it. Put the timing back to where it's already all the way up. Put power to the coil.

There we go. Let's give her a crank, see what it does. I'm gonna put a little bit of fuel down it I Think it might go I Just want to know that I got the timing right. That's all why I'm playing.

Plus, it's fun to play I Still haven't charged a jumper pack yet. neither. we're all the marbles. foreign ball.

it's operated on a carburetor. Hey, carp time, place your bets. Um, judging by how everything else came apart, things can be a pile of crap on the inside I Don't know if that needs to come out. It's probably a jet that may have to come out for the upper and the lower to come apart.

I Don't know. Let's give it a shot. I Need a screwdriver with no shoulders I got one ground for such an occasion I Think that's it. It's still a little chubby.

Yeah, this is the one I Already modified. Let me go grinder a little bit more. How about that? it's a Craftsman I Don't think the Uh warranties any good anymore and it's not coming out. Let's try splitting the bowl I Do believe that's going to be a problem, but let's go see.

uh. maybe we'll have a little conversation while we're taking stuff apart too. What you want to talk about I don't know the future? the future of gas vehicles. That's a big movement to try to get rid of all of them.

I Really don't think it's going to go away. and here's just my opinion. completely. I Shouldn't say I should say because there's a lot of outline it's good for.

Maybe the cities will have the capacity to run everything electrically which is a whole Topic in its own. but I think rural areas. You know if you don't have power, the country areas just doesn't have that capacity and the distance that you have to travel is, uh, much greater than you know people that live in a city where they drive 10 miles a day. the country be driving 50 miles each way.
and then there's the weather. Is your snowplow truck gonna be? Uh Electric I don't think so. so I don't think it's gonna go away completely. All right.

Ready It's coming apart though, that's a good sign. I'll try to see if that gasket let me grab a putty knife I think I got one behind me. So I was looking into uh you know in case uh, everything goes to crap I was looking into um gasifier? Have you heard of that gasifier is um, she's not that bad. as bad as I would thought I should eat the Frozen uh linkages.

there's a flow moves. gas fire is, um, the hold on one sec it uses. this is gonna be my Lane brain explanation of it. uh like the unburned fumes.

uh I guess it could be really anything but you know most common I guess is wood and to me what's called a wood gasifier with that PIN in there does it go the other way? Maybe it goes the other way. and now that I chewed it up right? And the gasifier is the kind of like you start a fire and then you smolder wood sometimes a separate chamber and then the fumes that come off of that are combustible. so you use that to burn as you would like. you know gas.

Vapors bought a book on how to make them some point in life I'd like to try to try it just in case everything goes to crap and you're on your own resources to try to have a fuel source. I guess it looks like it's homemade I see writing on it from like a cereal box? Let's see if you can get that off of there I'm killing it I Wouldn't say that's exactly the sharpest. this one a little sharper. Yeah, so you can run like I Guess the most common thing is you gotta run a generator if you can run a generator on that and what is your fuel source and then the generator makes electric and you can run whatever you want you know, off of electric? Well, it doesn't look terrible.

uh for us to soak it. Of course the throttle is Frozen that may free up in the ultrasonic cleaner and we got that jet that's still stuck in there, but maybe we're better off. We leave that alone and see if that'll free up. We should be able to get this out.

This should be a air fuel mix and choke so one part of it runs the choke lever and then I think this runs an air fuel mix same as uh, those watch I did we did a 31? Plymouth actually came from the same same place. Carburetor seems to be the almost the same I don't know if it's gonna let us get that out of there with the Frozen choke. can we? um pry that lever up. just the hair.

It's pretty stout just not to clear it there we go see if we can will that spin? Yeah so the gasifier. It kind of looks like um a lot of times you use old propane bottles and make it and make like a fire chamber down below and they they capture the fumes up above. They're simple ones and more complicated ones and at some point I'd like to try it. Then sometimes they run vehicles on.
they'll see it in the back of the truck. Yeah, there's the jet. The adjustment of the jet. you have a spring in there tension.

We good. Can we soak it like that? Should probably try to get I don't know if we're gonna egg it out doing this. see if I'll crack loose? easy? of course not. yeah.

fatter screwdriver to kind of go across it I don't know if that has seal. where's the needle? So the needle has a brass tip and sometimes there'll be a lack of better words of Rubber seal that's in there and I really don't know if I want to have that in the fluid because it'll make it go punky. I'm gonna see if we can get that out of there and we'll soak that whole thing. Maybe we'll jump on something else while we're screwing around.

Let's try the wrong tool for the wrong job so we can just get across both of them. Catch him there. it goes like he's the right way. chirp you want to hear annoying sound.

Yeah, we'll keep that out of Harm's Way before I clean that up with a Q-tip maybe on a drill toothpaste. Let's go put that in the tub. Whoops! I Got one comes out of that crappy? yeah, that's bad. all right now.

I Don't think any of these are going to fall through now that little one. This big meal. Meet one of these tea bag things can't fit in there. Plop? Do you win? Get them to go under.

That linkage? has to get under. huh? And the float, hopefully when we're done, is still floating that's going to heat up and vibrate, sure, a little while. I have probably about 45 minutes or something. we're back at the scene of the crime without the carburetor.

I Got a crank button set up. Don't lose it. pull across so we can, uh, possibly while crank it, throw a little starting fluid up inside it. See, she'll kick.

I'm just kind of hoping that timing's all right. Plus, you know everything else supposedly rain when parked necessarily means that's true. I Assume we get by. uh, fogging it a little.

nothing. We have no spark. You may want to connect the other half of the wire. just zap.

Tunes I Plug it on. Oh, that broke. All right. Can you know the jumper? Ah, did you hate when that happens? Play It Again Sam Nothing left in that can.

Let's go try some card. plan. There you go. And there goes my battery.

Oh, she's gonna fight to the very end, isn't she? Let's go see if we can get up a uh a car, batteries and jumper cables. The home of the battery charger? All right, let's get some. We need power to the coil now. if all wires are black is making it a little bit more.

Not those that one, it's barking. It's a good sign. All right. So we get that's you laughs unless you go and we get the timing close enough it'll run.

That was fun. Yeah, definitely. Uh, has no gasket left whatsoever. so it's totally pissing out right there.
Maybe a little bit of heat in her neat. got enough compression to run us the other thing too. We didn't have a compression test on so we had no idea. All right, let's disconnect the power to that and uh I don't know.

figure out something to screw around with while wait for that to get cleaned. Me to piss anything out all over the place. Was it piston fuel out that looks wet right there? Huh? I Wasn't paying attention. Actually, it wouldn't be out of there right? It would be out of there.

This is just from the spray coming down. Put a piece of tape on that hold that up into place and yes I Still want to play? Let's um, move that timing a little chug a little bit better. Let's go with about that much movement. All right, that's right.

10 degrees or so. let me power back to the coil. Okay, let's go try one more time. I Think it sounds better, doesn't it? Can we just grab it by hand and move it, go all the way the other way? Yeah.

I think I might have it out on the wrong side of the lobe. It did sound a little bit better there, didn't it? Just that exhaust leak makes it sound so crappy it will live to clean up the rest of the card parts right. Get the needle and seat that needs some love and get that gasket off there so we'll hit this on a wire wheel. Get the crap off of this and let's see if we can, uh, rejuvenate the center of that.

Yeah, I don't know if that's got a just metal on metal. Sometimes they are. especially when this is brass, which I think it is. Let's go get it cleaned up and we'll see about polishing up the inside.

Let's try not to launch it across the room. Get on a screwdriver. I'm sure if you can be able to see at the same time I can the inside of that bore. It's pretty nasty.

So what happens is the needle? There we go? Oh well. you can be able to see this. We're not getting all the reflections. Yeah, so the inside of that surface right there.

I Don't know what's going to show up. Kind of illuminate it with this. I have a bunch of crap on the inside of it. You see how crappy that bore looks? No.

I hear you I hear what you're saying. So we were looking at all this crap right inside there. You see how cruddy It is. Well The needle needs to be able to run up and down inside that smoothly.

So that's your float. and it's essentially if you're on off for your fuel, filling up the flow pole that needs to be able to Glide in there fairly smoothly without hanging up, and be able to push all the way in and seal off on the edge. So let's go see what we can do about polishing up the inside of that. How about some toothpaste? And Q-Tip action.

Gotta figure toothpastes. You know it's what it does for your teeth. It's that. Polishing Compound I have valve lapping compound.

You see that comes out, it's really dirty and it's not doing that. Uh I do have valve lapping compound. Let me go rinse that off real quick. see if we did anything.
it actually looks pretty good. I See, you have to rinse it off because you see nice polished brass. so it is all brass. There's no um, o-ring of sorts down the center of it.

There you go, that's your work. Well guess what? we're waiting. We're looking to some of its electrical Gremlins because it won't crank or do anything from the dash. I Don't think let's go hang this light somewhere.

There we go. But yeah, I don't think anything does much of anything when we hook that coil up though. we back fed it like some lights and stuff we're working like right now. We saw earlier when I had power going to the coil, it back fed and it was working the light so we got nothing working.

I Don't know if it's gonna just be as simple as a fuse or maybe they're just all kind of crappy and dirty. That one's blown right there on this. it's gonna come out with one piece. Let me get a pick and we'll pick that out of there and look at it.

Where does that one go? Some more Great. Let me take a test light and we'll go from one side to the other and we'll see if we got power on each side. I'm gonna go grab a light, look at the other end grounded right there, see if we got power on anything. Not saying that, it's a good ground.

you should get something lighting up there. we go. All right. So here's one that's blown.

I think yeah. so you know that one's not doing anything because one side we got nothing. That's what we got everything. So this whole power strip should be hot, right? So that should have power if that.

if this strip is hot I Think she won't have voltage. one does and does not, so it must be a credit. Just go I think I bumped the strip. Yeah, See, if you stab it enough, it goes.

So that's kind of an issue. How about on the other side of that one? All right. So this one's not working at all. I'm not getting anything from there to there.

This one's got power on that side. Of course it's blown. So it's got nothing on the other side that has nothing wired to it. That one has nothing wired to it.

It's open. So it's this one that needs to work. and we got nothing because it's only gonna be ones that have wires coming off them. Do anything.

So it's just this one, this one, and this one. So the top one is working. That's a dud and that's a dud just because it has no fuse. Let's go pop that fuse out of there and we'll see what we got and we'll replace that.

It might pop right away. Who knows there's that. Yeah, let's see if I can look that up. see what that is, throw another one in there, see if it just blows right out.

and then we gotta go take this apart and figure out what's going on with that one. So I couldn't really read what it said. It's so corroded. I think it's at 15.
I got a 10. let's go see if it just blows a 10 right away. Oh I think it's still good. Let's go put a test light on.

see what it does. Power on that side. Power. on that side.

We got power going through it. No, it won't blow because it's got so much corrosion on it. Yeah, yeah. Power there.

How about the power to the tab? We didn't purchase the tab anyway, so we're gonna have to go unscrew the connections, try to get them cleaned up. I'll do the same with uh, what's the other one that we saw this one right now? This one had nothing there. so we need to get power to that and we don't have it. So I'm gonna go work on this a little bit.

We'll take these apart if we find anything interesting. I'll show you that balloon that one's blowing too. Huh? I Don't know what you guys can see. We can sort of stuff out.

We don't need this right now. Get some of this crap out of here. We only need it for uh testing. I Probably don't need it.

No way at the moment. let me get the ground off too. Watch your foot. There you go.

So we know this side is not doing what it should. I Just wonder if it's the uh yeah, it goes right through the that's power for the Um starter relay. so that's why it doesn't crank. I Don't know if we can get a little wire wheel I Don't think it's like a little wire weird down here on a Um air grinder.

We should probably do the three At least those three right that are being used on both sides. Get the other side off of it. take a look see what that looks like. Yeah, that one's just a speed.

Yeah, they're all cruddy, huh? And it was. This circuit had nothing going to it that side. I Wonder if that whole strip comes right off of there? You know what? I mean if we take all those screws out, do you think this whole plate will come right off? I Bet you it will. All right.

So you know that one goes there. We know that one goes there self-explanatory and this is just the power strip. So let's go see if that's the case. I'll just take that whole uh set up.

don't lose any of them. Do you have extra though? once they're not being used? Is that a factory like are either? There's two fuse boxes, one high, one low. I Don't know if one of them is Factory and one's not. We're both aftermarket.

Judging by the wires, it looks like all the wires on this thing are uh, thanks. So I made it, you know? I Don't see anything that looks original. So yeah, so that's what we do. We can go clean that bus off and get it so that, uh, instead of trying to clean it in place there, you know we still have to go run up and down those tabs.

So let's go get down there. let's see what the back side of it looks like. You can see that bottom one having an issue. so let me go do that.

Go clean them up. We'll go clean these up best we can and we'll hook it back up and see we get. The other side is just individual, right? Yeah, Have a feeling we're gonna be doing the same to that one. Ah, getting a little tight for that big rain.
Let's even get a Dremel in there to foreign all cleaned up again. Power on this side. Now let's see if everything is making it through. I'll put new fuses in too.

That one's still a dud that sounds got nothing on it. Laughs I See your problem here? Hey, that's got power. Yeah, that does not. What was the failure point between all of them? Hmm.

Key on real quick. just make sure it's not back feeding across and up or some stupid keys on. So we we've we've managed. Why does that one have power? We lost it on all the others.

so there must be the rivet in the center. That right there. so the ones that aren't being used a little better and nothing on that. Let's go pop that fuse out.

What I can do is I could probably switch over to the ones that are are making contact. All right. So anything about the rivet in the center? yeah, the rivet has it and that's where it's iffy. so unfortunately it's right across from that point to that point.

I Wonder if I could take a punch? Yeah, you see, the the center has power, but the tab does not. And what if we have the same problem on the other end too? I'm going to take a punch. just try driving each one of these and see if we get it to the tabs. I Guess we could take a soldering gun too and just actually kind of solder.

We're going to cross those if we have to and 90 year old junk. You guys are kind of precariously hanging there. so I have a feeling when I whack this with a punch, you're gonna Jump Around see what happens? All right, let's go see if that made it. so make sure the other my thing's still grounded.

you still have power. Yes, okay, that one still works. That one works. That one doesn't.

That one doesn't. That one doesn't. So the top two work. You can always relocate.

You know these if we have to. I love tabs and it's dead. Too much corrosion behind it. I may just try to.

uh I don't know if I can get in over Saturday and make that contact. or maybe we should just wrap some. For now, we'll just wrap some wire around these. Actually, let's take this one.

We'll move this one up so that shouldn't be an issue. You know what I mean. Yeah, the whole thing's crappy. All of it should really get to be replaced.

But all right, let's go see. pop off using that top one. Okay, so yeah, both sides might be crappy anything. No, no, yeah.

so both sides of that whole fuse box is crap. You know what? I mean how do we? We just had it? How do we have it and not have it now? So now we lost that one? Yeah, you know what it is I bet you when you're flexing it kind of makes and doesn't make man all right that's set up sucks I don't know how you want to look at it, but we need two fuse by it. If that bottom one's crappy, it's pretty much the same one that's up there. You're gonna need.
how many circuits do we need I'm counting that side. one, two, three fours on top and three on the bottom. So seven. a fuse box with capacity of wiring seven.

Hmm. I don't know what? I got what's available I Kind of want to stick with old. you know, the old style stuff. Let me go check my stash real quick.

see if you have anything that can replace that because this one's going to have one common bus rail. This one looks like it's yeah. I'll come in on one side too. and I don't know which gets power from.

If there's no power coming on here, this may pass through one of these fuses I Don't know. Maybe that might just be for headlights or something. and when you turn the headlights on, it comes alive. You want to try that? Do you know where? let's grab a light? That'd be my guess? Yep.

bottom one because I know one of them goes to the coil. So what would headlights be on this thing? these? They're both on already. though. that'd be for the horn.

Let's put a jumper on it. Let's put power to it. See what happens? You make smoke? We'll We'll just take 12 volts. We'll put it on here and we'll see if anything lights up.

Oh those fuses. See anything? Balloon? All right. This should be. yeah.

you got 12 volts. Hot poof. All right. So that runs that late.

So all those circuits work as it's back feeding through here. That one works. That one works works on that side. doesn't work on that side.

works on that side. so this one seems to be working out better. I Wonder if we can move that one around a little bit? Get this one to come alive? Try changing a fuse. How about a new fuse Is a crappy one? Okay, power on that side.

All right. So everything up there. Power power. So if we fix this one wire, everything will work.

Sorry about that. Everything will work on that side. Let's uh. leave that hook up.

let's take a look on the inside. see what's alive, foreign 's blinking. I've seen the headlight, the other one's blinking. I Don't think crank or anything.

we think this that would be crank I don't know what those do. Maybe once like an electric fuel pump. we don't have a that would be headlights right there you go. Yeah we got headlights I Don't think we have high and low beam but see we got like get that good work too.

Yeah and did that left directional work? Yeah, all right. so the circuit will work. we just have to worry about the lower one being an issue and we just need three circuits on that. Then let's see where I can go find you guys.

gotta figure out what power doesn't go down this again. This might be because it has to come off of this side. I Don't know. stash hunting for something is that a few blocks kind of modern looking? I Was hoping to find some older.
it looks like one that uses the uh, more modern. Yeah well. anyway we got something to work with right? We'll hold that to the side is that my pocket seem to remember having something from. It was like somebody gutted a wooden boat and it was the control panel and I thought I had all the fuses and stuff too go along with it.

It's um, that's all Plumbing endless horde but this is where it comes in handy. We should take those. Pick those exacto blades downstairs. always looking for razor blades.

Can you see something you like? I Won't get rid of it. This is my stash for making stuff. Uh yeah I thought it was um I thought it was over here. Hmm nope.

Here's my Razel plates. Here's the bucket we were looking in if I just looked up another five inches. That's what I was thinking about their individual ones. They're not, um, like a panel.

not that we can't use those right? That's broken an hour maybe? Let's go see how our carvy's doing. Everybody keeps asking what is in here. It's uh, either Berryman's or there's another brand of it's carb dip or carp cleaner. You buy it in gallon jugs.

blood's still floating I ain't rattling, shut off the noise. foreign. Let's go bring those over to get rinsed off and we'll see how they look for those who care. Not a product placement, just showing you what I use I drink some off with cold water.

see we got going on here see if any. well it's still stuck. Let's talk about her. choke choke's still frozen too.

Usually that works pretty good. I Guess we're gonna have to go do some beating on it to get her come to comply. I Took a peek out the back and right there that pipe is. the tailpipe on a funky angle and it shot out a mouse.

Nest So the fact that the carburetor wouldn't open, it was letting no air in. And it was letting no air out. It's probably why I wouldn't want to fire when I was dumping fuel down the plug holes and get it to crank over. The only place the air can come out was the uh leak in the exhaust manifold.

Why so much smoke was coming out of there and not out the back? Well guys, unfortunately I think I need to kind of wrap up here I would have likely gotten further along than what I did I want to get this thing to Where is this? So before at least you can yard drive on and off the lift because uh, this is more of a fill-in kind of work. But I picked up a plow truck. yeah for 500 so you can imagine what kind of shape that's in does not run I Got to get that in here, get it off my trailer and uh I need it for a backup vehicle. It doesn't have to be street legal, but I have to get it so it can at least you know, plow a property kind of thing.

so that's got to come in here. I don't know if it's gonna be the next video or shortly thereafter, but I got to get this so it's kind of up and putting around. so I don't have to push it on and off the lift and get it so that the other one can come in here. we can get that one going.
You want to guess what it is? Write it down. I Want to tell you what the plow truck is yet? but it'll make this appearance pretty soon. All right guys, with that, I'm going to sign off and uh, hopefully we can get this thing uh with a freed up carburetor and everything back on it that we can get it to start. Run Drive and uh, you know, try to carry that torch the rest of the winter.

Get it ready for spring. but for this one I think we're done. So until then I'll see you later. Foreign.

By Mustie

16 thoughts on “Will it survive? ratty old ford truck.”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jared Sherr says:

    Ah yes, fuse box items, sprockets, pencil sharpener internals, hand grenade, plumbing supplies…

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lindon Watson says:

    awesome work as always, acorns for a treat

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Nick W says:

    Those combustion chambers are massive

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Hollfelder says:

    You can use DeoxIt 5d on the terminal strip .. also try clean/flux/solder where the fuse rivets are.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tubeDude says:

    I use Simply Green.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars White Trash Bandit270 says:

    Always a great watch!!!

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Twintania Gaming says:

    sucks to hear about your migraine, the past month or so I've been dealing with a lot of nausea and bathroom problems walk around feeling like I'm about to puke then burp I'm good even drove around with a plastic bag with me in case I puked and tended to stay outside at work in case I did puke. Here we are now and I've been taking probiotic yogurt which has helped as well as taking dairy pills since that seems to set off my symptoms and I know lactose intolerance runs in my mom's side of the family. I will sometimes get a little nauseous once or twice a day but not terribly intense and not for long actually feeling like I can get back to doing stuff and looking for a new job but was really close to seeing a doctor

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Graham says:

    During WW2, my Dad and his mate used wheat for their gasifier, and then the war ended. Apparently , wheat was easier to regulate and wheat was plentiful, in Australia.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan's Learning Curve says:

    Algorithm boost

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars George Cauldron says:

    The ban on new internal combustion vehicles isnโ€™t until 2035. Still plenty of time for EVs to improve, or for another alternative to come into play. EVs have gone from the Leaf with 60 miles of range to EVs with 400 miles of range over the past 10 years, so another 10 years of research and efforts to improve will go a long ways. The problem is that weโ€™ve been putting off changing away from burning fossil fuels at 20-30% efficiency for literally decades, despite the fact that it has been incredibly obvious for decades that we need to. The instances of extreme weather have increased to the point that only the most adamant climate change deniers are still holding on to their completely baseless claims that โ€œeverythingโ€™s fine.โ€ Consumer vehicles are just one part of the problem, but a pretty big one.

    Fossil fuels wonโ€™t go away, because weโ€™ll still be using them for power generation in some places (burning natural gas in 2 stage gas turbines for power generation is a better use of fossil fuels than an SUV getting 15mpg of gasoline), as well as older vehicles that will exist for decades after theyโ€™re no longer available new. I donโ€™t think any place is saying that you wonโ€™t be able to have an internal combustion vehicle after 2035, you just wonโ€™t be able to buy a new one. Fossil fuels may get a lot more expensive when the government subsidies end and sales dwindle, but itโ€™ll probably still be available. Lots of people are fighting back with the same old, tired trope of โ€œtheyโ€™re gonna take your (insert luxury item here)!โ€ and, as usual, itโ€™s not true.

    Sorry to hear about the migraines. I have a similar issue, although to a lesser degree from the sounds of it (or at least less often). I get really severe tension my neck right at the base of my skull, and if I donโ€™t do anything about it, it turns into a migraine that makes me literally hate life because it is so painful. Thankfully I can treat the neck tension that causes the migraines with advil, a little massaging and relaxation, although relaxation has become increasingly difficult in the world we live in. If the chiropractor and/or acupuncture works well for you, please let us know because that information could help out many others who have similar ailments.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Chilly Pillow says:

    Not sure you'll see this Mustie1, but I'm a chiropractor myself, there are plenty of things you can do to help with migraines, but seeing a chiro is a good first step. Try doing some stretching for your shoulders and the back of your neck, most importantly though be careful with your posture! Unfortunately Chiropractic only works one way (loosen things) so your headaches are most likely coming from tension in your neck (assuming you've done your due diligence and ruled out all the more insidious causes with your MD) if your neck starts to hurt and or your migraines increase, it might be due to some other muscle imbalance.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars White Trash Bandit270 says:

    Couple a burnt valves and he had it goin…lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars randy33111 says:

    Looks like a paint ball.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frank Taylor says:


    Great work.โœŒ๏ธ

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Graham says:

    I had bad migraines for most of my life,(I'm 82) but they just went away and stayed. Good luck.
    I had a 28 A Tudor for years. Loving this !!

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars warren michael says:

    Those migraines sound like they suck! I dont think ive ever even had a headache before, Im 48 and i have only taken a few ibuprofen in my life for a back ache or 2.

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